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The focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and cell adhesion kinase beta (CAKbeta, PYK2, CADTK, RAFTK) are highly homologous FAK family members, yet clearly have unique roles in the cell. Comparative analyses of FAK and CAKbeta have revealed intriguing differences in their activities. These differences were investigated further through the characterization of a set of FAK/CAKbeta chimeric kinases. CAKbeta exhibited greater catalytic activity than FAK in vitro, providing a molecular basis for differential substrate phosphorylation by FAK and CAKbeta in vivo. Furthermore, the N terminus may regulate catalytic activity since chimeras containing the FAK N terminus and CAKbeta catalytic domain exhibited a striking high level of catalytic activity and substrate phosphorylation. Unexpectedly, a modulatory role for the N termini in subcellular localization was also revealed. Chimeras containing the FAK N terminus and CAKbeta C terminus localized to focal adhesions, whereas chimeras containing the N and C termini of CAKbeta did not. Finally, prominent changes in cell morphology were induced upon expression of chimeras containing the CAKbeta N terminus, which were not associated with apoptotic cell death, cell cycle progression delay, or changes in Rho activity. These results demonstrate novel regulatory roles for the N terminus of FAK family kinases.  相似文献   

Structural changes of creatine kinase upon substrate binding.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Small-angle x-ray scattering was used to investigate structural changes upon binding of individual substrates or a transition state analog complex (TSAC; Mg-ADP, creatine, and KNO3) to creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes (dimeric muscle-type (M)-CK and octameric mitochondrial (Mi)-CK) and monomeric arginine kinase (AK). Considerable changes in the shape and the size of the molecules occurred upon binding of Mg-nucleotide or TSAC. The radius of gyration of Mi-CK was reduced from 55.6 A (free enzyme) to 48.9 A (enzyme plus Mg-ATP) and to 48.2 A (enzyme plus TSAC). M-CK showed similar changes from 28.0 A (free enzyme) to 25.6 A (enzyme plus Mg-ATP) and to 25.5 A (enzyme plus TSAC). Creatine alone did not lead to significant changes in the radii of gyration, nor did free ATP or ADP. AK also showed a change of the radius of gyration from 21.5 A (free enzyme) to 19.7 A (enzyme plus Mg-ATP), whereas with arginine alone only a minor change could be observed. The primary change in structure as seen with monomeric AK seems to be a Mg-nucleotide-induced domain movement relative to each other, whereas the effect of substrate may be of local order only. In CK, however, additional movements have to be involved.  相似文献   

Regulation of microtubule polymerization and depolymerization is required for proper cell development. Here, we report that two proteins of the Drosophila melanogaster kinesin-13 family, KLP10A and KLP59C, cooperate to drive microtubule depolymerization in interphase cells. Analyses of microtubule dynamics in S2 cells depleted of these proteins indicate that both proteins stimulate depolymerization, but alter distinct parameters of dynamic instability; KLP10A stimulates catastrophe (a switch from growth to shrinkage) whereas KLP59C suppresses rescue (a switch from shrinkage to growth). Moreover, immunofluorescence and live analyses of cells expressing tagged kinesins reveal that KLP10A and KLP59C target to polymerizing and depolymerizing microtubule plus ends, respectively. Our data also suggest that KLP10A is deposited on microtubules by the plus-end tracking protein, EB1. Our findings support a model in which these two members of the kinesin-13 family divide the labour of microtubule depolymerization.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(11):2078-2083
Lipoprotein signal peptidase (LspA) is an aspartyl protease that cleaves the transmembrane helix signal peptide of lipoproteins as part of the lipoprotein-processing pathway. Members of this pathway are excellent targets for the development of antibiotic therapeutics because they are essential in Gram-negative bacteria, are important for virulence in Gram-positive bacteria, and may not develop antibiotic resistance. Here, we report the conformational dynamics of LspA in the apo state and bound to the antibiotic globomycin determined using molecular dynamics simulations and electron paramagnetic resonance. The periplasmic helix fluctuates on the nanosecond timescale and samples unique conformations in the different states. In the apo state, the dominant conformation is the most closed and occludes the charged active site from the lipid bilayer. With antibiotic bound there are multiple binding modes with the dominant conformation of the periplasmic helix in a more open conformation. The different conformations observed in both bound and apo states indicate a flexible and adaptable active site, which explains how LspA accommodates and processes such a variety of substrates.  相似文献   

