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Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple mosaic virus are economically important viruses infecting fruit tree species worldwide. To evaluate the occurrence of these pome fruit viruses in Latvia, a large‐scale survey was carried out in 2007. Collected samples were tested for infection by DAS ELISA and multiplex RT‐PCR. The accuracy of the detection of the viruses in multiplex RT‐PCR was confirmed by sequencing amplified PCR fragments. The results showed a wide occurrence of viruses in apple and pear commercial orchards established from non‐tested planting material. More than 89% of the tested apple trees and more than 60% of pear trees were infected with one or more pome fruit viruses. Analyses showed that the high occurrence of viruses in several apple cultivars is due to the propagation of infected clonal rootstocks and scions from infected mother trees. Sequence analyses targeting the 3′‐terminal region of the tested viruses showed various degrees of genetic diversity within respective virus isolates. This is the first report of the occurrence of ACLSV, ASGV and ASPV in apple and pear trees in Latvia and demonstrates their genetic diversity in different host genotypes.  相似文献   

The effect of apple cultivar on the distribution of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri was studied in an experimental orchard where spider mites occurred at negligible densities. Seven apple scab-resistant cultivars, showing some differences in their leaf morphology, were considered. In particular, their leaf blade was classified according to four levels of pubescence. The distribution of T. pyri along the shoots was also studied. In the first experimental year the colonization of different cultivars by T. pyri showed definite patterns, sometimes influenced by the occurrence of eriophyids. One year later, T. pyri abundance again showed some differences among cultivars in conditions of prey scarcity. In both years large phytoseiid populations were recorded on the cultivar N.Y. 18491, despite the low eriophyid occurrence, probably because of its highly pubescent leaf undersurfaces. In contrast, Prima and TSR 29T219, characterized by slightly pubescent leaf undersurfaces, supported low phytoseiid densities independently of prey availability.  相似文献   

对陕西黄土高原洛川县和黄陵县优质苹果产区不同类型的苹果园植物多样性及其昆虫群落多样性进行调查,确定不同苹果园内果树林下的植物优势种,并利用昆虫多样性指数和均匀度指数分析不同植物优势种群对果园昆虫多样性的影响,以探讨植物群落多样性与其昆虫群落的关系.结果显示:(1)果园野生植物种类丰富,共有24科53属62种,其中17科41属51种存在于果园树下,11种存在于果园内的生境岛屿,且菊科植物种类最多,达14种;(2)抱茎苦荬菜、狗尾草、丝毛飞廉、灰绿藜、刺儿菜、田旋花为该地区果园植物优势种,其重要值依次为0.36、0.22、0.22、0.18、0.17、0.14;(3)反枝苋为优势种的果园昆虫种类、数量最多;(4)刺儿菜和田旋花为优势种的果园益虫和害虫的多样性指数分别为1.073 5、0.755 0和0.879 9、0.360 2.研究表明,在果园保留刺儿菜和田旋花有助于提高果园天敌昆虫群落的多样性,有益于果园害虫的生态控制.  相似文献   

利用来自苹果的8对EST-SSR标记对48份梨(Pyrus)种质资源进行遗传多样性研究,以分析其在梨属植物上的通用性.结果表明,8对EST-SSR引物在供试材料上均能扩增出与苹果大小相似的产物,所有引物共检测到140个基因位点,其中多态性位点129个,多态性比例为92.14%,并且可成功区分不同品种.根据EST-SSR标记所揭示的多态性和UP-GMA法聚类分析,48份梨种质资源在相似系数0.62处可分为东方梨和西方梨两个种群,而中国的白梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)、砂梨(P.pyrifolia Burm.f.Nakai)和秋子梨(P.ussuriensis Maxim.)相互交错在一起,没有独自成组.可见,苹果的EST-SSR标记在梨上具有高度的可转移性,可应用于梨属植物的资源评价及遗传关系研究.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(4):321-325
Predatory mites in the Family of Phytoseiidae (Acari) are important components in mite biological control. Until now, a native predatory mite, Amblyseius womersleyi has been a subject of intensive studies for implementation of spider mite biological control in fruit orchards, while imported Phytoseiulus persimilis has been successfully implemented in greenhouse environments since 2002. Because of some ecological constraints of A. womersleyi as well as the field environments, spider mite biological control by A. womersleyi has not been successfully implemented. Therefore, demands for another feasible mite predator have increased. This paper reports a newly found predatory mite, Amblyseius californicus, known also as Neosiulus californicus from Jeju citrus orchards. This is the first record of field occurrence of this species in Korea. Some ecological characteristics of this species useful for biological control are also discussed.  相似文献   

