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BackgroundThe management of gastric adenocarcinoma is essentially based on surgery followed by adjuvant treatment. Adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) as well as chemoradiotherapy (CTRT) have proven their effectiveness in survival outcomes compared to surgery alone. However, there is little data comparing the two adjuvant approaches. This study aimed to compare the prognosis and survival outcomes of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma operated and treated by adjuvant radio-chemotherapy or chemotherapyMaterials and methodsWe retrospectively evaluated 80 patients with locally advanced gastric cancer (LGC) who received adjuvant treatment. We compared survival outcomes and patterns of recurrence of 53 patients treated by CTRT and those of 27 patients treated by CT.ResultsAfter a median follow-up of 38.48 months, CTRT resulted in a significant improvement of the 5-year PFS (60.9% vs. 36%, p = 0.03) and the 5-year OS (55.9% vs. 33%, p = 0.015) compared to adjuvant CT. The 5-year OS was significantly increased by adjuvant CTRT (p = 0.046) in patients with lymph node metastasis, and particularly those with advanced pN stage (p = 0.0078) and high lymph node ratio (LNR) exceeding 25% (p = 0.012). Also, there was a significant improvement of the PFS of patients classified pN2–N3 (p = 0.022) with a high LNR (p = 0.018). CTRT was also associated with improved OS and PFS in patients with lymphovascular and perineural invasion (LVI and PNI) compared to chemotherapy.ConclusionThere is a particular survival benefit of adding radiotherapy to chemotherapy in patients with selected criteria such as lymph node involvement, high LNR LVI, and PNI.  相似文献   
Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder resulting from the interaction between autoantibodies and desmoglein. Oxidative stress seems to be responsible for the onset/aggravation of many human diseases. Actually, it is considered as one of the several factors for the etiopathogenesis of pemphigus. The present study aims to evaluate the oxidative state in the sera of pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus patients by assessing lipid peroxidation, proteins oxidation, and antioxidant enzyme activity. This study included 36 pemphigus vulgaris and 42 pemphigus foliaceus patients as well as a group of controls consisting of 78 healthy volunteers. Malondialdehyde levels (p?<?0.001) and catalase activity (p?<?0.001) are higher in both groups of patients than in the control group. The two groups of patients showed a nonsignificant decrease in the thiol groups compared with the healthy one. A nonsignificant difference was shown between pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus patients, except for the catalase which shows an increase in the pemphigus vulgaris group. We have also found significant correlations between serum oxidative stress marker levels and serum anti-desmoglein antibody levels in the two pemphigus groups. These findings underline the implication of oxidative stress in the physiopathology of pemphigus by the increase in the autoantibodies?? reactivity.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterize the role of CFTR during Cd2+-induced apoptosis. For this purpose primary cultures and cell lines originated from proximal tubules (PCT) of wild-type cftr+/+ and cftr?/? mice were used. In cftr+/+ cells, the application of Cd2+ (5 μM) stimulated within 8 min an ERK1/2-activated CFTR-like Cl? conductance sensitive to CFTRinh-172. Thereafter Cd2+ induced an apoptotic volume decrease (AVD) within 6 h followed by caspase-3 activation and apoptosis. The early increase in CFTR conductance was followed by the activation of volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying (VSOR) Cl? and TASK2 K+ conductances. By contrast, cftr?/? cells exposed to Cd2+ were unable to develop VSOR currents, caspase-3 activity, and AVD process and underwent necrosis. Moreover in cftr+/+ cells, Cd2+ enhanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and induced a 50% decrease in total glutathione content (major ROS scavenger in PCT). ROS generation and glutathione decrease depended on the presence of CFTR, since they did not occur in the presence of CFTRinh-172 or in cftr?/? cells. Additionally, Cd2+ exposure accelerates effluxes of fluorescent glutathione S-conjugate in cftr+/+ cells. Our data suggest that CFTR could modulate ROS levels to ensure apoptosis during Cd2+ exposure by modulating the intracellular content of glutathione.  相似文献   
Invading bacteria are recognized, captured and killed by a specialized form of autophagy, called xenophagy. Recently, defects in xenophagy in Crohn’s disease (CD) have been implicated in the pathogenesis of human chronic inflammatory diseases of uncertain etiology of the gastrointestinal tract. We show here that pathogenic adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) isolated from CD patients are able to adhere and invade neutrophils, which represent the first line of defense against bacteria. Of particular interest, AIEC infection of neutrophil-like PLB-985 cells blocked autophagy at the autolysosomal step, which allowed intracellular survival of bacteria and exacerbated interleukin-8 (IL-8) production. Interestingly, this block in autophagy correlated with the induction of autophagic cell death. Likewise, stimulation of autophagy by nutrient starvation or rapamycin treatment reduced intracellular AIEC survival and IL-8 production. Finally, treatment with an inhibitor of autophagy decreased cell death of AIEC-infected neutrophil-like PLB-985 cells. In conclusion, excessive autophagy in AIEC infection triggered cell death of neutrophils.  相似文献   
An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6%. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33% and 55% respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia.  相似文献   
