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本文记述了中国角蝉科耳角蝉属1新种——未来耳角蝉Maurya dreamonia,sp.nov.模式标本保存于四川大学生命科学学院动物标本馆。
未来耳角蝉Maurya dreamonia Zeng,新种
体中型,体长6.5mm,褐色,肩角间宽2.5mm,上肩角间宽3.2mm。近似于脊顶耳角蝉M.verticicarinalis Yuan,1988和瘤耳角蝉Mparadoxa(Lethierry,1876),新种最显著特征在于上肩角发达,无弯曲,直伸向外上方:后突起中部更为拱起。与脊顶耳角蝉相比,新种前翅翅脉还具有小瘤结颗粒。
正模:♀,四川卧龙自然保护区(1980m),2004-Ⅶ-06,曾昱采。 相似文献
中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫区系分析(半翅目:蜡蝉总科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫的区系结构及起源特性,本文对中国已知瓢蜡蝉科昆虫3族45属187种进行区系分析,结果表明:中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫在世界动物地理区划中计3式区系型;东洋界区系型呈现主导优势,计179种,占总数95.72%;中国动物地理区划中计14式区系型,其中华南区系型所占比重最大,计121种,占总数64.71%;华南区成为现生中国瓢蜡蝉的集中与分化中心,并与华中区的联系最强;中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫具有较强的北方起源性,这与大陆漂移和板块运动密切相关,且燕山运动等地质事件造就了该类昆虫属种水平的分异与演化;该科族级水平演化关系为:瓢蜡蝉族Issini Spinola,1839最为原始,铲头瓢蜡蝉族Parahiraciini ChengYang,1991次之,球瓢蜡蝉族Hemisphaeriini Melichar,1906最为进化;通过聚类分析,中国瓢蜡蝉科昆虫区系可分成3个区:即A区(东北区+华北区+蒙新区)、B区(华南区+华中区+西南区)和C区(青藏区),这可能与中国动物地理区划复杂的地理环境以及瓢蜡蝉自身飞行能力较差等原因相关。 相似文献
蜡蝉总科隶属于半翅目头喙亚目,大致可分为18~21个科。中国记载16科。蜡蝉总科的科级系统发育关系一直存在着广泛争议,至今尚无一个为大多数学者所接受的分类系统。因此,研究蜡蝉总科的系统发育具有重要的理论价值。本文从种及种下阶元的分类鉴定、种上阶元的系统发育、生物地理学等方面对蜡蝉总科的分类研究进行综述。 相似文献
最近作者在检查浙江天目山土壤动物调查所得的半翅目昆虫标本时发现3新种,分属于网蝽科、扁蝽科和长蝽科。现记述如下。模式标本除文中注明者外,其余全部存放于中国科学院上海昆虫研究所。 相似文献
【目的】为了明晰蝉科昆虫的精子形态及其在分类和系统发育分析方面的意义,本研究对蝉亚科的蒙古寒蝉Meimuna mongolica、黑蚱蝉Cryptotympana atrata、蛉蛄Pycna repanda及姬蝉亚科的蟋蝉Tettigetta sp.的精子进行了比较研究。【方法】分别通过光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜,观察这4种蝉科昆虫的精子形态特征。【结果】蒙古寒蝉、黑蚱蝉、蛉蛄和蟋蝉这4种蝉科昆虫精子形态基本相似,但精子长度在种内和种间都有明显不同,均表现出多态性。根据精子长度,蛉蛄精子可被分为长精子、中长精子和短精子3种类型;蒙古寒蝉、黑蚱蝉和蟋蝉的精子被分为长精子和短精子2种类型。4种蝉的精子结构也基本相似,头部包含顶体和细胞核,颈区由中心粒和中心粒侧体组成,尾部一般由一根轴丝和一对线粒体衍生物组成,轴丝微管为9+9+2模式。但蝉亚科3个物种的部分精子具有多个线粒体衍生物;首次在蛉蛄精子尾部发现一个电子致密的三角形区域,该结构在蝉科其他昆虫精子中未曾发现。蝉科不同类群的精子中心粒侧体存在显著差异,姬蝉亚科的蟋蝉精子中心粒侧体为片层状结构,蝉亚科昆虫则为鞘状结构。【结论】与蝉次目的角蝉总科和沫蝉总科昆虫精子相比,仅蝉科昆虫的精子表现出多态性,是该科的特有衍征。精子尾部可具多个线粒体衍生物的现象在蝉亚科物种中是否普遍存在有待进一步研究。蝉科不同类群在精子形态方面的差异,为蝉科昆虫分类及蝉次目系统发育分析提供了重要信息。 相似文献
记述半翅目角蝉科结角蝉属1新种:双峰结角蝉Antialcidas binodulus Caiel Xu,sp.nov.,标本产自广西罗城。模式标本保存在苏州大学农业科学与技术学院园艺系。 相似文献
本文记述在我国发现的网蝽科8个新种,其中网蝽亚科Tinginae有7个新种,长头网蝽亚科Cantacaderinae有一个新种。文中所用长度单位为毫米。模式标本均保存在南开大学。 相似文献
《International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embryology》1999,28(3):179-193
The middle segment of the Malpighian tubules (MT), specialized for secretion of proteins and lipids, was investigated by transmission electron microscopy in nymphs and adults of nine cicadellid species (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae). In addition, the external cuticle coated with secretory products of the MT was studied by scanning electron microscopy. The ultimate secretory product found in adult cicadellids, both in the MT and on the cuticle, were intricately structured particles known as brochosomes (BS). These showed significant differences in size, shape and internal structure among species studied. Common features of all BS were a bounding outer membrane and regular cell-like depressions on the surface. Nascent BS develop in numerous Golgi regions as secretory vesicles individually enclosed in larger vacuoles. Definitive structure of BS is acquired during the peculiar post-Golgian maturation. Two basic patterns of the secretion in the MT during ontogenesis were recognized. In Cicadella viridis (L.), Bathysmatophorus reuteri J. Shlb., Graphocraerus ventralis (Fall.) and Doratura impudica Horv. BS are produced and applied onto the cuticle in both adults and nymphs. In contrast, in young nymphs of Vilbasteana oculata (Ldb.), Populicerus nitidissimus (H.-S.), Oncopsis flavicollis (L.) and Ulopa reticulata (F.) the MT are involved in production of various secretions other than BS. The secretory cells in these species undergo a change switching to BS production in the last nymphal instar, so that the BS are applied onto the cuticle for the first time only in freshly molted adults. The secretory patterns differ among subfamilies. The observed diversity of products suggests that the protective water- or feces-repellent function proposed for BS cannot completely explain the adaptive significance of the secretory specialization of the MT in cicadellids. 相似文献