Paenibacillus polymyxa β-glucosidase B (BglB), belongs to a GH family 1, is a monomeric enzyme that acts as an exo-β-glucosidase hydrolysing cellobiose and cellodextrins of higher degree of polymerization using retaining mechanism. A molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was performed at 300 K under periodic boundary condition for 5 ns using the complexes structure obtained from previous docking study, namely BglB-Beta-d-glucose and BglB-Cellobiose. From the root-mean-square deviation analysis, both enzyme complexes were reported to deviate from the initial structure in the early part of the simulation but it was stable afterwards. The root-mean-square fluctuation analysis revealed that the most flexible regions comprised of the residues from 26 to 29, 43 to 53, 272 to 276, 306 to 325 and 364 to 367. The radius of gyration analysis had shown the structure of BglB without substrate became more compact towards the end of the simulation compare to other two complexes. The residues His122 and Trp410 were observed to form stable hydrogen bond with occupancy higher than 10%. In conclusion, the behaviour of BglB enzyme towards the substrate binding was successfully explored via MD simulation approaches.  相似文献   

Betaine homocysteine S-methyltransferase (BHMT) is one of the two enzymes known to methylate homocysteine to generate methionine in the liver. It presents a Zn(2+) atom linked to three essential Cys residues. The crystal structure of rat liver BHMT has been solved at 2.5A resolution, using crystals with P2(1) symmetry and 45% solvent content in the cell. The asymmetric unit contains the whole functional tetramer showing point symmetry 222. The overall fold of the subunit consists mostly of a (alpha/beta)(8) barrel, as for human BHMT. From the end of the barrel, the polypeptide chain extends away and makes many interactions with a different subunit, forming tight dimers. The most remarkable structural feature of rat liver BHMT is the presence of a helix including residues 381-407, at the C terminus of the chain, which bind together the dimers AB to CD. A strong ion-pair and more than 60 hydrophobic interactions keep this helix stacked to the segment 316-349 from the opposite subunit. Moreover, the crystal structure of free rat liver BHMT clearly shows that Tyr160 is the fourth ligand coordinated to Zn, which is replaced by Hcy upon binding. Two residues essential for substrate recognition, Phe76 and Tyr77, are provided by a conformational change in a partially disordered loop (L2). The crucial role of these residues is highlighted by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of threonyl-tRNA synthetase (ThrRS) from Staphylococcus aureus, with ATP and an analogue of threonyl adenylate, are described. Together with the previously determined structures of Escherichia coli ThrRS with different substrates, they allow a comprehensive analysis of the effect of binding of all the substrates: threonine, ATP and tRNA. The tRNA, by inserting its acceptor arm between the N-terminal domain and the catalytic domain, causes a large rotation of the former. Within the catalytic domain, four regions surrounding the active site display significant conformational changes upon binding of the different substrates. The binding of threonine induces the movement of as much as 50 consecutive amino acid residues. The binding of ATP triggers a displacement, as large as 8A at some C(alpha) positions, of a strand-loop-strand region of the core beta-sheet. Two other regions move in a cooperative way upon binding of threonine or ATP: the motif 2 loop, which plays an essential role in the first step of the aminoacylation reaction, and the ordering loop, which closes on the active site cavity when the substrates are in place. The tRNA interacts with all four mobile regions, several residues initially bound to threonine or ATP switching to a position in which they can contact the tRNA. Three such conformational switches could be identified, each of them in a different mobile region. The structural analysis suggests that, while the small substrates can bind in any order, they must be in place before productive tRNA binding can occur.  相似文献   

