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ABSTRACT. The binding of synthetic peptides modeled from the sequence of the cell attachment site of fibronectin to T. cruzi trypomastigote surface receptors was investigated by fluorescence-activated cell-sorting analysis using fluorescein-labeled peptides. Peptides with the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser bound to the parasite surface. A low percentage of fresh parasites recently liberated from infected fibroblasts had the capacity to bind the peptide. In contrast, these parasites showed a time-dependent several-fold increase in their ability to bind the Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-containing peptides during extracellular incubation. From these observations, it appears that the expression of surface receptors on a particular, mature stage of the parasite parallels its ability to adhere to and infect host cells.  相似文献   
  • 1 Seasonal and local variations of some environmental conditions in the Rosetta branch of the River Nile are reported. The lowest air and water temperatures were recorded in January (winter) and the highest in July (summer). Slight decrease in water temperatures with depth is related to solar heating and mixing processes. The pH values, averaging between pH 7.5 and 8.2, showed seasonal changes which, in the main, may be related to photosynthesis.
  • 2 The seasonal average chlorosity values showed very wide variation, due to fluctuations in the discharge rate of the River Nile and its effect on the estuarine sea water. Sharp increase in chlorosity values with depth at the estuarine stations was produced by the less dense river water, flowing over denser tongues of sea water. In January, however, the maximum discharge flushed out the sea water.
  • 3 Minimum oxygen saturation values occurred in January and the highest values of dissolved organic matter were obtained in July. Both of these will be shown in a later publication to be related to phytoplankton abundance. Increase in dissolved organic matter near the bottom was common and is interpreted as due to the more complete decomposition of descending dead organisms and the release of organic matter from the bottom deposits.
大量采集新疆各地网衣属(LecideaAch.)地衣标本,发现1个中国新记录种L.hypocrita,4个新疆新记录种L.berengeriana,L.confluens,L.lactea,L.lithophila。文中对这些新记录地衣进行了详细描述,并提供了反映地衣特征的彩色图片。  相似文献   
新疆北部森林生态系统地衣植物生活型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Life forms of lichen of forest ecosystem in Northern Xinjiang were researched in the Kanas National Natural Reservation Area.They have been grouped into 6 types:Epipetria,Soil-epipetria,Epiphytia arboricosa,Epiphytia moss,Epiphytis grass and Dry-radicantia,in which the species of Epiphytia arboricosa account for 36.89% of the total species in this area,the species of Epipetria for 22.33% and Epiphytia grass the least.The results show that life forms of lichem at the srea in Northem Xinjiang are relatively rich,which indicates the biodiversity characteristics of lichen.  相似文献   
  • 1 Chemical communication plays an important part in the lives of insects, and particularly in lives of those that live in groups or social organizations.
  • 2 Chemicals which are used in communication in the general sense are called semiochemicals, and there are a number of subdivisions recognized under this title.
  • 3 Pheromones are a category of semiochemicals which are used for communication between individuals of the same species.
  • 4 Pheromones are in turn subdivided into primer and releaser pheromones. The former produce a relatively long-lasting physiological change in the receiver, and the latter stimulate the receiver to some immediate behavioural response.
  • 5 Far more is known about releaser pheromones at present because they are easier to study.
  • 6 Nine categories of releaser pheromone are recognized here, used by both social and non-social insects.
  • 7 Sex pheromones are widely used to bring the sexes together for mating, and they have been extensively studied in Lepidoptera.
  • 8 Invitation pheromones, encouraging the species to feed or oviposit at an explored site, are not extensively known.
  • 9 Aggregation pheromones are designed to bring individuals together into groups which may be temporary in sub-social insects, or permanent in social insects.
  • 10 Dispersal or spacing pheromones are used by other species to reduce intraspecific competition for scarce resources.
  • 11 Alarm pheromones are a broad and sometimes unclearly defined group which communicate alarm or attack, chiefly in colonial species.
  • 12 Trail pheromones, applied to a surface by an individual, to be followed by another, are confined to Hymenoptera, Isoptera and a few Lepidoptera as far as is known.
  • 13 Territorial and home range pheromones may be widely distributed, but as yet few of them have been recognized.
