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The respiratory system of Ocypode cordimanus consists of seven pairs of gills, modified for aerial gas exchange, and a single pair of lungs. Each lung is formed from the inner surface of the branchiostegite and the thoracic wall of the branchial chamber. The branchiostegal surface is increased by a fleshy infolding, the branchiostegal shelf, whilst the surface area of the thoracic lung wall is enhanced by a large flaplike fold. The anatomy of the major sinus systems and the vascular supply to the lungs were investigated. Venous hemolymph is supplied to the lungs potentially from all the major body sinuses. The dorsal, ventral, hepatic, and infrabranchial sinuses are all connected anteriorly to the two eye sinuses which distribute hemolymph to the lungs. Each eye sinus gives off five branches to the branchiostegal lung surface and one to the thoracic lung wall. These afferent vessels are highly branched and interdigitate closely with efferent vessels. The two systems are connected by flat lacunae lying just beneath the respiratory epithelium and these are believed to be the site of gas exchange. The efferent vessels empty into two pulmonary veins on each side, one serving the branchiostegal lung wall and the other the thoracic wall. The two vessels on each side fuse before joining the pericardial cavity as a single trunk on each side.  相似文献   

The highly terrestrial grapsids and gecarcinids and the amphibious sundathelphusids all have large, expanded branchial chambers. The lining of the branchial chambers is smooth and well vascularized, and it functions as a lung. The respiratory membrane and the cuticle lining the lung are extremely thin (200–350 nm). The blood vessels within the lung are formed from connective tissue cells supported by collagen fibres and lined by a basal lamina. The major vessels in the lung are embedded deep in the branchiostegite and lie just beneath the thick outer carapace. These vessels branch towards the respiratory membrane, where they eventually lose their connective tissue coverings to form thin, flattened lacunae directly below the respiratory epithelium. The lacunae (exchange sites) are bordered by specialized connective tissue cells, which either bear microvilli on their apical surface (fimbriated cells) or are very smooth. The respiratory circulation in the lung is very complex, with two portal systems present between the afferent and efferent systems, producing a total of three lacunal exchange beds. Portal systems increase the surface area available for gas exchange. The major distributing vessel in the lung is the branchiostegal vein, which runs along the inner margin of the branchiostegite. The main venous supplies come anteriorly from the infraorbital and ventral sinuses and posteriorly from the procardial sinus. The main collecting vessel is the pulmonary vein, which arises anteriorly and which runs around the ventral perimeter of the branchiostegite before emptying into the pericardial sinus. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Bimodal breathing crustaceans, while representing astage in the transition from the aquatic to terrestrial habitat,also constitute a distinct group that can be characterized bymorphological, behavioral, and physiological traits. Morphologically,this group displays reduced gill surface area and enlarged branchialchambers. The lining of the branchial chambers, the branchiostegites,also has increased surface area and is highly vascularized.The branchiostegites can be smooth, cutaneous epithelia, orthey can have more complex evaginations or invaginations tofurther increase surface area. In addition, the thickness ofthe branchiostegal epithelium is greatly reduced, compared tothat in the gills, thus minimizing the diffusion distance betweenair and hemolymph. These animals maintain a store of water inthe branchial chamber that covers the gills and allows for simultaneousgas exchange with two media (air and water). There is also apartitioning of gas exchange, with oxygen uptake occurring preferentiallyfrom air across the branchiostegites, and carbon dioxide excretionoccurring across the gills into the branchial water. One criticalfactor that appears to separate bimodal breathing crustaceansfrom fully terrestrial, exclusively air-breathers is the abilityof the latter group to excrete CO2directly into air across thegills and branchiostegites. It is suggested that the incorporationof the enzyme carbonic anhydrase into the membrane fractionof the branchiostegites may have been one of the key molecularevents which allowed for pulmonary CO2 excretion into air.  相似文献   

