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LARRY B. SPEAR  DAVID G. AINLEY 《Ibis》1997,139(2):221-233
We studied flight direction relative to wind direction (hereafter referred to as "flight direction"), the relation between wing morphology and flight behaviour and interspecies relationships in flight behaviour among all major seabird taxa. We calculated wing loading and aspect ratios for 98 species from 1029 specimens. Species were sorted into 13 groups on the basis of similarity in patterns of flight direction. The primary flight direction of Pelecaniformes and Charadriiformes was into and across headwinds. The most common flight direction of Procellariiformes was across wind. Seabirds avoided flying with tailwinds. Wing loading and aspect ratios were positively correlated in Procellariiformes, Pelecaniformes and alcids but negatively correlated in larids. In Procellariiformes, incidence of headwind flight and that of tailwind flight were significantly correlated with wing loading and aspect ratio; species with higher wing loading and aspect ratios flew more often into headwinds and less often with tailwinds. In contrast, the proportion of Pelecaniformes and Charadriiformes flying with tailwinds increased significantly with increased wing loading. Our results demonstrate a close link in seabirds between flight behaviour, wing morphology and natural history patterns in terms of distribution, colony location, dispersal and foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

A study of the relationship between wind and the distribution of sewage-associated bacteria was undertaken at a location where the sewage was discharged into the sea adjacent to the mouth of a river. The numbers of presumptive Escherichia coli were determined in 149 sea-water samples taken from three locations at distances of 1.9, 2.4 and 4.3 km from the outfall. On each sampling occasion, data on the wind speed and direction in the 3 h prior to collection of the samples were also collected. Analysis of these data demonstrated a significant role for wind speed and direction. With respect to wind direction, the numbers of presumptive E. coli present in a sample were significantly higher when the sample site lay downwind of the outfall. Wind speed was shown to have an influence on the numbers of presumptive E. coli only when the sample site was downwind of the outfall. In an analysis of 61 samples, an inverse correlation (r2 = 0.73) between salinity and log presumptive E. coli numbers was demonstrated. These data demonstrate that wind speed and direction at the time of sampling significantly influence the numbers of presumptive E. coli detected in any sea-water sample. It is argued that failure to pay sufficient attention to these parameters in the design of monitoring programmes may result in the generation of data that could provide a seriously distorted picture of the microbiological status of a water body.  相似文献   

The causes of the exceptionally early blooms of Ceratium spp.in the Southern Bight of the North Sea during the early 1970sare re-assessed. This localised event is found to coincide witha change in the meridional circulation over the North Sea inthe late winter and early spring, with abnormally strong northerliesduring the 1960s giving way to strengthened southerlies duringthe early 1970s. Such a change in wind direction can be expected(both from observation and simulation) to bring about a lesswidespread distribution of turbid coastal water in the SouthernBight and the marked reduction in windfetch may also have servedto decrease watercolumn turbidity through its effect on theincidence of long-period swell. These processes may be reinforcedby associated changes in the quantity of turbid runoff dischargedby the Rhine. The advanced blooms of Ceratium spp. in the early1970s are attributed both to these effects and to an increasedfrequency of light winds (decreased wind mixing) in the earlymonths of the year.  相似文献   

1. In long-lived animals with delayed maturity, the non-breeding component of the population may play an important role in buffering the effects of stochastic mortality. Populations of colonial seabirds often consist of more than 50% non-breeders, yet because they spend much of their early life at sea, we understand little about their impact on the demographic process. 2. Using multistate capture-mark-recapture techniques, we analyse a long-term data set of individually identifiable common guillemots, Uria aalge Pont., to assess factors influencing their immature survival and two-stage recruitment process. 3. Analysis of the distribution of ringed common guillemots during the non-breeding season, separated by age classes, revealed that all age classes were potentially at risk from four major oil spills. However, the youngest age class (0-3 years) were far more widely spread than birds 4-6 years old, which were more widely spread than birds aged 6 and over. Therefore the chance of encountering an oil spill was age-dependent. 4. A 2-year compound survival estimate for juvenile guillemots was weakly negatively correlated with winter sea-surface temperature, but was not influenced by oil spills. Non-breeder survival did not vary significantly over time. 5. In years following four oil spills, juvenile recruitment was almost double the value in non-oil-spill years. Recent work from Skomer Island showed a doubling of adult mortality associated with major oil spills, which probably reduced competition at the breeding colony, allowing increased immature recruitment to compensate for these losses. We discuss the implications of compensatory recruitment for assessing the impact of oil pollution incidents.  相似文献   

