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The little known endemic Henderson Island rail (or Henderson rail) Porzflna atra , inhabits forest on the coastal plain and upraised plateau of Henderson Island. Rails were studied for 15 months from January 1991 to March 1992. The population was estimated at c. 6200 individuals living in pairs or cooperative groups of 3–4 adults on territories averaging about 1 ha. Two or three eggs were laid in covered or open nests near the ground from mid-July to mid-February. Up to five consecutive nesting attempts were made in cases where eggs or young chicks were lost. Adults laid a second clutch when chicks were fully feathered at about one month of age. Both sexes incubated and helped rear the young. Older chicks sometimes helped feed younger siblings. Dispersal of juveniles from the natal territory took place in April. Adult birds underwent a rapid, simultaneous post-nuptial moult of the remiges in February-April; the post-juvenile moult involved body feathers only. Data on morphometries, breeding ecology, courtship behaviour and voice are compared with available information for the spotless crake P. tabuensis , the Henderson rail's closest relative and probable ancestor. These comparisons provide some information on how these two taxa have differentiated since rails arrived on Henderson Island some time in the last 380000 years.  相似文献   
Molecular Characterization of a Barley Gene Induced by Cold Treatment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A cDNA library was made from low positive temperature (6 ?C/2?C) grown barley shoot meristems. Several genes which are differentiallyexpressed, as measured by mRNA abundance, were selected fromthe library using a differential screen. This paper reportsan analysis of in vivo expression in several cultivars, theDNA sequence, copy number and chromosomal location of one gene(BLT14). In addition, genomic restriction fragment length polymorphismfor this gene in the 10 most widely UK-grown spring and 9 mostwidely UK-grown winter barley cultivars is analysed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, low temperature, RFLP, differential expression, cDNA sequence  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 16 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica juncea and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. Sixteen primer pairs were assessed for polymorphism in all genomes of the diploid and amphidiploid Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, considerable polymorphism and high transferability across species, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of brassicas.  相似文献   
POWELL  ALISON A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):169-175
Comparisons of five pairs of isogenk lines of peas, differingonly in the A gene for seed coat colour showed that white seeds(genotype aa) imbibed more rapidly than coloured seeds (AA),suffered greater imbibition damage revealed by dead tissue onthe cotyledons, and higher solute leakage. Seed-coat pigmentationwas closely associated with slow water uptake, since when expressionof the A gene was suppressed by the recessive pollens gene,the resulting white seeds {palpal AA) imbibed rapidly. The slowwater uptake by coloured seeds was not due to the restrictionof water entry by the seed coat since the differences in imbibitionrate were maintained when a portion of the seed coat was removedand seeds were imbibed with the exposed cotyledon in contactwith moist filter paper. Imbibition of similarly treated seedsby immersion in polyethylene glycol solutions (1–4%) whichincreased the seed/solution wettability, had little effect onthe water uptake of coloured seeds compared to imbibition inwater whereas that of white seeds increased in the first 10mins imbibition. Poor wettability of the inner surface of colouredseed coats did not therefore explain the slow imbibition ofthese seeds. The white seed coats loosened rapidly during imbibitionwhilst the coloured seed coats remained closely associated withthe cotyledons suggesting that the adherence of the seed coatto the cotyledons and therefore the ease of access of waterbetween the testa and cotyledons determines the rate of imbibition.The rapid water uptake by white-coated seeds and the subsequentimbibition damage may explain the high incidence of infectionof these seeds by the soil-bome fungus Pythhan after 2 d insoil. Improved seed quality and emergence may therefore be achievedby breeding for seed coat characteristics leading to reducedrates of imbibition Pisum sativum, isogenic lines, A gene, seed coat colour, imbibition, imbibition damage, wettability, pollens gene, seed quality, grain legumes  相似文献   
