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Ornamental bill color is postulated to function as a condition‐dependent signal of individual quality in a variety of taxonomically distant bird families. Most red, orange, and yellow bill colors are derived from carotenoid pigments, and carotenoid deposition in ornamentation may trade off with their use as immunostimulants and antioxidants or with other physiological functions. Several studies have found that bill color changes in response to physiological perturbations, but how quickly such changes can occur remains unclear. We tested the hypothesis that carotenoid‐based orange bill color of American goldfinches Spinus tristis responds dynamically to rapid changes in physiological stress and reflects short‐term changes in condition. We captured male and female goldfinches and measured bill color in the field and again under captive conditions several hours later. The following day, the captive birds were injected with either immunostimulatory lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or a control saline and changes in bill color were measured over a five day period. Yellow saturation of the bill decreased within 6.5 h between the field and captivity measures on the first day, presumably in response to capture stress. Over the longer experimental period, bill hue and luminance decreased significantly, whereas saturation significantly increased in both LPS and control groups. Bill hue and luminance decreased significantly more in birds treated with LPS than in control birds. Among LPS treated birds, individuals expressing high bill color at the beginning of the experiment lost more color than ‘low‐color’ birds, but still retained higher color at the end of the experiment, suggesting that birds that invest heavily in bill coloration are able to sustain high costs in the face of a challenge. Bill color change may have resulted from rapid reallocation of carotenoids from ornamentation to immune function. However, the complex shifts in bill color over time suggest that bill color may be influenced by multiple carotenoid compounds and/or changes in blood flow or chemistry in vessels just beneath the translucent keratinized outer layer of the bill. We conclude that bill color is a dynamic, condition‐dependent trait that strategically and reliably signals short‐term fluctuations in physiological condition.  相似文献   

Migratory species are widespread in terrestrial, aquatic and aerial environments, and are important both ecologically and economically. Since migration is an adaptive response to particular conditions, environmental changes (climate or otherwise) will potentially alter the selective pressures on movement behavior. Such changes may also interfere with, or disrupt, a species’ ability to migrate. In either case, environmental changes could lead to the reduction or total loss of a migration, yet we have little understanding of when to expect these outcomes to occur. Here, I argue that an understanding of both the proximate and ultimate drivers of migration is needed if we are to predict the fate of migrations under changing environmental conditions. I review what is currently known about the drivers of animal migration, but show that we also need a more complete synthesis of migratory patterns across diverse ecosystems and taxonomic groups. The current understanding of migration indicates that (1) drivers of migration vary across species and ecosystems, and (2) a species’ ability to adapt to environmental change successfully depends in part on its migration drivers. Together, these findings suggest a way forward for studying and generating predictions of how changing environmental conditions will differentially impact species by taxonomic group and geographic region of the world.  相似文献   

Females and males have conflicting evolutionary interests. Selection favors the evolution of different phenotypes within each sex, yet divergence between the sexes is constrained by the shared genetic basis of female and male traits. Current theory predicts that such “sexual antagonism” should be common: manifesting rapidly during the process of adaptation, and slow in its resolution. However, these predictions apply in temporally stable environments. Environmental change has been shown empirically to realign the direction of selection acting on shared traits and thereby alleviate signals of sexually antagonistic selection. Yet there remains no theory for how common sexual antagonism should be in changing environments. Here, we analyze models of sex‐specific evolutionary divergence under directional and cyclic environmental change, and consider the impact of genetic correlations on long‐run patterns of sex‐specific adaptation. We find that environmental change often aligns directional selection between the sexes, even when they have divergent phenotypic optima. Nevertheless, some forms of environmental change generate persistent sexually antagonistic selection that is difficult to resolve. Our results reinforce recent empirical observations that changing environmental conditions alleviate conflict between males and females. They also generate new predictions regarding the scope for sexually antagonistic selection and its resolution in changing environments.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous and ever‐changing thermal environments drive the evolution of populations and species, especially when extreme conditions increase selection pressure for traits influencing fitness. However, projections of biological diversity under scenarios of climate change rarely consider evolutionary adaptive potential of natural species. In this study, we tested for mechanistic evidence of evolutionary thermal adaptation among ecologically divergent redband trout populations (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) in cardiorespiratory function, cellular response and genomic variation. In a common garden environment, fish from an extreme desert climate had significantly higher critical thermal maximum (< .05) and broader optimum thermal window for aerobic scope (>3°C) than fish from cooler montane climate. In addition, the desert population had the highest maximum heart rate during warming (20% greater than montane populations), indicating improved capacity to deliver oxygen to internal tissues. In response to acute heat stress, distinct sets of cardiac genes were induced among ecotypes, which helps to explain the differences in cardiorespiratory function. Candidate genomic markers and genes underlying these physiological adaptations were also pinpointed, such as genes involved in stress response and metabolic activity (hsp40, ldh‐b and camkk2). These markers were developed into a multivariate model that not only accurately predicted critical thermal maxima, but also evolutionary limit of thermal adaptation in these specific redband trout populations relative to the expected limit for the species. This study demonstrates mechanisms and limitations of an aquatic species to evolve under changing environments that can be incorporated into advanced models to predict ecological consequences of climate change for natural organisms.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of animal signals has to include consideration of the structure of signal and noise, and the sensory mechanisms that detect the signals. Considerable progress has been made in understanding sounds and colour signals, however, the degree to which movement-based signals are constrained by the particular patterns of environmental image motion is poorly understood. Here we have quantified the image motion generated by wind-blown plants at 12 sites in the coastal habitat of the Australian lizard Amphibolurus muricatus. Sampling across different plant communities and meteorological conditions revealed distinct image motion environments. At all locations, image motion became more directional and apparent speed increased as wind speeds increased. The magnitude of these changes and the spatial distribution of image motion, however, varied between locations probably as a function of plant structure and the topographic location. In addition, we show that the background motion noise depends strongly on the particular depth-structure of the environment and argue that such microhabitat differences suggest specific strategies to preserve signal efficacy. Movement-based signals and motion processing mechanisms, therefore, may reveal the same type of habitat specific structural variation that we see for signals from other modalities.  相似文献   

