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Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can differentiate into cardiomyocytes, but the efficiency of this process is highly variable. So, developing generic differentiation protocols and their empirical testing on a range of independently derived hESC lines pose a daunting challenge due to considerable diversity in culture methods practiced between lines. Maintenance of BG01V and ReliCellhES1 has routinely been on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeder layers using manual passaging. We assessed cardiac differentiation from both the cell lines via embryoid body (EB) formation. Subsequent culture in low fetal bovine serum (5%)-containing medium produced spontaneously contracting EBs, in the presence of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2; 25 ng/ml). Derived cardiomyocytes expressed cardiac genes and proteins and responded to functional assays. Further, the activation of the Smad signaling machinery evoked by BMP-2 has been confirmed through inhibitor studies. Therefore, in our hands, the same differentiation conditions functioned in two independently derived hESC lines. Similar studies in other lines may facilitate development of universal protocols. The present data may also provide valuable insights for testing of other factors that might promote cardiomyocyte differentiation in low-serum formulations.  相似文献   

The embryonic stem cell line, S25, is a genetically modified line that allows lineage selection of neural cells (M. Li, L. Lovell-Badge, A. Smith (1998) Current Biology 8: 971–974). Here, the growth parameters of this cell line were analysed. Serial passaging in adherent conditions enabled these cells to grow rapidly (average specific growth rates of 0.035 h–1) and generate high viable cell densities (above 90%). The aggregation of the S25 cells into embryoid bodies (EBs) was also studied, indicating limited cell growth (maximum cell densities of 2.7×105 cells ml–1) and a high variability of aggregate size (70–400 m after 8 d). Enzymatic dissociation of EBs with 1% (v/v) trypsin gave highest cell viability (91%) and density (1.4×104 cells ml–1) and the cells thus obtained are able to differentiate into neurons.  相似文献   