1 Host‐plant‐odour‐induced upwind anemotaxis is accepted as the main mechanism by which herbivorous insects find their host plant within an heterogenous environment, but field data supporting this hypothesis are scarce. 2 The flight directions of the pollen beetle Meligethes aeneus to and from a plot of winter oilseed rape and the direction of the wind were recorded concurrently. The beetles were sampled by eight double‐sided window traps encircling the plot. Distal sides of the traps, relative to the plot, sampled the beetles as they flew towards the plot, whereas the proximal sides of the traps sampled them as they flew away from the plot. Paired data on daily catch of beetles in distal or proximal traps and the volume of air impacting each trap were compared. 3 Correlations between daily catch of M. aeneus into distal traps and trap wind volume were negative, indicating that flights by both overwintered‐ and new‐generation insects towards the plot were upwind. 4 Correlations between daily catch of M. aeneus into proximal traps and trap wind volume varied with generation. Catch of overwintered‐generation M. aeneus was negatively correlated with trap wind volume, indicating that flight was upwind. Proximal trap catch of the new‐generation M. aeneus was weakly/modestly positively correlated with trap wind volume, indicating that flights were downwind or crosswind. 5 Understanding the effect of wind direction on flight of M. aeneus holds potential for improving the forecasting of their arrival and spatial distribution on the crop for integrated pest management.  相似文献   

Flight of the honey bee VII: metabolic power versus flight speed relation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The existing experimental data on metabolic power P m of honey bees are critically discussed, partly corrected for real flight conditions and plotted as a function of flight speed v. New wind tunnel measurements of tethered flight under near-natural conditions are added in the range 3.3<v<5.1 m·s-1, derived from exhaustion flight measurements. Within this small sector the latter measurements can be characterised by a linear correlation: P m(mW)=6.72v (m·s-1)+13.83, the slope of which is significantly different from zero. The over-all P m(v) curve is significantly not a straight line of zero slope but a U-shaped minimum curve and may be approximated by a second-order polynom: P m=49.2-8.9v+1.5v 2. The same is true for relative metabolic power, P m rel (e) related to empty body mass of 76.5 mg: P m rel(e)=630.0-114.0v+19.2v 2 (P m in mW: P m rel in mW·g-1; v in m·s-1). The data support the existence of a U-shaped power-versus-speed curve in bees.Abbreviations bm body mass (mg) - f full - e empty - mu muscles - P m (mJ·s-1=mW) metabolic power (input) - P m rel (mW·g-1) relative metabolic power - P mec (mW) mechanical power (output) - efficiency (of the flight musculature) - t(s) flight time - v (m·s-1) relative speed between bee and air  相似文献   

Flight speeds of two seabirds: a test of Norberg's hypothesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Norberg suggested that birds should increase their flight speed when rearing chicks in order to maximize chick energy intake by reducing commuting time. We measured the incubation and chick-rearing flight speeds of a medium-range (Brünnich's Guillemot Uria lomvia ) and long-range (Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis ) forager near the Prince Leopold Island colony, Nunavut, Canada. The mean flight speed for the long-range forager was significantly higher during chick-rearing than during incubation. The medium-range forager showed no difference in mean flight speed during the two periods. We suggest that because petrels fly close to their minimum power velocity and have a low wing-loading, whereas alcids fly close to their maximum range velocity and have a high wing-loading, petrels have a greater ability than alcids to alter their flight speed according to changes in the demands of different breeding stages. Consequently, whereas Northern Fulmars adapt to the additional cost of chick-rearing partially by altering flight speed, Brünnich's Guillemots can only do so by reducing mass.  相似文献   