Amino acid selection by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases requires efficient mechanisms to avoid incorrect charging of the cognate tRNAs. A proofreading mechanism prevents Escherichia coli methionyl-tRNA synthetase (EcMet-RS) from activating in vivo L-homocysteine, a natural competitor of L-methionine recognised by the enzyme. The crystal structure of the complex between EcMet-RS and L-methionine solved at 1.8 A resolution exhibits some conspicuous differences with the recently published free enzyme structure. Thus, the methionine delta-sulphur atom replaces a water molecule H-bonded to Leu13N and Tyr260O(eta) in the free enzyme. Rearrangements of aromatic residues enable the protein to form a hydrophobic pocket around the ligand side-chain. The subsequent formation of an extended water molecule network contributes to relative displacements, up to 3 A, of several domains of the protein. The structure of this complex supports a plausible mechanism for the selection of L-methionine versus L-homocysteine and suggests the possibility of information transfer between the different functional domains of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Lysine decarboxylase (LDC, EC from Selenomonas ruminantium has decarboxylating activities towards both L-lysine and L-ornithine with similar K(m) and Vmax. Here, we identified four amino acid residues that confer substrate specificity upon S. ruminantium LDC and that are located in its catalytic domain. We have succeeded in converting S. ruminantium LDC to an enzyme with a preference in decarboxylating activity for L-ornithine when the four-residue of LDC were replaced by the corresponding residues of mouse ornithine decarboxylase (EC  相似文献   

To identify the amino acids responsible for the substrate binding of chitosanase from Bacillus circulans MH-K1 (MH-K1 chitosanase), Tyr148 and Lys218 of the chitosanase were mutated to serine and proline, respectively, and the mutated chitosanases were characterized. The enzymatic activities of Y148S and K218P were found to be 12.5% and 0.16% of the wild type, respectively. When the (GlcN)3 binding ability to the chitosanase was evaluated by fluorescence spectroscopy and thermal unfolding experiments, the binding abilities of both mutant enzymes were markedly reduced as compared with the wild type enzyme. The affinity of the enzyme for the trisaccharide decreased by 1.0 kcal/mol of binding free energy for Y148S, and 3.7 kcal/mol for K218P. The crystal structure of K218P revealed that Pro218 forms a cis-peptide bond and that the state of the flexible loop containing the 218th residue is considerably affected by the mutation. Thus, we conclude that the flexible loop containing Lys218 plays an important role in substrate binding, and that the role of Tyr148 is less critical, but still important, due to a stacking interaction or hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

TYK2 is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, member of the Janus kinases (JAK), with a central role in several diseases, including cancer. The JAKs' catalytic domains (KD) are highly conserved, yet the isolated TYK2-KD exhibits unique specificities. In a previous work, using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a catalytically impaired TYK2-KD variant (P1104A) we found that this amino acid change of its JAK-characteristic insert (αFG), acts at the dynamics level. Given that structural dynamics is key to the allosteric activation of protein kinases, in this study we applied a long-scale MD simulation and investigated an active TYK2-KD form in the presence of adenosine 5′-triphosphate and one magnesium ion that represents a dynamic and crucial step of the catalytic cycle, in other protein kinases. Community analysis of the MD trajectory shed light, for the first time, on the dynamic profile and dynamics-driven allosteric communications within the TYK2-KD during activation and revealed that αFG and amino acids P1104, P1105, and I1112 in particular, hold a pivotal role and act synergistically with a dynamically coupled communication network of amino acids serving intra-KD signaling for allosteric regulation of TYK2 activity. Corroborating our findings, most of the identified amino acids are associated with cancer-related missense/splice-site mutations of the Tyk2 gene. We propose that the conformational dynamics at this step of the catalytic cycle, coordinated by αFG, underlie TYK2-unique substrate recognition and account for its distinct specificity. In total, this work adds to knowledge towards an in-depth understanding of TYK2 activation and may be valuable towards a rational design of allosteric TYK2-specific inhibitors.  相似文献   

