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用基因芯片技术研究高(H)、低(L)转移卵巢癌细胞株(HO-8910PM和HO-8910)和正常卵巢上皮(C)基因表达谱差异,筛选与卵巢癌转移相关的基因,并利用生物信息学方法对检测结果进行差异基因在染色体定位和功能分析。结果:高、低转移卵巢癌细胞株比较表达差异2倍以上共有409个基因,其中表达上调(信号比的对数值[SLR]≥1)有271个,表达下调(SLR≤-1)有138个。从表达差异的基因在染色体定位分析,发现除1个基因未知其定位外,其余所有差异表达基因散在分布于各条染色体上,但以1号染色体最多有43个(占10.7%)。其次是6号染色体有39个(占9.6%),第三是2号染色体有29个(占7.1%)。第四是17号染色体有28个(占6.9%)。第五是3号染色体有25个(占6.2%)。第6是5号和11号染色体各有24个(各占5.9%)。而差异表达的基因发生在染色体短臂(q)的有264个(占64.7%),在13,14,15,21和22号仅发现在q都有异常表达。从表达差异基因的分子功能分类看,属于酶和酶调控子基因为最多(104个,占25.4%),其次是信号传导基因(43个,占10.5%)。第3类是核酸结合基因(42个,占10.3%)。第4类是蛋白结合基因(34个,占8.3%)。以上4大类共占基因总数54.5%。还有功能未知的基因有76个,占18.6%。高、低转移卵巢癌细胞株差异表达基因散在分布在各条染色体上,但以1、6、2、17、3、5和11号染色体差异表达基因居多。肿瘤的转移是多基因共同作用的结果。4大类(酶和酶调控子、信号传导、核酸结合和蛋白结合)相关基因异常是我们今后研究卵巢癌转移的重要基因。 相似文献
利用cDNA芯片技术从含有2,952个克隆的杨树芯片中筛选出1,160个受杨盘二孢菌诱导的基因。功能分析表明,该1,160个基因分别属于11个功能类别,除了功能未知基因外,参与新陈代谢、防御反应、信号传导及转录调控的基因最多,这4大类基因约占基因总数的42%。1,160个差异表达基因中有926个基因被定位于19条染色体上,其中被定位于第Ⅱ条染色体上的差异基因最多,共102个(11.0%),其次是第Ⅰ条染色体,共93个(10%),被定位到第ⅩⅦ条染色体上的差异基因最少,仅有11个,基因在染色体上的分布则表现为在部分染色体的末端区域存在大量的聚集,在中间区段则相对较少和排列稀疏,基因的这种分布情况与植物抗病的关系有待进一步研究。 相似文献
目的:筛选参与宫颈癌发生、发展的关键基因,为临床诊疗提供新的靶点。方法:在NCBI-GEO数据库中筛选多组宫颈癌基因表达检测数据集,利用GEO2R分析工具筛选各组数据集的差异表达基因;应用R分析筛选不同数据集之间共有的差异表达基因;利用DAVID在线分析对差异表达基因进行功能聚类和通路分析;利用STRING分析差异表达基因编码蛋白之间的相互作用关系。结果:共选择6组表达数据集,筛选得到59个差异表达基因(宫颈癌组织vs正常组织),表达差异至少达2倍,其中包含50个表达上调基因及9个表达下调基因。这些差异表达基因参与细胞周期、DNA复制、细胞分裂等生物进程。蛋白互作分析表明,这些差异表达基因多数存在相互作用。结论:利用生物信息学方法对不同来源的基因检测数据进行整合分析,有助于更准确的筛选对宫颈癌发生、发展过程具有重要作用的关键基因,本文筛选的宫颈癌差异基因为进一步研究宫颈癌发生、发展的分子机制及临床诊疗提供思路。 相似文献
片段探针等为较好的基因原位杂交条件,通过135个细胞中期相的分析结果显示, 杂交阳
Abstract:The localization of sarcolectin gene on human chromosome is studied.A modified system of in situ hybridization was developed.A specific signal was generated by employing a nonradioactive DIG-labelled gene fragment as a probe in combination with the hybridization buffer containing no dextran sulphate and softly denatured chromosomes.Using this system,unique sequence for sarcolectin as small as 0.65kb was detectable and observed at 3q12-13.Of 135 metaphases examined,27(20%) had at least one grain deposited on 3q12-13,and the backgrand was 2.81. 相似文献
mRNA差异展示研究胃癌差异表达基因 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以胃癌细胞株GC7901与胃粘膜细胞株GES-1为对比材料,利用mRNA差异展示技术,研究胃粘膜至胃癌过程的差异表达基因,为建立胃癌预警系统打下基础.获得8个未知的与胃癌相关的cDNA,命名为GCYS-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,20,完成其克隆及序列分析,RNA印迹证实GCYS-1至7片段与GCYS-20基因在GC7901细胞株中呈高表达,在GES-1细胞株中呈低表达.此8个序列在GenBank数据库中登录,接受号为AF054162~AF056168及AF219140. 相似文献
研究表明, Hsa-miR-125b在人胃癌耐氟尿嘧啶细胞株BGC823/Fu中表达下降。为进一步探讨hsa-miR-125b在获得性耐药中所起的作用, 文章应用miRbase、靶基因预测软件、Gene Ontology数据库及KEGG数据库对hsa-miR-125b的序列特征、进化保守性、靶基因及功能以及靶基因所参与的信号通路等进行了深入的生物信息学分析。结果显示:has-miR-125b在多个物种之间具有高度序列保守性; 通过软件预测获得hsa-miR- 125b 靶基因79个, 其分子功能包括转录调节、蛋白质结合和肽酶类活性等(P<0.001), 其所参与的生物学过程主要有细胞周期、细胞增殖、细胞凋亡的正性或负性调控以及细胞因子刺激反应性、药物反应性、DNA损伤反应性等(P<0.001), 调控包括MAPK、Wnt、p53等多条信号转导通路(P<0.01)。上述结果表明hsa-miR-125b可能参与调控多个生物学过程和信号转导通路, 而其中细胞增殖、细胞凋亡、细胞周期等生物学过程以及MAPK、Wnt、p53等信号通路已被证实与肿瘤耐药的发生有关。因此, hsa-miR-125b可能通过调控上述环节中的靶基因来影响肿瘤细胞对药物的敏感性, 从而为hsa-miR-125b在肿瘤耐药中的作用机制提供新的研究线索。 相似文献
原位杂交技术 ( in situ hybridization,ISH)是基因定位的主要技术之一。近来 ,随着植物细胞染色体制片技术的发展 ,以及酶联放大检测系统的采用 ,在植物中已有低拷贝和单拷贝甚至小于 1 kb的 DNA序列定位的成功报道 [1 ,2 ]。染色体原位杂交技术不仅可以用于基因的物理作图 ,而且可以用来对转基因植物中的外源基因进行染色体定位 [3 5] 。研究表明 ,外源目的基因在转基因植物中的表达与整合位点有关 [6] 。因而 ,进行外源基因在转基因植物染色体上的定位以及研究外源基因的整合位点与表达之间的关系 ,对于开发和利用转基因植物具有重要… 相似文献
山梨糖脱氢酶基因在大肠杆菌染色体上整合及表达 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
ptsG基因上下游序列为引物,JM109s基因组DNA为模板进行PCR,扩增产物测序结果表明sdh基因染色体整合成功。 相似文献
Chuan-Ding YU Shen-Hua XU Hang-Zhou MOU Zhi-Ming JIANG Chi-Hong ZHU Xiang-Lin LIU 《Acta Genetica Sinica》2006,33(5):397-404
