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作者研究了我国谷子(Setaria italica Beauv.)和狗尾草的核型与Giemsa带,两者核型基本相同,均为2n=18=14m+2sm+2st(SAT)。带型亦相近,另外在谷子和狗尾草中都发现有四倍体。  相似文献   
Material balances for pentosan, lignin, and hexosan, during steam-explosion pretreatment of aspenwood, showed almost quantitative recovery of cellulose in the water-insoluble fraction. Dilute acid impregnation resulted in more selective hydrolysis of pentosan relative to undesirable pyrolysis, and gave a more accessible substrate for enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermocouple probes, located inside simulated aspenwood chips heated in 240 degrees C-saturated steam, showed rapid heating of air-dry wood, whereas green or impregnated wood heated slowly. Small chips, 3.2 mm in the fiber direction, whether green or airdry gave approximately equal rates of pentosan destruction and solubilization, and similar yields of glucose and of total reducing sugars on enzymatic hydrolysis with Trichoderma harzianum. Partial pyrolysis, destroying one third of the pentosan of aspenwood at atmospheric pressure by dry steam at 276 degrees C, gave little increase in yield of reducing sugars on enzymatic hydrolysis. Treatment with saturated steam at 240 degrees C gave essentially the same yields of glucose and of total reducing sugars, and the same yields of butanediol and ethanol on fermentation with Klebsiella pneumoniae, whether or not 80% of the steam was bled off before explosion and even if the chips remained intact, showing that explosion was unnecessary.  相似文献   
<正>在美国,大多数治疗用的人白蛋白制品是正常血清白蛋白和血浆蛋白组分。这些制品在60℃加热10小时以灭活肝炎病毒,为减少加热过程中蛋白变性,要加入稳定剂。按规定,这些稳定剂的允许量是每克蛋白中含乙酰色氨酸0.16mM或联合使用乙酰色氨酸钠与辛酸钠各0.08mM;辛酸和乙酰色氨酸与人白蛋白缔合。缔合的强度依据脂肪酸碳链的长短和色氨酸的三维结构而异,低浓度的任何稳定剂都能影响白蛋白的热稳定性,也与实验条件有关。  相似文献   
关于植物核型分析的标准化问题   总被引:617,自引:25,他引:592  
近年,我国的植物染色体研究工作,进展较快,并取得了显著的成绩。但在研究工作中仍存在一个迫切需要解决的问题,即核型分析的标准化问题。由于国际上尚无植物核型分析的共同标准,因此,有关染色体的统计、测量、命名、图表格式等等,各人所采用的方法和标准也不尽相同。这种状况,对核型资料的比较分析以及对研究结果的评价,都带来不便。有鉴于此,1984年8月在辽宁兴城召开的第一届全国植物染色体学术讨论会上,李懋学和陈瑞阳联名作了“关于植物核型分析的标准化问题”的报告,经过  相似文献   
Under certain conditions of preparation, DNA, whether free or complexed with polylysine or histone KAP (I, fl), produce huge negative circular dichroism (CD) spectra with maxima at about 270nm. In order to investigate the cause of these spectra, reconstituted polylysine-DNA complex was used as a model system. It was found that the CD change of DNA in the complex is not a linear function of the fraction of base pairs bound. Such a CD spectrum is not changed despite dilution up to 128 folds for as long as 12 hours. Difference CD spectra taken between free DNA and any of the complexes are qualitatively the same, and are similar to those of free DNA and nucleohistone KAP (Fasman et al., Biochemistry 9, 2814-2822, 1970), free DNA and direct mixed polylysine-DNA complexes, or free DNA in high salt (Chang et al., Biochemistry12, 3028-3032, 1973). The suggestion is made that this CD spectrum might be caused by specific conformational changes in DNA, perhaps belonging to the family of B to C transitions followed by a further structural distortion of DNA due to aggregation of the nucleoprotein molecules.  相似文献   
Root growth and cell differentiation were analysed in lentil seedlings grown (1) in microgravity (F microg), (2) on the 1 x g centrifuge (F1 x g), (3) in microgravity and placed on the 1 x g centrifuge for 4 h [F(microg + 1 x g)], (4) on the 1 x g centrifuge and placed in microgravity for 4 h [F(1 x g + microg)]. In microgravity, there were strong oscillations of the root tip, even when the seedlings were grown first on the 1 x g centrifuge [F(1 x g + microg)]. In the [F(microg + 1 x g)] sample, the roots grown in microgravity were oblique with respect to the 1 x g acceleration when the seedlings were placed on the centrifuge. They were therefore gravistimulated. However, root length was similar in the 4 samples after 29 h of growth and growth rate of the root was the same between 25 h and 29 h although it appeared to be slightly greater in the [F(microg + 1 x g)] sample. Cell elongation was analysed as a function of the distance from the root cap junction. Cell length was similar in the seedlings grown in microgravity or on the 1 x g centrifuge. The transfer from the 1 x g centrifuge to microgravity [F(1 x g + microg)] did not modify cell elongation in the roots. Cell length in the roots which were grown in microgravity and gravistimulated [F(microg + 1 x g)] was different from that observed in microgravity but this was only due to gravistimulation. Thus, gravity does not have an effect on cell elongation when the roots are strictly oriented in the vertical position but it does as soon as the root tip deviates from this orientation.  相似文献   
