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Plant community functional composition can be manipulated in restored ecosystems to reduce the establishment potential of invading species. This study was designed to compare invasion resistance among communities with species functionally similar or dissimilar to yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis), a late‐season annual. A field experiment was conducted in the Central Valley of California with six experimental plant communities that included (1) six early‐season native annual forbs (AF); (2) five late‐season native perennials and one summer annual forb (NP); (3) a combination of three early‐season native annual forbs and three late‐season native perennials (FP); (4) six early‐season non‐native annual grasses (AG); (5) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial grass Elymus glaucus (EG); and (6) monoculture of the late‐season native perennial Grindelia camporum (GC). Following establishment, C. solstitialis seed was added to half of the plots, and a monoculture of C. solstitialis (CS) was established as a control. Over a 5‐year period, the AF and AG communities were ineffective at preventing C. solstitialis invasion. Centaurea solstitialis cover remained less than 10% in the FP and NP communities, except in year 1. By the fourth year, E. glaucus cover was greater than 50% in NP and FP communities and had spread to all other communities (e.g., 27% cover in CS in year 5). Communities containing E. glaucus, which is functionally similar to C. solstitialis, better resisted invasion than communities lacking a functional analog. In contrast, G. camporum, which is also functionally similar to C. solstitialis, failed to survive. Consequently, species selection for restored communities must consider not only functional similarity to the invader but also establishment success, competitiveness, and survivorship.  相似文献   

Four new tetracyclic brominated diterpenes, 1 – 4 , were isolated from the organic extract of Sphaerococcus coronopifolius, collected from the rocky coasts of Corfu Island. The structures of the new natural products, as well as their relative configurations, were elucidated on the basis of extensive spectral analyses, including 2D‐NMR experiments. The isolated metabolites were evaluated for their antibacterial activity against a panel of bacteria including multidrug‐resistant (MDR) and methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with MIC values in the range of 16–128 μg/ml.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of coexistence of the rare Amani Sunbird (Hedydipna pallidigastra) and the widespread Collared Sunbird (H. collaris), within Brachystegia woodland in the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest, Kenya. We compared how prey abundance and search strategies affect resource exploitation by the two species. We used foraging theory to direct our measures of feeding activities as influenced by sunbird species, tree species and foraging height. We evaluated invertebrate abundance among tree species at different heights within trees. The Collared Sunbird primarily used the understory, and the Amani Sunbird primarily used the upper‐canopy. Overall, the rate of prey attacks per flight of the Amani Sunbird was 2.8 times greater than that of the Collared Sunbird. The Amani Sunbird, however, used increased search and attack rates in the understory compared with the mid‐ and upper‐canopies, but the Collared Sunbird foraged similarly throughout all strata. We hypothesize that the increased foraging rate of the Amani in the understory reflects increased foraging costs due to interference from the Collared Sunbird in that stratum. Furthermore, the Collared Sunbird exploits rich patches by moving frequently from place to place. The Amani Sunbird forages slowly, with reduced travel rates, and with a greater number of prey captures within a patch. Arthropod density did not differ among the vegetative strata, but was higher in Brachystegia spiciformis and Hymenaea verrucosa than in six other tree species. We hypothesize that the Amani Sunbird appears dependent upon continued tall B. spiciformis trees within the canopy of the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest.  相似文献   

The ciliate genus Protocruzia is a highly confused group, which was formerly placed in the class Heterotrichea or Karyorelictea, and is according to the most recent system tentatively assigned to the class Spirotrichea. In the present study, the morphology, ciliary pattern, and molecular phylogeny of two poorly known species, Protocruzia tuzeti Villeneuve‐Brachon, 1940, and Protocruzia granulosa Kahl, 1933, isolated from coastal waters of China, were investigated. Protocruzia tuzeti differs from its congeners mainly in possessing 6 adoral membranelles, 8–11 somatic kineties, and postoral dikinetids. Protocruzia granulosa is characterized by its extremely slender body, three postoral kineties, and 13 or 14 somatic kineties. The morphogenesis of P. granulosa is similar to that of P. tuzeti, especially in the parakinetal mode of stomatogenesis and the reorganization of the parental paroral membrane; however, more than one somatic kinety joins in the formation of the oral primordium in P. granulosa. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene revealed that six Protocruzia species form a fully supported clade that does not belong to any ciliate class; therefore, our data support the establishment of the class Protocruziea Gao et al. (Sci. Rep., 6, 2016, 24874).  相似文献   

