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Carotid body glomus cells sense hypoxia through the inhibition of plasmalemmal K(+) channels, which leads to Ca(2+) influx and transmitter release. Although the mechanism of O(2) sensing remains enigmatic, it does not seem to depend on cellular redox status or inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport. Hypoxia inducible factors appear to be necessary for the expression of the O(2) sensor and carotid body remodeling in chronic hypoxia, but are not directly involved in acute O(2) sensing. Glomus cells are also rapidly activated by reductions of glucose concentration due to inhibition of K(+) channels. These cells function as combined O(2) and glucose sensors that help to prevent neuronal damage by acute hypoxia and/or hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

O(2) sensing is of critical importance for cell survival and adaptation of living organisms to changing environments or physiological conditions. O(2)-sensitive ion channels are major effectors of the cellular responses to hypoxia. These channels are preferentially found in excitable neurosecretory cells (glomus cells of the carotid body, cells in the neuroepithelial bodies of the lung, and neonatal adrenal chromaffin cells), which mediate fast cardiorespiratory adjustments to hypoxia. O(2)-sensitive channels are also expressed in the pulmonary and systemic arterial smooth muscle cells where they participate in the vasomotor responses to low O(2) tension (particularly in hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction). The mechanisms underlying O(2) sensing and how the O(2) sensors interact with the ion channels remain unknown. Recent advances in the field give different support to the various current hypotheses. Besides the participation of ion channels in acute O(2) sensing, they also contribute to the gene program developed under chronic hypoxia. Gene expression of T-type calcium channels is upregulated by hypoxia through the same hypoxia-inducible factor-dependent signaling pathway utilized by the classical O(2)-regulated genes. Alteration of acute or chronic O(2) sensing by ion channels could participate in the pathophysiology of human diseases, such as sudden infant death syndrome or primary pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

The effects of pH of the external medium on amplitude of currents through single sodium channels at the membrane of cultured neuroblastoma cells were investigated in mice belonging to strain C 1300, clone N18A-1. Currents through single sodium channels in isolated membrane segments (outside-out configuration) were registered with normal (7.2) and reduced (5.4) pH levels in the external medium. Reducing the pH to 5.4 was found to decrease current amplitude reversibly by about twofold (–10 to –30 mV for test potentials). Findings would confirm that the depression of macroscopic sodium currents produced by reducing the pH of the extracellular solution is due to a decline in ionic flow through single open sodium channels.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 101–105, January–February, 1989.  相似文献   

Acid sensing ion channels (ASICs), Ca2+ and voltage-activated potassium channels (BK) are widely present throughout the central nervous system. Previous studies have shown that when expressed together in heterologous cells, ASICs inhibit BK channels, and this inhibition is relieved by acidic extracellular pH. We hypothesized that ASIC and BK channels might interact in neurons, and that ASICs may regulate BK channel activity. We found that ASICs inhibited BK currents in cultured wild-type cortical neurons, but not in ASIC1a/2/3 triple knockout neurons. The inhibition in the wild-type was partially relieved by a drop in extracellular pH to 6. To test the consequences of ASIC-BK interaction for neuronal excitability, we compared action potential firing in cultured cortical neurons from wild-type and ASIC1a/2/3 null mice. We found that in the knockout, action potentials were narrow and exhibited increased after-hyperpolarization. Moreover, the excitability of these neurons was significantly increased. These findings are consistent with increased BK channel activity in the neurons from ASIC1a/2/3 null mice. Our data suggest that ASICs can act as endogenous pH-dependent inhibitors of BK channels, and thereby can reduce neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Trapping single ions inside single ion channels.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Single Ca++-activated K+ channels from rat muscle plasma membranes are inhibited by Ba++. A single Ba++ entering the channel's conduction pore induces a long-lived blocked state. This study employs Ba++ as a probe of the channel's conduction pathway to show that the channel can be forced to close with a single Ba++ ion inside the pore. A Ba++ ion inside the closed channel is trapped and cannot escape until the channel opens. The results demonstrate that in the channel's closed state, the cytoplasmic side of the conduction pore is obstructed to the passage of ions.  相似文献   

Bioelectrical signals generated by ion channels play crucial roles in excitation genesis and impulse conduction in excitable cells as well as in cell proliferation,migration and apoptosis in proliferative cells.Recent studies have demonstrated that multiple ion channels are heterogeneously present in different stem cells;however,patterns and phenotypes of ion channels are species-and/or origin-dependent.This editorial review focuses on the recent findings related to the expression of functional ion channels and the roles of these channels in regulation of cell proliferation in stem cells.Additional effort is required in the future to clarify the ion channel expression in different types of stem cells;special attention should be paid to the relationship between ion channels and stem cell proliferation,migration and differentiation.  相似文献   

An account is presented of how the molecular basis of synaptic transmission at peripheral and central synapses is elucidated by combining patch clamp and recombinant DNA techniques.Nobel lecture given on December 9, 1991, by Dr B. Sakmann and published inLes Prix Nobel 1991, Printed by Norstedts Tryckeri, Stockholm, Sweden, 1992, republished here with the permission of the Nobel Foundation, the copyright holder.  相似文献   

