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Pseudomonas entomophila is an entomopathogenic bacterium that infects and kills Drosophila. P. entomophila pathogenicity is linked to its ability to cause irreversible damages to the Drosophila gut, preventing epithelium renewal and repair. Here we report the identification of a novel pore-forming toxin (PFT), Monalysin, which contributes to the virulence of P. entomophila against Drosophila. Our data show that Monalysin requires N-terminal cleavage to become fully active, forms oligomers in vitro, and induces pore-formation in artificial lipid membranes. The prediction of the secondary structure of the membrane-spanning domain indicates that Monalysin is a PFT of the ß-type. The expression of Monalysin is regulated by both the GacS/GacA two-component system and the Pvf regulator, two signaling systems that control P. entomophila pathogenicity. In addition, AprA, a metallo-protease secreted by P. entomophila, can induce the rapid cleavage of pro-Monalysin into its active form. Reduced cell death is observed upon infection with a mutant deficient in Monalysin production showing that Monalysin plays a role in P. entomophila ability to induce intestinal cell damages, which is consistent with its activity as a PFT. Our study together with the well-established action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins suggests that production of PFTs is a common strategy of entomopathogens to disrupt insect gut homeostasis.  相似文献   

Metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) are zinc-dependent hydrolases that inactivate virtually all β-lactam antibiotics. The expression of MBLs by Gram-negative bacteria severely limits the therapeutic options to treat infections. MBLs bind the essential metal ions in the bacterial periplasm, and their activity is challenged upon the zinc starvation conditions elicited by the native immune response. Metal depletion compromises both the enzyme activity and stability in the periplasm, impacting on the resistance profile in vivo. Thus, novel inhibitory approaches involve the use of chelating agents or metal-based drugs that displace the native metal ion. However, newer MBL variants incorporate mutations that improve their metal binding abilities or stabilize the metal-depleted form, revealing that metal starvation is a driving force acting on MBL evolution. Future challenges require addressing the gap between in cell and in vitro studies, dissecting the mechanism for MBL metalation and determining the metal content in situ.  相似文献   

Terminal sialic acid in the lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) of mucosal pathogens is an important virulence factor. Here we report the characterization of a Helicobacter sialyltransferase involved in the biosynthesis of sialylated LPS in Helicobacter bizzozeronii, the only non-pylori gastric Helicobacter species isolated from humans thus far. Starting from the genome sequences of canine and human strains, we identified potential sialyltransferases downstream of three genes involved in the biosynthesis of N-acetylneuraminic acid. One of these candidates showed monofunctional α,2,3-sialyltransferase activity with a preference for N-acetyllactosamine as a substrate. The LPSs from different strains were shown by SDS-PAGE and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) to contain sialic acid after neuraminidase treatment. The expression of this sialyltransferase and sialyl-LPS appeared to be a phase-variable characteristic common to both human and canine H. bizzozeronii strains. The sialylation site of the LPSs of two H. bizzozeronii strains was determined to be NeuAc-Hex-HexNAc, suggesting terminal 3'-sialyl-LacNAc. Moreover, serological typing revealed the possible presence of sialyl-Lewis X in two additional strains, indicating that H. bizzozeronii could also mimic the surface glycans of mammalian cells. The expression of sialyl-glycans may influence the adaptation process of H. bizzozeronii during the host jump from dogs to humans.  相似文献   

Calcification of soft tissue leads to serious diseases and has been associated with bacterial chronic infections. However, the origin and the molecular mechanisms of calcification remain unclear. Here we hypothesized that a human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa deposits extracellular calcium, a process requiring carbonic anhydrases (CAs). Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the formation of 0.1-0.2 μm deposits by P. aeruginosa PAO1 growing at 5 mM CaCl2, and X-ray elemental analysis confirmed they contain calcium. Quantitative analysis of deposited calcium showed that PAO1 deposits 0.35 and 0.75 mM calcium/mg protein when grown at 5 mM and 10 mM CaCl2, correspondingly. Fluorescent microscopy indicated that deposition initiates at the cell surface. We have previously characterized three PAO1 β-class CAs: psCA1, psCA2, and psCA3 that hydrate CO2 to HCO3, among which psCA1 showed the highest catalytic activity (Lotlikar et. al. 2013). According to immunoblot and RT-qPCR, growth at elevated calcium levels increases the expression of psCA1. Analyses of the deletion mutants lacking one, two or all three psCA genes, determined that psCA1 plays a major role in calcium deposition and contributes to the pathogen’s virulence. In-silico modeling of the PAO1 β-class CAs identified four amino acids that differ in psCA1 compared to psCA2, and psCA3 (T59, A61A, A101, and A108), and these differences may play a role in catalytic rate and thus calcium deposition. A series of inhibitors were tested against the recombinant psCA1, among which aminobenzene sulfonamide (ABS) and acetazolamide (AAZ), which inhibited psCA1 catalytic activity with KIs of 19 nM and 37 nM, correspondingly. The addition of ABS and AAZ to growing PAO1 reduced calcium deposition by 41 and 78, respectively. Hence, for the first time, we showed that the β-CA psCA1 in P. aeruginosa contributes to virulence likely by enabling calcium salt deposition, which can be partially controlled by inhibiting its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

