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Pex8p: an intraperoxisomal organizer of the peroxisomal import machinery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peroxisomes transport folded and oligomeric proteins across their membrane. Two cytosolic import receptors, Pex5p and Pex7p, along with approximately 12 membrane-bound peroxins participate in this process. While interactions among individual peroxins have been described, their organization into functional units has remained elusive. We have purified and defined two core complexes of the peroxisomal import machinery: the docking complex comprising Pex14p and Pex17p, with the loosely associated Pex13p, and the RING finger complex containing Pex2p, Pex10p, and Pex12p. Association of both complexes into a larger import complex requires Pex8p, an intraperoxisomal protein. We conclude that Pex8p organizes the formation of the larger import complex from the trans side of the peroxisomal membrane and thus might enable functional communication between both sides of the membrane.  相似文献   

The majority of peroxisomal matrix proteins are recognized by the import receptor Pex5p. The receptor is dynamic in terms of its overall architecture and association with the peroxisomal membrane. It participates in different protein complexes during the translocation of cargos from the cytosol to the peroxisomal matrix. Its sequence comprises two structurally and functionally autonomous parts. The N-terminal segment interacts with several peroxins that assemble into distinct protein complexes during cargo translocation. Despite evidence for alpha-helical binding motifs for some of these components (Pex13p, Pex14p) its overall appearance is that of a molten globule and folding/unfolding transitions may play a critical role in its function. In contrast, most of the C-terminal part of the receptor folds into a ring-like alpha-helical structure and binds folded and functionally intact peroxisomal targets that bear a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal type-1. Some of these targets also bind to secondary binding sites of the receptor.  相似文献   

Pex13p is the putative docking protein for peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1)-dependent protein import into peroxisomes. Pex14p interacts with both the PTS1- and PTS2-receptor and may represent the point of convergence of the PTS1- and PTS2-dependent protein import pathways. We report the involvement of Pex13p in peroxisomal import of PTS2-containing proteins. Like Pex14p, Pex13p not only interacts with the PTS1-receptor Pex5p, but also with the PTS2-receptor Pex7p; however, this association may be direct or indirect. In support of distinct peroxisomal binding sites for Pex7p, the Pex7p/Pex13p and Pex7p/ Pex14p complexes can form independently. Genetic evidence for the interaction of Pex7p and Pex13p is provided by the observation that overexpression of Pex13p suppresses a loss of function mutant of Pex7p. Accordingly, we conclude that Pex7p and Pex13p functionally interact during PTS2-dependent protein import into peroxisomes. NH2-terminal regions of Pex13p are required for its interaction with the PTS2-receptor while the COOH-terminal SH3 domain alone is sufficient to mediate its interaction with the PTS1-receptor. Reinvestigation of the topology revealed both termini of Pex13p to be oriented towards the cytosol. We also found Pex13p to be required for peroxisomal association of Pex14p, yet the SH3 domain of Pex13p may not provide the only binding site for Pex14p at the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination of mammalian Pex5p, the peroxisomal import receptor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protein translocation across the peroxisomal membrane requires the concerted action of numerous peroxins. One central component of this machinery is Pex5p, the cycling receptor for matrix proteins. Pex5p recognizes newly synthesized proteins in the cytosol and promotes their translocation across the peroxisomal membrane. After this translocation step, Pex5p is recycled back into the cytosol to start a new protein transport cycle. Here, we show that mammalian Pex5p is ubiquitinated at the peroxisomal membrane. Two different types of ubiquitination were detected, one of which is thiol-sensitive, involves Cys(11) of Pex5p, and is necessary for the export of the receptor back into the cytosol. Together with mechanistic data recently described for yeast Pex5p, these findings provide strong evidence for the existence of Pex4p- and Pex22p-like proteins in mammals.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal matrix protein import is mediated by dynamic import receptors, which cycle between the peroxisomal membrane and the cytosol. Proteins with a type 1 peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS1) are bound by the import receptor Pex5p in the cytosol and guided to the peroxisomal membrane. After cargo translocation into the peroxisomal matrix, the receptor is released from the membrane back to the cytosol in an ATP-dependent manner by the AAA-type ATPases Pex1p and Pex6p. These mechanoenzymes recognize ubiquitinated Pex5p-species as substrates for membrane extraction. The PTS1-receptor is either polyubiquitinated via peptide bonds at two certain lysines and results in proteasomal degradation or monoubiquitinated via a thioester-bond at a conserved cysteine, which enables the recycling of Pex5p and further rounds of matrix protein import. To investigate the physiological relevance of the conserved N-terminal cysteine of Pex5p, the known target amino acids for ubiquitination were substituted by site-directed mutagenesis. In contrast with Pex5pC6A, Pex5pC6K turned out to be functional in PTS1 import and utilization of oleic acid, independent of the lysines at position 18 and 24. In contrast with wild-type Pex5p, Pex5pC6K displays an ubiquitination pattern, similar to the polyubiquitination pattern of Pex4p or Pex22p mutant strains. Moreover, Pex5pC6K displays a significantly reduced steady-state level when the deubiquitinating enzyme Ubp15p is missing. Thus, our results indicate that not the cysteine residue but the position of ubiquitination is important for Pex5p function. The presence of the cysteine prevents polyubiquitination and rapid degradation of Pex5p.  相似文献   

