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Park S  Burghardt TP 《Biochemistry》2002,41(5):1436-1444
Myosin is the molecular motor in muscle that generates torque and transiently reacts with actin. The mechanical work performed by the motor occurs by successive decrements in the free energy of the myosin-nucleotide system. The seat of these transitions is the globular "head" domain of the myosin molecule (subfragment 1 or S1). A very useful (hitherto empirical) signal of these transitions has been optical, namely, detection of state-dependent changes in absorbance or fluorescence of S1. This effect has now been found to arise in a particular myosin residue (Trp510 in rabbit skeletal muscle), enabling the study of its intimate mechanism. In this work, based on measuring time-dependent signals, we find that the signal change upon nucleotide binding is adequately explained by assuming that nucleotide binding to a remote site causes a transition from a situation in which Trp510 is strongly statically quenched to a situation in which it is weakly statically quenched. The Trp510-static quencher interaction is also responsible, in part, for the changing tryptophan optical density in S1 upon nucleotide binding. Using crystallographically based geometry, calculation of the Trp510 electronic wave function indicates that Tyr503 is the static quencher.  相似文献   

Synthetic model peptides have proven useful for examining fundamental peptide-lipid interactions. A frequently employed peptide design consists of a hydrophobic core of Leu-Ala residues with polar or aromatic amino acids flanking each side at the interfacial positions, which serve to "anchor" a specific transmembrane orientation. For example, WALP family peptides (acetyl-GWW(LA)(n)LWWA-[ethanol]amide), anchored by four Trp residues, have received particular attention in both experimental and theoretical studies. A recent modification proved successful in reducing the number of Trp anchors to only one near each end of the peptide. The resulting GWALP23 (acetyl-GGALW(5)(LA)(6)LW(19)LAGA-[ethanol]amide) displays reduced dynamics and greater sensitivity to lipid-peptide hydrophobic mismatch than traditional WALP peptides. We have further modified GWALP23 to incorporate a single tyrosine, replacing W(5) with Y(5). The resulting peptide, Y(5)GWALP23 (acetyl-GGALY(5)(LA)(6)LW(19)LAGA-amide), has a single Trp residue that is sensitive to fluorescence experiments. By incorporating specific (2)H and (15)N labels in the core sequence of Y(5)GWALP23, we were able to use solid-state NMR spectroscopy to examine the peptide orientation in hydrated lipid bilayer membranes. The peptide orients well in membranes and gives well-defined (2)H quadrupolar splittings and (15)N/(1)H dipolar couplings throughout the core helical sequence between the aromatic residues. The substitution of Y(5) for W(5) has remarkably little influence on the tilt or dynamics of GWALP23 in bilayer membranes of the phospholipids DOPC, DMPC, or DLPC. A second analogue of the peptide with one Trp and two Tyr anchors, Y(4,5)GWALP23, is generally less responsive to the bilayer thickness and exhibits lower apparent tilt angles with evidence of more extensive dynamics. In general, the peptide behavior with multiple Tyr anchors appears to be quite similar to the situation when multiple Trp anchors are present, as in the original WALP series of model peptides.  相似文献   

Nitration of tyrosine with tetranitromethane shifts the tyrosine absorption spectrum and abolishes its 200 nm-excited resonance Raman spectrum. There is no detectable resonance Raman contribution from either reactants or products. Likewise, modification of tryptophan with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide (HNBB) shifts its absorption spectrum and abolishes its 218 nm-excited resonance Raman spectrum. In this case resonance Raman bands due to HNBB are seen, but are readily distinguishable from the tryptophan spectrum, can be computer-subtracted. When stellacyanin was treated with tetranitromethane the UV resonance Raman spectrum was greatly attenuated; quantitation of the 850 cm-1 tyrosine band intensity gave a value of 4.3 tyrosines modified out of the seven present in stellacyanin, in good agreement with an estimate of 4.7 from the absorption spectrum. For cytochrome c, the resonance Raman spectrum indicates that two out of the four tyrosines are modified by tetranitromethane treatment, consistent with the crystal structure, which shows two buried tyrosines and two at the protein surface. Treatment of stellacyanin with HNBB gave a reduction in the tryptophan spectrum, excited at 218 nm, consistent with one of the three tryptophans being modified. These modification procedures should be useful in distinguishing spectra of buried tyrosine and tryptophan residues from those at the surface.  相似文献   