Crustaceans have successfully adapted to a variety of environments including fresh- and saltwater as well as land. Transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial lifestyle required adaptations of the sensory equipment of an animal, particularly in olfaction, where the stimulus itself changes from hydrophilic to mainly hydrophobic, air-borne molecules. Hermit crabs Coenobita spp. (Anomura, Coenobitidae) have adapted to a fully terrestrial lifestyle as adults and have been shown to rely on olfaction in order to detect distant food items. We observed that the specialized olfactory sensilla in Coenobita, named aesthetascs, are immersed in a layer of mucous-like substance. We hypothesized that the mucous is produced by antennal glands and affects functioning of the aesthetascs.Using various microscopic and histochemical techniques we proved that the mucous is produced by aesthetasc-associated epidermal glands, which we consider to be modified rosette-type aesthetasc tegumental glands known from aquatic decapods. These epidermal glands in Coenobita are multicellular exocrine organs of the recto-canal type with tubulo-acinar arrangement of the secretory cells. Two distinct populations of secretory cells were clearly distinguishable with light and electron microscopy. At least part of the secretory cells contains specific enzymes, CUB-serine proteases, which are likely to be secreted on the surface of the aesthetasc pad and take part in antimicrobial defense. Proteomic analysis of the glandular tissue corroborates the idea that the secretions of the aesthetasc-associated epidermal glands are involved in immune responses.We propose that the mucous covering the aesthetascs in Coenobita takes part in antimicrobial defense and at the same time provides the moisture essential for odor perception in terrestrial hermit crabs. We conclude that the morphological modifications of the aesthetasc-associated epidermal glands as well as the functional characteristics of their secretions are important adaptations to a terrestrial lifestyle.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs are critically dependent upon gastropod shells for their survival and reproductive fitness. While anecdotal reports have suggested that hermit crabs may be capable of removing live gastropods from their shells to access the essential shell resource, no systematic experiments have been conducted to investigate this possibility. This paper reports experiments on both marine (Pagurus bernhardus) and terrestrial (Coenobita compressus) hermit crabs in which crabs were paired in the laboratory with the gastropods whose shells they inhabit in the field. Pairings included both shelled and naked crabs and spanned the full range of the gastropod life cycle. Neither marine nor terrestrial hermit crabs were successful at removing live gastropods from their shells. Furthermore, only a small fraction of the crabs (5.7%) were capable of accessing shells in which the gastropod had been killed in advance, with its body left intact inside the shell. Finally, although hermit crabs readily entered empty shells positioned on the surface, few crabs (14.3%) were able to access empty shells that were buried just centimeters beneath them. These results suggest that hermit crabs are constrained consumers, with the shells they seek only being accessible during a narrow time window, which begins following natural gastropod death and bodily decomposition and which typically ends when the gastropod's remnant shell has been buried by tidal forces. Further experiments are needed on more species of hermit crabs as well as fine-grained measurements of (i) the mechanical force required to pull a gastropod body from its shell and (ii) the maximum corresponding force that can be generated by different hermit crab species' chelipeds.