We have studied how Pex5p recognizes peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1)-containing proteins. A randomly mutagenized pex5 library was screened in a two-hybrid setup for mutations that disrupted the interaction with the PTS1 protein Mdh3p or for suppressor mutations that could restore the interaction with Mdh3p containing a mutation in its PTS1. All mutations localized in the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain of Pex5p. The Pex5p TPR domain was modeled based on the crystal structure of a related TPR protein. Mapping of the mutations on this structural model revealed that some of the loss-of-interaction mutations consisted of substitutions in alpha-helices of TPRs with bulky amino acids, probably resulting in local misfolding and thereby indirectly preventing binding of PTS1 proteins. The other loss-of-interaction mutations and most suppressor mutations localized in short, exposed, intra-repeat loops of TPR2, TPR3, and TPR6, which are predicted to mediate direct interaction with PTS1 amino acids. Additional site-directed mutants at conserved positions in intra-repeat loops underscored the importance of the loops of TPR2 and TPR3 for PTS1 interaction. Based on the mutational analysis and the structural model, we put forward a model as to how PTS1 proteins are selected by Pex5p.  相似文献   

Pex5p, which is the import receptor for peroxisomal matrix proteins harboring a type I signal sequence (PTS1), is mono- and polyubiquitinated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified Pex5p as a molecular target for Pex4p-dependent monoubiquitination and demonstrated that either poly- or monoubiquitination of the receptor is required for the ATP-dependent release of the protein from the peroxisomal membrane to the cytosol as part of the receptor cycle. Therefore, the energy requirement of the peroxisomal import pathway has to be extended by a second ATP-dependent step, namely receptor monoubiquitination.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for the peroxisomal matrix are synthesized in the cytosol, and imported post-translationally. It has been previously demonstrated that stably folded proteins are substrates for peroxisomal import. Mammalian peroxisomes do not contain endogenous chaperone molecules. Therefore, it is possible that proteins are required to fold into their stable, tertiary conformation in order to be imported into the peroxisome. These investigations were undertaken to determine whether proteins rendered incapable of folding were also substrates for import into peroxisomes. Reduction of albumin resulted in a less compact tertiary structure as measured by analytical centrifugation. Microinjection of unfolded albumin molecules bearing the PTS1 targeting signal resulted in their import into peroxisomes. Kinetic analysis indicated that native and unfolded molecules were imported into peroxisomes at comparable rates. While import was unaffected by treatment with cycloheximide, hsc70 molecules were observed to be imported along with the unfolded albumin molecules. These results indicate that proteins, which are incapable of assuming their native conformation, are substrates for peroxisomal import. When combined with previous observations demonstrating the import of stably folded proteins, these results support the model that tertiary structure has no effect on protein import into the peroxisomal matrix .  相似文献   

