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Light and nutrition are the important factors in the production of pycnidia and conidia by cowpea isolates of the Phomopsis state of Diaporthe phaseolorum. The highest number of pycnidia and conidia were produced on plant tissue exposed to cool-white fluorescent light. In semisynthetic media more pycnidia were formed at high glucose concentrations, but they matured more slowly than those formed at lower glucose concentrations. Both the level of conidiation and the percentage of pycnidia that formed conidia were higher at lower glucose concentrations. The best artificial medium for inducing a high number of pycnidia containing abundant conidia was one that contained 0.4% glucose and 0.4% NaNO3. A number of carbon sources could replace glucose in this medium.  相似文献   

In a screening trial of thirteen potential spore suppressants carried out in 1965, sporing cankers on Cox's Orange Pippin shoots, induced by inoculation with Gloeosporium perennans in November 1964, were treated at bud-burst with the test materials. The most effective spore suppressant was dichlo-fluanid; this, with the next five most effective materials and six additional materials, was used in a second trial in 1966, when the greatest reduction in spore production was obtained with tetrachloro-o-cresol. A general trend towards correspondence between spore output from cankers and infection on neighbouring fruits was shown, but this could be modified by a number of factors, including changes in spore viability caused by fungicide treatment.  相似文献   

A micropropagation system was developed to facilitate the release and subsequent testing of unique pink- or white-flowered selections of Yucca glauca. Shoot tip explants from mature plants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with factorial combinations of -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (0.0 to 3.2 M) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) (0.0 to 45 M). Shoots were found to proliferate with increasing concentrations of BA and to produce callus and poorer quality shoots in the presence of NAA and the absence of BA. The response to BA and NAA was similar among 3 genotypes examined. A comparison of BA and N6-(2-isopentenyladenine) (2iP) showed that 2iP was not effective in promoting shoot proliferation. Shoot tips rooted in the absence of growth regulators or in the presence of low concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Plantlets were successfully acclimated to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Shoot proliferation has been achieved in Garcinia mangostana L. using seed explants. Maximum mean number of shoots per explant (16.8) was obtained from cultures on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 40 mM 6- benzyladenine, and 2.5 mM -naphthaleneacetic acid and kept at 30 °C under an 8 hour photoperiod. Cultures on the same medium but supplemented with 2 g l-1 activated charcoal produced fewer shoots. However, growth of these shoots was more organized and 75% rooting was obtained. Woody Plant Medium was not a suitable medium for shoot proliferation. Ex vitro establishment was best obtained on planting medium consisting of sand, soil and organic material (3:2:1).Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) basal medium - WPM Woody Plant basal medium (Lloyd & Mc Cown 1980)  相似文献   

In vitro microrhizome production was obtained in turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn.). Freshly sprouted buds with small rhizome portions excised from stored mature rhizomes were cultured on semi-solid culture initiation medium –- MS basal medium + 0.88 M BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) + 0.92 M kinetin + 5% coconut water + 2% sucrose + 0.5% agar –- resulting in bud elongation. Multiple shoots were produced from these elongated buds by culturing in liquid shoot multiplication medium –- MS basal medium + 2.2 M BAP + 0.92 M kinetin + 5% coconut water + 2% sucrose –- at 25±1°C and 16-h light (at 11.7 mol m–2 s–1)/8-h dark cycles. Clumps of four to five multiple shoots/single shoots were used in various experiments. Cultures were incubated in the dark at 25±1°C. Half strength MS basal medium supplemented with 80 g l–1 sucrose was found to be optimal for microrhizome production. Cytokinin BAP had an inhibitory effect on microrhizome production. At the highest concentration of BAP tried (35.2 M) microrhizome production was totally inhibited. Microrhizome production depended on the size of the multiple shoots used. Microrhizomes produced were of a wide range in size (0.1–2.0 g) and, readily regenerated when isolated and cultured in vitro on culture initiation medium or shoot multiplication medium. Under in vivo conditions, small (0.1–0.4 g), medium (0.41–0.8 g) and big (>0.81 g) microrhizomes regenerated. Plantlets developed from big microrhizomes grew faster.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogens sources like nitrate, nitrite enhanced sporulation and glycogen accumulation in Anabaena sp. but ammonium chloride neither influenced sporulation nor glycogen accumulation. Acetate and citrate also stimulated early sporulation and glycogen level was higher over nitrogen free control. Nitrogen and carbon sources in combination proved to be useful in inducing early sporulation and increased content of glycogen. Phosphate and calcium also affected glycogen accumulation significantly, although, the sporulation was found to be of the same order as in nitrogen free medium. Sulphate initiated early sporulation, the mechanism of which is not known.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the phospholipase activity of Candida species in vitro   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phospholipase activity of 41 isolates of oral Candida species was determined by a plate assay. Seventy nine per cent of the C. albicans isolates were phospholipase producers whereas none of the C. tropicalis, C. glabrata or C. parapsilosis isolates produced the enzyme. The degree of phospholipase activity (Pz value) of individual isolates was remarkably constant despite the large variation in activity among different isolates. Experiments with 10 phospholipase positive C. albicans isolates indicate that phospholipase production in vitro is limited to a narrow pH range (c. 3.6-4.7) and is suppressed by increasing concentrations of sucrose and galactose in the media (r = 0.9). Hence, candidal phospholipases seem to play a complex role in the aetiopathology of human candidoses.  相似文献   