A parsimony‐based phylogenetic analysis of eighty‐three morphological characters of adults and immatures of seventy representatives of the tribes and subfamilies of Membracidae and two outgroup taxa was conducted to evaluate the status and relationships of these taxa. Centrotinae apparently gave rise to Nessorhinini and Oxyrhachini (both formerly treated as subfamilies, now syn.n. and syn.reinst., respectively, of Centrotinae). In contrast to previous analyses, a clade comprising Nicomiinae, Centronodinae, Centrodontinae, and the unplaced genera Holdgatiella Evans, Euwalkeria Goding and Antillotolania Ramos was recovered, but relationships within this clade were not well resolved. Nodonica bispinigera, gen.n. and sp.n., is described and placed in Centrodontini based on its sister‐group relationship to a clade comprising previously described genera of this tribe. Membracinae and Heteronotinae were consistently monophyletic. Neither Darninae nor Smiliinae, as previously defined, was monophyletic on the maximally parsimonious cladograms, but constraining both as monophyletic groups required only one additional step. The monophyly of Stegaspidinae, including Deiroderes Ramos (unplaced in Membracidae), was supported on some but not all equally parsimonious cladograms. More detailed analyses of individual subfamilies, as well as morphological data on the undescribed immatures of several membracid tribes and genera, will be needed to elucidate relationships among tribes and genera. A key to the subfamilies and tribes is provided. 相似文献
Molecular phylogeny of Cicadomorpha (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadoidea, Cercopoidea and Membracoidea): adding evidence to the controversy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jason R. Cryan 《Systematic Entomology》2005,30(4):563-574
Abstract. The hemipteran infraorder Cicadomorpha comprises the superfamilies Cicadoidea (cicadas), Cercopoidea (spittlebugs or froghoppers) and Membracoidea (leafhoppers and treehoppers). Earlier attempts to determine relationships among these three monophyletic lineages using either morphological or molecular data suffered from insufficient sampling (taxonomic and data) and problematic tree rooting, leading to discordant results. Presented here are phylogenetic reconstructions within Cicadomorpha based on DNA nucleotide sequence data from multiple genetic markers (18S rDNA, 28S rDNA, and histone 3) sequenced from representative taxa of Cicadidae, Tettigarctidae, Cercopidae, Aphrophoridae, Clastopteridae, Machaerotidae, Epipygidae, Cicadellidae, Membracidae, Myerslopiidae and Aetalionidae. To test the robustness of the phylogenetic signal, these sequence data were analysed separately and in combination under various alignment parameters using both manual alignment (of both attenuated and full sequences) and alignment via clustal x . The results demonstrate clearly that, despite the alignment method used, basing a phylogeny on a single gene region is often misleading. Analyses of the combination of datasets support the major relationships within Cicadomorpha as (Membracoidea (Cicadoidea, Cercopoidea)). Internal relationships recovered within each superfamily shows evidence for: (1) the placement of Myerslopiidae as the sister group of the remaining Membracoidea; (2) the paraphyly of Cicadellidae; (3) the sister-group relationship between Machaerotidae and Clastopteridae; (4) the monophyly of Cercopidae; (5) the diversification of Epipygidae from within the possibly paraphyletic Aphrophoridae. 相似文献
Treehopper trees: phylogeny of Membracidae (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Membracoidea) based on molecules and morphology 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jason R. Cryan Brian M. Wiegmann Lewis L. Deitz Christopher H. Dietrich Michael F. Whiting 《Systematic Entomology》2004,29(4):441-454