The Bloom syndrome (BS) is an autosomic recessive disorder comprising a wide range of abnormalities, including stunted growth, immunodeficiency, sun sensitivity and increased frequency of various types of cancer. Bloom syndrome cells display a high level of genetic instability, including a 10-fold increase in the sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) level. Bloom syndrome arises through mutations in both alleles of the BLM gene, which was identified as a member of the RecQ helicase family. In this study, we screened a Tunisian family with three BS patients. Cytogenetic analysis showed several chromosomal aberrations, and an approximately 14-fold elevated SCE frequency in BS cells. A significant increase in SCE frequency was observed in some family members but not reaching the BS patients values, leading to suggest that this could be due to the heterozygous profile. Microsatellite genotyping using four fluorescent dye-labeled microsatellite markers revealed evidence of linkage to BLM locus and the healthy members, sharing higher SCE frequency, showed heterozygous haplotypes as expected. Additionally, the direct BLM gene sequencing identified a novel homozygous frameshift mutation c.3617–3619delAA (p.K1207fsX9) in BS patients and a heterozygous BLM mutation in the family members with higher SCE frequency. Our findings suggest that this latter mutation likely leads to a reduced BLM activity explaining the homologous recombination repair defect and, therefore, the increase in SCE. Based on the present data, the screening of this mutation could contribute to the rapid diagnosis of BS. The genetic confirmation of the mutation in BLM gene provides crucial information for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
Coloration phase state, morphometrical ratios and the numbers of mature oocytes of Locusta migratoria migratoria were examined in a series of experiments to determine the means by which phase characteristics are passed to the next generation. Washing with distilled water of eggs from egg pods laid by gregarious crowd-reared females resulted in solitarization of the hatchlings after their isolation, indicating that a factor present in eggs encapsulated in foam is causal to gregarization. Such locusts showed a significant shift towards the typical solitarious body coloration, morphometry and number of mature oocytes as compared to locusts resulting from unwashed eggs. Gregarious coloration, morphometrical ratios and oocyte numbers could be partially restored when hatchlings from washed eggs were regrouped. When gregarious locusts were reared in isolation, they showed a solitary body color, whereas, morphometry and oocyte numbers were not affected by isolation.  相似文献   
Among mammalian secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s), group X sPLA(2) has the most potent hydrolyzing activity toward phosphatidylcholine and is involved in arachidonic acid (AA) release. Group X sPLA(2) is produced as a proenzyme and contains a short propeptide of 11 amino acids ending with a dibasic motif, suggesting cleavage by proprotein convertases. Although the removal of this propeptide is clearly required for enzymatic activity, the cellular location and the protease(s) involved in proenzyme conversion are unknown. Here we have analyzed the maturation of group X sPLA(2) in HEK293 cells, which have been extensively used to analyze sPLA(2)-induced AA release. Using recombinant mouse (PromGX) and human (ProhGX) proenzymes; HEK293 cells transfected with cDNAs coding for full-length ProhGX, PromGX, and propeptide mutants; and various permeable and non-permeable sPLA(2) inhibitors and protease inhibitors, we demonstrate that group X sPLA(2) is mainly converted intracellularly and releases AA before externalization from the cell. Most strikingly, the exogenous proenzyme does not elicit AA release, whereas the transfected proenzyme does elicit AA release in a way insensitive to non-permeable sPLA(2) inhibitors. In transfected cells, a permeable proprotein convertase inhibitor, but not a non-permeable one, prevents group X sPLA(2) maturation and partially blocks AA release. Mutations at the dibasic motif of the propeptide indicate that the last basic residue is required and sufficient for efficient maturation and AA release. All together, these results argue for the intracellular maturation of group X proenzyme in HEK293 cells by a furin-like proprotein convertase, leading to intracellular release of AA during secretion.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal dynamics of rotifers in relation to the physico-chemical parameters in Fish-Culture Research Station (Southern Tunisia) were studied monthly from February 2005 to January 2006. Thirteen rotifer species were found: Brachionus urceolaris, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus sp., Lecane stichaea, Lecane rhytida, Lecane sp., Hexarthra mira, Rotaria tardigrada, Conochiloides natans, Trichocerca marina, Keratella quadrata, Keratella cochlearis and Notommata codonella. The most dominant rotifer was B. urceolaris (76% of total abundance). Rotifer density and water temperature were negatively correlated (r=−0.94, n=12, p=0.001). The highest abundance of rotifers was found in basin 4 (1.5×105 ind m−3, in June 2005).  相似文献   
The growth rate of the ciliate Fabrea salina was studied in batch cultures in the presence of three feeds, tested separately from each other: the Prymnesiophyceae, Isochrysis galbana obtained from pure culture, the Chlorophyceae Dunaliella salina, and the commercially available yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. F. salina, and D. salina were harvested below the surface from the first evaporation pond and the crystallizer pond, respectively in multi-pond salterns (Sfax, Tunisia). The highest density of Fabrea was recorded with I. galbana (26 ind ml(-1)). However, the greatest length (243 microm) was recorded with Fabrea fed with D. salina. The lowest density, length and biovolume values were recorded with Fabrea fed with S. cerevisiae. The ANOVA test showed that density (F=18, d.f.=57), length (F=33, d.f.=57), and biovolume (F=19, d.f.=57) of Fabrea fed with yeast were significantly different (p<0.001) from those when Fabrea was fed with D. salina and I. galbana. The ciliate Fabrea encountered in the Sfax saltern (Tunisia) might be a valuable food source for Tunisian marine fish hatcheries.  相似文献   
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