Flight activity of adult stoneflies in relation to weather   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. 1. Dispersal of adult aquatic insects between streams may have important consequences for local and regional population dynamics, but little is known about how dispersal is affected by weather conditions.
2. The influence of meteorological variables on flight activity of adult stoneflies (Plecoptera: Leuctridae, Nemouridae, and Chloroperlidae) was investigated using Malaise traps adjacent to three upland streams in the Plynlimon area of mid Wales, U.K.
3. Numbers of adult stoneflies captured weekly in the traps were related positively to air temperature and related negatively to wind speed. Meteorological conditions during daylight showed stronger relationships with flight activity than did conditions at night.
4. There was inter-site variation in the strength of weather effects on stonefly flight. Wind speed was significant at only one site, which had higher average wind speed than the other sites.
5. Annual variation in weather conditions during adult flight periods may result in varying extent of dispersal between sites, influencing community dynamics over a wide area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Flying male spruce budworm ( Choristoneura fumiferana [Clem.]) moths responding to virgin females and to synthetic pheromone in a wind tunnel maintained a constant rate of upwind progress when held by moving optomotor cues at a constant distance from the pheromone source. When allowed to progress upwind to the source, however, they slowed their upwind speed progressively as they approached it. They also adjusted their flight speed to maintain similar rates of upwind progress at different wind speeds.  相似文献   

Transient response of sap flow to wind speed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Transient responses of sap flow to step changes in wind speedwere experimentally investigated in a wind tunnel. A Granier-typesap flow sensor was calibrated and tested in a cylindrical tubefor analysis of its transient time response. Then the sensorwas used to measure the transient response of a well-wateredPachira macrocarpa plant to wind speed variations. The transientresponse of sap flow was described using the resistance–capacitancemodel. The steady sap flow rate increased as the wind speedincreased at low wind speeds. Once the wind speed exceeded 8.0m s–1, the steady sap flow rate did not increase further.The transpiration rate, measured gravimetrically, showed a similartrend. The response of nocturnal sap flow to wind speed variationwas also measured and compared with the results in the daytime.Under the same wind speed, the steady sap flow rate was smallerthan that in the daytime, indicating differences between diurnaland nocturnal hydraulic function, and incomplete stomatal closureat night. In addition, it was found that the temporal responseof the Granier sensor is fast enough to resolve the transientbehaviour of water flux in plant tissue. Key words: Nocturnal transpiration, sap flow, transient response, wind speed Received 31 July 2008; Revised 6 October 2008 Accepted 20 October 2008  相似文献   

