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We have characterized the fluorescence spectral properties of rhodamine 800 (Rh800) in plasma and blood in order to test the possibility of making clinical fluorescence measurements in whole blood without separation steps. Rh800 was used because of its absorption at red/near-infrared wavelengths away from the absorption bands of hemoglobin. We utilized the front-face illumination and detection to minimize the effects of absorption and/or scatter during measurements. The presence of Rh800 was detected in plasma and blood using steady-state fluorescence measurements. Absorption due to hemoglobin reduced the Rh800 intensity from the blood. Fluorescence lifetime measurements in plasma and blood showed that it is possible to recover lifetime parameters of Rh800 in these media. We obtained mean lifetimes of 1.90 and 1.86 ns for Rh800 in plasma and blood, respectively. Using the recently described modulation sensing method, we quantified the concentrations of Rh800 in plasma and blood. Rh800 was detected at a concentration of as low as 2 microM in both media. High anisotropy values were obtained for Rh800 in plasma and blood using steady-state and anisotropy decay measurements, implying the tight binding of this probe to the contents of these media. This binding can be exploited to monitor the concentrations of different blood components using already existing or new red-emitting probes that will be specially designed to bind to these components with high specificity. To test this possibility of direct measurements in blood, we used Rh800 to monitor albumin in the presence of red blood cells. Increase in the polarization of Rh800 as the concentration of albumin was increased in the presence of the red cells showed the feasibility of such measurements.  相似文献   
Export studies were made on leaves of Pisum by monitoring the14CO2-treated source leaf at its surface at frequent intervals.Radiocarbon levels of fresh leaf samples showed a good correlationwith results from the more conventional methods of radiocarbonestimation which involve destructive analysis. The rate of export was highest in plants which had been defoliated,except for the source leaf 20 h or more before the start ofthe export study. Removal of the shoot apex reduced export andprogressive reduction in sink capacity was associated with decreasedexport rates, particularly over short time periods. Export rateswere similar in defoliated and non-defoliated plants where theshoot apex and the roots had been excised. This suggested thata decrease in the source resulted in higher export rates fromthe remaining source only when active sinks were present; thisin turn suggests that, at least under these conditions, activeremoval of photosynthate is more important in controlling exportthan the photosynthate build-up in the leaf itself. The non-destructive technique enabled comparisons to be madebetween export curves for individual plants. It was found thatin experiments replicated in time, the same relationship betweentreatments was present on different days and the shape of theexport curves was similar but the absolute values for exportedradiocarbon sometimes varied considerably.  相似文献   
We used a new method, polarization sensing, to monitor the concentration of the fluorophore rhodamine 800 in an intralipid suspension and in chicken tissue. Rhodamine 800 (Rh800) could be excited at 648 nm using a laser pointer. We developed a simple device for measuring the combined emission from a highly polarized reference film and the unpolarized or orthogonally polarized emission of Rh800 from the scattering intralipid or tissue. The concentration of Rh800 in this medium was revealed by large changes in the polarization (P) with values of P ranging from 0.8 to -0.9. It is possible to vary the sensitive Rh800 concentration range by variation of the detected emission wavelengths, orientation of the excitation polarizer, or fluorophore concentration in the reference film. Polarization sensing of fluorophores in tissue requires only steady-state detection, and can be accomplished with simple and/or portable electronics. Such devices may find use in electronic detection of ingested medicines based on transdermal detection of nontoxic long-wavelength fluorophores.  相似文献   
O A Dada  O Abugo  G B Ogunmola 《Enzyme》1983,30(4):217-222
Thyroid hormones, throxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which are known to activate glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity in vivo act as substrate inhibitors of G6PD in vitro. T4 competitively inhibits NADP in human erythrocyte G6PD variants G6PDA, G6PDB and G6PDA- with inhibition constants of 2.40 +/- 0.90 X 10(-6), 3.44 +/- 0.63 X 10(-6) and 6.53 +/- 0.60 X 10(-6) mol/l, respectively. The inhibition is, however, noncompetitive with respect to G6P in the three variants. T3 also has similar inhibition pattern to T4 with inhibition constants for NADP of 1.9 +/- 0.08 X 10(-5) and 1.28 +/- 0.17 X 10(-5) mol/l for G6PDB and G6PDA-, respectively. cAMP on the other hand inhibits G6P competitively with inhibition constants 1.50 +/- 0.22 X 10(-4), 1.06 +/- 0.24 X 10(-4) and 1.76 +/- 0.14 X 10(-4) mol/l for G6PDB, G6PDA and G6PDA-, respectively. There are significant differences in the inhibition effects of T4 and cAMP with respect to NADP as substrates for the normal enzyme G6PDA or G6PDB and the deficient enzyme G6PDA- when NADP is the substrate, the latter being much more inhibited. The activation effect of thyroid hormones in vivo may therefore not be a direct result of thyroid hormone binding to the G6PD enzyme nor mediated through the action of cAMP but plausibly be through complexation of inhibitory trace metal ions by the thyroid hormones T4 and T3.  相似文献   