The availability of expressed sequence data derived from gene discovery programs enables mining for simple sequence repeats (SSR), providing useful genetic markers for crop improvement. These markers are inexpensive, require minimal labour to produce and can frequently be associated with functionally annotated genes. This study presents the development and characterization of 24 expressed sequence tags (EST)‐SSR markers from Brassica napus and their cross‐amplification across Brassica species. The markers show reliable amplification, genome specificity and considerable polymorphism, demonstrating the utility of EST‐SSRs for genetic analysis of wild Brassica populations and commercial Brassica germplasm.  相似文献   
The introduction of exotic species to ecosystems can have severe consequences for populations of native organisms, but logistical limitations and shortage of historical data often hinder attempts to quantify the ecological implications of such relationships. The establishment and rapid expansion of Ring‐necked Parakeets Psittacula krameri in England therefore presents a rare opportunity to apply novel analytical methods to existing extensive national bird monitoring data from the UK Breeding Bird Survey for an invasive species. A previous study from Belgium suggests that Ring‐necked Parakeets have the potential to reduce the abundance of Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea through competition for nesting cavities. Our analysis provides no evidence for a significant impact through competition on Nuthatch populations or those of any other cavity‐nesting species within the Parakeet’s current range in the UK. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that competitive exclusion could be occurring at a minority of sites at which availability of nest cavities is limiting. This may yet have significant implications for future conflict if Parakeets continue to increase in numbers and range.  相似文献   
Abstract The aims of this work were to discover the distribution within the C4 grass Spartina anglica of a PEP carboxylase which is very unstable during and after extraction, and to determine whether this unstable form occurs in other members of the genus. In S. anglica, only the leaf contains an unstable PEP carboxylase. Within the leaf only the major one of two isoenzymes is unstable, and this is located in the mesophyll cells. The unstable isoenzyme is inactivated during extraction and storage unless protected by bovine serum albumin or Triton X-100, and is inactivated in assay mixtures at optimum pH in the absence of PEP. Evidence is presented that inactivation is not due to degradation or inhibition during extraction and storage. The enzyme from leaves of Spartina species taxonomically closely related to S. anglica is also very unstable during and after extraction, but that from less closely related species is much more stable.  相似文献   
Successive sets of cuttings of three white clover genotypeswere raised in a 15 °C growth room and transferred to thefield at 14 d intervals over the course of a year. Rates ofleaf appearance (leaves per stolon growing point per unit time)were found to be closely correlated with 10 cm soil temperatures.Petiole lengths, and weights of the lamina+petiole increasedin May and decreased towards the end of August, but also exhibiteda marked response to a mid-season water deficit. In the conditionsof the experiment (i.e. in the absence of competition from neighbouringplants) the vast majority of axillary buds developed into visiblebranches at all times of the year. There was, however, an increasein the nodal age at which bud development was first observedin winter. Deferred bud development was also observed, particularlyin one genotype, during periods characterized by dry soil surfaceconditions. The results are discussed in relation to observedpatterns of stolon branching in sward conditions. White clover, Trifolium repens, axillary bud development, branching, growing points, leaf appearance rate, petiole length, soil moisture, soil temperature  相似文献   
Hepburn, H. A., Goodman, B. A., McPhail, D. B., Matthews, S.and Powell, A. A. 1986. An evaluation of EPR measurements ofthe organic free radical content of individual seeds in thenon-destructive testing of seed viability.—J. exp. Bot.37: 1675–1684. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of individualintact seeds of a range of legumes and brassicas have been obtainedin order to measure their organic free radical contents. Norelationship was found between free radical content and seedviability or early seedling growth for both legumes and brassicas.The testa had a much greater free radical concentration thaneither the embryo axes or the cotyledons for all cultivars ofseed tested. The general high free radical content of the testasuggests that there is little possibility of EPR being usedto predict the viability of individual seeds. The spectroscopicsplitting factor of g = 2·0045 reported for the intactseeds is consistent with the radicals' arising from melanictype compounds. Key words: Seed viability, free radical content  相似文献   
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