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Patients with inflammatory bowel disease are at risk for malnutrition. Consequently all patients with inflammatory bowel disease should undergo nutritional screening to identify those who require thorough nutritional evaluation. When nutritional support is indicated, enteral nutrition (oral or through a tube) should be used. There are no significant differences between elemental and non-elemental enteral diets in inducing remission of Crohn's disease (CD). Nevertheless, given that non-elemental diets are better tolerated, most authors prefer polymeric diets. Enteral nutrition should not be used as the primary treatment of choice in patients with CD, since they are less effective in inducing remission than steroid therapy. Although dietary fat (quantity and type of fat) might influence the course of the disease, recommendations cannot be made on the basis of the available studies. Equally, there is insufficient evidence that glutamine is effective in inducing remission in CD. The use of probiotics presents a high level of evidence in maintenance treatment and in the prevention of postoperative pouchitis, although the level of evidence is lower in ulcerative colitis and CD. Further studies are required to investigate several issues such as dose, treatment duration, the separate or combined use of several strains, as well as the concomitant use of prebiotics, symbiotics or antibiotics.  相似文献   

A retrospective study was undertaken at two isolated Manitoba Indian communities to determine whether the type of infant feeding was related to infection during the first year of life. Of 158 infants 28 were fully breast-fed, 58 initially breast-fed and then changed to bottle-feeding and 72 fully bottle-fed. Fully bottle-fed infants were hospitalized with infectious diseases 10 times more often and spent 10 times more days in hospital during the first year of life than fully breast-fed infants. Diagnoses were mainly lower respiratory tract infection and gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis occurred in only one breast-fed infant. Breast-feeding was strongly protective against severe infection requiring hospital admission and also against minor infection. The protective effect, which lasted even after breast-feeding was discontinued, was independent of family size, overcrowding in the home, family income and education of the parents. Measures to achieve breast-feeding for virtually all infants, particularly in northern communities, should be given high priority.  相似文献   

The incidence of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn (HDNB) can be expected to increase in Canada as breast-feeding becomes more popular. There are three clinical patterns of hemorrhagic disease: early HDNB (usually related to maternal drug ingestion), classic HDNB (related to breast-feeding) and late hemorrhagic disease of infancy (related to the combination of breast-feeding and diseases that cause fat malabsorption). Despite the knowledge that the disease can virtually be prevented by the administration of vitamin K, not all newborns are being routinely considered for such treatment. The Canadian Paediatric Society has made several recommendations: (a) women who take drugs that interfere with vitamin K1 metabolism should receive oral doses of vitamin K1 daily for a minimum of 2 weeks before expected delivery; (b) all healthy term infants should receive a single dose of vitamin K1, orally or intramuscularly, within 6 hours after birth; (c) all other newborns, including preterm, low-birthweight and sick infants, should receive a single intramuscular dose of vitamin K1 within 6 hours after birth; and (d) infants at high risk for secondary late-onset hemorrhagic disease due to fat malabsorption should receive vitamin K1 orally every day or intramuscularly once a month.  相似文献   

Admission of elderly patients to intensive care units (ICU) is an increasing phenomenon. The severity of the disease causing admission and the basal functional patient's status are conditions more important than age to predict mortality and long term functional outcome. Studies demonstrate that elderly ICU survivors recover after discharge the majority part of their functional capability and perception of quality of life. On the contrary, these patients develop higher number of geriatric syndromes, mainly confusional syndrome.The culture of geriatric comprehensive assessment should be implemented in ICU and especially after discharge. The use of simple and validates scales (Barthel's Index, Lawton's Index and EuroQol-5D…) must be incorporated into the clinical practice. This is a good tool that could be useful for the specialists involved in the usually difficult decision of whether an elderly patient should or not be admitted to an ICU.  相似文献   

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) increases markedly with age. Antidiabetic treatment and the objectives of glycaemic control in elderly patients with DM2 should be individualised according to their biopsychosocial characteristics. In elderly patients for whom the benefits of intensive antidiabetic treatment are limited, the basic objectives should be to improve the quality of life, preserve functionality and avoid adverse effects, especially hypoglycaemia.Treatment of DM2 in the elderly was the subject of a consensus document published in 2012 and endorsed by several Spanish scientific societies. Since then, new therapeutic groups and evidence have emerged that warrant an update to this consensus document. The present document focuses on the therapeutic aspects of DM2 in elderly patients, understood as being older than 75 years or frail.  相似文献   

