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When species occupy habitats that vary in quality, choice of habitat can be critical in determining individual fitness. In most migratory species, juveniles migrate independently of their parents and must therefore choose both breeding and winter habitats. Using a unique dataset of marked black-tailed godwits (Limosa limosa islandica) tracked throughout their migratory range, combined with analyses of stable carbon isotope ratios, we show that those individuals that occupy higher quality breeding sites also use higher quality winter sites. This seasonal matching can severely inflate inequalities in individual fitness. This population has expanded over the last century into poorer quality breeding and winter habitats and, across the whole population; individual birds tend to occupy either novel or traditional sites in both seasons. Winter and breeding season habitat selection are thus strongly linked throughout this population; these links have profound implications for a wide range of population and evolutionary processes. As adult godwits are highly philopatric, the initial choice of winter habitat by juveniles will be critical in determining future survival, timing of migration and breeding success.  相似文献   

Understanding connections between breeding, stopover and wintering grounds for long‐distance migratory birds can provide important insight into factors influencing demography and the strength of carry‐over effects among various periods of the annual cycle. Using previously described, multi‐isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ2H) feather isoscapes for Africa, we identified the most probable wintering areas for house martins Delichon urbica breeding at Badajoz in southwestern Spain. We identified two most‐probable wintering areas differing in isotopic signature in west Africa. We found that the probability to winter in the isotopic cluster two was related to age and sex of individuals. Specifically, experienced males (i.e. two years or older) winter in the isotopic cluster two with a greater probability than experienced females, whereas first‐year females winter in the isotopic cluster two with a greater probability than first‐year males. In addition, wintering area was correlated with breeding phenology, with individuals wintering in the isotopic cluster two initiating their clutches earlier than those wintering in the isotopic cluster one. For birds wintering in the isotopic cluster two, there was no relationship between age and clutch initiation date. In contrast, young birds wintering in the isotopic cluster one initiated their clutches earlier than experienced birds wintering in this area. There was no significant correlation between wintering area and clutch size or the number of fledglings produced. We hypothesize that the relationship among social status, population density and winter habitat quality should be the most important driver of the carry‐over effect we found for this population.  相似文献   

Patterns of selection are widely believed to differ geographically, causing adaptation to local environmental conditions. However, few studies have investigated patterns of phenotypic selection across large spatial scales. We quantified the intensity of selection on morphology in a monogamous passerine bird, the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, using 6495 adults from 22 populations distributed across Europe and North Africa. According to the classical Darwin-Fisher mechanism of sexual selection in monogamous species, two important components of fitness due to sexual selection are the advantages that the most attractive males acquire by starting to breed early and their high annual fecundity. We estimated directional selection differentials on tail length (a secondary sexual character) and directional selection gradients after controlling for correlated selection on wing length and tarsus length with respect to these two fitness components. Phenotype and fitness components differed significantly among populations for which estimates were available for more than a single year. Likewise, selection differentials and selection gradients differed significantly among populations for tail length, but not for the other two characters. Sexual selection differentials differed significantly from zero across populations for tail length, particularly in males. Controlling statistically for the effects of age reduced the intensity of selection by 60 to 81%, although corrected and uncorrected estimates were strongly positively correlated. Selection differentials and gradients for tail length were positively correlated between the sexes among populations for selection acting on breeding date, but not for fecundity selection. The intensity of selection with respect to breeding date and fecundity were significantly correlated for tail length across populations. Sexual size dimorphism in tail length was significantly correlated with selection differentials with respect to breeding date for tail length in male barn swallows across populations. These findings suggest that patterns of sexual selection are consistent across large geographical scales, but also that they vary among populations. In addition, geographical patterns of phenotypic selection predict current patterns of phenotypic variation among populations, suggesting that consistent patterns of selection have been present for considerable amounts of time.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the occurrence of density-dependent habitat selection in an urban fragmented landscape, composed of forest fragments (urban parks) connected by corridors (wooded streets), to test the hypothesis that as population density increased in the parks their suitability decreased and individuals entered alternative habitats, such as wooded streets. Density variation of six species was studied during two consecutive breeding seasons. Vegetation structure in wooded streets was significantly less complex than in urban parks, supporting the view that wooded streets were less suitable for breeding birds. Five species (Coal Tit Parus ater , Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor , Serin Serinus serinus , Black-billed Magpie Pica pica and Woodpigeon Columba palumbus ) showed density- dependent habitat occupation of wooded streets, while the Common Blackbird Turdus merula did not. As park suitability decreased with rising densities, wooded streets became a profitable alternative in terms of foraging, breeding, or for moving between parks. However, the relationships varied both between and within species in different years. Such differences could have been caused by variable rates of human disturbance, renewal of resources and predation risks in wooded streets. More detailed studies are required to determine how birds perceive and regulate their population dynamics in fragments and associated corridors, particularly for species targeted for management.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that post-copulatory sexual selection, mediated by sperm competition, influences the evolution of sperm phenotypes. Evidence for pre-copulatory sexual selection effects on sperm traits, on the other hand, is rather scarce. A recent paper on the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, reported phenotypic associations between sperm length and two sexually selected male traits, i.e. plumage colour and arrival date, thus invoking pre-copulatory sexual selection for longer sperm. We were unable to replicate these associations with a larger data set from the same and two additional study populations; sperm length was not significantly related to either male plumage colour or arrival date. Furthermore, there was no significant difference in sperm length between populations despite marked differences in male plumage colour. We also found some evidence against the previously held assumption of longer sperm being qualitatively superior; longer sperm swam at the same speed as shorter sperm, but were less able to maintain speed over time. We argue that both empirical evidence and theoretical considerations suggest that the evolution of sperm morphology is not primarily associated with pre-copulatory sexual selection on male secondary sexual traits in this or other passerine bird species. The relatively large between-male variation in sperm length in this species is probably due to relaxed post-copulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

