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四种重楼属植物光合作用特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species of Paris (Trilliaceae) have often been used as medicinal plants. Because of excessive exploitation,in this regard the wild resource of Paris is almost exhausted. Some species of Paris were transplanted for use in photosynthesis research and for conservation purposes. In the present study, light and CO2 photosynthetic response curves were investigated in four Paris taxa: P.polyphylla var. yunnanensis and var. alba, P.mairei, and P.marmorata. Our results showed that P.marmorata had the highest maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax; 8.6μmol·m-2·s-1), light saturation point (LSP; 827μmol·m-2·s-1), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax; 39.9mol·m-2·s-1), a relatively high maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax; 28.9μmol·m-2·s-1) and carbon dioxide saturation point (Cisat; 726μmol·mol-1), but a lower light compensation point (LCP; 6.23μmol·m-2·s-1) and the lowest carbon dioxide compensation point (Г*; 20.7μmol·mol-1). This suggests that P.marmorata is well adapted to light and CO2; however it has a low ability to acclimate to environmental stress as indicated by low water use efficiency (WUE) in high light conditions. P.polyphylla var. yunnanensis had the highest light compensation point (LCP; 10.1μmol·m-2·s-1), carbon dioxide compensation point (Г*; 35.3μmol·mol-1), carbon dioxide saturation point (Cisat; 727μmol·mol-1), relatively high maximum photosynthetic rate (Pmax; 7.5μmol·m-2·s-1) and light saturation point (LSP; 728μmol·m-2·s-1), maximum light saturated electron transfer rate (Jmax; 37.7μmol·m-2·s-1), suggesting that it is suitable for conditions of higher light and CO2 concentration. This taxon can adapt to adverse conditions, as suggested by high WUE under increased CO2 concentration. In contrast, P.polyphylla var. alba exhibited a relatively lower apparent quantum yield (AQY; 0.037μmol·mol-1) and poorer growth performance than the other taxa. We suggest from our results that different light and water conditions are suitable for the growth of the different taxa. Photosynthesis assimilation efficiency and production can be increased by raising humidity for P.polyphylla var. yunnanensis and P.marmorata. To protect plants of P.polyphylla var. alba from strong sunshine, they should be shaded from March to mid June.  相似文献   
三峡水库干流和库湾消落区植被物种动态分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三峡水库干流和库湾消落区的植被物种分布进行了本底调查,结果显示,目前水库消落区维管植物共有61科169属231种,以草本植物居多,其中一年生草本105种,多年生草本75种。与2001年三峡工程建成前的自然消落区维管植物(83科240属405种)相比,科减少了26.51%,属减少了29.58%,种减少了42.96%。从植被物种分布上来看,川江段和峡江段差异明显,人类活动对消落区植被物种分布存在较大影响,微地形的复杂程度和实验基地的设立能够对本土植被保护起到一定作用。  相似文献   
以哀牢山和玉龙雪山不同海拔森林生态系统为研究对象,利用各海拔的林内、外气温、相对湿度观测数据,比较分析了两地不同海拔林内、外小气候特征及其变化规律。结果表明,哀牢山、玉龙雪山各海拔的林内、外气温年变化趋势均呈倒U型,雨季(5—10月)高于干季(11—4月),林外气温高于林内。哀牢山各海拔森林对气温影响(林内外气温差)强于玉龙雪山。林内外气温差绝对值一般随海拔增加而增大。年尺度上,哀牢山林内气温低于林外,玉龙雪山除3540 m也低于林外,显示出两种山地森林具有一定的降温调节作用。哀牢山年林内气温随海拔高度递减比率(0.52℃·100 m-1)略大于林外(0.50℃·100m-1),均小于玉龙雪山(林内为0.55℃·100 m-1、林外为0.56℃·100 m-1)。哀牢山、玉龙雪山各海拔林内、外相对湿度年变化趋势也呈倒U型,雨季大于干季,林外低于林内。年尺度上,高海拔的相对湿度较大。总体上,哀牢山、玉龙雪山森林兼有调节气温和相对湿度的作用,哀牢山森林对降低气温的调节能力更强,玉龙雪山森林增湿调节能力更...  相似文献   
三峡水库消落区不同海拔高度的植物群落多样性差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘维暐  王杰  王勇  杨帆 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5454-5466
本文对三峡水库消落区不同海拔间植物多样性和植物群落结构差异进行了研究。从α多样性上来看,上部和中部消落区物种丰富度和均匀度差异不显著,下部消落区丰富度指数明显低于中上部。下部消落区植物种间相遇几率较大,植物种间相互依存性较强。从β多样性上来看,由上部到中部再到下部,随着海拔下降,水库消落区植物物种的替代性减少是均质的;不同地区间β多样性没有显著性差异,但不同海拔间差异显著。从群落结构及稳定性上来看,目前水库消落区植物群落结构稳定性中部<上部<下部,上部消落区水淹胁迫较小,植物物种多为竞争种(C-对策种),竞争力较强的杂草偏向形成优势群落;下部消落区水淹胁迫最强,植物物种多为耐胁迫种(S-对策种),能忍受高强度水淹环境的物种形成了植物群落;中部消落区,处于物种定居和水淹胁迫的双重压力下,竞争种和耐胁迫种间竞争明显,更偏向于形成共优群落,其群落稳定性较差。在目前情况下,消落区下部的植物群落组成比较单一,但是随着水库蓄水高程稳定在175 m,估计消落区上中部群落组成也会逐渐趋于单一化。  相似文献   
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