Releases of Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) at 1500--6000 per ha when prey were at 0.1-0.3 per leaf provided seasonal control of Tetranychus urticae Koch (all stages) at 1-2 per leaf in an apple seedling rootstock nursery. Predaceous mites (all stages) increased to 0.3-0.4 per leaf after releases and predator prey ratios of < or = 1:3-7 provided pest regulation thereafter. Such low-density releases were thought to be effective because multiple dispersal bouts allowed predators to locate widely distributed spider mites (on 2-6% of leaves). A random-diffusion model simulating predator dispersal (incorporating wind speed and direction parameters) adequately explained movement and pest control patterns. An upright, dense, uniform planting of apple seedlings was an effective producer and recipient for dispersing predators and these attributes seemed to explain why biological control was so effective. Low-density releases of N. fallacis for control of T. urticae are predicted to be less effective on other crops with less prominent profiles and soil coverage.  相似文献   

The survival of adults and immatures, and reproduction at rates of 150, 300 and 900 ppm a.i. of azinphosmethyl were compared among four types of Amblyseius finlandicus females and their offspring; a laboratory-selected colony (SEL16) resistant to azinphosmethyl, an unselected base colony (Tuorla), reciprocal F1 females from crosses between SEL16 and a very susceptible colony (Hiekkaharju). The SEL16 and reciprocal F1 females had a higher survivorship than the unselected Tuorla base colony after 2 and 4 days on leaves treated with the three concentrations of insecticide. Azinphosmethyl decreased oviposition by the surviving females of all types, but the decrease was smaller in the SEL16 strain than in the base colony. The survivorship of immatures of SEL16 on fresh azinphosmethyl residues after 6 days was low at all three concentrations, but no survivors were found in the base colony at any of the concentrations. Females deposited significantly more eggs on the untreated areas of the leaves. The importance of this behavior for biological control is discussed. There were no significant differences in developmental rate, ovipositional rate, sex ratio and ovipositional period between the SEL16 and unselected base colony on untreated leaf substrates, suggesting that resistance was not associated with decreased fitness. A mode of inheritance study indicated that azinphosmethyl resistance was incompletely dominant. This was also suggested by the results of bioassays, where the reciprocal F1 females performed nearly as well as the SEL16 strain on leaves treated with field rates of azinphosmethyl.  相似文献   

In strawberry greenhouses in La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tetranychus urticae is a major pest and Neoseiulus californicus is its most important established phytoseiid predator. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and coincidence of N. californicus and T. urticae on strawberry. T. urticae populations exhibited density variations that were followed, with some temporal delay, by those of the predator. In general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. The index of dispersion (I) of T. urticae had values significantly greater than 1 in 100% of the sampling dates. The percentage of infested leaflets increased with prey density in a curvilinear way, ranging from 80 to 100% when density was higher than 100 individuals/leaflet. N. californicus had values of I higher than unity in 86.7% (G1) and 53.8% (G2) of the cases. TaylorÕs b and IwaoÕs values were greater than 1 for both populations, this indicating aggregation. IwaoÕs results showed larger aggregation units of T. urticae (=53.24) than of N. californicus (=3.61), probably due to its higher fecundity and oviposition behaviour of laying eggs in clumps. Both populations were overdispersed, although in general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. This would create refuges for the prey, thus increasing the persistence of the system. Index of coincidence of predator (Ic) was high most of the time even at low densities of both populations, decreased abruptly at the end of an interaction cycle and was similar at greenhouse and plant spatial scales. The high spatial coincidence of N. californicus with T. urticae suggests an important dispersal capacity of the predator and a high ability to detect leaflets with prey. The refuge index for the prey decreased with predator density and was higher at greenhouse scale than at plant scale, both at similar predator densities. At greenhouse scale and despite high predator density, the prey had a 10%-refuge, which would lead to the system persistence. Results of the present study suggest that N. californicus is a promising established natural enemy for controlling T. urticae on strawberry.  相似文献   