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the strong mediodorsal setae in terrestrial stage IV larvae of Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) oedemerarum and A. (M.) meloesugans was examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Serrated setae placed on prominent processes are distributed in pairs on all thoracic and abdominal segments. Setae are innervated by a single dendrite and their surface has no pores. The trichogen cell is not retracted from the setal lumen on completion of the hair-forming process but fills the mediodorsal seta also when the larval cuticle is fully sclerotised. Such a phenomenon was previously reported in terrestrial larvae of the genus Forcipomyia. We suggest that the mediodorsal setae described in Atrichopogon are plesiotypic mechanoreceptors for the subfamily Forcipomyiinae. They are preserved in the truly terrestrial larvae of Atrichopogon, but modified to secretory setae in the genus Forcipomyia. Both genera bearing distinct mediodorsal setae have developed functional tracheal gills, unknown in other biting midges.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Coenobita scaevola lebt an der Küste des Roten Meeres in sehr großer Individuenzahl. Sie ist an die Küstenlinie gebunden, da sie regelmäßig Wasser in ihre Kiemenhöhle und ihr Schneckenhaus aufnehmen muß, da sie nur hier Nahrung findet (Strandanwurf) und da sie nur hier Schneckenhäuser zum Schutz des weichen Hinterleibes gegen Strahlung, Austrocknung und mechanische Beschädigung findet. Die Tiere sind in Gebieten mit sehr wenig Strandanwurf nicht standorttreu, in Gebieten mit guten Lebensbedingungen dagegen bleiben sie lange Zeit. In verschiedenen, oft sehr nahe beieinander liegenden Gebieten sind die Einsiedler zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten rege, ohne daß eine Beziehung zu Temperatur, Luftfeuchte, Gezeiten und Feinden erkennbar wäre. Es wird erstmalig ein aktives Vermeiden von Bodenfallen durch Coenobita beschrieben. Coenobita scaevola lebt bei günstiger Temperatur (16–20°C) und günstiger Salinität (35–40) lange Zeit (über 20 Tage) unter Wasser.Die Osmoregulation der Landeinsiedler erfolgt in prinzipiell anderer Weise als bei den bisher bekannten Typen, sie ist mit den Ausdrücken Poikilosmotie oder Homoiosmotie nicht zu umschreiben. Vielmehr pendelt sich der Innendruck bei hohen Außendrucken auf höhere Werte ein als bei niedrigen Außendrucken; mittlere Blutwerte bleiben nur bei gleichzeitiger Gabe von Süß- und Seewasser erhalten.Die statischen Probleme, die sich für ein phylogenetisch junges Lufttier am Lande ergeben, meistert Coenobita durch eine regelmäßige Folge der Beinbewegung und durch anatomische Umkonstruktionen in den Beinen.Als phylogenetisch junges Landtier ist Coenobita von einer Fauna mariner und terrestrischer Herkunft besiedelt.
Biology and ecology of the terrestrial hermit crab coenobita scaevola forskål of the Red Sea
Summary The terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita scaevola is very common on the coast of the Red Sea. The species depends on the sea for its source of food (wrack-fauna), source of drinking-water and water for moistening gills and abdomen. Only in the supra-litoral zone they find gastropod shells to protect their abdomen against insolation, desiccation and mechanical damage. Coenobita scaevola stays in one place for a long time if good living conditions are available. The time of activity of the juveniles differs from one place to another. Some are diurnal, others are nocturnal. There is no evident relation to the ecological factors. Most of the adults are nocturnal. No Coenobita could be collected in Barber traps. The avoidance of such traps by arthropodes has never been observed before. Coenobita scaevola can live for quite a long time under water of sufficient temperature and salinity. The osmotic regulation of the land-hermit crab differs from that of other shore animals. Coenobita can tolerate a wide range of blood concentrations (25–70). It controls the concentration of its blood by selecting water of the appropriate salinity.The static problems of Coenobita are solved by regular movement of the legs and special articulation of the legs.As Coenobita scaevola is a phylogenetically young land animal it carries many inhabitants of marine and terrestrial origin.