  • 14 Surface and funeral pheromones are even less well known. Surface pheromones may play a large part in species or colony recognition.
  • 15 We can expect the number and complexity of pheromones to be much greater in social insects, a part of the subject which until now has received relatively less attention.
  • 16 As our understanding of the subject grows we may expect other categories to be added to this list.
1. We collated information from the literature on life history traits of the roach (a generalist freshwater fish), and analysed variation in absolute fecundity, von Bertalanffy parameters, and reproductive lifespan in relation to latitude, using both linear and non-linear regression models. We hypothesized that because most life history traits are dependent on growth rate, and growth rate is non-linearly related with temperature, it was likely that when analysed over the whole distribution range of roach, variation in key life history traits would show non-linear patterns with latitude.
2. As fecundity depends strongly on length, and the length structure of females varied among populations, latitudinal patterns in fecundity were examined based on residuals from the length–fecundity relationship. The reproductive lifespan of roach was estimated as the difference between age at maturity and maximum age of females in each population.
3. The three life history traits of roach analysed all varied among populations and were non-linearly related to latitude. Only the relationship between reproductive lifespan and latitude was a better fit to a linear that to a quadratic model, although Loess smoothing curves revealed that this relationship was actually closer to biphasic than linear in form. A latitude of 50°N formed a break point in all three life history traits.
4. The negative relationships we have described between (i) fecundity and reproductive lifespan and (ii) fecundity and egg mass suggest that lower fecundity is compensated for by longer lifespan, while lower fecundity is compensated for by an increased egg mass, when analysed independently of location.  相似文献   
对贵阳地区碳酸盐岩表生地衣资源进行初步调查,鉴定出4科,4属,共计7个种。其中两个是中国新记录种,即:蓝藻橙衣和石灰瓶口衣。瓶口衣属、黄烛衣属、凹盘衣属以及该文所描述的7个种都是贵州首次报道。对壳状地衣体在碳酸盐岩风化过程中的作用进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
采用光学显微镜徒手切片技术和透射电子显微镜超薄切片制备技术,以两种叶状地衣即中国树花(Ramalina sinensis)和地卷(Peltigera rufescens)为实验材料,研究了不同浓度CuSO4(0、1、2、3、4mmol/L)处理24h后地衣体细胞的存活率以及Cu2+胁迫对细胞超微结构的影响。结果显示:(1)光学显微镜下可初步确定,Cu2+浓度越大中国树花共生藻细胞存活率越小,而同样处理条件下地卷共生藻细胞的存活率则基本保持不变。(2)低浓度Cu2+(1mmol/L)对中国树花细胞结构基本无影响,细胞壁、细胞膜及细胞内的线粒体、叶绿体完整;随着Cu2+浓度增加,当处理Cu2+浓度为2mmol/L时,细胞壁无损,但细胞膜开始破坏形成小空泡,线粒体嵴变凌乱,叶绿体也出现皱缩,类囊体膨胀,基粒排列紊乱;当Cu2+处理浓度大于2mmol/L时,共生藻的细胞膜和细胞器出现不同程度的损伤;当Cu2+浓度为3mmol/L时,细胞壁变薄,细胞膜形成的空泡变大,细胞内部结构变松散,蛋白核消失,叶绿体与细胞质混在一起,基粒片层扭曲,分布混乱,线粒体变形;当Cu2+浓度达4mmol/L时,细胞结构完全受到破坏。(3)不同浓度Cu2+处理对地卷共生藻细胞结构无明显的影响,在所有处理条件下地卷共生藻细胞壁、细胞膜都完整,且大多数共生藻细胞处于分裂状态。研究认为,中国树花对Cu2+胁迫较敏感,Cu2+耐受在1~2mmol/L之间,Cu2+浓度与中国树花细胞结构的损伤程度存在着明显的剂量效应关系,Cu2+浓度越高,其属于共球藻的真核共生藻细胞受损程度越大;地卷对Cu2+胁迫具有一定的耐性,Cu2+胁迫下地卷属于蓝藻的原核共生藻细胞仍能繁殖分裂产生子代细胞。  相似文献   
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