Barrows TP  Bhaskar B  Poulos TL 《Biochemistry》2004,43(27):8826-8834
Previously a K(+)-binding site, analogous to that found in ascorbate peroxidase (APX), was engineered into cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) to test the hypothesis that the bound K(+) influences the stability of the Trp191 cation radical formed during the CcP catalytic cycle (Bonagura et al., (1996) Biochemistry 35, 6107 and Bonagura et al., (1999) Biochemistry 38, 5528). Characterization of this mutant, designated CcPK2, showed that the stability of the Trp191 cation radical is dependent on the occupancy of the engineered K(+) site and that the Trp191 radical was much less stable in this mutant than in wild-type CcP. The mutations Met230Leu, Met231Gln, and Met172Ser have now been constructed on the CcPK2 mutant template to test if the Met residues also contribute to the stabilization of the Trp191 cation radical. Crystal structures show that the mutations affect only the local structure near the sites of mutation. Removal of these electronegative residues located less than 8 A from the Trp radical results in a further destabilization of the Trp radical. The characteristic EPR signal associated with the Trp radical is significantly narrowed and is characteristic of a tyrosine radical signal. Double-mixing stopped-flow experiments, where the delay time between the formation of CcP compound I and its mixing with horse heart ferrocytochrome c is varied, show that the stability of the Trp radical decreases as the Met residues are removed from the proximal cavity. When taken together, these results demonstrate a strong correlation between the experimentally determined stability of the Trp191 radical, the enzyme activity, and the calculated electrostatic stabilization of the Trp191 radical.  相似文献   

We have measured the steady-state tryptophan fluorescence spectrum of cytochrome oxidase in its oxidized and fully reduced states. Reduction of the oxidized enzyme by sodium dithionite causes an apparent shift in the fluorescence emission maximum from 328 nm, in the oxidized enzyme, to 348 nm, in the reduced enzyme. This spectroscopic change has been observed previously and assigned to a redox-linked, conformational change in cytochrome oxidase [Copeland, R. A., Smith, P. A., & Chan, S. I. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7311-7316]. When dithionite-reduced enzyme sits in an open cuvette, the enzyme returns to the oxidized state, and the fluorescence maximum shifts back to 328 nm. However, the time course of the fluorescence change does not follow the redox state of the enzyme, monitored spectrophotometrically at 445,605, and 820 nm, but follows the disappearance of dithionite, which absorbs at 315 nm. Moreover, when the fluorescence emission spectrum of the dithionite-reduced enzyme is corrected for the absorbance due to dithionite, the fluorescence maximum is found 2 nm blue shifted, relative to that of the oxidized enzyme, at 326 nm. This dithionite-induced, red-shifted steady-state tryptophan fluorescence is also seen with the non-heme-containing enzyme carboxypeptidase A. The tryptophan emission spectrum of untreated carboxypeptidase A is at 332 nm, whereas in the presence of dithionite the emission spectrum of carboxypeptidase A is at 350 nm. When corrected for the absorbance of dithionite, the tryptophan emission maximum is at 332 nm. We have also used the photoreductant 3,10-dimethyl-5-deazaisoalloxazine (deazaflavin) to reduce cytochrome oxidase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tyrosine is known to quench the phosphorescence of free tryptophan derivatives in solution, but the interaction between tryptophan residues in proteins and neighboring tyrosine side chains has not yet been demonstrated. This report examines the potential role of Y283 in quenching the phosphorescence emission of W310 of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus by comparing the phosphorescence characteristics of the wild-type enzyme to that of appositely designed mutants in which either the second tryptophan residue, W84, is replaced with phenylalanine or Y283 is replaced by valine. Phosphorescence spectra and lifetimes in polyol/buffer low-temperature glasses demonstrate that W310, in both wild-type and W84F (Trp84-->Phe) mutant proteins, is already quenched in viscous low-temperature solutions, before the onset of major structural fluctuations in the macromolecule, an anomalous quenching that is abolished with the mutation Y283V (Tyr283-->Val). In buffer at ambient temperature, the effect of replacing Y283 with valine on the phosphorescence of W310 is to lengthen its lifetime from 50 micros to 2.5 ms, a 50-fold enhancement that again emphasizes how W310 emission is dominated by the local interaction with Y283. Tyr quenching of W310 exhibits a strong temperature dependence, with a rate constant kq = 0.1 s(-1) at 140 K and 2 x 10(4) s(-1) at 293 K. Comparison between thermal quenching profiles of the W84F mutant in solution and in the dry state, where protein flexibility is drastically reduced, shows that the activation energy of the quenching reaction is rather small, Ea < or = 0.17 kcal mol(-1), and that, on the contrary, structural fluctuations play an important role on the effectiveness of Tyr quenching. Various putative quenching mechanisms are examined, and the conclusion, based on the present results as well as on the phosphorescence characteristics of other protein systems, is that Tyr quenching occurs through the formation of an excited-state triplet exciplex.  相似文献   