BackgroundToxoplasmosis constitutes a large global burden that is further exacerbated by the shortcomings of available therapeutic options, thus underscoring the urgent need for better anti-Toxoplasma gondii therapy or strategies. Recently, we showed that the anti-parasitic action of inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) could, in part, be due to changes in redox status as well as in the parasite mitochondrial membrane potential.MethodsIn the present study, we explored the in vitro mode of action of the anti-T. gondii effect of NPs by evaluating the contributions of host cellular processes, including the tryptophan pathway and hypoxia-inducing factor activity. NPs, at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 200 µg/ml were screened for anti-parasitic activity. Sulfadiazine and/or pyrimethamine served as positive controls.ResultsWe found that interplay among multiple host cellular processes, including HIF-1α activity, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity, and to a larger extent the tryptophan pathway, contribute to the anti-parasitic action of NPs.ConclusionTo our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate an effect of NPs on the tryptophan and/or kynurenine pathway.General significanceOur findings deepen our understanding of the mechanism of action of NPs and suggest that modulation of the host nutrient pool may represent a viable approach to the development of new and effective anti-parasitic agents.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a hierarchical cell–cell communication system consisting of a number of regulatory elements to coordinate the expression of bacterial virulence genes. Sensitive detection of quorum sensing (QS) molecules has the potential for early identification of P. aeruginosa facilitating early medical intervention. A recently isolated cell–cell communication molecule, a thiazole termed IQS, can bypass the las QS system of P. aeruginosa under times of stress, activating a subset of QS-controlled genes. This compound offers a new target for pathogen detection and has been prepared in a one step protocol. A simple electrochemical strategy was employed for its sensitive detection using boron-doped diamond and glassy carbon electrodes by cyclic voltammetry and amperometry.  相似文献   

PA-binding domain of LF (LFn) or PA-binding domain of EF (EFn) is the anthrax protective antigen (PA) binding domain of anthrax lethal factor (LF) or edema factor (EF). Here we show the development of a novel anthrax toxin inhibitor, fusion protein of N-terminal 27 amino acids deletion of LFn (Δ27LFn) and EFn. In a cell model of intoxication, fusion protein of Δ27LFn and EFn (Δ27LFn-EFn) was a 62-fold more potent toxin inhibitor than LFn or EFn, and this increased activity corresponded to a 39-fold higher PA-binding affinity by Biacore analysis. More importantly, Δ27LFn-EFn could protect the highly susceptible Fischer 344 rats from anthrax lethal toxin challenge. This work suggested that Δ27LFn-EFn has the potential as a candidate therapeutic agent against anthrax.

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MINT-7014735, MINT-7014747, MINT-7014761: PA63 (uniprotkb:P13423) and LF (uniprotkb:P15917) bind (MI:0407) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)  相似文献   

Azinomycin B is a hybrid polyketide/nonribosomal peptide natural product and possesses antitumor activity by interacting covalently with duplex DNA and inducing interstrand crosslinks. In the biosynthetic study of azinomycin B, a gene (orf1) adjacent to the azinomycin B gene cluster was found to be essential for the survival of the producer, Streptomyces sahachiroi ATCC33158. Sequence analyses revealed that Orf1 belongs to the HTH_42 superfamily of conserved bacterial proteins which are widely distributed in pathogenic and antibiotic-producing bacteria with unknown functions. The protein exhibits a protective effect against azinomycin B when heterologously expressed in azinomycin-sensitive strains. EMSA assays showed its sequence nonspecific binding to DNA and structure-specific binding to azinomycin B-adducted sites, and ChIP assays revealed extensive association of Orf1 with chromatin in vivo. Interestingly, Orf1 not only protects target sites by protein–DNA interaction but is also capable of repairing azinomycin B-mediated DNA cross-linking. It possesses the DNA glycosylase-like activity and specifically repairs DNA damage induced by azinomycin B through removal of both adducted nitrogenous bases in the cross-link. This bifunctional protein massively binds to genomic DNA to reduce drug attack risk as a novel DNA binding protein and triggers the base excision repair system as a novel DNA glycosylase.  相似文献   