Testing visual sensitivity in any species provides basic information regarding behaviour, evolution, and ecology. However, testing specific features of the visual system provide more empirical evidence for functional applications. Investigation into the sensory system provides information about the sensory capacity, learning and memory ability, and establishes known baseline behaviour in which to gauge deviations (Burghardt, 1977). However, unlike mammalian or avian systems, testing for learning and memory in a reptile species is difficult. Furthermore, using an operant paradigm as a psychophysical measure of sensory ability is likewise as difficult. Historically, reptilian species have responded poorly to conditioning trials because of issues related to motivation, physiology, metabolism, and basic biological characteristics. Here, I demonstrate an operant paradigm used a novel model lizard species, the Jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus) and describe how to test peripheral sensitivity to salient speed and motion characteristics. This method uses an innovative approach to assessing learning and sensory capacity in lizards. I employ the use of random-dot kinematograms (RDKs) to measure sensitivity to speed, and manipulate the level of signal strength by changing the proportion of dots moving in a coherent direction. RDKs do not represent a biologically meaningful stimulus, engages the visual system, and is a classic psychophysical tool used to measure sensitivity in humans and other animals. Here, RDKs are displayed to lizards using three video playback systems. Lizards are to select the direction (left or right) in which they perceive dots to be moving. Selection of the appropriate direction is reinforced by biologically important prey stimuli, simulated by computer-animated invertebrates.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of the wind vector analyzed into its three components (direction, speed and persistence), on the circulation of pollen from different plant taxa prominent in the Thessaloniki area for a 4-year period (1996–1999). These plant taxa were Ambrosia spp., Artemisia spp., Chenopodiaceae, Corylus spp., Cupressaceae, Olea europaea, Pinaceae, Platanus spp., Poaceae, Populus spp., Quercus spp., and Urticaceae. Airborne pollen of Cupressaceae, Urticaceae, Quercus spp. and O. europaea make up approximately 70% of the total average annual pollen counts. The set of data that we worked with represented days without precipitation and time intervals during which winds blew from the same direction for at least 4 consecutive hours. We did this in order to study the effect of the different wind components independently of precipitation, and to avoid secondary effects produced by pollen resuspension phenomena. Factorial regression analysis among the summed bi-hourly pollen counts for each taxon and the values of wind speed and persistence per wind direction gave significant results in 22 cases (combinations of plant taxa and wind directions). The pollen concentrations of all taxa correlated significantly with at least one of the three wind components. In seven out of the 22 taxon-wind direction combinations, the pollen counts correlated positively with wind persistence, whereas this was the case for only two of the taxon-wind speed combinations. In seven cases, pollen counts correlated with the interaction effect of wind speed and persistence. This shows the importance of wind persistence in pollen transport, particularly when weak winds prevail for a considerable part of the year, as is the case for Thessaloniki. Medium/long-distance pollen transport was evidenced for Olea (NW, SW directions), Corylus (NW, SW), Poaceae (SW) and Populus (NW).  相似文献   


Cleavage inhibition experiments using cytochalasin B and hydrostatic pressure demonstrate the existence of a “clock mechanism” specifying cleavage time and form in Ilyanassa obsoleta embryos. Cytokinesis but not karyokinesis is inhibited during these treatments. When second cleavage is inhibited, the following cleavage occurs approximately on schedule with controls. Two micromeres are produced in this cleavage even though treated embryos consist of only two cells. When third cleavage is inhibited, the following micromere cleavage occurs in a counter clockwise direction, typical for the controls. Treatment with nocodazole, an antitubulin drug, inhibits both cytokinesis and karyokinesis but does not affect the cleavage clock mechanism. Treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenol stops both cleavage and the clock mechanism. These results indicate that the cleavage clock in Ilyanassa requires energy but does not depend on centrosomal behavior or on the form of previous cleavages. With regard to the production of micromeres the clock may involve an interaction between the aster-spindle complex and special regions of the animal pole cortex.  相似文献   

The flight take-off frequency of adult Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), from potato plants, Solanum tuberosum L. 'Red Pontiac' at the bloom stage of development was 2.2-2.5-fold that of Colorado potato beetle from plants at the vegetative stage. Tests were conducted in a flight chamber over a period of 3 h. Prefeeding Colorado potato beetles for 48 h on potato plants at the bloom or at the vegetative stage before placing them into the flight chamber resulted in the same significantly higher flight take-off frequency from potato plants at the bloom stage than from plants at the vegetative stage. These results demonstrate that the factor in potato plants in bloom that stimulates the flight take-off of the Colorado potato beetle is independent of the feeding history of the beetles and begins acting only when the beetles are in the presence of the plant. According to these results, the dispersal of adult Colorado potato beetles from potato fields in bloom to younger potato fields with plants at the vegetative stage, previously reported in the literature, is at least partly explained by the effect of plant phenology on the frequency of flight take-off. Results confirm the value of planting potato fields of similar phenology over as wide an area as possible to reduce Colorado potato beetle dispersal between fields. Results also imply that staggering the planting dates of conventional potato refuge areas near Colorado potato beetle transgenic or conventionally resistant potato fields is a sound management practice, because it promotes the movement of wild beetles over to the adjacent younger resistant crops.  相似文献   

