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Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Experiments designed to quantify the physiological and metabolic status of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings across their photoperiod used wild-type (Col-0) and...  相似文献   
Nitrogen‐fixing rhizobacteria can promote plant growth; however, it is controversial whether biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) from associative interaction contributes to growth promotion. The roots of Setaria viridis, a model C4 grass, were effectively colonized by bacterial inoculants resulting in a significant enhancement of growth. Nitrogen‐13 tracer studies provided direct evidence for tracer uptake by the host plant and incorporation into protein. Indeed, plants showed robust growth under nitrogen‐limiting conditions when inoculated with an ammonium‐excreting strain of Azospirillum brasilense. 11C‐labeling experiments showed that patterns in central carbon metabolism and resource allocation exhibited by nitrogen‐starved plants were largely reversed by bacterial inoculation, such that they resembled plants grown under nitrogen‐sufficient conditions. Adoption of S. viridis as a model should promote research into the mechanisms of associative nitrogen fixation with the ultimate goal of greater adoption of BNF for sustainable crop production.  相似文献   
Auxin (IAA) is an important regulator of plant development and root differentiation. Although recent studies indicate that salicylic acid (SA) may also be important in this context by interfering with IAA signaling, comparatively little is known about its impact on the plant’s physiology, metabolism, and growth characteristics. Using carbon-11, a short-lived radioisotope (t 1/2 = 20.4 min) administered as 11CO2 to maize plants (B73), we measured changes in these functions using SA and IAA treatments. IAA application decreased total root biomass, though it increased lateral root growth at the expense of primary root elongation. IAA-mediated inhibition of root growth was correlated with decreased 11CO2 fixation, photosystem II (PSII) efficiency, and total leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates and their allocation belowground. Furthermore, IAA application increased leaf starch content. On the other hand, SA application increased total root biomass, 11CO2 fixation, PSII efficiency, and leaf carbon export of 11C-photoassimilates, but it decreased leaf starch content. IAA and SA induction patterns were also examined after root-herbivore attack by Diabrotica virgifera to place possible hormone crosstalk into a realistic environmental context. We found that 4 days after infestation, IAA was induced in the midzone and root tip, whereas SA was induced only in the upper proximal zone of damaged roots. We conclude that antagonistic crosstalk exists between IAA and SA which can affect the development of maize plants, particularly through alteration of the root system’s architecture, and we propose that the integration of both signals may shape the plant’s response to environmental stress.  相似文献   
Technologies enabling in situ metabolic profiling of living plant systems are invaluable for understanding physiological processes and could be used for rapid phenotypic screening (e.g., to produce plants with superior biological nitrogen‐fixing ability). The symbiotic interaction between legumes and nitrogen‐fixing soil bacteria results in a specialized plant organ (i.e., root nodule) where the exchange of nutrients between host and endosymbiont occurs. Laser‐ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LAESI‐MS) is a method that can be performed under ambient conditions requiring minimal sample preparation. Here, we employed LAESI‐MS to explore the well characterized symbiosis between soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) and its compatible symbiont, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The utilization of ion mobility separation (IMS) improved the molecular coverage, selectivity, and identification of the detected biomolecules. Specifically, incorporation of IMS resulted in an increase of 153 differentially abundant spectral features in the nodule samples. The data presented demonstrate the advantages of using LAESI–IMS–MS for the rapid analysis of intact root nodules, uninfected root segments, and free‐living rhizobia. Untargeted pathway analysis revealed several metabolic processes within the nodule (e.g., zeatin, riboflavin, and purine synthesis). Compounds specific to the uninfected root and bacteria were also detected. Lastly, we performed depth profiling of intact nodules to reveal the location of metabolites to the cortex and inside the infected region, and lateral profiling of sectioned nodules confirmed these molecular distributions. Our results established the feasibility of LAESI–IMS–MS for the analysis and spatial mapping of plant tissues, with its specific demonstration to improve our understanding of the soybean‐rhizobial symbiosis.  相似文献   
The establishment of the nitrogen‐fixing symbiosis between soybean and Bradyrhizobium japonicum is a complex process. To document the changes in plant metabolism as a result of symbiosis, we utilized laser ablation electrospray ionization‐mass spectrometry (LAESI‐MS) for in situ metabolic profiling of wild‐type nodules, nodules infected with a B. japonicum nifH mutant unable to fix nitrogen, nodules doubly infected by both strains, and nodules formed on plants mutated in the stearoyl‐acyl carrier protein desaturase (sacpd‐c) gene, which were previously shown to have an altered nodule ultrastructure. The results showed that the relative abundance of fatty acids, purines, and lipids was significantly changed in response to the symbiosis. The nifH mutant nodules had elevated levels of jasmonic acid, correlating with signs of nitrogen deprivation. Nodules resulting from the mixed inoculant displayed similar, overlapping metabolic distributions within the sectors of effective (fix+) and ineffective (nifH mutant, fix?) endosymbionts. These data are inconsistent with the notion that plant sanctioning is cell autonomous. Nodules lacking sacpd‐c displayed an elevation of soyasaponins and organic acids in the central necrotic regions. The present study demonstrates the utility of LAESI‐MS for high‐throughput screening of plant phenotypes. Overall, nodules disrupted in the symbiosis were elevated in metabolites related to plant defense.  相似文献   
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