Abstract. Recent independent phylogenetic analyses of membracid relationships based on molecular and morphological data have identified monophyletic lineages within the family. However, the results of these studies have not fully resolved treehopper phylogeny, and relationships among some higher membracid lineages remain in doubt. Portions of three datasets (958 aligned nucleotides from elongation factor‐1α, 2363 aligned nucleotides from 28S ribosomal DNA, and eighty‐three morphological features of adults and nymphs) introduced in recent studies were reanalysed separately and in combination with two new molecular datasets (321 aligned nucleotides from wingless and 1829 aligned nucleotides from 18S ribosomal DNA). The results of the combined data analyses, contrary to previous analyses of morphological data alone, grouped membracids into two well‐supported lineages, one comprising Stegaspidinae and Centrotinae, the other comprising Membracinae, Darninae and Smiliinae. The analyses recovered Centrotinae, Membracinae and Darninae as monophyletic groups, but Stegaspidinae was paraphyletic with respect to Centrotinae, and Smiliinae was polyphyletic with Micrutalini placed as a sister group to the clade comprising Membracinae, Darninae and Smiliinae. These results are consistent with the following hypotheses, proposed previously based on an analysis of morphological data: (1) the posterior pronotal process was derived and lost multiple times during the evolution of Membracidae; (2) Membracidae originated in the New World and reached the Old World subsequently via dispersal; (3) maternal care evolved independently multiple times and may or may not have been preceded by the acquisition of ant mutualism. 相似文献
Allen F. SANBORN 《昆虫学报》2006,49(5):829-834
描述了1936年6月采自陕西省的蝉科两新种: Neotanna shensiensis sp.n. 和 Terpnosia. shaanxiensis sp.n.。正模标本保存在北卡罗来纳州立大学昆虫标本馆(NCSU); 副模保存在作者处。 相似文献
Phylogeny of the major lineages of Membracoidea (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha) based on 28S rDNA sequences 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Analysis of sequences from a 3.5-kb region of the nuclear ribosomal 28S DNA gene spanning divergent domains D2-D10 supports the hypothesis, based on fossil, biogeographic, and behavioral evidence, that treehoppers (Aetalionidae and Membracidae) are derived from leafhoppers (Cicadellidae). Maximum-parsimony analysis indicated that treehoppers are the sister group of a lineage comprising the currently recognized cicadellid subfamilies Agalliinae, Megophthalminae, Adelungiinae, and Ulopinae. Based on this phylogenetic estimate, the derivation of treehoppers approximately coincided with shifts in physiology and behavior, including loss of brochosome production and a reversal from active, jumping nymphs to sessile, nonjumping nymphs. Myerslopiidae, traditionally placed as a tribe of the cicadellid subfamily Ulopinae, represented a basal lineage distinct from other extant membracoids. The analysis recovered a large leafhopper lineage comprising a polyphyletic Deltocephalinae (sensu stricto) and its apparent derivatives Koebeliinae, Eupelicinae (polyphyletic), Selenocephalinae, and Penthimiinae. Clades comprising Macropsinae, Neocoelidiinae, Scarinae, Iassinae, Coelidiinae, Eurymelinae + Idiocerinae, Evacanthini + Pagaroniini, Aphrodinae + Ledrinae (in part), Stenocotini + Tartessinae, and Cicadellini + Proconiini were also recovered with moderate to high branch support. Cicadellinae (sensu lato), Ledrinae, Typhlocybinae, and Xestocephalinae were consistently polyphyletic on the most-parsimonious topologies, but constraining these groups to be monophyletic did not significantly increase the length of the cladograms. Relationships among the major lineages received low branch support, suggesting that more data are needed to provide a robust phylogenetic estimate. 相似文献
Micha Kobiaka Anna Michalik Dariusz wierczewski Teresa Szklarzewicz 《Protoplasma》2020,257(3):819-831