Acid‐sensing ion channels (ASICs) are voltage‐insensitive cation channels responding to extracellular acidification. ASIC proteins have two transmembrane domains and a large extracellular domain. The molecular topology of ASICs is similar to that of the mechanosensory abnormality 4‐ or 10‐proteins expressed in touch receptor neurons and involved in neurosensory mechanotransduction in nematodes. The ASIC proteins are involved in neurosensory mechanotransduction in mammals. The ASIC isoforms are expressed in Merkel cell–neurite complexes, periodontal Ruffini endings and specialized nerve terminals of skin and muscle spindles, so they might participate in mechanosensation. In knockout mouse models, lacking an ASIC isoform produces defects in neurosensory mechanotransduction of tissue such as skin, stomach, colon, aortic arch, venoatrial junction and cochlea. The ASICs are thus implicated in touch, pain, digestive function, baroreception, blood volume control and hearing. However, the role of ASICs in mechanotransduction is still controversial, because we lack evidence that the channels are mechanically sensitive when expressed in heterologous cells. Thus, ASIC channels alone are not sufficient to reconstruct the path of transducing molecules of mechanically activated channels. The mechanotransducers associated with ASICs need further elucidation. In this review, we discuss the expression of ASICs in sensory afferents of mechanoreceptors, findings of knockout studies, technical issues concerning studies of neurosensory mechanotransduction and possible missing links. Also we propose a molecular model and a new approach to disclose the molecular mechanism underlying the neurosensory mechanotransduction.  相似文献   

Using the patch-voltage-clamp method it was shown that oscillations of an open channel are fast current transitions between 64 multiple sublevels. Average values of elementary conductance step (gamma) and substate lifetime (tau el) were determined for different kinds of ionic channels. The values of gamma lie in the range from 1.5 to 6 pS, and tau el--in the range from 0.15 to 0.5 ms. The channel transitions between the substates are highly cooperative processes. The data are regarded in terms of the hypothesis about clustery organization of ionic channels.  相似文献   

Using the patch-voltage-clamp method kinetics of the fast potential-dependent K+-channels in molluscan neurones was investigated. It was found that under given experimental conditions the amplitudes of single current impulses have a wide spectrum. The amplitudes are proportional to a number of the current substates involved. Averaged fronts of the current impulses are S-shaped, and have duration greater than 1 ms. Averaged duration of the current impulses increases (from 0.25 to 30-40 ms) with the impulse amplitude (or with the number of the substates involved). There is a sharp bend of the dependence at the impulse amplitude 0.6-0.7 of maximal value. The phenomena investigated reflect, probably, cooperativity of the channel transitions between the substates. The degree of the cooperativity depends on the membrane potential value.  相似文献   

On the stochastic properties of single ion channels   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
It is desirable to be able to predict, from a specified mechanism, the appearance of currents that flow through single ion channels (a) to enable interpretation of experiments in which single channel currents are observed, and (b) to allow physical meaning to be attached to the results observed in kinetic (noise and relaxation) experiments in which the aggregate of many single channel currents is observed. With this object, distributions (and the means) are derived for the length of the sojourn in any specified subset of states (e.g. all shut states). In general these are found to depend not only on the state in which the sojourn starts, but also on the state that immediately follows the sojourn. The methods described allow derivation of the distribution of, for example, (a) the number of openings, and total length of the burst of openings, that may occur during a single occupancy, and (b) the apparent gap between such bursts. The methods are illustrated by their application to two simple theories of agonist action. The Castillo-Katz (non-cooperative) mechanism predicts, for example, that the number of openings per occupancy, and the apparent burst length, are independent of agonist concentration whereas a simple cooperative mechanism predicts that both will increase with agonist concentration.  相似文献   

Stretch-activated ion channels in cultured mesangial cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane stretch, delivered by negative pressures in cell-attached patch pipettes, activated single-channel ionic currents in cultured mesangial cells. Channel opening probabilities were directly related to degree of suction, with threshold for activation being 5-10 mm Hg. The stretch-activated channels were permeable to Na+, K+, as well as Cl-, having conductances averaging 62 +/- 17 pS. These channels may represent a cellular mechano-reflex in mesangial cells.  相似文献   

Oxygen sensing by HIF hydroxylases   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels play critical roles in cell signaling by coupling various environmental factors to changes in membrane potential that modulate calcium influx. TRP channels are typically activated in a polymodal manner, thus integrating multiple stimuli. Although much progress has been made, the underlying mechanisms of TRP channel activation are largely unknown. The TRPM8 cation channel has been extensively investigated as a major neuronal cold sensor but is also activated by voltage, calcium store depletion, and some lipids as well as by compounds that produce cooling sensations, such as menthol or icilin. Several models of TRPM8 activation have been proposed to explain the interaction between these diverse stimuli. However, a kinetic scheme is not yet available that can describe the detailed single-channel kinetics to gain further insight into the underlying gating mechanism. To work toward this goal, we investigated voltage-dependent single-channel gating in cell-attached patches at two different temperatures (20 and 30 °C) using HEK293 cells stably expressing TRPM8. Both membrane depolarization and cooling increased channel open probability (P(o)) mainly by decreasing the duration of closed intervals, with a smaller increase in the duration of open intervals. Maximum likelihood analysis of dwell times at both temperatures indicated gating in a minimum of five closed and two open states, and global fitting over a wide range of voltages identified a seven-state model that described the voltage dependence of P(o), the single-channel kinetics, and the response of whole-cell currents to voltage ramps and steps. The major action of depolarization and cooling was to accelerate forward transitions between the same two sets of adjacent closed states. The seven-state model provides a general mechanism to account for TRPM8 activation by membrane depolarization at two temperatures and can serve as a starting point for further investigations of multimodal TRP activation.  相似文献   

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