A key factor involved in the processing of histone pre-mRNAs in the nucleus and translation of mature histone mRNAs in the cytoplasm is the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP). In this work, we have investigated SLBP nuclear transport and subcellular localization during the cell cycle. SLBP is predominantly nuclear under steady-state conditions and localizes to the cytoplasm during S phase when histone mRNAs accumulate. Consistently, SLBP mutants that are defective in histone mRNA binding remain nuclear. As assayed in heterokaryons, export of SLBP from the nucleus is dependent on histone mRNA binding, demonstrating that SLBP on its own does not possess any nuclear export signals. We find that SLBP interacts with the import receptors Impalpha/Impbeta and Transportin-SR2. Moreover, complexes formed between SLBP and the two import receptors are disrupted by RanGTP. We have further shown that SLBP is imported by both receptors in vitro. Three sequences in SLBP required for Impalpha/Impbeta binding were identified. Simultaneous mutation of all three sequences was necessary to abolish SLBP nuclear localization in vivo. In contrast, we were unable to identify an in vivo role for Transportin-SR2 in SLBP nuclear localization. Thus, only the Impalpha/Impbeta pathway contributes to SLBP nuclear import in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Cell cycle regulation of NF-YC nuclear localization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NF-Y is a trimeric activator with histone fold, HFM, subunits that binds to the CCAAT-box and is required for a majority of cell cycle promoters, often in conjunction with E2Fs. In vivo binding of NF-Y is dynamic during the cell cycle and correlates with gene activation. We performed immunofluorescence studies on endogenous, GFP- and Flag-tagged overexpressed NF-Y subunits. NF-YA, NF-YB are nuclear proteins. Unexpectedly, NF-YC localizes both in cytoplamatic and nuclear compartments and its nuclear localization is determined by the interaction with its heterodimerization partner NF-YB. Most importantly, compartmentalization is regulated during the cell cycle of serum restimulated NIH3T3 cells, accumulating in the nucleus at the onset of S phase. These data point to the control of HFM heterodimerization as an important layer of NF-Y regulation during cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The assembly of proteins in the peroxisomal membrane is a multistep process requiring their recognition in the cytosol, targeting to and insertion into the peroxisomal membrane, and stabilization within the lipid bilayer. The peroxin Pex19p has been proposed to be either the receptor that recognizes and targets newly synthesized peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMP) to the peroxisome or a chaperone required for stabilization of PMPs at the peroxisomal membrane. Differentiating between these two roles for Pex19p could be achieved by determining whether the peroxisomal targeting signal (PTS) and the region of Pex19p binding of a PMP are the same or different. We addressed the role for Pex19p in the assembly of two PMPs, Pex30p and Pex32p, of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pex30p and Pex32p control peroxisome size and number but are dispensable for peroxisome formation. Systematic truncations from the carboxyl terminus, together with in-frame deletions of specific regions, have identified PTSs essential for targeting Pex30p and Pex32p to peroxisomes. Both Pex30p and Pex32p interact with Pex19p in regions that do not overlap with their PTSs. However, Pex19p is required for localizing Pex30p and Pex32p to peroxisomes, because mutations that disrupt the interaction of Pex19p with Pex30p and Pex32p lead to their mislocalization to a compartment other than peroxisomes. Mutants of Pex30p and Pex32p that localize to peroxisomes but produce cells exhibiting the peroxisomal phenotypes of cells lacking these proteins demonstrate that the regions in these proteins that control peroxisomal targeting and cell biological activity are separable. Together, our data show that the interaction of Pex19p with Pex30p and Pex32p is required for their roles in peroxisome biogenesis and are consistent with a chaperone role for Pex19p in stabilizing or maintaining membrane proteins in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Although many of the proteins involved in the biogenesis of the mammalian peroxisome have already been identified, our knowledge of the architecture of all this machinery is still very limited. In this work we used native gel electrophoresis and sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis in combination with immunoprecipitation experiments to address this issue. After solubilization of rat liver peroxisomes with the mild detergent digitonin, comigration of Pex5p, Pex14p, and a fraction of Pex12p was observed upon native electrophoresis and sucrose gradient sedimentation. The existence of a complex comprising Pex2p, Pex5p, Pex12p, and Pex14p was demonstrated by preparative coimmunoprecipitation experiments using an antibody directed to Pex14p. No stoichiometric amounts of Pex13p were detected in the Pex2p-Pex5p-Pex12p-Pex14p complex, although the presence of a small fraction of Pex13p in this complex could be demonstrated by Western blot analysis. Pex13p is also a component of a high molecular mass complex. Strikingly, partial purification of this Pex13p-containing complex revealed Pex13p as the major (if not the only) component. Taken together, our data indicate that Pex2p, Pex5p, Pex12p, and Pex14p, on one side, and Pex13p, on the other, are subunits of two stable protein complexes that probably interact with each other in the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