Lin LF  Houng A  Reed GL 《Biochemistry》2000,39(16):4740-4745
Lysine side chains induce conformational changes in plasminogen (Pg) that regulate the process of fibrinolysis or blood clot dissolution. A lysine side-chain mimic, epsilon amino caproic acid (EACA), enhances the activation of Pg by urinary-type and tissue-type Pg activators but inhibits Pg activation induced by streptokinase (SK). Our studies of the mechanism of this inhibition revealed that EACA (IC(50) 10 microM) also potently blocked amidolytic activity by SK and Pg at doses nearly 10000-fold lower than that required to inhibit the amidolytic activity of plasmin. Different Pg fragments were used to assess the role of the kringles in mediating the inhibitory effects of EACA: mini-Pg which lacks kringles 1-4 of Glu-Pg and micro-Pg which lacks all kringles and contains only the catalytic domain. SK bound with similar affinities to Glu-Pg (K(A) = 2.3 x 10(9) M(-1)) and to mini-Pg (K(A) = 3.8 x 10(9) M(-)(1)) but with significantly lower affinity to micro-Pg (K(A) = 6 x 10(7) M(-)(1)). EACA potently inhibited the binding of Glu-Pg to SK (K(i) = 5.7 microM), but was less potent (K(i) = 81.1 microM) for inhibiting the binding of mini-Pg to SK and had no significant inhibitory effects on the binding of micro-Pg and SK. In assays simulating substrate binding, EACA also potently inhibited the binding of Glu-Pg to the SK-Glu-Pg activator complex, but had negligible effects on micro-Pg binding. Taken together, these studies indicate that EACA inhibits Pg activation by blocking activator complex formation and substrate binding, through a kringle-dependent mechanism. Thus, in addition to interactions between SK and the protease domain, interactions between SK and the kringle domain(s) play a key role in Pg activation.  相似文献   

The Amino acid-Polyamine-Organocation (APC) superfamily is the main family of amino acid transporters found in all domains of life and one of the largest families of secondary transporters. Here, using a sensitive homology threading approach and modelling we show that the predicted structure of APC members is extremely similar to the crystal structures of several prokaryotic transporters belonging to evolutionary distinct protein families with different substrate specificities. All of these proteins, despite having no primary amino acid sequence similarity, share a similar structural core, consisting of two V-shaped domains of five transmembrane domains each, intertwined in an antiparallel topology. Based on this model, we reviewed available data on functional mutations in bacterial, fungal and mammalian APCs and obtained novel mutational data, which provide compelling evidence that the amino acid binding pocket is located in the vicinity of the unwound part of two broken helices, in a nearly identical position to the structures of similar transporters. Our analysis is fully supported by the evolutionary conservation and specific amino acid substitutions in the proposed substrate binding domains. Furthermore, it allows predictions concerning residues that might be crucial in determining the specificity profile of APC members. Finally, we show that two cytoplasmic loops constitute important functional elements in APCs. Our work along with different kinetic and specificity profiles of APC members in easily manipulated bacterial and fungal model systems could form a unique framework for combining genetic, in-silico and structural studies, for understanding the function of one of the most important transporter families.  相似文献   

Lüersen K 《FEBS letters》2005,579(24):5347-5352
Thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferases and spermidine/spermine N-acetyltransferases (SSAT) are closely related members of the GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase superfamily. Accordingly, a putative orthologue from the human protozoan parasite Leishmania major exhibits an almost equal similarity to human SSAT and thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferase. Characterisation of the recombinantly expressed L. major protein indicated that it represents a thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferase, preferring thialysine (S-aminoethyl-l-cysteine) and structurally related amino acids as acceptor molecules. The known thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferases contain five conserved amino acid residues that are replaced in SSAT sequences. Kinetic analyses of the respective recombinant mutant proteins suggest that Ser(82) and Thr(83) of L. major thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferase are key residues for acceptor binding. In addition, the conserved Leu(130) is tentatively involved in specific interaction with the sulphur-containing side chain of thialysine. The presence of these three amino acid residues is suggested to be a means by which thialysine N(epsilon)-acetyltransferases can be distinguished from SSAT sequences.  相似文献   

Members of the RME-1/mRme-1/EHD1 protein family have recently been shown to function in the recycling of membrane proteins from recycling endosomes to the plasma membrane. RME-1 family proteins are normally found in close association with recycling endosomes and the vesicles and tubules emanating from these endosomes, consistent with the proposal that these proteins directly participate in endosomal transport. RME-1 family proteins contain a C-terminal EH (eps15 homology) domain thought to be involved in linking RME-1 to other endocytic proteins, a coiled-coil domain thought to be involved in homo-oligomerization and an N-terminal P-loop domain thought to mediate nucleotide binding. In the present study, we show that both Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse RME-1 proteins bind and hydrolyze ATP. No significant GTP binding or hydrolysis was detected. Mutation or deletion of the ATP-binding P-loop prevented RME-1 oligomerization and at the same time dissociated RME-1 from endosomes. In addition, ATP depletion caused RME-1 to lose its endosome association in the cell, resulting in cytosolic localization. Taken together, these results indicate that ATP binding is required for oligomerization of mRme-1/EHD1, which in turn is required for its association with endosomes.  相似文献   