海洋生物资源开发研究概况与展望   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对各类主要的海洋生物资源开发研究作了简洁概述,从海洋生物体内获取的各种活性物质,除可研究海洋药物外,还可开发海洋生物功能性保健品,海洋生物化工产品等;此外,尚可利用其特异的化学结构作为先导物,设计合成治疗疑难病的创新药物。可以预言,21世纪将是人类研究、开发、利用海洋生物资源的黄金时代  相似文献   

The capacity of restored plant populations to adapt to new environmental challenges depends on within‐population genetic variation. We examined how much genetic and environmentally based variation for fitness‐associated traits exists within populations of two native grasses commonly used for restoration in California. We were also interested in understanding how phenotypic expression of genetic variation for these traits varies with growth environment. Thirty maternal families of Elymus glaucus (Blue wild rye) and Nassella pulchra (Purple needlegrass) were sampled from both coastal and interior populations and reciprocally transplanted into three replicated common gardens with and without interspecific competition at each site. Reproductive output of families differed both among years and with competition treatments. Phenotypic expression of genetic variation in culm production differed among populations and was very low when families were grown with interspecific competition. Without interspecific competition, the degree of genetic determination peaked in year two in both species (8.4 and 15.1% in E. glaucus and N. pulchra, respectively). Significant genetic differences in reproduction and phenotypic plasticity were found among N. pulchra subpopulations sampled less than 3 km apart, further highlighting the importance of thoroughly sampling available genetic variation in populations used for restoration. The variable and generally low expression of genetic variation indicates that rates of adaptation in restored populations of these native grasses may vary temporally and may be especially slow within competitive environments.  相似文献   

We evaluated altitudinal segregation in two Sturnira species as a mechanism allowing their coexistence. Tests were devised to discern between interspecific interactions and regional responses to geographic and environmental variables, using extensive capture data from 18 montane rain forest sites. No significant correlation between captures was found. Additionally and according to the hypothesis of historical occupation of highland versus lowland forests, each species has shown specificity in their response to the geographical and environmental variables. Our results indicated that abundance patterns in these bats likely result from the regional distribution of each species rather than local interactions between them, a pattern that may have ancient roots within the group.  相似文献   

After removing invasive plants, whether by herbicides or other means, typical restoration design focuses on rebuilding native plant communities while disregarding soil microbial communities. However, microbial–plant interactions are known to influence the relative success of native versus invasive plants. Therefore, the abundance and composition of soil microorganisms may affect restoration efforts. We assessed the effect of herbicide treatment on phytosymbiotic pink‐pigmented facultative methylotrophic (PPFM) bacteria and the potential consequences of native and invasive species establishment post‐herbicide treatment in the lab and in a coastal sage scrub (CSS)/grassland restoration site. Lab tests showed that 4% glyphosate reduced PPFM abundance. PPFM addition to seeds increased seedling length of a native plant (Artemisia californica) but not an invasive plant (Hirschfeldia incana). At the restoration site, methanol addition (a PPFM substrate) improved native bunchgrass (Nassella pulchra) germination and size by 35% over controls. In a separate multispecies field experiment, PPFM addition stimulated the germination of N. pulchra, but not that of three invasive species. Neither PPFM nor methanol addition strongly affected the growth of any plant species. Overall, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that PPFMs have a greater benefit to native than invasive species. Together, these experiments suggest that methanol or PPFM addition could be useful in improving CSS/grassland restorations. Future work should test PPFM effects on additional species and determine how these results vary under different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The field of ecological restoration is growing rapidly, and the sourcing of suitable seed is a major issue. Information on the population genetic structure of a species can provide valuable information to aid in defining seed collection zones. For a practical contribution from genetics, a rapid approach to delineating seed collection zones using genetic markers (amplified fragment length polymorphisms [AFLPs]) has been developed. Here, we test the effects of sampling regime on the efficacy of this method. Genetic data were collected for an outcrossing seeder, Daviesia divaricata ssp. divaricata, an important species in urban bushland restoration in Perth, Western Australia. The effect of sample size and number of AFLP markers on estimates of genetic variation and population structure was examined in relation to implications for sourcing material for restoration. Three different sample sizes were used (n= 8, 15, and 30) from six urban bushland remnants. High levels of genetic diversity were observed in D. divaricata (87.4% polymorphic markers), with significant population differentiation detected among sampled populations (ΘB= 0.1386, p < 0.001). Although sample size does not appear to affect the spatial pattern in principle co‐ordinates analysis (PCA) plots, the number of polymorphic loci increased with sample size and estimates of population subdivision (FST and ΘB) and associated confidence intervals decreased with increasing sample size. We recommend using a minimum of 30 plants for sourcing seed for restoration projects.  相似文献   