Gibberellin-like substances have been detected in sap exudingfrom decapitated apple and pear trees and also in the xylemsap sucked from stems of apple. The quantity of gibberellinin the sap appears sufficient to produce important effects onshoot development, and this result is discussed in relationto rootstock effects of fruit trees.  相似文献   

上海农耕区鸟类群落特征及与几种生境因子的关系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
2000-2002年冬季和夏季,采用固定样带法在上海郊区所有区县选择了17条样带,对农耕区鸟类做了4次抽样调查。记录了鸟类的组成、数量、出现频率及生境因子特征。根据调查数据,计算鸟类密度、多样性、均匀度、优势度、生物量、相对重要值等群落特征参数。调查共记录到鸟类76种,隶属13目26科。平均密度为5.19只/hm^2,多样性指数为1.8742。优势种为麻雀、家燕、白头鹎、棕背伯劳和白鹊鸰。鸟类组成中水鸟(夜鹭、白鹭等)较多,占了总数的1/3;与上海其他区域相比,鸟类密度较高,但种类相对较少,数量集中在少数几个物种(麻雀、家燕、白头鹎、棕背伯劳等)。鸟类物种丰富度与荒地面积呈显著正相关,与环境污染程度呈显著负相关,与林地面积、人口密度、水体面积等相关不显著。提示荒地对鸟类多样性非常重要。  相似文献   

The longevity and fecundity of inseminated and uninseminated females of four phytophagous mite species from the Indo-Pacific tropical area, Tetranychus fijiensis, T. lambi, T. marianae and T. neocaledonicus, were investigated. Uninseminated females of these species laid fewer eggs but lived longer than inseminated ones. The 50% survival rate of inseminated females was attained 20, 15.5, 14.5 and 13.5 days before that of uninseminated females in T. marianae, T. neocaledonicus, T. fijiensis and T. lambi respectively. Comparison between the egg production of inseminated and uninseminated females shows that the fecundity of inseminated females was roughly twice as great in T. marianae and T. fijiensis, 1.5 times as great in T. neocaledonicus and 1.25 times as great in T. lambi. The range of differences observed between species may perhaps result from adaptation to the climate of their area of origin.  相似文献   

巢湖湖岸带鸟类多样性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2008年2月、7月、11月到2009年7月,采用路线调查和定点观察相结合的方法对巢湖沿岸及湖滨带不同生境的鸟类种类及数量进行了调查。记录到鸟类15目33科103种,其中属于国家Ⅱ级重点保护的鸟类3种,安徽省地方重点保护鸟类33种。季节型中,留鸟33种,夏候鸟37种,冬候鸟27种,旅鸟9种。繁殖鸟类的地理型中,古北界种23种,占33.3%;东洋界种30种,占43.5%;两界广布种16种,占23.2%。水鸟33种,近湖岸500m以内水面游禽有10种。优势种5种,广布性种15种。在湖岸5类生境中,树林、灌丛和抛荒地鸟类多样性指数最高,湖滨及浅滩鸟类多样性指数最低。湖泊污染和盲目开发导致鸟类栖息地破坏和丧失,影响鸟类多样性,因此应加强湖泊污染治理,恢复沿岸滩涂及其植被,维持巢湖丰富的鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

