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冯耀东  高立  苟德明  蒋达和  毛歆  李文鑫 《遗传》2000,22(6):361-364
采用原位杂交和RNA点杂交方法,观察了一种新的端粒相关锌指基因TASL30在早期人胚与50种器官组织中的mRNA表达。结果表明,TASL30基因在早期人胚神经管中有明显表达,其中在神经管的头端表达最强,而在人的50种器官组织中均未检测到该基因的明显表达。另外通过G-显带和染色体原位杂交,将TASL30基因定位于人染色体12q24~qter。 Abstract:By means of in situ hybridization and RNA dot blot,mRNA expression of a telomereic-associated zinc finger gene(TASL30 )was observed.The results showed that TASL30 gene was expressed in significant amount in neural tube of early human embryo and the cephalic expression level was the highest,but none of recognizable positive signal was detected in 50 human tissues.By G-banding and chromosome in situ hybridization,TASL30 gene was located in chromosome 12q24~qter.  相似文献   
应用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳法, 分析了潮汕地区216例无血缘关系、临床上诊断为食管癌的病人和216例健康人的运铁蛋白(Tf)亚型分布情况, 结果发现:食管癌病人组TfC1C1纯合子频率为0.2639,Tf*Cl基因频率为0.4745,显著低于正常人组(分别为0.4352和0.6227,均为P<0.0 01);同时,食管癌病人组TfC2C2纯合子频率为0.2278,Tf*C2基因频率为0. 4977,显著高于正常对照组(分别为0.1852,P<0.05,和0.3634,P<0.001)。应用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦结合免疫固定法,分析了潮汕地区21 7例无血缘关系的临床上诊断为食管癌病人和 217例健康人的组特异性成份(Gc)亚型的分布,发现两组间无显著性差异。  相似文献   
The cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringiBaly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is a serious pest of crucifers in China, undergoing an imaginal summer and winter diapause in the soil. The effects of host plants on diapause incidence were tested in the beetle. The ratio of adults entering diapause was significantly low when they fed on the mature leaves of Chinese cabbage Shanghaiqin (Brassica chinesis var communis) than those feeding on Chinese cabbage Suzhouqin (Brassica chinesis var communis), radish (Raphanus sativus var longipinnatus) and stem mustard (Brassicajuncea vat tumida) at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. Fewer adults entered diapause on young leaves compared to physiologically aged and mature radish leaves at 25℃ combined with 13:11 (L: D) h. The effect of host plant species on diapause induction was also evident under continuously dark rearing conditions or at different photoperiods. These experimental results demonstrate that host plant mediation of diapause induction exists in the cabbage beetle. However, at temperatures ≤20℃ or photoperiods of 16:8 (L: D) h combined with 25℃, all individuals entered diapause regardless of the host plants, indicating that the effects of host plants on diapause induction could be expressed only within a limited range of temperatures and photoperiods.  相似文献   
从中国东亚钳蝎ButhusmartensiiKarsch的毒腺cDNA文库中分离得到了一个编码毒素蛋白多肽 (命名为BmKCT)前体的全长cDNA序列 .该毒素多肽与已报道的氯毒素 (chlorotoxin)高度同源 ,其蛋白质一级序列有 6 8%的同源性 .为了鉴定BmKCT的生物学功能 ,通过pGEX系统成功地表达了BmKCT ,并用GST亲和层析和凝胶过滤的方法获得了纯化的重组BmKCT毒素蛋白 (rBmKCT) .通过膜片钳实验 ,记录了rBmKCT对人脑星型胶质瘤细胞 (gliomascell)表面的氯离子通道电流的作用 .结果显示 ,BmKCT可以显著抑制人脑星型胶质瘤细胞表面的氯离子通道电流 ,并且这种抑制作用在一定程度上是可逆的 .实验证明 ,在细胞水平上 ,BmKCT是一种新的短链氯离子通道抑制剂 .  相似文献   