Msi1 (Musashi 1) is regarded as a marker for neural and intestinal epithelial stem cells. However, it is still unclear whether Msi1‐positive cells derived from mouse embryonic stem cells have the ability to differentiate into neural or intestinal epithelial cells. A pMsi1–GFP (green fluorescent protein) reporter plasmid was constructed in order to sort Msi1‐positive cells out of the differentiated cell population. The GFP‐positive cells (i.e. Msi1‐positive cells) were sorted by FACS and were hypodermically engrafted into the backs of NOD/SCID (non‐obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient) mice. The presence of neural and intestinal epithelial cells in the grafts was detected. Msi1 was highly expressed in the GFP‐positive cells, but not in the GFP‐negative cells. The markers for neural cells (Nestin and Tubulin β III) and intestinal epithelial cells [FABP2 (fatty acid binding protein 2), Lyz (lysozyme) and ChA (chromogranin A)] were more highly expressed in the grafts from Msi1‐positive cells than those from Msi1‐negative cells (P<0.05). The grafts from the Msi1‐negative cells contained more mesodermal‐like tissues than those from the Msi1‐positive cells. The pMsi1–GFP vector can be used to sort Msi1‐positive cells from a cell population derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. The Msi1‐positive cells can differentiate into neural and intestinal epithelial‐like cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells can be differentiated into neural lineage cells, but the differentiation efficiency remains low. This study revealed two important factors that influence the neural differentiation efficiency of mouse ES cells: the first is the quality of embryonic bodies (EBs); good quality of EBs consistently originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 105 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and they exhibited a smooth round shape, with a dark central region surrounded by a light band. Such EBs are capable of attaining high neural differentiation efficiency. However, poor quality EBs originated from a suspension culture of 1 × 106 ES cells/ml serum-free chemically defined neural inducing medium and exhibited an irregular shape or adhered to the bottom of the dish; they displayed low neural differentiation efficiency. The second factor is the seeding density of EBs: a low seeding density (5 EBs/cm2) induced cells to differentiate into a more caudalized subtypes compared to the cells obtained from high seeding density (20 EBs/cm2). These findings provided fresh insight into the neural induction of mouse ES cells.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which are isolated from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst stage embryo, have the potential to give rise to an entire organism and to generate every body cell type. Much improvement has been made in the field of induction and differentiation of ESCs during the last two years, such as the ESCs differentiation into germ cells (2003) and the cloning of human ESCs (2004), both of which were chosen respectively as one of the top ten achievements evaluated by academic journals. Great attention was also paid to the research of the new genes which could maintain ESCs in the undifferentiated state and the research of the induction and differentiation of ESCs.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which are isolated from the inner cell mass of the blastocysts, have the potential to give rise to an entire organism and to gen-erate every body cell type. During the last two years, much progress has been made in ESCs field, espe-cially in the induction and differentiation of ESCs. 1 ESCs differentiate into cells of different types 1.1 ESCs differentiate into germ cells In 2003, it was reported that mouse ESCs could differentiate into oocyte[1]. Oct-4 was …  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are promising research materials to investigate cell fate determination since they have the capability to differentiate. Stem cell differentiation has been extensively studied with various microenvironment mimicking structures to modify cellular dynamics associated with the cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions and cell-cell communications. In the current study, our aim was to determine the effect of microenvironmental proteins with different concentrations on the capacity and differentiation capability of mouse ESCs (mESCs), combining the biochemical assays, imaging techniques, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and unsupervised multivariate analysis. Based on our data, coating the surface of mESCs with Matrigel, used as an acellular matrix substrate, resulted in morphological and biochemical changes. mESCs exhibited alterations in their phenotype after growing on the Matrigel-coated surfaces, including their differentiation capacity, cell cycle phase pattern, membrane fluidity, and metabolic activities. In conclusion, mESCs can be stimulated physiologically, chemically, or mechanically to convert them a new phenotype. Thus, identification of ESCs’ behavior in the acellular microenvironment could be vital to elucidate the mechanism of diseases. It might also be promising to control the cell fate in the field of tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can be induced to form pancreatic exocrine enzyme-producing cells in vitro in a stepwise fashion that recapitulates the development in vivo. However, there is no protocol for the differentiation of pancreatic-like cells from human ESCs (hESCs). Based upon the mouse ESC model, we have induced the in vitro formation of pancreatic exocrine enzyme-producing cells from hESCs. The protocol took place in four stages. In Stage 1, embryoid bodies (EBs) were formed from dissociated hESCs and then treated with the growth factor activin A, which promoted the expression of Foxa2 and Sox17 mRNAs, markers of definitive endoderm. In Stage 2, the cells were treated with all-trans retinoic acid which promoted the transition to cells that expressed gut tube endoderm mRNA marker HNF1b. In Stage 3, the cells were treated with fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7), which induced expression of Pdx1 typical of pancreatic progenitor cells. In Stage 4, treatment with FGF7, glucagon-like peptide 1, and nicotinamide induced the expression amylase (AMY) mRNA, a marker for mature pancreatic exocrine cells. Immunohistochemical staining showed the expression of AMY protein at the edges of cell clusters. These cells also expressed other exocrine secretory proteins including elastase, carboxypeptidase A, chymotrypsin, and pancreatic lipase in culture. Production of these hESC-derived pancreatic enzyme-producing cells represents a critical step in the study of pancreatic organogenesis and in the development of a renewable source of human pancreatic-like exocrine cells.  相似文献   

The carbohydrates present on the surface of differentiated human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are not yet well established. Here, we have employed a panel of lectins and several anti-carbohydrate antibodies to determine the carbohydrates that are present at day 12 of hESC differentiation as embryoid bodies (EBs). On the basis of staining with fluorescein-labeled lectins, we have determined the presence of both terminal and internally linked alpha-d-mannopyranosyl groups, poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl chains, both alpha2,3- and alpha2,6-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac), alpha1,6-linked l-fucosyl, and beta-D-galactosyl groups, and more specifically, the T, Tn, and sialyl-Tn antigens. However, no alpha1,2-linked l-fucosyl, terminal nonreducing alpha-D-galactosyl, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl, nor N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosaminyl groups were found by this approach. We also established the presence of Neu5Acalpha2,3/2,6-Galbeta1,4 GlcNAc-terminated chains on the surfaces of 12-day-old EBs, as indicated by the great enhancement of staining by Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin (ECA) after treatment with neuraminidase. In each case, inhibition of binding by a haptenic sugar or treatment with neuraminidase was used to eliminate the possibility of nonspecific binding of the lectins. A comparison with undifferentiated cell staining revealed an increase in alpha2,3-linked Neu5Ac as well as a change to exclusively alpha1,6-linked l-fucose upon differentiation.  相似文献   