The extent and nature of tetracycline resistance in bacterial populations of two apple orchards with no or a limited history of oxytetracycline usage were assessed. Tetracycline-resistant (Tcr) bacteria were mostly gram negative and represented from 0 to 47% of the total bacterial population on blossoms and leaves (versus 26 to 84% for streptomycin-resistant bacteria). A total of 87 isolates were screened for the presence of specific Tcr determinants. Tcr was determined to be due to the presence of Tet B in Pantoea agglomerans and other members of the family Enterobacteriacae and Tet A, Tet C, or Tet G in most Pseudomonas isolates. The cause of Tcr was not identified in 16% of the isolates studied. The Tcr genes were almost always found on large plasmids which also carried the streptomycin resistance transposon Tn5393. Transposable elements with Tcr determinants were detected by entrapment following introduction into Escherichia coli. Tet B was found within Tn10. Two of eighteen Tet B-containing isolates had an insertion sequence within Tn10; one had IS911 located within IS10-R and one had Tn1000 located upstream of Tet B. Tet A was found within a novel variant of Tn1721, named Tn1720, which lacks the left-end orfI of Tn1721. Tet C was located within a 19-kb transposon, Tn1404, with transposition genes similar to those of Tn501, streptomycin (aadA2) and sulfonamide (sulI) resistance genes within an integron, Tet C flanked by direct repeats of IS26, and four open reading frames, one of which may encode a sulfate permease. Two variants of Tet G with 92% sequence identity were detected.  相似文献   

Tetranychus evansi is an important pest of tomato in several countries. The predatory mite Phytoseiulus longipes has been found in association with it in Uruguaiana, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution of those two species in Uruguaiana region. Bi-weekly samples of plant parts were taken between January 28 and April 30, 2007 in Uruguaiana and five neighboring counties. Tetranychus evansi was found in all counties, but P. longipes was only found in Uruguaiana, mainly in the urban area. It is conceivable that such restricted distribution of P. longipes is due to its recent introduction to the region. Alternatively, unfavorable winter conditions could prevent its persistence, except in protected places. Buildings and vegetation characteristics of the urban area of Uruguaiana could moderate strong winds, intense rainfall and low temperatures that commonly occur in the area.  相似文献   

China, one of the primary centers of genetic diversity for the genus Malus, is very rich in wild apple germplasm. In this study, genetic diversity in 29 Malus accessions, including 12 accessions from 7 Chinese Malus species, 4 Chinese landraces, and 13 introduced apple cultivars, was assessed using a set of 19 single-locus simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers distributed across all 17 linkage groups of the apple genome. The number of alleles detected at each locus ranged from 2 to 11, with an average of 5.3 per SSR marker. In some accessions, 16 unique alleles were identified. Ten out of these 16 unique alleles (62.5%) were detected exclusively in wild species, indicating that these Chinese wild apple species have considerable genetic diversity and can be used in breeding programs to increase the genetic diversity of apple cultivars. Using 19 SSRs, an unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average cluster analysis was conducted, and the resulting dendrogram revealed that all cultivars, except for E??peMeBckoe, were clustered together in the same group. The Russian cultivar E??peMeBckoe was closely related to the Chinese crabapple Baihaitang (M. prunifolia), with a high similarity coefficient value of 0.94. Of the two M. sieversii accessions used, one accession showed a close relationship to apple cultivars, while the other accession was closely related to wild apple species, suggesting the presence of a wider genetic diversity in Chinese M. sieversii species. The influence of SSR marker selection on genetic diversity analysis in this Malus collection was also discussed.  相似文献   

为了解乌鲁木齐地区不同生境土壤跳虫群落结构及其多样性,研究土壤跳虫群落结构特征,了解不同生境差异对土壤跳虫群落结构的影响,分别在2008年4月、7月、9月和11月中旬对该区自然榆林、防护林、植物园、草地、居民点、废弃地及菜地等7种典型生境土壤跳虫群落特征进行了调查。共采集跳虫3728只,隶属于4目13科27属,其中伪亚跳属Pseudachorutes、球角跳属Hypogastrura、棘跳属Onychiurus、等节跳属Isotoma为优势类群,分别占总数的13.25%、12.31%、11.40%、10.03%,共占总数的47.00%。跳虫属Podura、长跳属Entomobrya、原等跳属Proisotoma、土跳属Tullbergia、驼跳属Cyphoderus、裸长角跳属Sinella、钩圆跳属Bourletiella、德跳属Desoria、小等节跳属Isotomiella、疣跳属Neanura、类符跳属Folsomina、符跳属Folsomia、刺驼跳属Cyphoderopsis及缺弹跳属Anuropho-rus等14属为常见类群,共占总数的47.65%,其余9属均为稀有类群,共占总数的5.35%。不同生境土壤跳虫的个体数和类群数差异较大(P<0.05),其中个体数顺序为自然榆林>防护林>草地>植物园>居民点>废弃地>菜地。跳虫个体密度和类群数在不同季节间差异明显(P<0.05),其中个体数顺序为9月>7月>4月>11月,Shan-non-Wiener多样性指数(H)在不同生境间均有显著差异(P<0.05),其顺序为植物园>防护林>自然榆林>草地>居民点>废弃地>菜地。Simpson优势度指数(C)为菜地>居民点>废弃地>草地>自然榆林>植物园>防护林。各生境间土壤跳虫群落的相似性较差,仅少数生境间相似性达到相似水平。研究表明不同生境植被类型是影响该区跳虫群落结构和多样性的主要因素。  相似文献   