The western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) is a climatically sensitive region where foundational changes at the basis of the food web have been recorded; cryptophytes are gradually outgrowing diatoms together with a decreased size spectrum of the phytoplankton community. Based on a 11-year (2008–2018) in-situ dataset, we demonstrate a strong coupling between biomass accumulation of cryptophytes, summer upper ocean stability, and the mixed layer depth. Our results shed light on the environmental conditions favoring the cryptophyte success in coastal regions of the WAP, especially during situations of shallower mixed layers associated with lower diatom biomass, which evidences a clear competition or niche segregation between diatoms and cryptophytes. We also unravel the cryptophyte photo-physiological niche by exploring its capacity to thrive under high light stress normally found in confined stratified upper layers. Such conditions are becoming more frequent in the Antarctic coastal waters and will likely have significant future implications at various levels of the marine food web. The competitive advantage of cryptophytes in environments with significant light level fluctuations was supported by laboratory experiments that revealed a high flexibility of cryptophytes to grow in different light conditions driven by a fast photo-regulating response. All tested physiological parameters support the hypothesis that cryptophytes are highly flexible regarding their growing light conditions and extremely efficient in rapidly photo-regulating changes to environmental light levels. This plasticity would give them a competitive advantage in exploiting an ecological niche where light levels fluctuate quickly. These findings provide new insights on niche separation between diatoms and cryptophytes, which is vital for a thorough understanding of the WAP marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

An evolution experiment with the bacterial plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum revealed that several adaptive mutations conferring enhanced fitness in plants arose in the efpR gene encoding a regulator of virulence and metabolic functions. In this study, we found that an efpR mutant systematically displays colonies with two morphotypes: the type S (‘smooth’, similar to the wild type) and the type EV (‘efpR variant’). We demonstrated that the efpH gene, a homologue of efpR, plays a key role in the control of phenotypic heterogeneity, the ΔefpRefpH double mutant being stably locked into the EV type. Using mixed infection assays, we demonstrated that the type EV is metabolically more proficient than the type S and displays fitness gain in specific environments, whereas the type S has a better fitness into the plant environment. We provide evidence that this efpR-dependent phenotypic heterogeneity is a general feature of strains of the R. solanacearum species complex and could occur in natural conditions. This study highlights the potential role of phenotypic heterogeneity in this plant pathogen as an adaptive trait to changing environments.  相似文献   

Understanding propulsion and adaptation to speed requirements is important in determining appropriate therapies for gait disorders. We hypothesize that adaptations for changing speed requirements occur primarily at the hip. The slow, normal and fast gait of 24 healthy young subjects was analyzed. The linear power was analyzed at the hip joint. The anterior-posterior and vertical induced accelerations of the hip were also determined. Linear power and anterior-posterior-induced acceleration (IA) analyses of the hip reveal that the lower limb joint's moments contribute to body forward propulsion primarily during late swing and early stance. Propulsive adaptations to speed changes occur primarily at the hip and secondarily at the ankle. These analyses show that hip muscles, particularly the hip extensors, are critical to propulsion. They also show that ankle function is primarily for support, but is important to propulsion, especially at slow speeds.  相似文献   