The gene for the “weak” toxin of Naja kaouthia venom was expressed in Escherichia coli. “Weak” toxin is a specific inhibitor of nicotine acetylcholine receptor, but mechanisms of interaction of similar neurotoxins with receptors are still unknown. Systems previously elaborated for neurotoxin II from venom of the cobra Naja oxiana were tested for bacterial production of “weak” toxin from N. kaouthia venom. Constructs were designed for cytoplasmic production of N. kaouthia “weak” toxin in the form of a fused polypeptide chain with thioredoxin and for secretion with the leader peptide STII. However, it became possible to obtain “weak” toxin in milligram amounts only within cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Different approaches for refolding of the toxin were tested, and conditions for optimization of the yield of the target protein during refolding were investigated. The resulting protein was characterized by mass spectrometry and CD and NMR spectroscopy. Experiments on competitive inhibition of 125I-labeled α-bungarotoxin binding to the Torpedo californica electric organ membranes containing the muscle-type nicotine acetylcholine receptor (α12β1γδ) showed the presence of biological activity of the recombinant “weak” toxin close to the activity of the natural toxin (IC50 = 4.3 ± 0.3 and 3.0 ± 0.5 µM, respectively). The interaction of the recombinant toxin with α7 type human neuronal acetylcholine receptor transfected in the GH4C1 cell line also showed the presence of activity close to that of the natural toxin (IC50 31 ± 5.0 and 14.8 ± 1.3 µM, respectively). The developed bacterial system for production of N. kaouthia venom “weak” toxin was used to obtain 15N-labeled analog of the neurotoxin.  相似文献   

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), which are the leading cause of both acute and chronic urinary tract infections, often secrete a labile pore-forming toxin known as α-hemolysin (HlyA). We show that stable insertion of HlyA into epithelial cell and macrophage membranes triggers degradation of the cytoskeletal scaffolding protein paxillin and other host regulatory proteins, as well as components of the proinflammatory NFκB signaling cascade. Proteolysis of these factors requires host serine proteases, and paxillin degradation specifically involves the serine protease mesotrypsin. The induced activation of mesotrypsin by HlyA is preceded by redistribution of mesotrypsin precursors from the cytosol into foci along microtubules and within nuclei. HlyA intoxication also stimulated caspase activation, which occurred independently of effects on host serine proteases. HlyA-induced proteolysis of host proteins likely allows UPEC to not only modulate epithelial cell?functions, but also disable macrophages and suppress inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Shigella, a Gram-negative invasive enteropathogenic bacterium, causes the rupture, invasion and inflammatory destruction of the human colonic epithelium. This complex and aggressive process accounts for the symptoms of bacillary dysentery. The so-called invasive phenotype of Shigella is linked to expression of a type III secretory system (TTSS) injecting effector proteins into the epithelial cell membrane and cytoplasm, thereby inducing local but massive changes in the cell cytoskeleton that lead to bacterial internalization into non-phagocytic intestinal epithelial cells. The invasive phenotype also accounts for the potent pro-inflammatory capacity of the microorganism. Recent evidence indicates that a large part of the mucosal inflammation is initiated by intracellular sensing of bacterial peptidoglycan by cytosolic leucine-rich receptors of the NOD family, particularly NOD1, in epithelial cells. This causes activation of the nuclear factor kappa B and c-JunNH(2)-terminal-kinase pathways, with interleukin-8 appearing as a major chemokine mediating the inflammatory burst that is dominated by massive infiltration of the mucosa by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Not unexpectedly, this inflammatory response, which is likely to be very harmful for the invading microbe, is regulated by the bacterium itself. A group of proteins encoded by Shigella, which are injected into target cells by the TTSS, has been recently recognized as a family of potent regulators of the innate immune response. These enzymes target key cellular functions that are essential in triggering the inflammatory response, and more generally defense responses of the intestinal mucosa. This review focuses on the mechanisms employed by Shigella to manipulate the host innate response in order to escape early bacterial killing, thus ensuring establishment of its infectious process. The escape strategies, the possible direct effect of Shigella on B and T lymphocytes, their impact on the development of adaptive immunity, and how they may help explain the limited protection induced by natural infection are discussed.  相似文献   

