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Asymmetric reduction of ethyl-4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate to (S)-ethyl-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutanoate in aqueous medium by resting cells of Candida parapsilosis ATCC 7330 was optimized. The influence of culture parameters (inoculum size, inoculum age and biocatalyst harvest time) and reaction parameters (co-substrate, resting cell, pH and substrate concentrations) on the asymmetric reduction were studied. It was found that these parameters significantly influenced the rate of the asymmetric reduction. Under the optimum conditions, the final concentration of (S)-ethyl-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutanoate, enantiomeric excess and the isolated yield of (S)-ethyl-4-chloro-3-hydroxybutanoate were 1.38 M (230 g/l), >99 and 95%, respectively. The space time yield was 115 mmol/lh, which is significantly higher than other whole cell biocatalysts reported so far.  相似文献   
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is a causative agent of gastrointestinal and diarrheal diseases. Pathogenesis associated with enterohemorrhagic E. coli involves direct delivery of virulence factors from the bacteria into epithelial cell cytosol via a syringe-like organelle known as the type III secretion system. The type III secretion system protein EspD is a critical factor required for formation of a translocation pore on the host cell membrane. Here, we show that recombinant EspD spontaneously integrates into large unilamellar vesicle (LUV) lipid bilayers; however, pore formation required incorporation of anionic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine and an acidic pH. Leakage assays performed with fluorescent dextrans confirmed that EspD formed a structure with an inner diameter of ∼2.5 nm. Protease mapping indicated that the two transmembrane helical hairpin of EspD penetrated the lipid layer positioning the N- and C-terminal domains on the extralumenal surface of LUVs. Finally, a combination of glutaraldehyde cross-linking and rate zonal centrifugation suggested that EspD in LUV membranes forms an ∼280–320-kDa oligomeric structure consisting of ∼6–7 subunits.  相似文献   
Some interesting cultural observations on Scytonema stuposum (Kuetz.) Born., were recorded. It was observed that frequently one or more terminal cells of a branch get cut off but they still remain attached over the sheath of the mother filament. Even in this condition such structures continue their growth and may become a multicellular body. Later, such a structure gets detached from the mother filament and serve as a hormogonium.  相似文献   
Atherosclerosis is a major contributor to the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cholesterol-loaded foam cells play a pivotal role in forming atherosclerotic plaques. Induction of cholesterol efflux from these cells may be a promising approach in treating CVD. The reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) pathway delivers cholesteryl ester (CE) packaged in high-density lipoproteins (HDL) from non-hepatic cells to the liver, thereby minimising cholesterol load of peripheral cells. RCT takes place via a well-organised interplay amongst apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1), scavenger receptor-B1 (SR-B1), and the amount of free cholesterol. Unfortunately, modulation of RCT for treating atherosclerosis has failed in clinical trials owing to our lack of understanding of the relationship between HDL function and RCT. The fate of non-hepatic CEs in HDL is dependent on their access to proteins involved in remodelling and can be regulated at the structural level. An inadequate understanding of this inhibits the design of rational strategies for therapeutic interventions. Herein we extensively review the structure–function relationships that are essential for RCT. We also focus on genetic mutations that disturb the structural stability of proteins involved in RCT, rendering them partially or completely non-functional. Further studies are necessary for understanding the structural aspects of RCT pathway completely, and this review highlights alternative theories and unanswered questions.  相似文献   
Oxalate decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis is a binuclear Mn-dependent acid stress response enzyme that converts the mono-anion of oxalic acid into formate and carbon dioxide in a redox neutral unimolecular disproportionation reaction. A π-stacked tryptophan dimer, W96 and W274, at the interface between two monomer subunits facilitates long-range electron transfer between the two Mn ions and plays an important role in the catalytic mechanism. Substitution of W96 with the unnatural amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan leads to a persistent EPR signal which can be traced back to the neutral radical of 5-hydroxytryptophan with its hydroxyl proton removed. 5-Hydroxytryptophan acts as a hole sink preventing the formation of Mn(III) at the N-terminal active site and strongly suppresses enzymatic activity. The lower boundary of the standard reduction potential for the active site Mn(II)/Mn(III) couple can therefore be estimated as 740 mV against the normal hydrogen electrode at pH 4, the pH of maximum catalytic efficiency. Our results support the catalytic importance of long-range electron transfer in oxalate decarboxylase while at the same time highlighting the utility of unnatural amino acid incorporation and specifically the use of 5-hydroxytryptophan as an energetic sink for hole hopping to probe electron transfer in redox proteins.  相似文献   
A chemically defined medium was established for the growth of tissue cultures of Holarrhena antidysenterica. Administration of cholesterol-[4-14C] to 10-day-old callus yielded radioactive 24-methylenecholesterol, 28-isofucosterol, sitosterol, stigmasterol, and conessine, thereby indicating that the conversion of cholesterol into sitosterol is mediated through 24-methylenecholesterol and 28-isofucosterol in this system.  相似文献   
Anaerobic fermentation of glycerol in the Enterobacteriaceae family has long been considered a unique property of species that synthesize 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO). However, we have discovered that Escherichia coli can ferment glycerol in a 1,3-PDO-independent manner. We identified 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PDO) as a fermentation product and established the pathway that mediates its synthesis as well as its role in the metabolism of glycerol. We also showed that the trunk pathway responsible for the conversion of glycerol into glycolytic intermediates is composed of two enzymes: a type II glycerol dehydrogenase (glyDH-II) and a dihydroxyacetone kinase (DHAK), the former of previously unknown physiological role. Based on our findings, we propose a new model for glycerol fermentation in enteric bacteria in which: (i) the production of 1,2-PDO provides a means to consume reducing equivalents generated in the synthesis of cell mass, thus facilitating redox balance, and (ii) the conversion of glycerol to ethanol, through a redox-balanced pathway, fulfills energy requirements by generating ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation. The activity of the formate hydrogen-lyase and F(0)F(1)-ATPase systems were also found to facilitate the fermentative metabolism of glycerol, and along with the ethanol and 1,2-PDO pathways, were considered auxiliary or enabling. We demonstrated that glycerol fermentation in E. coli was not previously observed due to the use of medium formulations and culture conditions that impair the aforementioned pathways. These include high concentrations of potassium and phosphate, low concentrations of glycerol, alkaline pH, and closed cultivation systems that promote the accumulation of hydrogen gas.  相似文献   
We report here a PCR-based cloning methodology that requires no post-PCR modifications such as restriction digestion and phosphorylation of the amplified DNA. The advantage of the present method is that it yields only recombinant clones thus eliminating the need for screening. Two DNA amplification reactions by PCR are performed wherein the first reaction amplifies the gene of interest from a source template, and the second reaction fuses it with the designed expression vector fragments. These vector fragments carry the essential elements that are required for the fusion product selection. The entire process can be completed in less than 8 hours. Furthermore, ligation of the amplified DNA by a DNA ligase is not required before transformation, although the procedure yields more number of colonies upon transformation if ligation is carried out. As a proof-of-concept, we show the cloning and expression of GFP, adh, and rho genes. Using GFP production as an example, we further demonstrate that the E. coli T7 express strain can directly be used in our methodology for the protein expression immediately after PCR. The expressed protein is without or with 6xHistidine tag at either terminus, depending upon the chosen vector fragments. We believe that our method will find tremendous use in molecular and structural biology.  相似文献   
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