REV1 is a member of the Y-family DNA polymerases, but is atypical in utilizing only dCTP with a preference for guanine (G) as the template. Crystallography of the REV1-DNA-dCTP ternary complex has revealed a unique mechanism by which template G is evicted from the DNA helix and incoming dCTP is recognized by an arginine residue in an α-loop, termed the N-digit. To better understand functions of its individual amino acid residues, we made a series of mutant human REV1 proteins. We found that R357 and L358 play vital roles in template binding. Furthermore, extensive mutation analysis revealed a novel function of R357 for substrate discrimination, in addition to previously proposed specific interaction with incoming dCTP. We found that the binding pocket for dCTP of REV1 has also significant but latent affinity for dGTP. The results suggest that the positive charge on R357 could prevent interaction with dGTP. We propose that both direct and indirect mechanisms mediated by R357 ensure specificity for dCTP.  相似文献   

Several members of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily, including P-glycoprotein and the half-transporter ABCG2, can confer multidrug resistance to cancer cells in culture by functioning as ATP-dependent efflux pumps. ABCG2 variants harboring a mutation at arginine 482 have been cloned from several drug-resistant cell lines, and these variants differ in their substrate transport phenotype. In this study, we changed the wild-type arginine 482 in human ABCG2 to each one of the 19 other standard amino acids and expressed each one transiently in HeLa cells. Using the 5D3 antibody that recognizes a cell surface epitope of ABCG2, we observed that all the mutants were expressed at the cell surface. However, the mutant ABCG2 proteins differed markedly in transport activity. All of the variants were capable of transporting one or more of the substrates used in this study, with the exception of the R482K mutant, which is completely devoid of transport ability. Six of the mutants (R482G, R482H, R482K, R482P, R482T, and R482Y) and the wild-type protein (R482wt) were selected for studies of basal and stimulated ATPase activity and photoaffinity labeling with the substrate analog [125I]iodoarylazidoprazosin. Whereas these seven ABCG2 variants differed markedly in ATPase activity, all were able to specifically bind the substrate analog [125I]iodoarylazidoprazosin. These data suggest that residue 482 plays an important role in substrate transport and ATP turnover, but that the nature of this amino acid may not be important for substrate recognition and binding.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) is emerging as a common downstream target of signalling by hormones and nutrients such as insulin and amino acids. Here, we have investigated how amino acids signal through the S6K1 pathway. First, we found that a commercial anti-phospho-Thr389-S6K1 antibody detects an 80-90 kDa protein that is rapidly phosphorylated in response to amino acids. Unexpectedly, this phosphorylation was insensitive to both mTOR and PI-3 kinase inhibitors, and knockdown experiments showed that this protein was not S6K1. Looking for candidate targets of this phosphorylation, we found that amino acids stimulated phosphorylation of RSK and MSK kinases at residues that are homologous to Thr389 in S6K1. In turn, these phosphorylations required the activity of either p38 or ERK MAP kinases, which could compensate for each other. Moreover, we show that these MAP kinases are also needed for the amino acid-induced phosphorylation of S6K1 at Thr421/Ser424, as well as for that of S6K1 substrate, the S6 ribosomal protein. Consistent with these results, concomitant inhibition of p38 and ERK pathways also antagonised the well-known effects of amino acids on the process of autophagy. Altogether, these findings demonstrate a previously unknown role for MAP kinases in amino acid signalling.  相似文献   

Amino acid activation reaction with valyl-tRNA synthetase (EC from Bacillus stearothermophilus was studied kinetically by measuring ATP-PPi exchange to find the order of the binding of substrate to the enzyme. The effects of the concentration of the substrates (L-valine and ATP) and two dead-end inhibitors (L-valinol and adenosine) on the reaction rate were analyzed. The results indicate that L-valine and ATP are bound to the enzyme in a random sequence. This conclusion is consistent with the one previously suggested by static binding experiments.  相似文献   

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