Using Affymetrix U133A oligonucleotide microarrays, screening was done for genes that were differentially expressed in gastric cancer (T) and normal gastric mucosa (C), and their chromosome location was characterized by bioinformatics. A total of 270 genes were found to have a difference in expression levels of more than eight times. Of them 157 were up-regulated (Signal Log Ratio [SLR]≥3), and 113 were down-regulated (SLR≤-3). Except for, four genes with unknown localization, a vast majority of the genes were sporadically distributed over every chromosome. However, chromosome 1 contained the most differentially expressed genes (26 genes, or 9.8%), followed by chromosomes 11 and 19 (both 24 genes, or 9.1%). These genes were also more likely to be on the short-arm of the chromosome (q), which had 173 (65%). When these genes were classified according to their functions, it was found that most (67 genes, 24.8%) belonged to the enzymes and their regulators groups. The next group was the signal transduction genes group (43 genes, 15.9%). The rest of the top three groups were nucleic acid binding genes (17, 6.3%), transporter genes (15, 5.5%), and protein binding genes (12, 4.4%). These made up 56.9% of all the differentially expressed genes. There were also 50 genes of unknown function (18.5%). Therefore it was concluded that differentially expressed genes in gastric cancer seemed to be sporadically distributed across the genome, but most were found on chromosomes 1, 11 and 19. The five groups associated genes abnormality were important genes for further study on gastric cancer. 相似文献
Hao Li Beiqin Yu Jianfang Li Liping Su Min Yan Jun Zhang Chen Li Zhenggang Zhu Bingya Liu 《PloS one》2015,10(4)
To explore the patterns of gene expression in gastric cancer, a total of 26 paired gastric cancer and noncancerous tissues from patients were enrolled for gene expression microarray analyses. Limma methods were applied to analyze the data, and genes were considered to be significantly differentially expressed if the False Discovery Rate (FDR) value was < 0.01, P-value was <0.01 and the fold change (FC) was >2. Subsequently, Gene Ontology (GO) categories were used to analyze the main functions of the differentially expressed genes. According to the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database, we found pathways significantly associated with the differential genes. Gene-Act network and co-expression network were built respectively based on the relationships among the genes, proteins and compounds in the database. 2371 mRNAs and 350 lncRNAs considered as significantly differentially expressed genes were selected for the further analysis. The GO categories, pathway analyses and the Gene-Act network showed a consistent result that up-regulated genes were responsible for tumorigenesis, migration, angiogenesis and microenvironment formation, while down-regulated genes were involved in metabolism. These results of this study provide some novel findings on coding RNAs, lncRNAs, pathways and the co-expression network in gastric cancer which will be useful to guide further investigation and target therapy for this disease. 相似文献
胃癌组织中肿瘤相关成纤维细胞(carcinoma associated fibroblasts, CAFs)是胃癌微环境的重要成分,主要来源于正常成纤维细胞(normal fibroblasts, NFs)的活化,对胃癌的发生发展有重要作用,但是两者之间的基因表达差异并不完全清楚。本研究选取从人胃癌组织中分离获得的CAFs及NFs 各3组,进行转录组学研究,筛选出3组细胞中交集且差异倍数较大的基因12个,用Omicsbean在线工具对差异基因进行Gene Ontology (GO)功能及KEGG通路富集,构建蛋白质相互作用调控网络;最后用RT-qPCR验证CAFs和NFs中差异基因的表达。结果显示,筛选出的12个差异表达基因主要参与NF-κB信号、炎症、细胞黏附、细胞表面受体和细胞因子等功能,上述功能均与肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。RT-qPCR检测发现,与NFs相比,CAFs中BCL2A1、NKX3-2、CXCL12、TNFAIP3、FOS、CDH4及CLDN1表达上调;ATF3、CYFIP2、CCL11、KLF2及GDF15基因表达下调,差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结果提示,胃癌CAFs与NFs中存在肿瘤相关的差异表达基因,这些差异基因可能在胃癌微环境中发挥重要作用。 相似文献