The swimbladder of Pangasius sutchi is made up of fibrosa, collagenic fibre walls and mucosa; its walls extend into the lumen to form dense respiratory alveoli, with the inner surface covered by a highly vascularized respiratory epithelium. The thin epithelial cells have the structural characteristics and function of type I and type II cells of lung alveoli in higher mammals. These cells and the endothelial cells compose the barrier through which gases must pass in the exchange between blood and air. The study shows that the swimbladder of P. sutchi is an important accessory respiratory organ.  相似文献   

The gills, or ctenidia, of marine gastropods serve as the sites for respiratory gas exchange. Cilia on the surface provide the pump that moves water through the mantle cavity and enhance diffusion. Because the gills are housed inside the shell, it is difficult to view them while they are functioning. Published images of gills show contracted, fragile structures that are distorted by the processes of dissection and preservation. Members of the families Fissurellidae (keyhole limpets) and Haliotidae (abalone) have openings in their shells through which water enters and/or exits. I inserted an endoscope connected to a video camera into the openings of the shells of living, non‐anaesthetized individuals of the fissurellid Diodora aspera and the haliotid Haliotis rufescens. In both species, the dorsal afferent branchial vessel of the afferent gill axis appeared large and inflated, as did the leaflets that extended from either side of the axis. In D. aspera, the leaflets appeared to fill the mantle cavity and responded to touch, particles, and dye in the water by contracting quickly and slowly re‐extending. In contrast, the gills of H. rufescens did not noticeably respond to disturbance. On the other hand, these gills showed a regular pattern of pleats that had not been described in the extensive anatomical literature of these common and economically significant animals. These results provide a novel view of the gastropod mantle cavity as a dynamic space filled by the gills, which divide the mantle cavity into distinct incurrent and excurrent chambers and produce a laminar flow of water through the cavity. J. Morphol. 276:787–796, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The histological structure of cephalothoracic and abdominal integuments has been studied in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus (L.). In the branchial region of the carapace, the integument shows a similar structure as described hitherto in a number of other decapod species; there are a thin epicuticle, an exocuticle, and a relatively thick endocuticle, followed by a layer of columnar epithelium and underlying connective tissue. This pattern is repeated on the inner surface of the carapace fold but with generally thinner cuticular layers. Within the connective tissue there are tegumental glands, haemocytes, and some reserve inclusions. The abdominal integument shows a modified cuticle structure which is probably related to its specific function as an adhesive organ attaching the hermit crab to the inner surface of the gastropod shell. The cuticle is uncalcified and it shows deep wrinkles and grooves. Endocuticle and exocuticle are thick and layered whereas the epicuticle is very thin. Large funnel-shaped ducts with secretions occur frequently in the abdominal integument. The cells that are responsible for these secretions are described. The chemical nature of integumental structures has been studied with histochemical tests.  相似文献   

Empty gastropod shells are an important resource for many animals in shallow benthic marine communities. Shells provide shelter for hermit crabs, octopuses, and fishes, provide attachment substratum for hermit crab symbionts, and directly or indirectly modify hermit crab predation. Creation of an empty shell due to predation of one gastropod on another and acquisition of that shell by a hermit crab are two key events in the subsequent use of that shell. Shells of different gastropod species and the species of hermit crab acquiring them affect the symbiont complement that attaches to the shell, which in turn may affect future shell use by other symbionts. Certain shell types worn by the hermit crab, Pagurus pollicaris Say, are positively associated with the symbiotic sea anemone, Calliactis tricolor (Lesueur), which protects the hermit crab from predation by the crab, Calappa flammea (Herbst), and possibly from the octopus, Octopus joubini Robson. Shells of other species of gastropods are resistant to being crushed by the spiny lobster, Panulirusargus (Latreille). The inter-and intraspecific interactions centered on the gastropod shell are termed a “habitat web.” The potential of the shell to limit the size and distribution of animal populations demonstrates how this resource helps shape community structure.  相似文献   

Only one study has shown that a hydroid-colonized gastropod shell was a deterrent to predation on hermit crabs. In the present study, the hydroid-colonized shell protected the hermit crab Paguruspollicaris Say from the shell-crushing stone crab Menippe mercenaria (Say) and the non-shell-crushing octopus Octopus joubini Robson. The shell-crushing calico crab Hepatus epheliticus (Johansson) was not deterred, however, by a hydroid-colonized shell.  相似文献   

Since insect blood usually lacks oxygen-carrying pigments it has always been assumed that respiratory needs are met by diffusion in the gas-filled lumen of their tracheal systems. Outside air enters the tracheal system through segmentally arranged spiracles, diffuses along tubes of cuticle secreted by tracheal epithelia and then to tissues through tracheoles, thin walled cuticle tubes that penetrate between cells. The only recognized exceptions have been blood cells (hemocytes), which are not tracheated because they float in the hemolymph. In caterpillars, anoxia has an effect on the structure of the hemocytes and causes them to be released from tissues and to accumulate on thin walled tracheal tufts near the 8th (last) pair of abdominal spiracles. Residence in the tufts restores normal structure. Hemocytes also adhere to thin-walled tracheae in the tokus compartment at the tip of the abdomen. The specialized tracheal system of the 8th segment and tokus may therefore be a lung for hemocytes, a novel concept in insect physiology. Thus, although as a rule insect tracheae go to tissues, this work shows that hemocytes go to tracheae.  相似文献   