In vitro motility and morphology of Cryptosporidium sporozoites were examined in the presence of various solutions. Crude preparations of the bile salt, taurocholic acid, maintained both motility and morphology in a dose-dependent manner. These effects appeared to be due to the taurocholic acid itself, and not simply due to pH variations, osmotic factors, or contaminants. Lysis of sporozoites was also observed and was found to be dependent on pH, with acidic conditions (pH less than 6.2) triggering the lysis.  相似文献   

Genotype, age of tree, nature of explant and size (length and diameter), season of explant collection, explant position on medium, plant growth regulators and certain additives (ascorbic and citric acids, adenine sulphate, L-arginine, glutamine and ammonium citrate), incubation conditions, and subculturing period greatly influenced the in vitro clonal propagation of P. cineraria. The maximum number of 10–12 shoots were induced from the nodal shoot segment from pruned thorny adult trees on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium containing 0.1 mgl-1 indole- 3-acetic acid (IAA)+2.5 mgl-1 benzylaminopurine (BAP)+additives. Higher temperature (31+-2°C) and mixed (fluorescent and incandescent) light of 50 mol m-2 s-1 photon flux density for 12 h per day photoperiod favoured shoot induction and subsequent growth. Explants from thornless trees produced 6–8 shoots per explant on MS medium containing 0.1 mgl-1 IAA+5.0 mgl-1 BAP + additives. Nodal shoot segments obtained from root and stump sprouts produced multiple shoots. Root segments differentiated into multiple shoots on MS medium containing 0.5 mgl-1 indolebutyric acid (IBA)+2.5 mgl-1 BAP.Differentiated shoots multiplied best on MS medium containing 0.1 mgl-1 naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)+1.0 mgl-1 BAP + additives. To yield multiple shoots the original explant was transferred 6 times on fresh medium after harvesting the differentiated shoots. Shoots were rooted by pulsing with 100 mgl-1 IBA for 4 h and then culturing on hormone-free half strength MS medium. Initial dark incubation for 5 days at high temperature (33±2°C) was found essential for root induction from shoots which was 63% within two weeks. The rooted plantlets contained a consistent number of chromosomes (2n=28). It is suggested that the protocol developed could be useful for cloning of mature and tested trees of P. cineraria.  相似文献   

Summary An in vitro method to simulate pollen development was developed in maize (Zea mays L.). Microspores at the late uninucleate to early binucleate stage were isolated and cultured under various conditions. Cell viability, starch content and the formation of the three nuclei as found in normal mature pollen were monitored during the course of the culture. Media composition was modified in order to promote starch accumulation and frequency of mitosis, while maintaining the viability of the microspores. Under the best conditions, up to 12% of the microspores matured in vitro into trinucleate, starch-filled viable pollen grains which were unable to germinate or produce seeds. At different stages during in vitro maturation, proteins patterns were analyzed and compared with their in vivo equivalent and the patterns were only partially similar.  相似文献   

Summary Mononucleated striated muscle cells and one type of endoderm can be isolated from anthomedusae and cultivated in artificial sea-water. In the cultivated muscle the differentiated state is maintained. In the cultivated endoderm flagella are formed, but no new cell types differentiate and DNA synthesis or mitosis is not observed. When isolated muscle is grafted upon endoderm, regeneration or formation of new cell types is not observed. Following treatingment with bacterial collagenase DNA synthesis and flagellum formation are initiated in the isolated muscle; in the isolated endoderm, collagenase treatment has no effect. When striated muscle treated with collagenase is grafted upon endoderm, DNA synthesis is observed in the endoderm, and a regenerate is formed involving transdifferentiation. Although desmosomal contact between collagenase treated muslce and the endoderm is established, it is not sufficient to induce DNA synthesis; complete covering of the endoderm by the muscle is required.  相似文献   