I-Hsuan Lin Dow-Tien Chen Yi-Feng Chang Yu-Ling Lee Chia-Hsin Su Ching Cheng Yi-Chien Tsai Swee-Chuan Ng Hsiao-Tan Chen Mei-Chen Lee Hong-Wei Chen Shih-Hui Suen Yu-Cheng Chen Tze-Tze Liu Chuan-Hsiung Chang Ming-Ta Hsu 《PloS one》2015,10(2)
Oncogenic transformation of normal cells often involves epigenetic alterations, including histone modification and DNA methylation. We conducted whole-genome bisulfite sequencing to determine the DNA methylomes of normal breast, fibroadenoma, invasive ductal carcinomas and MCF7. The emergence, disappearance, expansion and contraction of kilobase-sized hypomethylated regions (HMRs) and the hypomethylation of the megabase-sized partially methylated domains (PMDs) are the major forms of methylation changes observed in breast tumor samples. Hierarchical clustering of HMR revealed tumor-specific hypermethylated clusters and differential methylated enhancers specific to normal or breast cancer cell lines. Joint analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation data of normal breast and breast cancer cells identified differentially methylated and expressed genes associated with breast and/or ovarian cancers in cancer-specific HMR clusters. Furthermore, aberrant patterns of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) was found in breast cancer cell lines as well as breast tumor samples in the TCGA BRCA (breast invasive carcinoma) dataset. They were characterized with differentially hypermethylated XIST promoter, reduced expression of XIST, and over-expression of hypomethylated X-linked genes. High expressions of these genes were significantly associated with lower survival rates in breast cancer patients. Comprehensive analysis of the normal and breast tumor methylomes suggests selective targeting of DNA methylation changes during breast cancer progression. The weak causal relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression observed in this study is evident of more complex role of DNA methylation in the regulation of gene expression in human epigenetics that deserves further investigation. 相似文献
Ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia cleft lip/palate (EEC) syndrome and limb-mammary syndrome (LMS) share a similar phenotype and the same pathogenic gene, which complicates the ability to distinguish between these diagnoses. The current study aims to identify a potential and practical clinical biomarker to distinguish EEC from LMS.Methods
Two EEC pedigrees and one LMS pedigree that have been previously reported were reanalyzed. After confirmation of the causative mutations for these new patients, whole-genome expression microarray analysis was performed to assess the molecular genetic changes in these families.Results
Five new patients with classic symptoms were reported, and these individuals exhibited the same mutation as their relatives (c.812 G>C; c.611G>A; and c.680G>A). According to the whole genome expression results, the EEC patients exhibited different gene expression characteristics compared with the LMS patients. More than 5,000 genes were differentially expressed (changes >2 or <0.5-fold) among the EEC patients, LMS patients and healthy individuals. The top three altered pathways have been implicated in apoptosis, the hematopoietic cell lineage and the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway.Conclusion
Our results provide additional clinical and molecular information regarding EEC and LMS and suggest that peripheral blood cytokines may represent a promising clinical biomarker for the diagnosis of these syndromes. 相似文献17.