Purified cytochrome b5 from rabbit liver microsomes was bound to liposomes prepared from microsomal lipids. Tyrosyl and tryptophyl side chains of the protein were modified by water-soluble reagents and the reactivities of these amino acid residues in the liposome-bound cytochrome b5 were compared to those of the free protein. At pH 13, 80% of the tyrosines in lipid-free cytochrome b5 ionized immediately, whereas in the lipid-bound protein only 65% ionized within the first minute. In contrast, acetylation with acetylimidazole resulted in the conversion of all 5 tyrosine groups of lipid-free as well as lipid-bound cytochrome b5 into O-acetylated derivatives, which upon treatment with hydroxylamine were completely deacetylated. Reaction with N-bromosuccinimide revealed that only 60% of the 4 tryptophan residues present in cytochrome b5 were accessible to the reagent in the lipid-bound protein, although all tryptophans could be modified in lipid free cytochrome b5. It was concluded that the two tyrosines in the region linking the protein to the membrane are not shielded by lipid bilayer but that of the three tryptophans in the same region one is completely buried in the membrane, whereas the remaining two tryptophans may be both partly exposed to the solvent or alternatively, one may be partially and the other completely exposed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of electron coupled proton transfer in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is still poorly understood. The P(M)-intermediate of the catalytic cycle is an oxoferryl state whose generation requires one additional electron, which cannot be provided by the two metal centres. The missing electron has been suggested to be donated to this binuclear site by a tyrosine residue. A tyrosine radical species has been detected in the P(M) and F* intermediates (formed by addition of H2O2) of the Paraccocus denitrificans CcO using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. From the study of conserved variants its origin was determined to be Y167 which is surprising as this residue is not part of the active site. Upon inspection of the active site it becomes evident that W272 could be the actual donor of the missing electron, which can then be replenished from Y167 or from the Y280-H276 cross link in the natural cycle. To address the question, whether such a direct electron transfer pathway to the binuclear centre exists two tryptophan 272 variants in subunit I have been generated. These variants are characterised by their turnover rates as well as using EPR and optical spectroscopy. From these experiments it is concluded, that W272 is an important intermediate in the formation of the radical species appearing in P(M) and F* intermediates produced with hydrogen peroxide. The significance of this finding for the catalytic function of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

The pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes tyrosine phenol-lyase and tryptophan indole-lyase were encapsulated in wet nanoporous silica gels, a powerful method to selectively stabilize tertiary and quaternary protein conformations and to develop bioreactors and biosensors. A comparison of the enzyme reactivity in silica gels and in solution was carried out by determining equilibrium and kinetic parameters, exploiting the distinct spectral properties of catalytic intermediates and reaction products. The encapsulated enzymes exhibit altered distributions of ketoenamine and enolimine tautomers, increased values of inhibitors dissociation constants, slow attaining of steady-state in the presence of substrate and substrate analogs, modified steady-state distribution of catalytic intermediates, and a sixfold-eightfold decrease of specific activities. This behavior can be rationalized by a reduced conformational flexibility for the encapsulated enzymes and a selective stabilization of either the open (inactive) or the closed (active) form of the enzymes. Despite very similar structures and catalytic mechanisms, the influence of encapsulation is more pronounced for tyrosine phenol-lyase than tryptophan indole-lyase. This finding indicates that subtle structural and dynamic differences can lead to distinct interactions of the protein with the gel matrix.  相似文献   

M T Fisher  S G Sligar 《Biochemistry》1985,24(23):6696-6701
Second derivative spectroscopy was used to determine the percentage of tyrosine residues that are exposed to solvent in cytochrome P-450cam isolated from Pseudomonas putida. The ratio between two peak to trough second derivative absorbance differences has been shown to be dependent on the polarity of the microenvironment surrounding tyrosine residues [Ragone, R., Colonana, G., Balestrieri, C., Servillo, L., & Irace, G. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 1871]. With a number of camphor analogues that independently vary the spin equilibrium of the ferric cytochrome P-450 cam, experiments have demonstrated that the percentage of tyrosine residues exposed to solvent is linearly dependent on the percentage of ferric high-spin species present. This is not simply a function of the extent of substrate binding since in all cases the substrate concentration was sufficient to ensure saturation of the cytochrome. The local microenvironment of approximately one tyrosine residue appears to be linearly correlated with the percentage of ferric high-spin cytochrome. Structural studies of cytochrome P-450cam using small-angle X-ray scattering [Lewis, B. A., & Sligar, S. G. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3599] and high-pressure difference spectroscopy [Fisher, M. T., Scarlata, S. F., & Sligar, S. G. (1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 240, 456] imply that global conformational changes linked to the spin equilibria are small. Together with the data reported herein, these results suggest that one tyrosine residue is involved in a conformational change that is directly linked with the spin equilibrium.  相似文献   

We have measured the magnetic circular dichroism of cytochrome c peroxidase and some of its derivatives from 250-350 nm. Comparison of the changes observed on conversion to the catalytic intermediate (cytochrome c peroxidase-I) with spectra obtained from horseradish peroxidase and its derivatives and model compounds of protoheme leads us to the conclusion that the observed changes in the magnetic circular dichroism spectra reflect conversion of the heme to the ferryl state. No evidence was found for modification of tryptophan in cytochrome c peroxidase-I.  相似文献   

Three distinct systems (I, II, and III) for catalysis of heme attachment to c-type apocytochromes are known. The CcsA and Ccs1 proteins are required in system II for the assembly of bacterial and plastid cytochromes c. A tryptophan-rich signature motif (WWD), also occurring in CcmC and CcmF found in system I, and three histidinyl residues, all strictly conserved in CcsA suggest a function in heme handling. Topological analysis of plastid CcsA in bacteria using the PhoA and LacZalpha reporters placed the WWD motif, the conserved residues His(212) and His(347) on the lumen side of the membrane, whereas His(309) was assigned a location on the stromal side. Functional analysis of CcsA through site-directed mutagenesis enabled the designation of the initiation codon of the ccsA gene and established the functional importance of the WWD signature motif and the absolute requirement of all three histidines for the assembly of plastid c-type cytochromes. In a ccsA mutant, a 200-kDa Ccs1-containing complex is absent from solubilized thylakoid membranes, suggesting that CcsA operates together with Ccs1. We propose a model where the WWD motif and histidine residues function in relaying heme from stroma to lumen and we postulate the existence of a cytochrome c assembly machinery containing CcsA, Ccs1 and additional components.  相似文献   