To gain information on extended flight energetics, quasi-natural flight conditions imitating steady horizontal flight were set by combining the tetheredflight wind-tunnel method with the exhaustion-flight method. The bees were suspended from a two-component aerodynamic balance at different, near optimum body angle of attack and were allowed to choose their own speed: their body mass and body weight was determined before and after a flight; their speed, lift, wingbeat frequency and total flight time were measured throughout a flight. These values were used to determine thrust, resultant aerodynamic force (magnitude and tilting angle), Reynolds number, total flight distance and total flight impulse. Flights in which lift was body weight were mostly obtained. Bees, flown to complete exhausion, were refed with 5, 10, 15 or 20 l of a 1.28-mol·l-1 glucose solution (energy content w=18.5, 37.0, 55.5 or 74.0 J) and again flown to complete exhaustion at an ambient temperature of 25±1.5°C by a flight of known duration such that the calculation of absolute and relative metabolic power was possible. Mean body mass after exhaustion was 76.49±3.52 mg. During long term flights of 7.47–31.30 min similar changes in flight velocity, lift, thrust, aerodynamic force, wingbeat frequency and tilting angle took place, independent of the volume of feeding solution. After increasing rapidly within 15 s a more or less steady phase of 60–80% of total flight time, showing only a slight decrease, was followed by a steeper, more irregular decrease, finally reaching 0 within 20–30 s. In steady phases lift was nearly equal to resultant aerodynamic force; tilting angle was 79.8±4.0°, thrust to lift radio did not vary, thrust was 18.0±7.4% of lift, lift was somewhat higher/equal/lower than body mass in 61.3%, 16.1%, 22.6% of all totally analysable flights (n=31). The following parameters were varied as functions of volume of feeding solution (5–20 l in steps of 5 l) and energy content. (18.5–74.0 J in steps of 18.5 J): total flight time, velocity, total flight distance, mean lift, thrust, mean resultant aerodynamic force, tilting angle, total flight impulse, wingbeat frequency, metabolic power and metabolic power related to body mass, the latter related to empty, full and mean (=100 mg) body mass. The following positive correlations were found: L=1.069·10-9 f 2.538; R=1.629·10-9 f 2.464; P m=7.079·10-8 f 2.456; P m=0.008v+0.008; P m=18.996L+0.022; P m=19.782R+0.021; P m=82.143T+0.028; P m=1.245·bm f 1.424 ; P mrel e=6.471·bm f 1.040 ; =83.248+0.385. The following negative correlations were found: V=3.939–0.032; T=1.324·10-4–0.038·10-4. Statistically significant correlations were not found in T(f), L(), R(), f(), P m(bm e), P m rel e(bm e), P m rel f(bm e), P m rel f(bm f).Abbreviations A(m2) frontal area - bl(m) body length - bm(mg) body mass - c(mol·1-1) glucose concentration of feeding solution - c D (dimensionless) drag coefficient, related to A - D(N) drag - F w(N) body weight - F wp weight of paper fragment lost at flight start - f wingbeat frequency (s-1) - g(=9.81 m·s-2) gravitational acceleration - I(Ns)=R(t) dt total impulse of a flight - L(N) lift vertical sustaining force component - P m(J·s-1=W) metabolic power - Pm ret (W·g-1) metabolic power, related to body mass - R(N) resultant aerodynamic force - Re v·bl·v -1 (dimensionless) Reynolds number, related to body length - s(m) v(t) dt virtual flight distance of a flight - s(km) total virtual flight distance - T (N) thrust horizontal force component of horizontal flight - T a (°C) ambient temperature - t(s) time - t tot (s or min) total flight time - v(m·s-1) flight velocity - v(l) volume of feeding solution - W (J) energy and energy content of V - ( °) body angle of attack between body longitudinal axis and flow direction - ( °) tilting angle ( 90°) between R and the horizont in horizontal flight v(=1.53·10-5m2·s-1 for air at 25°) kinematic viscosity - (=1.2 kg·m-3 at 25°C) air density  相似文献   

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