Our understanding of when natural populations are regulated during their annual cycle is limited, particularly for migratory species. This information is needed for parametrizing models that can inform management and conservation. Here, we use 14 years of data on colour-marked birds to investigate how conspecific density and habitat quality during the tropical non-breeding period interact to affect body condition and apparent annual survival of a long-distance migratory songbird, the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Body condition and survival of birds in high-quality mangrove habitat declined as density increased. By contrast, body condition improved and survival did not vary as density increased in adjacent, lower quality scrub habitat, although mean condition and survival were almost always lower than in mangrove. High rainfall enhanced body condition in scrub but not in mangrove, suggesting factors such as food availability outweighed consequences of crowding in lower quality habitat. Thus, survival of overwintering redstarts in mangrove habitat, disproportionately males, appears to be regulated by a crowding mechanism based on density-dependent resource competition. Survival of individuals in scrub, mostly females, appears to be limited by density-independent environmental factors but not regulated by crowding. The contrasting effects of density and food limitation on individuals overwintering in adjacent habitats illustrate the complexity of processes operating during the non-breeding period for migratory animals, and emphasize the need for long-term studies of animals in multiple habitats and throughout their annual cycles.  相似文献   

In habitats where the density of breeding individuals is higher, breeding success has been shown to increase with the number of close conspecific and heterospecific neighbours. However, the mechanisms linking habitat quality, group size of prey individuals and offspring defence are poorly known. In this field study, we examined the relationships between habitat quality and parental nest defence behaviour in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We found that mobbing is more intense in unmanaged forests where birds breed in more dense and diverse communities than in heavily managed young forests where heterospecific densities are lower. We also found that the mobbing activities of pied flycatchers breeding in unmanaged mature boreal forests attracted more neighbouring prey individuals than in nearby managed forests. This study shows that habitat quality-mediated effects might be responsible for the decreased group size of mobbing birds in managed forests, which may lead to less effective communal defence.  相似文献   

Tim Schmoll  Oddmund Kleven 《Ibis》2016,158(3):670-673
Information about male infertility in free‐living bird populations and its underlying causes are poorly documented in the literature. Here, we assessed sperm quality and infertility among males in a wild population of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus, a socially monogamous passerine with frequent extra‐pair mating. One of 30 males (3.3%) studied across two breeding seasons had morphologically abnormal and nearly immotile spermatozoa in combination with zero annual fertilization success. Demonstration of male functional infertility suggests the possibility that socially monogamous females of the study population could obtain a direct fitness benefit by mating polyandrously to increase fertilization success, which could contribute to selection on extra‐pair mating behaviour.  相似文献   

How do birds select the sounds they mimic, and in what contexts do they use vocal mimicry? Some birds show a preference for mimicking other species' alarm notes, especially in situations when they appear to be alarmed. Yet no study has demonstrated that birds change the call types they mimic with changing contexts. We found that greater racket-tailed drongos (Dicrurus paradiseus) in the rainforest of Sri Lanka mimic the calls of predators and the alarm-associated calls of other species more often than would be expected from the frequency of these sounds in the acoustic environment. Drongos include this alarm-associated mimicry in their own alarm vocalizations, while incorporating other species' songs and contact calls in their own songs. Drongos show an additional level of context specificity by mimicking other species' ground predator-specific call types when mobbing. We suggest that drongos learn other species' calls and their contexts while interacting with these species in mixed flocks. The drongos' behaviour demonstrates that alarm-associated calls can have learned components, and that birds can learn the appropriate usage of calls that encode different types of information.  相似文献   

