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Changes in nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction and H2 production),nodulated root respiration and the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning were measured in response to progressive dehydrationof nodules on intact well-watered plants of subterranean clover(Trifolium subterraneum L.) cv. Seaton Park. The nodulated rootsof vegetative plants grown to the 14-leaf stage were incubatedin a gas exchange system through which a continuous dry airstreamwas passed over an 8 d period. The root tips were immersed inan N-free nutrient solution during this time so that water andion uptake was unimpeded. The decline in nodulated root respirationresulting from nodule drying was associated with a continualreduction in respiration coupled to nitrogenase activity. Asnodule water potential (nod) decreased, the proportion of totalnodulated root respiration which was nitrogenase-linked declinedfrom 50% (day 1) to 33% (day 8). This was accompanied by a 79%reduction in specific nitrogenase activity (from 3.79 to 0.81umol C2H4 g–1 nodule dry weight min–1). Nodule dehydrationalso induced a decline in hydrogen (H2) production in air. Therelative decline in hydrogen production exceeded that of acetylenereduction activity and this resulted in an increase in the relativeefficiency of nitrogenase functioning. However, the carbon costof nitrogenase activity progressively increased above 2.0 molCO2 respired per mol C2H4 reduced as rood decreased below –0.4to –0.5 MPa. Consecutive measurements of the rates ofhydrogen evolution, 15N2 fixation and acetylene reduction activityon intact unstressed plants resulted in a C2H4/N2 conversionfactor of 4.08 and an electron balance of 1.08. These resultsindicated that the pre-decline rate of acetylene reduction activitymeasured in a flow-through system provided a valid measure ofthe total electron flux through nitrogenase. Key words: Subterranean clover, dehydration, efficiency, nitrogenase activity  相似文献   
Abstract Many species of orb-spinning spiders construct silk decorations within the structure of the orb-web. The evolutionary significance of these decorations is poorly understood, but the silk decorations of many species reflect UV light, suggesting that they may function to attract insects. In these species, relatively more silk decoration may be required under dimmer light conditions in order to maintain a constant UV-reflecting signal, and hence level of insect attraction. We investigated experimentally whether the orb-spinning spider Argiope aetherea adjusts the amount of silk decoration added to the web according to light conditions. Consistent with the prey-attracting function, we found that spiders adjusted the quantity of silk decoration to their webs, adding more silk decoration when the web was located in dim light rather than bright light.  相似文献   
A large sample of the pycriogonid Anoplodactylus portus , collected from the Pacific side of the Panama Canal Zone, contains a high percentage of gynandromorphs. The literature on aquatic arthropod gynandromorphs is outlined. The nature and variations of the sexual mosaic population are described and discussed. The several morphological differences between normal and mosaic members of the population are illustrated, and the possible origin of these gynandromorphs is discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of animals on patterns of seed dispersal has not been well explored, despite the importance of seed dispersal in plant population biology. Furthermore, the exploitation of animals as dispersal agents has been considered one reason for the replacement of gymnosperms by angiosperms in the Cretaceous. We studied seed dispersal in a cycad, Macrozamia riedlei, and showed that in the absence of animals, ripe seeds drop directly beneath the parent not more than 40 cm from the base. Several animals eat the fleshy outer integument of the seeds, and possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), transport seeds up to 24 m from the parent. The postdispersal positioning of seeds gave a log density-log distance relationship of y = 7.20 – 2.85x (r2= 0.96, N = 17). Effective local dispersal may have contributed to the persistence of cycads in the world flora for the last 200 million years.  相似文献   
Birds and Recreational Disturbance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We show that variation in an intronic length polymorphism in the CHD1‐Z gene in Black‐tailed Godwits Limosa l. limosa is associated with fitness correlates. This is the second example of the CHDZ‐1 gene being correlated with fitness, a previous study having established that Moorhens Gallinula chloropus carrying the rare Z* allele have reduced survival. In Godwits, however, carriers of the Z* allele (374 bp) fared better than those with the more frequent Z allele (378 bp) with respect to body mass, plumage ornamentation, reproductive parameters and habitat quality. The Z* allele was found in 14% of 251 adult birds from nature reserves, but was absent from 33 birds breeding in intensively managed agricultural lands. Males and females with the Z* allele had less extensive breeding plumage, and females had a higher body mass, bred earlier and had larger eggs. There were no significant differences in annual survival between birds with and without the Z* allele. DNA isolated from museum skins demonstrated that this polymorphism was present at low frequency in 1929. We speculate that strong asymmetrical overdominance may explain the low frequency of the Z* allele and that genetic linkage to causal genes might be an explanation for the phenotypic correlations. Our findings suggest a degree of cryptic genetic population structuring in the Dutch Godwit population.  相似文献   
Climate change has strong potential to modify the structure and functioning of ecosystems, but experimental field studies into its effects are rare. On rocky shores, grazing limpets strongly affect ecosystem structure and their distribution in NW Europe is changing in response to climate change. Three limpet species co-occur in SW Britain ( Patella vulgata, Patella ulyssiponensis and Patella depressa ) on open rock and in pools. Shores in Ireland are similar, but currently lack P. depressa . It is anticipated that P. depressa will expand its range into Ireland as the climate warms, but we currently lack an empirical basis to predict the consequences of this change. Recent studies show that increasing abundance of P. depressa on British shores has been accompanied by a decline of P. vulgata suggesting interspecific competition. In this study, a new experimental framework was used to examine the potential for P. depressa to affect P. vulgata on Irish shores. P. vulgata was experimentally transplanted into enclosures on open rock and in pools in both Ireland and Britain. In pools, treatments also included transplanted P. ulyssiponensis to mimic natural assemblages. Growth and mortality of P. vulgata were measured over 6 months with no differences between Ireland and Britain. In Britain, P. vulgata caged in pools with transplanted P. depressa and P. ulyssiponensis showed reduced growth, compared with when caged in pools with P. ulyssiponensis alone. There was no effect of P. depressa on the growth rate of P. vulgata on open rock. Results indicate that if the range of P. depressa extends into Ireland, it would reduce the growth of P. vulgata where it co-occurs with P. ulyssiponensis in pools. The framework used here provides a field-based approach that could be used to examine the impacts of climate-induced range expansions on the structure and functioning of other ecosystems.  相似文献   
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