Reevaluation of the DHA requirement for the premature infant   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) intake in preterm infants is crucial for normal central nervous system development and has the potential for long-lasting effects that extend beyond the period of dietary insufficiency. While much attention has focused on improving their nutritional intake, many premature infants do not receive an adequate DHA supply. We demonstrate that enterally fed premature infants exhibit daily DHA deficit of 20 mg/kg.d, representing 44% of the DHA that should have been accumulated. Furthermore, the DHA content of human milk and current preterm formulas cannot compensate for an early DHA deficit which may occur during the first month of life. We recommend breast-feeding, which supplies preformed LC-PUFA, as the preferred method of feeding for preterm infants. However, to fulfill the specific DHA requirement of these infants, we recommend increasing the DHA content of human milk either by providing the mothers with a DHA supplement or by adding DHA directly to the milk. Increasing the DHA content above 1% total fatty acids appears to be safe and may enhance neurological development particularly that of infants with a birth weight below 1250 g. We estimate that human milk and preterm formula should contain 1.5% of fatty acid as DHA to prevent the appearance of a DHA deficit and to compensate for the early DHA deficit.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this report is to use data from a study of infant growth and weaning practices in Kathmandu, Nepal, to investigate universal recommendations about exclusive breast-feeding up to 6 months postpartum. A secondary objective is to demonstrate the complexity of the biocultural nature of infant feeding practices. A sample of 283 children under 5 years of age and their 228 mothers living in a peri-urban district of Kathmandu participated in this study. The children's height/length and weight were measured three times over 9 months. At each session, a demographic, child health and infant feeding survey was administered; between sessions, in-depth interviews were conducted with mothers regarding infant feeding practices. While a few of the infants under 2 months were receiving non-breast milk foods, at 3 months of age half of the sample had been introduced to non-breast milk foods and by 7 months all infants were eating non-breast milk foods. A comparison of growth indices and velocities between exclusively and partially breast-fed infants from birth to 7 months of age shows no evidence for a difference in nutritional status between the two groups. Although there are cultural rules about breast-feeding that vary by ethnic group, all mothers followed a feeding method that depended on their assessment of whether the child was getting enough breast milk. The conclusion is that exclusive breast-feeding up to 6 months may not be appropriate for all infants. In this sample, breast-feeding duration is not shortened by the early introduction of non-breast milk foods, as the median age of breast-feeding cessation is 36 months. One of the main reasons for severance was the onset of another pregnancy. Investigation of infant feeding practices must be contextualized in the local ecology of the population. While cultural beliefs about breast-feeding are relevant, mothers' individual assessments of their children's nutritional needs and demographic events in parents' lives must also be considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine nutritional status in 83 residents of a nursing home and to evaluate outcomes after the application of a nutritional assessment protocol designed by the Department of Social Welfare of the autonomous community of Valencia (Spain).The sample was classified according to body mass index (BMI), hypoalbuminemia and application of the geriatric nutritional risk index. Nutritional interventions consisted of applying general recommendations and follow-up in residents without malnutrition, providing adequate powdered diets in residents with chewing and swallowing disorders and risk of bronchoaspiration, adjusting total enteral nutrition in residents with nasogastric feeding tubes and initiating vitamin supplementation in residents with severe malnutrition.After 3 months, the mean BMI showed a nonsignificant increase (P=.168), reducing the number of residents with malnutrition from 29% to 23%. The number of residents who received nutritional supplements without indication also decreased, resulting in an estimated saving of 965 euros. Active participation of the multidisciplinary team in the coordinated and continuous follow-up of nutritional status in residents contributed to achieving adequate nutritional status and improved the rational use of artificial nutrition in the nursing home.  相似文献   

Using Demographic and Health Survey datasets from Ghana and Nigeria, this study examined whether the protective effects of breast-feeding are greatest where the poorest sanitation conditions prevail. It was found that mixed-fed infants aged between 0 and 11 months tend to have a higher risk of diarrhoea than fully breast-fed children, while the risk of diarrhoea among weaned infants is twice that of mixed-fed infants. The probit regression models employed in the analysis were used to predict the probability of diarrhoea associated with each breast-feeding pattern for both 'poor' and 'good' sanitation areas. It was found that the risk of diarrhoea among mixed-fed infants in the poor sanitation areas tends to be high while the same risk among fully breast-fed infants tends to be minimal. In essence, the health risks of mixed feeding are real, particularly for infants aged less than 7 months, and are even worse for those weaned before 6 months of age.  相似文献   