Cytochrome oxidase exhibits phosphorescence from tryptophan in aqueous solution in the absence of oxygen. The lifetime for the resting reduced enzyme suspended in Tween-20 is around 30 ms at pH 8. The lifetime is longest between pH 7 and 8 and decreases with lowering of pH. Oxygen quenches the phosphorescence with a Stern-Volmer quenching constant of approximately 5 x 10(7) M-1.s-1 at 5 degrees C whereas cytochrome c has no effect. We interpret these results to indicate that room temperature tryptophan phosphorescence arises from tryptophan(s) in structured region(s) remote from the hemes and that the protein does not impose a significant barrier for the diffusion of oxygen.  相似文献   

Fourth-derivative spectrophotometry is applied to the analysis of solvent effects on the spectral transitions of N-acetyl-L-tryptophan amide, as well as of its mixtures with N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester. These compounds were analyzed in different media. It was found that the position of the longest-wavelength minimum of the fourth-derivative spectrum is mainly determined by the nature of the Trp environment, with a minor contribution from that of Tyr. A geometrical parameter is also defined, which depends on both Trp and Tyr environments. The simultaneous consideration of both parameters allows an estimation to be made of the Trp environment. The method is applied to the study of conformational changes of three well-characterized proteins: melittin from bee venom, cytochrome c from horse heart and bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium. The results obtained are found to be in accordance with the known conformational properties of these proteins. In addition, the fourth-derivative operation completely eliminates the interference from the near-ultraviolet bands of the prosthetic groups.  相似文献   

Fluorescence studies of cytochrome b5 are complicated by the presence of three tryptophans, at positions 108, 109, and 112, in the membrane-binding domain. The cDNA for rabbit liver cytochrome b5, isolated from a lambda gt11 library, was used to generate a mutated mRNA where the codons for tryptophans-108 and -112 were replaced by codons for leucine. The sequence was expressed in Escherichia coli and the mutant protein was isolated. This mutant protein had the expected absorption spectrum, and its amino acid composition was confirmed by amino acid analysis and by DNA sequencing of the construct. The fluorescence emission spectrum of the mutant is blue-shifted and is narrower than that of the native protein. The quantum yield of the mutant protein, per molecule, is only 60% of that of the native protein, and the enhancement when bound to lipid vesicles or detergent micelles is higher for the mutant. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements and quenching studies using brominated lipids suggest that the fluorescence of the native protein is due to tryptophans-109 and -108 while tryptophan-112 does not emit but undergoes nonradiative energy transfer to tryptophan-108. With this mutant, it was shown that incomplete energy transfer from tyrosines-126 and -129 to tryptophan-109 occurs when the membrane binding domain is inserted into lipid vesicles, which suggests that the membrane-binding domain does not exist in a tight hairpin loop.  相似文献   

Parvalbumin, aldolase and liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), proteins exhibiting long-lived phosphorescence lifetimes at room temperature, were examined for their reactivity with ferricytochrome c (cytochrome c Fe3+) as an external electron acceptor. Illumination of a reaction mixture containing protein and cytochrome c in the absence of oxygen brought about reduction of cytochrome c in relation to the duration of light. The largest portion of reduced cytochrome c was found with a sample containing ADH, where a 50% reduction of cytochrome c was reached after 5 min of illumination with a xenon lamp. Parvalbumin and aldolase were about half as effective under the same conditions. Several lines of evidence support the idea that the reaction of cytochrome c occurred by a long-range electron transfer from the excited triplet state of tryptophan. First, cytochrome c quenches the tryptophan phosphorescence and with parvalbumin, its bimolecular quenching rate constant, kq, was 2.9 x 10(6) M-1 s-1. Second, when the illuminated reaction mixture was supplied with 0.2 mM to 1 mM nitrite, a concentration range of nitrite which quenches the tryptophan phosphorescence but not the fluorescence, the amount of reduced cytochrome c on illumination markedly decreased. Finally, for all illuminated protein samples, the extent of cytochrome c reduction occurred parallel to a decrease in tryptophan content as judged from a decrease in fluorescence intensity and/or a decrease in tryptophan absorption at 280 nm.  相似文献   

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