The intestinal pathogen Escherichia coli serotype O104:H4 (ECO104) can cause bloody diarrhea and haemolytic uremic syndrome. The ECO104 O antigen has the unique repeating unit structure [4Galα1–4Neu5,7,9Ac3α2–3Galβ1–3GalNAcβ1-], which includes the mammalian sialyl-T antigen as an internal structure. Previously, we identified WbwC from ECO104 as the β3Gal-transferase that synthesizes the T antigen, and showed that α3-sialyl-transferase WbwA transfers sialic acid to the T antigen. Here we identify the wbwB gene product as a unique α1,4-Gal-transferase WbwB that transfers Gal from UDP-Gal to the terminal sialic acid residue of Neu5Acα2–3Galβ1–3GalNAcα-diphosphate-lipid acceptor. NMR analysis of the WbwB enzyme reaction product indicated that Galα1-4Neu5Acα2–3Galβ1–3GalNAcα-diphosphate-lipid was synthesized. WbwB from ECO104 has a unique acceptor specificity for terminal sialic acid as well as the diphosphate group in the acceptor. The characterization studies showed that WbwB does not require divalent metal ion as a cofactor. Mutagenesis identified Lys243 within an RKR motif and both Glu315 and Glu323 of the fourth EX7E motif as essential for the activity. WbwB is the final glycosyltransferase in the biosynthesis pathway of the ECO104 antigen repeating unit. This work contributes to knowledge of the biosynthesis of bacterial virulence factors.  相似文献   

The effect of intestinal molecules produced by the host on the virulence of Pseudomonas fluorescens is poorly documented. In the present work, we evaluated the secretion of human β-defensin-2 (hBD-2) by enterocytes after infection with P. fluorescens (a species previously suggested to be involved in inflammatory bowel disease) and investigated the effect of this host-defense peptide on the bacterial virulence. The results showed that P. fluorescens can induce hBD-2 production in Caco-2/TC7 cells via P38 and ERK MAPK-dependent pathways. Surprisingly, the exposure of P. fluorescens to low doses of the antimicrobial peptide was found to enhance its cytotoxic and proinflammatory effects suggesting a potential feedback mechanism in the dialog between bacteria and the host.  相似文献   

Chagas’ disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is an urgent and highly prevalent danger that is endemic to Latin America, and which the research community continues to ignore. Each year, Chagas’ disease kills more people in Latin America compared to any other parasite-borne disease, including malaria. In addition, between 15 and 18 million people worldwide are afflicted with this potentially lethal disease. Despite these devastating numbers, less than 0.5% of worldwide research and development for neglected diseases was aimed at Chagas’ disease. The aim of this review is to draw the attention of biotechnologists to the intriguing parasite that causes Chagas’ disease, which is T. cruzi. Additionally, we would also like to convince the community that basic science research can have a profound impact on the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas’ disease. In this review, we introduce distinct features of T. cruzi such as its complex life cycle (e.g. the potentially infective extracellular amastigote form), its genome and genomics, as well as proteomic analysis of this parasite. Notably, the PIK pathway has been widely acknowledged as an excellent target for drug discovery to combat this pathogen. Furthermore we also describe how the identification and characterization of PIK genes can aid in neutralizing Trypanosoma infections.  相似文献   

Barboni E  Coade S  Fiori A 《FEBS letters》2005,579(30):6749-6755
Understanding the molecular mechanism of host-pathogen interactions is the basis for drug design and vaccine development. The fine composition of mycolic acids (MA), the major constituents of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) cell envelope, as well as other cell wall-associated lipids, contribute to determine the virulence of a given strain. However, endogenous receptors for mycolic acids on susceptible cells exposed to mycobacterial infections have not been fully identified. Here, we show that galectin-3, a multifunctional beta-galactoside binding lectin present mainly in the cytoplasm of inflammatory cells and also present on the cell surface, can recognize mycobacterial mycolic acids. MA can inhibit the lectin self-association but not its carbohydrate-binding abilities and can selectively interfere in the interaction of the lectin with its receptors on temperature-sensitive dendritic cell line, suggesting that galectin-3 could be involved in the recognition of trafficking mycolic acids and participate in their interaction with host cells.  相似文献   

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