Import of peroxisomal matrix proteins is essential for peroxisome biogenesis. Genetic and biochemical studies using a variety of different model systems have led to the discovery of 23 PEX genes required for this process. Although it is generally believed that, in contrast to mitochondria and chloroplasts, translocation of proteins into peroxisomes involves a receptor cycle, there are reported differences of an evolutionary conservation of this cycle either with respect to the components or the steps involved in different organisms. We show here that the early steps of protein import into peroxisomes exhibit a greater similarity than was thought previously to be the case. Pex20p of Yarrowia lipolytica, Pex18p and Pex21p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mammalian Pex5pL fulfil a common function in the PTS2 pathway of their respective organisms. These non-orthologous proteins possess a conserved sequence region that most likely represents a common PTS2-receptor binding site and di-aromatic pentapeptide motifs that could be involved in binding of the putative docking proteins. We propose that not necessarily the same proteins but functional modules of them are conserved in the early steps of peroxisomal protein import.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal PTS2-dependent matrix protein import starts with the recognition of the PTS2 targeting signal by the import receptor Pex7p. Subsequently, the formed Pex7p/cargo complex is transported from the cytosol to the peroxisomal docking complex, consisting of Pex13p and Pex14p. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the latter event is thought to require the redundant Pex18p and Pex21p. Here we mapped the Pex7p interaction domain of Pex13p to its N-terminal 100 amino acids. Pex18p and Pex21p also interacted with this region, albeit only in the presence of Pex7p. Expression of an N-terminally deleted version of Pex13p in a pex13delta mutant failed to restore growth on fatty acids due to a specific defect in the import of PTS2-containing proteins. We further show by yeast two-hybrid analysis, coimmunoprecipitation, and in vitro binding assays that Pex7p can bind Pex13p and Pex14p in the absence of Pex18p/Pex21p. The PTS2 protein thiolase was shown to interact with Pex14p but not with Pex13p in a Pex7p- and Pex18p/Pex21p-dependent manner, suggesting that only Pex14p binds cargo-loaded PTS2 receptor. We also found that the cytosolic Pex7p/thiolase-containing complex includes Pex18p. This complex accumulated in docking mutants but was absent in cells lacking Pex18p/Pex21p, indicating that Pex18p/Pex21p are required already before the docking event.  相似文献   

The recognition of the conserved ATP-binding domains of Pex1p, p97 and NSF led to the discovery of the family of AAA-type ATPases. The biogenesis of peroxisomes critically depends on the function of two AAA-type ATPases, namely Pex1p and Pex6p, which provide the energy for import of peroxisomal matrix proteins. Peroxisomal matrix proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes in the cytosol and guided to the peroxisomal membrane by specific soluble receptors. At the membrane, the cargo-loaded receptors bind to a docking complex and the receptor-docking complex assembly is thought to form a dynamic pore which enables the transition of the cargo into the organellar lumen. The import cycle is completed by ubiquitination- and ATP-dependent dislocation of the receptor from the membrane to the cytosol, which is performed by the AAA-peroxins. Receptor ubiquitination and dislocation are the only energy-dependent steps in peroxisomal protein import. The export-driven import model suggests that the AAA-peroxins might function as motor proteins in peroxisomal import by coupling ATP-dependent removal of the peroxisomal import receptor and cargo translocation into the organelle.  相似文献   

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