Humantumornecrosisfactor-a(hTNF-a)isanunglycosylated,pleiotropiccytokinewithnumerousbiologicaleffectsincludingcytotoxicandproinflam-matoryactivities[1].Asrevealedbytheresearchwithmurinemodel,hTNF-playedakeyroleinmanydis-easessuchasrheumatoidarthritis,multiplesclerosisandinflammatoryboweldisease[2],andtherefore,be-cameausefultargetoftherapyforthediseases.Neu-tralizingmonoclonalantibody(mAb)againsthTNF-,asanagentblockinghTNF-activity,hasbeenusedfortherapyofthosediseasesabove[3,4].ThemAb,de…  相似文献   
~~Screening and identification of Shigella flexneri 2a virulence-related genes induced after invasion of epithelial cells1. Jin, Q., Yuan, Z., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., Lu, W., Wang, J., Liu, H., Yang, J., Yang, P., Zhang, X., Zhang, J., Yang, G, Wu, H., Qu, D., Dong, J., Sun, L., Xue, Y, Zhao, A., Gao, Y., Zhu, J., Kan, B., Ding, K.. Chen, S., Cheng, H., Yao, Z., He, B., Chen, R., Ma, D., Qiang, B., Wen, Y, Hou, Y., Yu, J., Genome sequence of Shigella flexneri 2…  相似文献   
人MCP cDNA在NIH3T3细胞中表达及功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄健  李文鑫  郑从义   《生物工程学报》2000,16(2):155-157
通过构建表达人膜辅因子蛋白MCP编码区全长cDNA的重级载体pcDNA3MCP,以磷酸钙沉淀法转染NIH3T3细胞,用G418筛选阳性克隆,并鉴定MCP cDNA在细胞中的表达。将血清梯度稀释并与细胞孵育,然后检测细胞活力:灭活的人血清不能引起对照细胞与MCP转染细胞的胞毒作用,而新鲜人血清可使对照细胞发生补体依赖的细胞毒反应,MCP转染细胞由于MCP蛋白的合成,细胞受到保护不发生该反应。另外,M  相似文献   
A total number of 1092 migratory alates were trapped from air in wheat grown area of Yuanyang County, Henan Province from early April through May 2002 in order to confirm the source and dissemination of entomophthoralean inocula to cause epizootics of cereal aphids. Those included 415 Sitobion avenae, 642 Rhopalosiphum padi, 22 Metopolophium dirhodum, and 13 Schizaphis graminum. The trapped alates were daily collected and individually reared for 7 days on wheat plants in laboratory. Of those 341 alates died of fungal infection, taking 31.2% in the trapped alates. These included 224 S. avenae, 106 R. padi, 8 M. dirhodum, and 3 S. graminum. Deaths of all infected alates occurred during the first 5 days and 78.9% of the deaths occurred within the first 3 days. Individual examination under microscope proved that all deaths were attributed to entomophthoralean fungi. Of those Pandora neoaphidis accounted for 84.6%, Conidiobolus obscurus for 9.9%, and Entomophthora planchoniana for 5.5%. Four alate deaths die  相似文献   
BmKT是从本室构建的cDNA文库中筛选到的1个α钠通道毒素,根据其全长cDNA序列设计引物,采用PCR法以蝎总基因组DNA为模板,获得4个BmKT的同源基因,分别命名为BmKT′和BmKTa、BmKTb、BmKTb′.序列分析表明:BmKT′和BmKTa基因含有大小分别为509 bp和506 bp的内含子,位于信号肽编码区内,插入信号肽-4位残基Gly密码子的第一个碱基G之后;而BmKTb和BmKTb′ 的内含子大小均为418 bp.这4个BmKT的同源基因内含子符合GT/AG拼接规律,其中BmKT′和BmKTa的内含子A+T含量分别为61.7%和61.9%,低于目前已报导的大多数蝎毒素基因A+T含量,大大低于它们第一外显子A+T含量(71.7%),略高于第二外显子A+T含量(55.5%);而BmKTb,BmKTb′的内含子A+T含量分别为75.8%和76.1%,与目前已报导的大多数蝎毒素基因A+T含量相似.BmKT′基因的外显子与BmKT基因cDNA所对应氨基酸序列仅在信号肽中-7位有一个氨基残基的差异(BmKT: Leu→BmKTa: Val);而BmKTa基因外显子所推断的氨基酸序列与BmKT前体比较,则在成熟肽的+54位发生了突变(BmKT: Lys→BmKTa: Asn),是与BmKT同源的一个新基因.BmKTb基因和BmKTb′基因所编码的前体肽与BmKT基因对应的前体肽同源性约为65%,显然BmKTb和BmKTb′是不同于BmKT的2个新基因(GenBank登录号: BmKT′, AY786186; BmKTa, AY676142; BmKTb, AY676140; BmKTb′, AY676141)  相似文献   
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