The importance of behaviours as instigators or inhibitors of evolutionary change remains largely unresolved and this is in part because there are very few empirical examples of how behaviours affect evolutionary processes. By determining the environment of breeding, aggressive interactions over territories have the potential to strongly impact selection pressures experienced by individuals. Western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) provide a unique opportunity to investigate the evolutionary importance of aggression, since their highly variable breeding habitat favours distinct foraging techniques and they also compete aggressively for nest boxes, a resource that is easy to manipulate. Here, I show experimentally that more aggressive males compete more effectively for territories with a high density of nest boxes and, as a consequence, aggressive and non-aggressive males are sorted into distinct breeding habitats that differ in the strength of selection on morphological traits. Specifically, males with longer tails and tarsi were favoured in open habitats where high agility is required to forage efficiently, whereas in forested habitats, where agility is less important, selection was weak. These results show that aggression can affect selection on a local scale by determining individual settlement patterns. More generally, because territorial interactions are important across a wide variety of taxa, these results suggest that aggressive behaviour has the potential to impact the evolutionary trajectory of many animal populations.  相似文献   

Natural selection is a central tenet of evolutionary theory, yet the estimation of the direction and intensity of selection remains problematic. Here, we assess the strength of selection on the early expression of a secondary sexual ornament, bill colour, in male European blackbirds (Turdus merula) using 5 years of capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data. The best-fitting model consisted of a quadratic relationship between survival rate and bill colour, indicating stabilizing natural selection on the early expression of a secondary sexual trait. There was no evidence for sexual selection acting on bill colour in the first year. We suggest that the consideration of early selection and the adoption of refined statistical methods may reveal patterns of selection in the wild that have, as yet, remained undetected.  相似文献   

Heritability of parental effort in a passerine bird   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract The study of the evolution of parental care is central to our understanding of social systems, sexual selection, and interindividual conflict, yet we know virtually nothing about the genetic architecture of parental care traits in natural populations. In this paper, we use data from a long term field study of a passerine bird, the long-tailed tit ( Aegithalos caudatus ), to examine the heritability of the rate at which parents feed offspring. This measure of effort is positively related to offspring survival, is repeatable within individuals, and does not appear to be confounded by environmental effects. Using both parent-offspring regression, and an animal model approach, with a pedigree derived from ringing data, we show that our measure of effort has a significant heritable component.  相似文献   

Populations of migratory birds have undergone marked declines, although the causes and mechanisms remain unknown. Because environmental effects on population dynamics are mediated by the effects of ecological factors on individuals, understanding changes in individual phenotypes in response to ecological conditions is key to understanding population trends. We show that breeding individuals of a declining population of trans-Saharan migratory barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, were affected by environmental conditions, as estimated from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), reflecting primary production, in their winter quarters. The breeding dates of the same individuals in consecutive breeding seasons were advanced and clutch sizes were larger after winters with high NDVI in the winter quarters. Feather moult was also affected by winter conditions, with consequences for male sexual attractiveness. Length of tail ornament was positively correlated with NDVI during the previous winter, and males with large tail ornaments reproduced earlier and had larger clutches. The mean annual breeding date of the population was earlier and breeding success was increased after favourable winters, but this result was mainly determined by a single winter with very low NDVI. Thus, ecological conditions in Africa influence individual performance and productivity in a barn swallow population.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that control population dynamics in migratory animals has been constrained by our inability to track individuals throughout the annual cycle. Using stable carbon isotopes, we show that the reproductive success of a long-distance migratory bird is influenced by the quality of habitat located thousands of kilometres away on tropical wintering grounds. For male American redstarts (Setophaga ruticilla), winter habitat quality influenced arrival date on the breeding grounds, which in turn affected key variables associated with reproduction, including the number of young fledged. Based on a winter-habitat model, females occupying high-quality winter habitat were predicted to produce more than two additional young and to fledge offspring up to a month earlier compared with females wintering in poor-quality habitat. Differences of this magnitude are highly important considering redstarts are single brooded, lay clutches of only three to five eggs and spend only two-and-a-half months on the breeding grounds. Results from this study indicate the importance of understanding how periods of the annual cycle interact for migratory animals. Continued loss of tropical wintering habitat could have negative effects on migratory populations in the following breeding season, minimizing density-dependent effects on the breeding grounds and leading to further population declines. If conservation efforts are to be successful, strategies must incorporate measures to protect all the habitats used during the entire annual cycle of migratory animals.  相似文献   