The environments in which animals have evolved and live have profound effects on all aspects of their biology. Predictable rhythmic changes in the physical environment are arguably among the most important forces shaping the evolution of behavior and physiology of animals, and to anticipate and prepare for these predictable changes, animals have evolved biological clocks. Unpredictable changes in the physical environment have important impacts on animal biology as well. The ability of animals to cope with and survive unpredictable perturbations depends on phenotypic plasticity and/or microevolution. From the time metazoans first evolved from their protistan ancestors they have lived in close association with a diverse array of microbes that have influenced, in some way, all aspects of the evolution of animal structure, function and behavior. Yet, few studies have addressed whether daily or seasonal rhythms may affect, or be affected by, an animal’s microbial symbionts. This survey highlights how biologists interested in the ecological and evolutionary physiology of animals whose lifestyles are influenced by environmental cycles may benefit from considering whether symbiotic microbes have shaped the features they study.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotes use sexual reproduction to transmit genetic information from generation to generation despite the advantages offered by asexual reproduction. One theory to explain the origin and maintenance of sexual reproduction hypothesises that sexual recombination generates genetic variation that allows faster adaptation to fluctuating and/or stressful environments. We used a combination of ecological, molecular genetic, statistical and experimental evolution approaches to test this hypothesis in an agricultural plant-pathogen system. We inoculated wheat hosts with 10 strains of the fungal pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola in a field experiment and estimated the contributions of sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction and immigration to the genetic composition of fungal populations sampled from moderately resistant and susceptible hosts through the course of an epidemic cycle. We found that a significant proportion of the M. graminicola population in the late phase of the epidemic originated from sexual reproduction among isolates that had been introduced into the field plots at the beginning of the epidemic. Recombinants were recovered at a higher frequency on the moderately resistant plant host Madsen than on the susceptible host Stephens. By the end of the growing season, we estimated that approximately 13% of the strains sampled from the resistant host were recombinants, compared with 9% in the samples collected from the susceptible host. We also found that pathogen strains originating from the resistant cultivar displayed higher levels of fitness, virulence and fungicide tolerance than those originating from the susceptible cultivar. Our results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that sexual reproduction facilitates the evolution of parasites to overcome host resistance.  相似文献   

Cheviron ZA  Brumfield RT 《Heredity》2012,108(4):354-361
Elucidating the molecular genetic basis of adaptive traits is a central goal of evolutionary genetics. The cold, hypoxic conditions of high-altitude habitats impose severe metabolic demands on endothermic vertebrates, and understanding how high-altitude endotherms cope with the combined effects of hypoxia and cold can provide important insights into the process of adaptive evolution. The physiological responses to high-altitude stress have been the subject of over a century of research, and recent advances in genomic technologies have opened up exciting opportunities to explore the molecular genetic basis of adaptive physiological traits. Here, we review recent literature on the use of genomic approaches to study adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia in terrestrial vertebrates, and explore opportunities provided by newly developed technologies to address unanswered questions in high-altitude adaptation at a genomic scale.  相似文献   

Despite growing interplay between ecological and evolutionary studies, the question of how biodiversity influences evolutionary dynamics within species remains understudied. Here, using a classical model of phenotypic evolution in species occupying a patchy environment, but introducing global change affecting patch conditions, we show that biodiversity can inhibit species' evolution during global change. The presence of several species increases the chance that one or more species are pre-adapted to new conditions, which restricts the ecological opportunity for evolutionary responses in all the species. Consequently, environmental change tends to select for changes in species abundances rather than for changing phenotypes within each species. The buffering effects of species diversity that we describe might be one important but neglected explanation for widely observed niche conservatism in natural systems. Furthermore, the results show that attempts to understand biotic responses to environmental change need to consider both ecological and evolutionary processes in a realistically diverse setting.  相似文献   

Humans and monkeys can learn to classify perceptual information in a statistically optimal fashion if the functional groupings remain stable over many hundreds of trials, but little is known about categorization when the environment changes rapidly. Here, we used a combination of computational modeling and functional neuroimaging to understand how humans classify visual stimuli drawn from categories whose mean and variance jumped unpredictably. Models based on optimal learning (Bayesian model) and a cognitive strategy (working memory model) both explained unique variance in choice, reaction time, and brain activity. However, the working memory model was the best predictor of performance in volatile environments, whereas statistically optimal performance emerged in periods of relative stability. Bayesian and working memory models predicted decision-related activity in distinct regions of the prefrontal cortex and midbrain. These findings suggest that perceptual category judgments, like value-guided choices, may be guided by multiple controllers.  相似文献   

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