In isolated slices of hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons were recorded intracellularly. Blockade of Ca++ channels increased spike duration, eliminating an early component of the afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that followed evoked spikes. The duration and reversal potential of AHPs were, however, unaffected, suggesting that only an early, fast component of the AHP was Ca(++)-dependent. Unlike other central neurons that exhibit pacemaker activity, therefore, SCN neurons do not display a pronounced, long-lasting Ca(++)-dependent AHP. Extracellular Ba++ and intracellular Cs+ both revealed slow depolarizing potentials evoked either by depolarizing current injection, or by repolarization following large hyperpolarizations. They had different effects on the shape of spikes and the AHPs that followed them, however. Cs+, which blocks almost all K+ channels, dramatically reduced resting potential, greatly increased spike duration (to tens of milliseconds), and blocked AHPs completely. In contrast, Ba++ had little effect on resting potential and produced only a small increase in spike duration, depressing an early Ca(++)-dependent component and a later Ca(++)-independent component of the AHP. The relatively weak pacemaker activity of SCN neurons appears to involve voltage-dependent activation of at least one slowly inactivating inward current, which brings the cells to firing threshold and maintains tonic firing; both Ca(++)-dependent and Ca(++)-independent K+ channels, which repolarize cells after spikes and maintain interspike intervals; and Ca++ channels, which contribute to activation of Ca(++)-activated K+ currents and may also contribute to slow depolarizing potentials. In the absence of powerful synaptic inputs, SCN neurons express a pacemaker activity that is sufficient to maintain an impressively regular firing pattern. Slow, repetitive activation of optic input, however, increases local circuit activity to such an extent that the normal pacemaker potentials are overridden and firing patterns are altered. Since SCN neurons are very small and have large input resistances, they are particularly susceptible to synaptic input.  相似文献   

F C Monette  G Sigounas 《Blood cells》1984,10(2-3):261-286
The characteristics of hematopoietic factors modulating the growth of clonogenic pluripotent stem cells (PSC) in culture (i.e., CFU-GEMM) are examined. The chemical and biologic properties of "burst-promoting activity" (BPA) are compared with those of the lymphokine interleukin-3 (Il-3). The preponderance of the data available suggests that the active moiety of each of these growth factors may be chemically identical since both BPA and purified Il-3 are capable of supporting the growth of PSC in vitro. The effects of hemin on the growth of CFU-GEMM are also examined experimentally. The results show conclusively that, in the absence of exogenous (BPA), hemin is also capable of supporting the growth of CFU-GEMM in culture and to a level that is consistently higher than that of BPA alone. It is therefore suggested that hemin is capable of augmenting the growth of GEMM colonies in vitro in conjunction with BPA/Il-3. However, the in situ role of each of these "candidate" regulators of hemopoiesis remains largely unknown.  相似文献   

Aphid-pathogenic fungus, Pandora neoaphidis, grown on broomcorn millet possesses greater sporulation capacity (C(s)) than aphid cadavers. The most sporulating cultures (32.0x10(4) spores millet(-1) grain) with water content (C(w)) of 48.7% were prepared by incubation at 20 degrees C for 15 days and used to study the effect of temperature and humidity on C(s) during long-term storage. Cultures were sealed with paper to retain ambient humidity, with parafilm for saturated humidity, or kept in 85% and 98% RH chambers. The C(w) and C(s) were monitored during 200-day storage at 5-20 degrees C. The paper-sealed cultures at 5 degrees C, associated with 21-25% of C(w), were best preserved and their 120-day C(s) was similar to that of the fresh cadavers. Consistently or variably high RH at 5 degrees C resulted in significantly higher C(w) and lower C(s) despite longer viability. The regimes at 10 degrees C preserved the cultures for 40 days. The observations fit well to the logistic model C(s)=35.28/{1+exp[-2.36+(-0.003C(w)+0.001C(w)T)t]} (r(2)=0.95) for all regimes of temperature (T) or C(s)=35.55/[1+exp(-2.33+0.001C(w)t)] (r(2)=0.93) at 5 degrees C only. The rate of decline of C(s) of -0.003C(w)+0.001C(w)T or 0.001 C(w) over days (t) highlights the primary effect of C(w). The daily C(s)-decline rates obtained for the best-stored cultures and air-dried cadavers stored at 5 degrees C were surprisingly identical. The results suggest a possible cheap method for preparing and storing large quantities of P. neoaphiodis inocula.  相似文献   

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