The aim of the conducted study was to describe the symbiotic systems (the types of symbionts, distribution in the body of the host insect, the transovarial transmission between generations) of two treehoppers: Centrotus cornutus and Gargara genistae by means of microscopic and molecular techniques. We found that each of them is host to four species of bacteriome-inhabiting symbionts. In C. cornutus, ancestral bacterial symbionts Sulcia and Nasuia are accompanied by an additional symbiont—the bacterium Arsenophonus. In the bacteriomes of G. genistae, apart from Sulcia and Nasuia, bacterium Serratia is present. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding the occurrence of Serratia as a symbiont in Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha. Bacteria Sulcia and Nasuia are harbored in their own bacteriocytes, whereas Arsenophonus and Serratia both inhabit their own bacteriocytes and also co-reside with bacteria Nasuia. We observed that both bacteria Arsenophonus and Serratia undergo autophagic degradation. We found that in both of the species examined, in the cytoplasm and nuclei of all of the cells of the bacteriome, bacteria Rickettsia are present. Our histological and ultrastructural observations revealed that all the bacteriome-associated symbionts of C. cornutus and G. genistae are transovarially transmitted from mother to offspring. 相似文献
Isabel Rodrigues Paula Baptista José Alberto Pereira 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》2023,25(4):571-583
- The infraorder Cicadomorpha is a diverse group comprising several species considered important pests of economic crops and species that may act as vectors of plant pathogens. In Europe, the gram-negative bacterium Xylella fastidiosa is one of the most important and severe insect-borne plant pathogens associated with the infraorder Cicadomorpha.
- Therefore, the knowledge of the abundance and diversity of native Cicadomorpha insect vectors related to the different agroecosystems is essential to design and implementing specific measures to control insect-borne plant pathogens.
- In this work, in two consecutive years (2018 and 2019), five almond orchards, five vineyards, five olive orchards, and five scrublands distributed in the North of Portugal were sampled in three different periods (early summer, summer and autumn) to investigate species composition, richness, and diversity of the Cicadomorpha community. Also, in 2019, five lemon orchards were sampled.
- A total of 6056 individuals were collected (2322 in 2018 and 3734 in 2019), belonging to 71 species of three families. Observing several considered pests or vectors of vicious pathogens within these species was possible. The confirmed vectors of X. fastidiosa (Philaenus spumarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and Neophilaenus campestris (Fallen, 1805)) were captured in all agroecosystems and, in general, with more abundance in autumn. The highest abundance, richness, and diversity of Cicadomorpha were observed in vineyards. However, these parameters (abundance, richness and diversity) significantly differed between the agroecosystem and sampling period.
- Further research on how the composition of the vegetation cover shapes the Cicadomorpha community is essential to implement strategies to reduce the spread of insect-borne pathogens if they are introduced into agroecosystems.
The infraorder Cicadomorpha is a monophyletic group of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, and is composed of three superfamilies: Cercopoidea (spittle bugs), Cicadoidea (cicadas) and Membracoidea (leafhoppers and treehoppers). Phylogenetic relationships among the superfamilies have been highly controversial morphologically and molecularly, but recent molecular phylogenetic analyses provided support for Cercopoidea + Cicadoidea. In this study, we examined morphology of the wing base structure in Cicadomorpha and tested the previous phylogenetic hypotheses using the characters selected from the wing base. As a result, a sister‐group relationship between Cicadoidea and Cercopoidea was supported by three synapomorphies (presence of a projection posterior to the anterior notal wing process, presence of a novel notal process anterior to the posterior notal wing process, presence of a novel sclerite between the distal median plate and the base of anal vein). The present study provides the first unambiguous and prominent morphological support for Cicadoidea + Cercopoidea. 相似文献