During the non-breeding season, many species of territorial migratory birds exhibit a non-random pattern of habitat distribution, with males and females occupying different habitats. In this study, we examined possible physiological consequences arising from such habitat segregation in one migrant passerine species, the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla), on its non-breeding grounds in Jamaica, West Indies. For 2 years, we measured concentrations of corticosterone, at the time of capture (baseline) and 30 min after capture (profile of acute corticosterone secretion), in redstarts in two distinct habitats, one occupied predominately by males and one mostly by females. All redstarts in both habitat types exhibited similar concentrations of baseline corticosterone levels in fall (October), whereas in spring (March–April), redstarts in female-biased habitat exhibited significantly higher baseline levels regardless of age or sex. In fall, all individuals in both habitats exhibited significant increases in corticosterone concentration with capture and handling, but in spring only redstarts (both sexes) in male-biased habitat continued to exhibit acute corticosterone secretion. Redstarts in female-biased habitat had elevated baseline corticosterone levels and reduced acute corticosterone secretion. In spring, baseline corticosterone concentration was negatively correlated with body mass, suggesting muscle catabolism associated with high corticosterone concentrations or possibly that birds are leaner as a result of increased foraging effort. These results indicate that redstarts (primarily females) in female-biased habitats suffered a decline in physiological condition, which could in turn influence their departure schedules, migration patterns and even their condition and arrival schedules on the breeding grounds. Thus, segregation of populations into habitats of different quality during the non-breeding period may have ramifications throughout the annual cycle of such migratory species. Furthermore, these results show the usefulness of plasma corticosterone levels as indicators of physiological condition and thus habitat quality for birds during the non-breeding period. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is a key component of population dynamics in birds. It guarantees the genetic exchange of populations, favours range expansions and reduces intraspecific competition. In general, natal philopatry of migratory passerines is quite low (0–13.5%). In this study, we give evidence that, under specific conditions, migratory populations of passerine birds may show a considerably elevated natal philopatry. In a Linnet Carduelis cannabina population on the remote island of Helgoland in the North Sea, we found an extraordinary high return rate of yearlings (38%), which corresponds exactly to the annual survival rate of the species. Despite being completely migratory, the Linnets of Helgoland apparently return to a large extent to their native area and consequently might support the population maintenance on the island. Further studies are needed to reveal if this high natal philopatry is only an unusual 1-year event or a general characteristic of this partially isolated island population.  相似文献   

Behavioral lateralization, which is associated with the functional lateralization of the two brain hemispheres, commonly exists in animals and can provide an individual with benefits such as enhanced cognition and dual tasking. Lateral bias in limb use, as a type of behavioral lateralization, occur in many species, but the reasons for the coexistence of left‐ and right‐biased individuals in a population remain poorly understood. We examined the footedness of male yellow‐bellied tits (Pardaliparus venustulus) when they used feet to clamp mealworms against a perch, and tested its association with other fitness‐related behavioral traits (i.e., feeding efficiency, exploration tendency, and escape performance). We expected differently footed individuals to have respective advantages in these behaviors and thereby coexist (“respective advantage” hypothesis). We found their footedness repeatable, and there was no population‐level bias. While no associations of feeding efficiency and exploration tendency with footedness were detected, the right‐footed individuals were found to be harder to catch than the other individuals. Future studies need to investigate the reasons for the right‐footed individuals' superior escape performance. Moreover, the escape advantage for being right‐footed and the lack of population‐level bias in footedness in male yellow‐bellied tits suggest that the benefits related to left footedness also remain to be explored.  相似文献   

In migratory species breeding in temperate zones and wintering in tropical areas, the prevalence of blood parasites may be affected by migratory strategies and winter habitat choice. We explored whether African winter habitat was linked to the probability of haemosporidian infection in the House Martin Delichon urbicum breeding in Spain, and tested for potential differences between age‐classes. As a proxy for winter habitat features, we analysed stable isotope (δ2H, δ13C and δ15N) values of winter‐grown feathers moulted in tropical Africa. Rainfall at the African winter grounds was related to the probability of being infected with haemosporidians and this effect differed among age‐classes. We found that haemosporidian prevalence was similar for young and experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall (2H‐depleted), whereas there were great differences in winter habitats of lower rainfall (2H‐enriched), with young having a much higher prevalence compared with experienced birds. Likewise, experienced birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with experienced birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall. By contrast, young birds wintering in habitats of lower rainfall had a higher probability of haemosporidian infection compared with young birds wintering in habitats of higher rainfall. These outcomes highlight the interaction of age with haemosporidian infection in the migratory ecology of the House Martin, which may drive carry‐over effects in this long‐distance aerial insectivore.  相似文献   

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