Lacking a propensity to emerge over the mud surface, the eel goby, Odontamblyopus lacepedii, survives low tide periods by continuously breathing air in burrows filled with hypoxic water. As with most marine air-breathing fishes, O. lacepedii does not possess an accessory air-breathing organ, but holds air in the buccal–opercular cavity. The present study aimed to clarify how the respiratory vasculature has been modified in this facultative air-breathing fish. Results showed that the gills apparently lacked structural modifications for air breathing, whereas the inner epithelia of the opercula were richly vascularized. Comparison with two sympatric gobies revealed that the density of blood capillaries within 10μm from the inner opercular epithelial surface in O. lacepedii (14.5 ± 3.0 capillaries mm−1; mean ± s.d., n = 3) was significantly higher than in the aquatic non-air-breathing Acanthogobius hasta (0.0 ± 0.0) but significantly lower than in the amphibious air-breathing mudskipper, Periophthalmus modestus (59.1 ± 8.5). The opercular capillary bed was supplied predominantly by the 1st efferent branchial arteries (EBA1) and drained by the opercular veins, which open into the anterior cardinal vein. Deep invaginations at the distal end of the EBA1 and the junction with EBA2 are suggestive of blood flow regulatory sites during breath-holding and apnoeic periods. It remains to be investigated how blood flow through the gills is maintained during breath holding when the buccal–opercular cavity is filled with air.  相似文献   

The position of attachment of the shell muscle is discovered in the columellar area of the shell of the Early Cambrian univalved genus Aldanella (family Aldanellidae, order Pelagielliformes, subclass Archaeobranchia), the structure of its protoconch is described, and the presence of series of septa in the embryonic part of their shell is confirmed. These new features confidently support the position of the family Aldanellidae within the gastropod class and allow them to be considered ancestral to younger gastropod lineages with a turbospiral shell.  相似文献   

Different developmental stages, fertilized eggs through hatchlings, of the climbing perch,Anabas testudineus, have been studied by scanning electron microscopy. The surface specialization of eggs and hatchlings reveals that while the egg surface is reticulate in appearance, the hatchlings are covered with microridges. Vitelline arteries are seen at the pharyngeal and abdominal regions. They supply nutrients directly from the yolk sac to the developing embryo. Three pairs of such arteries are distinctly seen in the pharyngeal region. Mucous glands are discernible at places over the entire body surface of the embryo before the formation of scales. The skin seems to be helpful in gaseous exchange till the gills and accessory respiratory organs develop and become functional.  相似文献   

The method of the accurate determination of the shell color of gastropods has been studied with the example of the gastropod Littorina obtusata. The suggested method is based on using the system of MKO RGB color coordinates and makes it possible to conduct measurements of both color as a whole and the color of the individual elements of the shell picture.  相似文献   

Gastropod shells: A potentially limiting resource for hermit crabs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The availability of gastropod shells to hermit crabs in the Newport River Estuary, Beaufort, N.C. has been assessed by determining the numbers of usuable shells occurring in characteristic subtidal habitats and by measuring shell size adequacy. The proportion of useable shells occupied by hermit crabs ranged from 58–99 % and many of the shells not used by hermit crabs were judged unavailable because they were occupied by sipunculids or only uncovered by the dredge. The shell adequacy index (shell size occupied/shell size preferred) was significantly below 1.0 for the largest species (Pagurus pollicaris Say) in the one location where sufficient numbers were collected and for the next largest species (P. longicarpus Say) in three of the four locations where it was collected. The shell size adequacy index for the smallest species (P. annulipes Stimpson) did not differ significantly from 1.0 in either of the two locations in which it was found. These observations suggest that the availability of gastropod shells plays a significant rôle in limiting the abundance of at least the larger hermit crabs.  相似文献   

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