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Zusammenfassung In einer zeitgleichen Untersuchung über 10 Jahre (1985–94) wird die Brutbiologie des Turmfalken in 17 Gebieten Deutschlands verglichen. Insgesamt 3017 Brutpaare mit 11 423 Jungen sind untersucht worden (Tab. 1). Der Bruterfolg in den einzelnen Gebieten ist für jedes Gebiet spezifisch. Er schwankt in den unterschiedlichen Gebieten und Jahren um bis zu 4 Juv/+BP, in jedem Gebiet für sich betrachtet maximal bis 2,5 Juv/+BP. Bedeutung hat insbesondere der Einfluß des Brutplatztyps: Geschützte Brutplätze (in Gebäuden und Kästen) haben höheren Bruterfolg 4 Juv/+BP als offene Brutplätze (Baumnester, Körbe), in denen 4 Juv/+BP ausfliegen. Die Gründe hierfür werden diskutiert.
Breeding success of the KestrelFalco tinnunculus in Germany: results 1985–1994
We compare breeding biology and success of 17 Kestrel subpopulations in Germany in 1985–1994. A total sample of 3,017 breeding attemps and 11,423 fledged young were analyzed by our study group. Breeding success was not parallel over years and study areas; differences were up to four fledged young per successful pair, area and year. Within areas the differences reached 2,5 fledged young per successful pair. The most striking result was the influence of nesting site on breeding success. Clutches in sheltered sites in buildings or in nest boxes always reached mean values above 4 fledged young per successful pair, open nest sites like crow nests, however, were most clearly below this value.
  1. With fumarate as the terminal electron acceptor and either H2 or formate as donor, Vibrio succinogenes could grow anaerobically in a mineral medium using fumarate as the sole carbon source. Both the growth rate and the cell yield were increased when glutamate was also present in the medium.
  2. Glutamate was incorporated only into the amino acids of the glutamate family (glutamate, glutamine, proline and arginine) of the protein. The residual cell constituents were synthesized from fumarate.
  3. Pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate, as the central intermediates of most of the cell constituents, were formed through the action of malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate synthetase. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase was present in the bacterium suggesting that this enzyme is involved in carbohydrate synthesis.
  4. In the absence of added glutamate the amino acids of the glutamate family were synthesized from fumarate via citrate. The enzymes involved in glutamate synthesis were present.
  5. During growth in the presence of glutamate, net reducing equivalents were needed for cell synthesis. Glutamate and not H2 or formate was used as the source of these reducing equivalents. For this purpose part of the glutamate was oxidized to yield succinate and CO2.
  6. The α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase involved in this reaction was found to use ferredoxin as the electron acceptor. The ferredoxin of the bacterium was reoxidized by means of a NADP-ferredoxin oxidoreductase. Enzymes catalyzing the reduction of NAD, NADP or ferredoxin by H2 or formate were not detected in the bacterium.
Zusammenfassung Bei sozialem Stress nehmen die Konzentrationen von Serotonin (5-HT) und 5-Hydroxyindolessigsäure (5-HIAA) in den einzelnen Hirnteilen von Tupaias zu. Diese Zunahme läßt sich durch eine erhöhte Stoffwechselgeschwindigkeit (turnover) erklären.Die Änderungen in der Stoffwechselgeschwindigkeit der einzelnen Hirnteile hängen von der Art der sozialen Belastung ab.Schon Kampf mit Unterwerfung (zweimal täglich) führt zu einem schnelleren Stoffwechsel des 5-HT in allen Hirnteilen. Belastet man die Tiere außer durch Kampf noch dadurch, daß sie das Tier, das sie besiegt hat, zwischen den Kampfpausen sehen können, so wird der Stoffwechsel des 5-HT in einzelnen Hirnteilen (Septum, Frontaler Cortex) nochmals erhöht.Eine mögliche funktioneile Bedeutung dieser Veränderungen wurde diskutiert.
Serotonin metabolism in discrete brain areas and sociopsychic stress in tupaia (Tupaia belangeri)
Summary The physiological state of the animals depends not only on ecological factors. It is also determined by the social interactions of the animals. Some of these social interactions are harmful to the physiological state of the individuals. The aim of this work was to separate the physical loads of social interactions from the mere psychic ones and to correlate them with neurochemical changes. For this purpose the concentration levels of serotonin (5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were measured in discrete brain areas.To separate the psychic from the physical loads male tupaias (Tupaia belangeri) were exposed two times a day (at 9.30 and 13.30 h) for two minutes to the attacks of an experienced fighter. The animals were defeated during these attacks. One group of the defeated animals was in optical contact with the experienced fighter throughout the day (12 hours; Stresstiere). The other group of the defeated animals was optically separated from the experienced fighter after each fight (Kampftiere).After four days the animals were decapitated at 15.00 h, 5.5 hours after the last fight (on the fourth day the animals were not allowed to fight at 13.30 h). Animals which had not fought were decapitated at the same time and served as controls. 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels were estimated within two days after decapitation.During the test the animals lose body weight. Animals who are only exposed to attacks (Kampftiere) loose 2.8±2.8%; animals who are exposed to attacks and optical contact with the experienced fighter (Stresstiere) lose 11.8±3.4%.The concentration levels of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in both groups are elevated compared with controls. This fact indicates a higher turnover of these substances. The concentration levels are most elevated in parts of the brain of defeated animals exposed to continuous optical contact with the experienced fighter (Stresstiere). These differences are most prominent in the septum and the frontal cortex (s. p. 60).A model for the physiological meaning of these changes is discussed. It was assumed that the activity of the brain is controlled by a system which is functionally analogous to the peripheral autonomous nervous system. 5-HT and norepinephrine should act on antagonistic branches of such a system in central nervous system. Under stress conditions the activity of both branches should be enhanced.

Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Autrum möchte ich für die Überlassung des Themas, für sein stetes Interesse und anregende Diskussionen danken. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch Sachbeihilfen gefördert, die die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Autrum zur Verfügung stellte.

Der Firma Sharp & Dohme GmbH danke ich für die kostenlose Überlassung von 15 g Probenecid.  相似文献   
The search for heterocyclic scaffolds for the design of non‐peptidic and highly selective agonists or antagonists of peptide hormone receptors led to 4‐N‐benzyl‐2,3,4,5,6,7‐hexahydro‐1H‐1,4,7‐benzotriazonin‐2,6‐dione with a 9‐membered core structure as a new low mass lead compound that exhibits submicromolar antagonistic activity at the CCK‐A receptor with a 54‐fold selectivity over the CCK‐B/gastrin receptor. Copyright © 1999 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The Arabidopsis response regulator 22 (ARR22) is one of two members of a recently defined novel group of two-component system (TCS) elements. TCSs are stimulus perception and response modules of prokaryotic origin, which signal by a His-to-Asp phosphorelay mechanism. In plants, TCS regulators are involved in hormone response pathways, such as those for cytokinin and ethylene. While the functions of the other TCS elements in Arabidopsis, such as histidine kinases (AHKs), histidine-containing phosphotransfer proteins (AHPs) and A-type and B-type ARRs are becoming evident, the role of ARR22 is poorly understood.  相似文献   
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