Samuel Sunghwan Cho Yongkang Kim Joon Yoon Minseok Seo Su-kyung Shin Eun-Young Kwon Sung-Eun Kim Yun-Jung Bae Seungyeoun Lee Mi-Kyung Sung Myung-Sook Choi Taesung Park 《PloS one》2016,11(3)
Over the last decade, many analytical methods and tools have been developed for microarray data. The detection of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among different treatment groups is often a primary purpose of microarray data analysis. In addition, association studies investigating the relationship between genes and a phenotype of interest such as survival time are also popular in microarray data analysis. Phenotype association analysis provides a list of phenotype-associated genes (PAGs). However, it is sometimes necessary to identify genes that are both DEGs and PAGs. We consider the joint identification of DEGs and PAGs in microarray data analyses. The first approach we used was a naïve approach that detects DEGs and PAGs separately and then identifies the genes in an intersection of the list of PAGs and DEGs. The second approach we considered was a hierarchical approach that detects DEGs first and then chooses PAGs from among the DEGs or vice versa. In this study, we propose a new model-based approach for the joint identification of DEGs and PAGs. Unlike the previous two-step approaches, the proposed method identifies genes simultaneously that are DEGs and PAGs. This method uses standard regression models but adopts different null hypothesis from ordinary regression models, which allows us to perform joint identification in one-step. The proposed model-based methods were evaluated using experimental data and simulation studies. The proposed methods were used to analyze a microarray experiment in which the main interest lies in detecting genes that are both DEGs and PAGs, where DEGs are identified between two diet groups and PAGs are associated with four phenotypes reflecting the expression of leptin, adiponectin, insulin-like growth factor 1, and insulin. Model-based approaches provided a larger number of genes, which are both DEGs and PAGs, than other methods. Simulation studies showed that they have more power than other methods. Through analysis of data from experimental microarrays and simulation studies, the proposed model-based approach was shown to provide a more powerful result than the naïve approach and the hierarchical approach. Since our approach is model-based, it is very flexible and can easily handle different types of covariates. 相似文献
为了研究胃癌细胞中幽门螺杆菌(Hp)毒素蛋白CagA诱导的蛋白差异表达及其基因在人胃癌组织中的表达,用Hp感染胃癌细胞系SGC 7901和AGS及用含CagA基因的表达载体稳定转染SGC 7901细胞, 构建3组实验模型.提取各组细胞的总蛋白进行双向凝胶电泳,筛选3组重叠的差异表达蛋白质斑点进行质谱鉴定.共获得135个差异表达的蛋白质,其中上调蛋白质73个,下调蛋白质62个. 鉴定出10个差异表达蛋白质, 其中有6个差异表达蛋白是首次发现,它们主要参与细胞的能量代谢和信号转导等.最后定量检测了这10个差异表达蛋白基因在人胃癌组织中的表达, 发现有4个基因高表达和1个基因低表达. 本结果将为研究幽门螺杆菌感染引起胃癌的分子机制提供新的线索. 相似文献
Dogus Murat Altintas Nathalie Allioli Myriam Decaussin Simon de Bernard Alain Ruffion Jacques Samarut Virginie Vlaeminck-Guillem 《PloS one》2013,8(6)