A number of nutritional supplements containing antioxidants are advertised for better vision health. Do they benefit the average consumer? The literature was examined for the effectiveness of antioxidants for human eye health, and for the intricacies in collection of such evidence. The following diseases were considered: cataract, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, eye infections, and uveitis. The literature indicates that antioxidant supplements plus lutein have a reasonable probability of retarding AMD. For glaucoma, such supplements were ineffectual in some studies but useful in others. In some studies, antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables were also useful for protection against glaucoma. For diabetic retinopathy, antioxidant supplements may have a small benefit, if any, but only as an adjunct to glycemic control. In very high-risk premature retinopathy and retinitis pigmentosa, antioxidant supplements may be beneficial but those with excess Vitamin E should be avoided. For cataract, there is no evidence for an advantage of such nutritional supplements. However, lubricant drops containing N-acetylcarnosine may be helpful in initial stages of the disease. For eye infections and other causes of uveitis, antioxidants have not been found useful. We recommend that a diet high in antioxidant rich foods should be developed as a habit from an early age. However, when initial signs of vision health deterioration are observed, the appropriate nutritional supplement products may be recommended but only to augment the primary medical treatments.  相似文献   

During the International Year of the Child the Manitoba Pediatric Society undertook professional and public education activities to promote breast-feeding in that province. The objective was a 100% increase in the proportion of mothers who breast-fed their infants for 2 months or longer. Surveys conducted before and after the campaign showed no significant increase in the rate of breast-feeding either at the time of hospital discharge or 2 months later. The infants of Winnipeg residents were more likely to be breast-fed than those of women living on Indian reservations or in any other part of the province (termed "rural"). The rate of bottle-feeding was significantly greater among infants of young unmarried mothers. Future programs to promote breast-feeding should be longer and more intensive, should be directed to the young, to rural residents and to Indian women, and should focus on social and emotional factors as well as nutrition and health benefits.  相似文献   

Consumers expect vitamin and mineral supplements to protect them against diseases. In Germany the legal basis of food supplements is the national food law, therefore any advertising regarding diseases is forbidden. Since there exist no definition and no legal basis for the product group by now, there are many products with illegal advertisement and without any health effect in the market. Furthermore the differentiation from other product categories, especially drugs, is difficult. Food supplements can help to meet the needs for critical nutrients and are able to ameliorate the supply of health protecting substances. This is especially important for risk groups with higher nutrient requirements or low energy intake. The bioavailability of substances from supplements is mostly better than from food. Therefore dosages should correspond to those taken by normal food consumption. It is the pragmatic way to use food supplements in order to prevent inadequate nutrient intake especially in risk groups.  相似文献   

After age, arterial hypertension (AHT) is the most significant risk factor associated with stroke, and accounts for more than 25% of all strokes. The prevalence of AHT in the elderly in Spain is approximately 70%, which means that there are more than 5 million people over 65 years-old with hypertension in our country. There are currently numerous trials and meta-analyses that demonstrate that antihypertensive treatment clearly reduces the risk of stroke in elderly, and very elderly (≥80 years) subjects. However there are many areas of uncertainty such as, for example, when to start antihypertensive treatment, to what level should the blood pressure be lowered, or what is the best antihypertensive in the prevention of stroke in this population. In this article we present a review of the current evidence in the prevention of stroke in the elderly patient by means of treatment of the AHT.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to review possible indications and controversies about the most frequent uses of ESAs in the treatment of anaemia in elderly patients with oncological and non-oncological diseases. Using PubMed a systematic review was carried out on articles published from 1985 to September 2016, as well as a review of the main Spanish, European, and American consensus guidelines on each of the following diseases in which could pose the treatment of anaemia associated with ESA. A review was also carried out on the main Spanish, European and American consensus guidelines regarding the management of anaemia related to the diseases outlined in this article. It was found that there are limitations of its use in elderly patients with advanced disease, mainly due to the lack of uniformity and consensus in the recommendations, and the absence of large-scale prospective trials to determine the effectiveness of ESA in this population. There seems to be consensus in the use in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease, individualised in patients with non-myeloid cancer on treatment without curative intent, and in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome, still responders to space transfusional support. In the remainder, it should be individualised, since the risk of mortality and cardioembolic morbidity is clearly increased. It should not be the solution to treat anaemia, in cases of urgency or short-term transfusional need, which are often present in these patients.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of a food aid program (Plan Más Vida, PMV) on the micronutrient nutritional condition of lactating mothers 1?year after its implementation. The food program provided supplementary diets (wheat- and maize-fortified flour, rice or sugar, and fortified soup) to low-income families from the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. A prospective, non-experimental study was carried out to evaluate the micronutrient nutritional status of lactating mothers (n?=?178 at baseline and n?=?151 after 1?year). Biochemical tests (hemoglobin, ferritin, zinc, vitamin A, and folic acid), anthropometric assessments (weight and height) and dietary surveys (24-h recall) were performed. We found no significant changes in anthropometric values 1?year after the intervention. The risk for vitamin A (retinol 20?C30???g/dl) and folate deficiency significantly decreased 1?year after PMV implementation (56.3 vs. 29.9 and 50.3 vs. 3.4?%, respectively; p?<?0.001). Anemia was seen in 25.8?% of lactating mothers at baseline, without statistically significant differences 1?year after (p?=?0.439). The nutritional data obtained after assessing the early impact of PMV actions may be useful to provincial health authorities to perform periodic evaluations in the future.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of Plan Más Vida (PMV) on the micronutrient nutritional condition of children aged 1 to 6?years 1?year after PMV implementation. The food program was intended for low-income families from the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina and provided supplementary diets. A prospective, nonexperimental study was carried out. Children (472 at baseline and 474 after 1?year) were divided into two groups (1-2 and 2-6?years of age). Biochemical tests (hemogram, ferritin, zinc, vitamin A, and folic acid), anthropometric assessments (weight and height), and dietary surveys (24-h recall) were performed. Chronic growth retardation (-2 height/age Z-score) was present in 2.8% and 8.7% of 1-2- and 2-6-year-old children, respectively; 14.4% in the former and 8.8% in the latter group had overweight/obesity. No significant changes were recorded 1?year after PMV implementation. Whereas anemia values decreased (55.3% to 39.1%, p?=?0.003) and serum zinc values increased in 1-2-year-old children, the risk for vitamin A deficiency decreased significantly in both age groups. The evaluation of the early impact of PMV actions provided important nutritional data that should be used by provincial health authorities to conduct future evaluations.  相似文献   