An appreciation of the potential applications of molecular biology is of growing importance in many areas of life sciences, including marine biology. During the past two decades, the development of sophisticated molecular technologies and instruments for biomedical research has resulted in significant advances in the biological sciences. However, the value of molecular techniques for addressing problems in marine biology has only recently begun to be cherished. It has been proven that the exploitation of molecular biological techniques will allow difficult research questions about marine organisms and ocean processes to be addressed. Marine molecular biology is a discipline, which strives to define and solve the problems regarding the sustainable exploration of marine life for human health and welfare, through the cooperation between scientists working in marine biology, molecular biology, microbiology and chemistry disciplines. Several success stories of the applications of molecular techniques in the field of marine biology are guiding further research in this area. In this review different molecular techniques are discussed, which have application in marine microbiology, marine invertebrate biology, marine ecology, marine natural products, material sciences, fisheries, conservation and bio-invasion etc. In summary, if marine biologists and molecular biologists continue to work towards strong partnership during the next decade and recognize intellectual and technological advantages and benefits of such partnership, an exciting new frontier of marine molecular biology will emerge in the future.  相似文献   

Gerbera (Gerbera hybrida) is an economically important ornamental species and a model plant of the Asteraceae family for flower development and secondary metabolism. Gerberin and parasorboside, two bitter tasting glucosidic lactones, are produced in high amounts in nearly all gerbera tissues. Gerbera and its close relatives also produce a rare coumarin, 4‐hydroxy‐5‐methylcoumarin (HMC). Unlike most coumarins, 5‐methylcoumarins have been suggested to be derived through the acetate‐malonate pathway. All of these polyketide‐derived glucosylated molecules are considered to have a role in defense against herbivores and phytopathogens in gerbera. Gerbera expresses three genes encoding 2‐pyrone synthases (G2PS1–3). The enzymes are chalcone synthase‐like polyketide synthases with altered starter substrate specificity. We have shown previously that G2PS1 is responsible for the synthesis of 4‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐2‐pyrone (triacetolactone), a putative precursor of gerberin and parasorboside. Here we show that polyketide synthases G2PS2 and G2PS3 are necessary for the biosynthesis of HMC in gerbera, and that a reductase enzyme is likely required to complete the pathway to HMC. G2PS2 is expressed in the leaf blade and inflorescences of gerbera, while G2PS3 is strictly root specific. Heterologous expression of G2PS2 or G2PS3 in tobacco leads to the formation of 4,7‐dihydroxy‐5‐methylcoumarin, apparently an unreduced precursor of HMC, while ectopic expression in gerbera leads to HMC formation in tissues where nontransgenic tissue does not express the genes and does not accumulate the compound. Using protein modelling and site‐directed mutagenesis we identified the residues I203 and T344 in G2PS2 and G2PS3 to be critical for pentaketide synthase activity.  相似文献   

Subsistence agriculture, cattle ranching, and periodical land abandonment are common land‐use practices in Amazonia. Because changes in land use affect biogeochemical cycles, secondary forests growing after land abandonment develop at varying speeds and spatial patterns, due in part to varying nutrient dynamics. Leaf and soil nutrient concentrations can provide useful information on nutrient cycling processes and strategies of nutrient use by trees that are suitable for introduction to abandoned areas. To understand nutrient dynamics in secondary forests from different regeneration stages, as well as the importance of pioneer species in the regeneration process, we measured the concentration of macronutrients in leaves of three pioneer tree species (Vismia cayennensis, Cecropia sciadophylla, and Bellucia dichotoma) in central Amazon secondary forests. We also measured macronutrients in the topsoil under the trees. We found that type of prior land use, time since abandonment, and number of fire events were significantly correlated with the concentrations of leaf and soil macronutrients, explaining between 10 and 38% of the variation in macronutrient concentrations. The observed patterns suggest that management practices affect the processes involved in N cycling and availability. Of the three pioneer species, C. sciadophylla showed the highest nutrient resorption efficiency and the highest leaf nutritional quality. We suggest that these two features determine a higher potential of C. sciadophylla for natural regeneration and restoration of abandoned lands.  相似文献   