磷酸蔗糖合酶(sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)是植物中蔗糖合成的主要限速酶,影响植物的生长发育和果实中蔗糖的含量。为探明苹果中SPS基因家族特性及其在蔗糖合成中的作用,该研究从苹果基因组中分离了MdSPS家族基因,分析了它们的进化关系以及mRNA表达特性与酶活性和蔗糖含量的关系。结果显示:(1)在苹果基因组中有8个SPS家族基因表达,它们分别属于双子叶植物的3个SPS亚家族。(2)荧光定量PCR分析显示,苹果C类的MdSPS6基因和A类的MdSPS1a/b基因是苹果中表达丰度最高的SPS基因成员,其中MdSPS6在苹果成熟果中表达丰度最高,其次是成熟叶片,而MdSPS1a/b在不积累蔗糖的幼果中表达丰度最高。(3)在果实发育过程中,除MdSPS1a/b之外,其它5个苹果MdSPS家族基因均随果实的生长表达丰度增加,与SPS活性和蔗糖含量明显呈正相关关系。研究表明,C类家族MdSPS6是苹果果实发育后期和叶片中蔗糖合成的主要SPS基因。  相似文献   

In peach orchards of northern Greece Euseius finlandicus Oudemans overwinters in various sites on the trees, usually in groups of 5–15 females. Overwintering females were mostly found in bark crevices near the hibernation cocoons of the peach moth Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von Rosslerstamm), and also in small crevices of the bark and in pedicels left after fruit harvesting. Empty scales of dead diaspidids and dead coccids, cocoons of lacewings and mummies of parasitized aphids sporadically found on trees, were less common overwintering sites for females of the mite. In two successive years, mortality of overwintering females was very low, approximately 4 and 4.5% which could be due to the mild climate of northern Greece and the high cold tolerance of the mite. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Vascular epiphytes represent a highly diverse element of tropical rain forests, but they depend strongly on the structure and taxonomic composition of their tree communities. For conservation planning, it is therefore critical to understand the effect of host tree characteristics on epiphyte species richness in natural and anthropogenically transformed vegetation. Our study compares the effect of human land‐use on epiphyte diversity based on 220 study plots in a lowland rain forest and an Andean cloud forest in western Ecuador. We evaluate the relevance of host tree size and taxonomic identity for epiphyte species richness in contiguous primary forests, forest fragments, isolated remnant trees (IRTs), and secondary forests. At both study sites, epiphyte diversity was highest in primary forests, and it was lowest on IRTs and in secondary forests. Epiphyte species numbers of forest fragments were significantly reduced compared with the contiguous primary forest at the lowland study site, but not in the cloud forest area. Host tree size was a core predictor among secondary forests, but it had less significance within other habitat types. Taxonomic identity of the host trees also explained up to 61 percent of the variation in epiphyte diversity, especially for IRTs. The structural and taxonomic composition of the tree community in anthropogenically transformed habitat types proved to be fundamental to epiphyte diversity. This highlights the importance of deliberate selection of tree species for reforestation in conservation programs and the possible negative effects of selective logging in primary forests. Abstract in Spanish is available at http://www.blackwell‐synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

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