After birth, continuous transplacental transfer of glucose is interrupted. Neonates have to provide brain and vital organs with sufficient glucose. In term newborn infants, this is accomplished through well-coordinated hormonal and metabolic adaptive changes. During the first week of life, preterm infants are at high risk of abnormal glucose homeostasis. They are at risk of hypoglycemia due to limited glycogen and fat stores that should have occurred in the third trimester. Continuous glucose infusion is always required soon after birth to maintain the glucose level. However, under such conditions, many preterm infants develop hyperglycemia. Defective islet beta-cell processing of proinsulin is likely related to hyperglycemia. There is also evidence that preterm infants are partially resistant to insulin. By contrast with adults, hepatic glucose production is not suppressed during parenteral glucose infusion. Exogenous insulin infusion partially reduces endogenous glucose production in preterm newborn infants. This treatment is efficient and safe when used with caution. More research is needed to understand the specificity of glucose homeostasis in preterm infants and to evaluate the long-term consequences of metabolic and nutritional support during early life.  相似文献   

Hospitalization is a risk for elderly population, with a high probability of having adverse events. The most important one is functional impairment, due to its high prevalence and the serious impact it has on the quality of life. The main risk factors for functional decline associated with hospitalization are, age, immobility, cognitive impairment, and functional status prior to admission. It is necessary to detect patients at risk in order to implement the necessary actions to prevent this deterioration, with physical exercise and multidisciplinary geriatric care being the most important.  相似文献   

Advances in health, social and economic conditions in the developed countries have increased life expectancy and the number of elderly people. However, although health conditions have improved, age-related diseases are still increasing. One of the most common ailments is the age-related hearing loss, which has several pathophysiological causes and may be influenced by age-related morpho-functional changes. Hearing loss may also have underlying conditions in each individual.Sensory hearing loss tends to negatively affect the quality of life of the elderly, interfering with their capacity to communicate and affecting mood and the level of participation in social life. This may be independent of the cognitive and physical state of individuals, which in the long term and in many cases may end in depression. Detection and early treatment of hearing loss is an important bio-psycho-social benefit to the elderly.  相似文献   

Maternal vitamin A supplementation in relation to selected birth defects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High doses of vitamin A cause birth defects in animals. Concern over vitamin A teratogenicity in humans has been prompted by reports of teratogenic effects of the vitamin A analogue, isotretinoin. The pattern of defects observed among isotretinoin- and vitamin A-exposed infants and animals suggests a possible mechanism involving cranial neural crest cell activity. Data from a case-control study were used to assess maternal use of vitamin A supplements alone and vitamin A-containing multivitamin supplements in relation to the occurrence of certain birth defects involving structures derived, at least in part, from cranial neural crest cells. Cases were 2,658 infants with such defects (primarily craniofacial and cardiac malformations). Controls were 2,609 infants with other malformations. Vitamin A supplementation was defined as daily use for at least 7 days of retinol alone or with vitamin D, or of fish oils. Information on vitamin A dose and nutrition was not available. The mothers of six controls used vitamin A supplements in each of the first three lunar months of pregnancy in comparison to the mothers of 15, 14, and 10 cases in lunar months 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Relative risk estimates and 95% confidence intervals were 2.5(1.0-6.2) for lunar month 1, 2.3(0.9-5.8) for lunar month 2, and 1.6(0.6-4.5) for lunar month 3. These findings should be considered tentative because no dose information was available, small numbers of cases and controls were exposed to vitamin A supplements, and relative risk estimates were not statistically significant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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