Interspecific aggression, similar to intergroup conspecific aggression, has been observed in a variety of taxa. The dominant group or individual is determined by multiple aggressive events and can be influenced by the size, age, or group size of the participating individuals. Interspecific aggression between Atlantic bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and spotted (Stenella frontalis) dolphins, both resident and sympatric to Little Bahama Bank, the Bahamas has been consistently observed for over two decades. However, it is unclear whether one species is more dominant and little is known about the factors that influence the progression of aggression. For this study, underwater video recordings of 32 aggressive encounters composed of 451 aggressive behavioural events were analysed over a 12‐yr period (1993–2004). These were used to describe the interspecific aggression observed and quantify which factors (the species and age class of the participants or the group size and behaviour of spotted dolphin groups) had the strongest impact on the progression and outcome of aggression. Over the long term, interspecific aggression was bidirectional with neither species being more dominant. During a single encounter, spotted dolphin group synchrony had the strongest impact on the dynamic of aggression, specifically impacting which group (1) initiated aggression, (2) the direction of aggression and (3) the occurrence of dynamic shifts or dominance reversals. This is the first study to quantify the dynamic of aggression for this population, to document bidirectional aggression and dynamic shifts during long‐term interspecific aggression in free‐ranging delphinids, and this study quantifies the role of synchrony during interspecific aggression using underwater observations.  相似文献   

Following perturbation, different assemblages that originate under the same abiotic conditions initiate successional pathways that may continue to diverge or converge toward an eventual climax. Forest regeneration in the Central Amazon begins with alternative successional pathways associated with prior land use. In a 12‐yr study of secondary forests, initially ranging between 2 and 19 yrs after abandonment, we compared species compositions through time along two pathways, abandoned clear‐cuts dominated by Cecropia and abandoned pastures dominated by Vismia; prior results at these sites have not directly evaluated species composition. At all ages, the Chao–Jaccard similarity index of species composition was highest comparing pasture transects to each other, lowest comparing pastures transects to clear‐cut transects, and intermediate comparing clear‐cut transects to each other. Through time, clear‐cut transects became less similar to each other, as did pasture transects. Changes in similarity reflected declining dominance along both pathways, but Cecropia dominance of clear‐cut transects declined more rapidly than Vismia dominance of pasture transects. A rich association of species replaced Cecropia in clear‐cut transects, resulting in decreased similarity among them. In pasture transects one genus, Bellucia, replaced the lost Vismia, so similarity of Vismia transects was maintained despite some turnover in dominance. Overall, even with turnover of individuals and decline of the dominant pioneers, the alternative pathways exhibited strikingly different species assemblies after two decades of succession, suggesting that the effect of land use persists well beyond initial floristic composition.  相似文献   

Two new pyripyropenes, 13‐dehydroxy‐1,11‐deacetylpyripyropene A ( 1 ) and 1‐deacetylpyripyropene A ( 2 ), together with six known compounds, were isolated from a marine fungus Fusarium lateritium 2016F18‐1 which was associated with the sponge Phyllospongia foliascens. Their structures were established mainly based on NMR and MS data. Their cytotoxic activities against human cancer cells CNE1, CNE2, HONE1, SUNE1, GLC82, and HL7702 were evaluated.  相似文献   

Salt tolerance genes constitute an important class of loci in plant genomes. Little is known about the extent to which natural selection in saline environments has acted upon these loci, and what types of nucleotide diversity such selection has given rise to. Here, we surveyed genetic diversity in three types of Na+/H+ antiporter gene (SOS, NhaD, and NHX, belonging to the cation/proton antiporter 1 family), which have well ‐ characterized essential roles in plant salt tolerance. Ten Na+/H+ antiporter genes and 16 neutral loci randomly selected as controls were sequenced from 17 accessions of two closely related members of the genus Populus, Populus euphratica and Populus pruinosa, section Turanga, which are native to northwest China. The results show that salt tolerance genes are common targets of natural selection in P. euphratica and P. pruinosa. Moreover, the patterns of nucleotide variation across the three types of Na+/H+ antiporter gene are distinctly different in these two closely related Populus species, and gene flow from P. pruinosa to P. euphratica is highly restricted. Our results suggest that natural selection played an important role in shaping the current distinct patterns of Na+/H+ antiporter genes, resulting in adaptive evolution in P. euphratica and P. pruinosa.  相似文献   