The structural properties and the conformational dynamics of antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and mouse metallothioneins were studied by Fourier-transform infrared and fluorescence spectroscopy. Infrared data revealed that the secondary structure of the two metallothioneins is similar to that of other metallothioneins, most of which lack periodical secondary structure elements such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets. However, the infrared spectra of the N. coriiceps metallothionein indicated the presence of a band, which for its typical position in the spectrum and for its sensitivity to temperature was assigned to alpha-helices whose content resulted in 5% of the total secondary structure of the protein. The short alpha-helix found in N. coriiceps metallothionein showed an onset of denaturation at 30 degrees C and a T(m) at 48 degrees C. The data suggest that in N. coriiceps metallothionein a particular cysteine is involved in the alpha-helix and in the metal-thiolate complex. Moreover, infrared spectra revealed that both proteins investigated possess a structure largely accessible to the solvent. The time-resolved fluorescence data show that N. coriiceps metallothionein possesses a more flexible structure than mouse metallothionein. The spectroscopic data are discussed in terms of the biological function of the metallothioneins.  相似文献   
Kang JS  Abugo OO  Lakowicz JR 《Biopolymers》2002,67(2):121-128
The metal-ligand complex, [Ru(bpy)2(dppz)]2+ (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine, dppz = dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine) (Ru-BD), was used as a spectroscopic probe for studying nucleic acid dynamics. The Ru-BD complex displays a long lifetime of over 100 ns and a molecular light switch property upon DNA binding due to shielding of its dppz ligand from water. To further show the usefulness of this luminophore (Ru-BD) for probing DNA dynamics, we examined its intensity and anisotropy decays when intercalated into supercoiled and linear pTZ18U plasmids using frequency-domain fluorometry with a light-emitting diode (LED) as the modulated light source. Compared to the supercoiled plasmids with an average intensity decay time of 120.8 ns at 25 degrees C, we obtained somewhat longer lifetimes for the linear plasmids ((tau) = 141.4 ns at 25 degrees C), suggesting a more efficient shielding from water by the linear plasmids. The anisotropy decay data also showed longer rotational correlation times for the linear plasmids (495 and 35 ns at 25 degrees C) as compared to the supercoiled plasmids (412 and 27 ns at 25 degrees C). The slow and fast rotational correlation times appear to be consistent with the bending and torsional motions of the plasmids, respectively. The anisotropy values were quite similar, although the values of the supercoiled plasmids were slightly higher in both the steady-state and anisotropy decay measurements. These results indicate that Ru-BD can be applied in the study of both bending and torsional dynamics of nucleic acids.  相似文献   
We describe the synthesis and spectral characterization of a rhenium metal-ligand complex. This complex reacts with sulfhydryl groups via an iodoacetamide side chain on the phenanthroline ligand and displays a high limiting anisotropy near 0.35 when excited at 442 nm. When covalently linked to human serum albumin, this complex displayed a mean decay time of about 1 micros. This decay time is appropriate for measuring rotational correlation times on the microsecond time scale as may occur for large macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   
A particulate enzyme preparation from Bacillus stearothermophilus synthesized 1,3-poly(glycerol phosphage) from CDPglycerol at an optimum pH of 8.0 and the reaction was stimulated by divalent cations. Km for CDPglycerol was 0.18 mM. The synthesis was inhibited by CMP, CDP, and CTP and by concentrations of CDP-glycerol above 0.49 mM. The reaction was irreversible, The product had an average chain length of 8 glycerol units. About two thirds of the polymers were synthesized in entirety while the ramainder were attached to some acceptor by their phosphate end. The enzome was able to synthesize only a limited amount of polymer.  相似文献   


Nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2play pivotal roles in both the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis and catabolic processes in articular cartilage. These mediators are influenced by both IL-1β and mechanical loading, and involve alterations in the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-2 enzymes. To identify the specific interactions that are activated by both types of stimuli, we examined the effects of dynamic compression on levels of expression of iNOS and COX-2 and involvement of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway.  相似文献   
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