Many mammalian cell fed-batch processes rely on maintaining the cells in a viable and productive state for extended periods of time in order to reach high final concentrations of secreted protein. In the work described herein, a nonamplified NSO cell line was transfected with a vector expressing a recombinant human anti-HIV gp 120 monoclonal antibody (Mab) and a selectable marker, glutamine synthetase. A fed-batch process was developed which improved product yields tenfold over the yields reached in batch culture. In this case, the clone was cultured for a period of 22 days and produced 0.85 g Mab/L. To gauge the effect of extended culture lifetime on product quality, biochemical characteristics of MAb isolated from different time points in the fed-batch culture were determined. The apparent molecular weight of the MAb was constant throughout the course of the culture. Isoelectric focusing revealed four major charged species, with a fifth more acidic species appearing later in the culture. The antigen binding kinetics were constant for MAb isolated throughout the culture period. Glycosylation analysis, on the other hand, revealed that MAb produced later in the culture contained greater percentages of truncated N-acetylglucosamine and highmannose N-glycans. Possible contributions to this underglycosylated material from either cell lysis or synthesis from noviable cells were found to be negligible. Instead, the viable cells appeared to be secreting more truncated and high mannose MAb glycoforms as the culture progressed. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Xu Y  Yu H  Hall TC 《Plant physiology》1994,106(2):459-467
In rice (Oryza sativa L.), cytosolic triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) is encoded by a single gene. TPI catalyzes a vital step in glycolysis, and RNA blots showed that the tpi gene is expressed in all vegetative tissues (root, culm, and leaves) and in rice suspension cells. No effect of light on expression was detected, but submergence of rice seedlings resulted in elevated levels of TPI mRNA in roots and culms. The 2767-bp 5[prime] upstream sequence of the tpi gene was fused translationally with the [beta]-glucuronidase (gusA) gene, and the resulting construct, TPI-GUS, was found to express constitutive, high levels of GUS activity in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. However, the same construct yielded no GUS activity in stably transformed rice plants, and RNA blots showed that no GUS mRNA could be detected even though stable integration of functional copies of the construct was confirmed by Southern blot and genomic polymerase chain reaction analyses. Transient assays using particle bombardment yielded high levels of GUS expression from the TPI-GUS construct in tobacco leaves, but essentially no expression in rice, barley, or maize leaves. When the first intron of the tpi gene was included in the construct (TPI-int1-GUS), transient GUS activity was routinely obtained in rice leaves, revealing that the first intron of the rice tpi gene is crucial for its expression in rice. TPI-int1-GUS also directed transient GUS expression in maize and barley leaves, but little or no activity was obtained from this construct in tobacco, tomato, or soybean leaves. These results with the rice tpi promoter are in accordance with mounting evidence that differences in gene expression exist between monocots and dicots.  相似文献   
杨运清YANG  Yun-Qing 《遗传》1993,15(6):17-19
本文探讨了用一种特殊形式资料估计遗传力的方法,亦可作为为扩大样本含量,充分利用不同来源且形式不同资料合并估计遗传力的方法。  相似文献   
连锁值——表述基因连锁强度的新参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在遗传学中,同一染色体上基因之间的连锁强度是用交换率表示的.一般而言,交换率越高,基因连锁强度越低.但交换率不是基因连锁强度的最方便的量度,因为利用交换率来计算具有连锁交换现象的杂交后代分离比例时,必须区分相引组和相斥组两种不同的亲本交配情形.在相引组,一个亲本具有两个显性性状,另一个亲本具有两个隐性性状;在相斥组,两个亲本各具有一个显性性状和一个隐性性状。这两种情形下的配子比例和F_2分  相似文献   
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