Ocimum basilicum and Ocimum gratissimum (Lamiaceae) are used to treat diabetes mellitus in Africa. In a previous work, we identified chicoric acid as a hypoglycemic substance in O. gratissimum. This study aims to compare the chemical metabolite profile and the hypoglycemic activity of unfractionated aqueous extracts from leaves of both Lamiaceae species. The metabolite composition of OB and OG decoctions (10% w/v) was analyzed using HPLC‐DAD and NMR tools. Chicoric acid showed to be the major phenolic in both extracts, besides caftaric, caffeic, and rosmarinic acids; nevertheless, there is approximately three times more of this substance in OG. From 1D‐ and 2D‐NMR analyses, 19 substances were identified in OB, while 12 in OG. The in vivo acute hypoglycemic activity of the extracts was assessed intraperitoneally in streptozotocin (STZ)‐induced diabetic mice. The doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg of both extracts significantly reduced their glycemia, compared to controls (P < 0.05). OB was a little more effective than OG, despite the lower content of chicoric acid in OB. This result strongly suggests that components other than chicoric acid contribute to the hypoglycemic activity of the two extracts. Despite the abundance of caffeic and rosmarinic acids in OB, their hypoglycemic activity observed at 8.3 μmol/kg was low. This is the first chemical profile of crude extracts from Ocimum species by NMR. Our findings confirmed the potential of both species in DM treatment in spite of marked differences in their chemical composition. However, long‐term studies are necessary in order to identify the most promising of the two species for the development of an herbal medicine.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding aims to develop an efficient tool for species identification based on short and standardized DNA sequences. In this study, the DNA barcode paradigm was tested among the genera of the tribe Sisyrinchieae (Iridoideae). Sisyrinchium, with more than 77% of the species richness in the tribe, is a taxonomically complex genus. A total of 185 samples belonging to 98 species of Sisyrinchium, Olsynium, Orthrosanthus and Solenomelus were tested using matK, trnHpsbA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS). Candidate DNA barcodes were analysed either as single markers or in combination. Detection of a barcoding gap, similarity‐based methods and tree‐based analyses were used to assess the discrimination efficiency of DNA barcodes. The levels of species identification obtained from plastid barcodes were low and ranged from 17.35% to 20.41% for matK and 5.11% to 7.14% for trnH‐psbA. The ITS provided better results with 30.61–38.78% of species identified. The analyses of the combined data sets did not result in a significant improvement in the discrimination rate. Among the tree‐based methods, the best taxonomic resolution was obtained with Bayesian inference, particularly when the three data sets were combined. The study illustrates the difficulties for DNA barcoding to identify species in evolutionary complex lineages. Plastid markers are not recommended for barcoding Sisyrinchium due to the low discrimination power observed. ITS gave better results and may be used as a starting point for species identification.  相似文献   

The recently described enzyme, polyenoic fatty acid isomerase (PFI), from the marine alga Ptilota filicina J. Argardh has been analyzed with respect to its protein structure and an associated cofactor. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity (as judged by SDS-PAGE and silver staining). By sedimentation equilibrium ultracentrifugation the mass of the native enzyme was estimated to be 125 kDa. The N-terminal peptide sequence derived from this protein was used to isolate two very similar cDNA clones encoding novel 500-amino acid proteins, both with calculated molecular masses of 55.9 kDa and pIs of 4.87. The data predict translation of a preprotein containing a signal peptide of 21 amino acids that is removed during maturation. Deglycosylation assays demonstrate that native PFI from P. filicina is a glycoprotein. The purified protein is chromophoric with a flavin-like UV spectrum and sequence analysis reveals the presence of a flavin-binding motif near the mature N-terminus. Heterologous expression of active PFI in Arabidopsis, using one of the cDNA clones, was successful as evidenced by conversion of arachidonic acid to a conjugated triene in an in vitro assay of the transgenic plant tissues.  相似文献   

A growing number of marine fungi are the sources of novel and potentially life-saving bioactive secondary metabolites. Here, we have discussed some of these novel antibacterial, antiviral, antiprotozoal compounds isolated from marine-derived fungi and their possible roles in disease eradication. We have also discussed the future commercial exploitation of these compounds for possible drug development using metabolic engineering and post-genomics approaches.  相似文献   

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