In this study, we selected gelatin as ECM (extracellular matrix) to support differentiation of mES (mouse embryonic stem) cells into TE (trophectoderm), as gelatin was less expensive and widely used. We found that 0.2% and 1.5% gelatin were the suitable concentrations to induce TE differentiation by means of detecting Cdx2 expression using real-time PCR. Moreover, about 15% cells were positive for Cdx2 staining after 6 days differentiation. We discovered that the expressions of specific markers for TE, such as Cdx2, Eomes, Hand1 and Esx1 were prominently increased after gelatin induction. Meanwhile, the expression of Oct4 was significantly decreased. We also found that inhibition of the BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) signalling by Noggin could promote mES cells differentiation into TE, whereas inhibition of the Wnt signalling by Dkk1 had the contrary effect. This could be used as a tool to study the differentiation and function of early trophoblasts as well as further elucidating the molecular mechanism during abnormal placental development.  相似文献   

In order to direct embryonic stem (ES) cells to differentiate into chondrocytes, a chondrogenic envi-ronment provided by mature chondrocytes was investigated. Flk-1 positive cells sorted from pre-differentiated mouse ES cells were mixed with adult porcine articular chondrocytes, seeded on biodegradable scaffolds, and then implanted subcutaneously into nude mice. The cell-scaffold com-plexes formed cartilage tissues after 4 weeks, which was demonstrated by histology and anti-type II collagen antibody staining. Positive staining of mouse Major Histocompatibility Complex class I molecules confirmed that part of the chondrocytes were derived from mouse ES cells. The current study established a new approach for directing ES cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The molecules and environment that direct pluripotent stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes are largely unknown. Here, we determined a critical role of receptor tyrosine kinase, EphB4, in regulating cardiomyocyte generation from embryonic stem (ES) cells through endothelial cells. The number of spontaneous contracting cardiomyocytes, and the expression of cardiac‐specific genes, including α‐MHC and MLC‐2V, was significantly decreased in EphB4‐null ES cells. EphB4 was expressed in endothelial cells underneath contracting cardiomyocytes, but not in cardiomyocytes. Angiogenic inhibitors, including endostatin and angiostatin, inhibited endothelial cell differentiation and diminished cardiomyogenesis in ES cells. Generation of functional cardiomyocytes and the expression of cardiac‐specific genes were significantly enhanced by co‐culture of ES cells with human endothelial cells. Furthermore, the defects of cardiomyocyte differentiation in EphB4‐deficient ES cells were rescued by human endothelial cells. For the first time, our study demonstrated that endothelial cells play an essential role in facilitating cardiomyocyte differentiation from pluripotent stem cells. EphB4 signaling is a critical component of the endothelial niche to regulate regeneration of cardiomyocytes. J. Cell. Biochem. 111: 29–39, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this work we describe the establishment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the role of bFGF in adipocyte differentiation. The totipotency of ESCs and MSCs was assessed by immunofluorescence staining and RT-PCR of totipotency factors. MSCs were successfully used to induce osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. MSCs that differentiated into adipocytes were stimulated with and without bFGF. The OD/DNA (optical density/content of total DNA) and expression levels of the specific adipocyte genes PPARγ2 (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ2) and C/EBPs were higher in bFGF cells. Embryonic bodies had a higher adipocyte level compared with cells cultured in plates. These findings indicate that bFGF promotes adipocyte differentiation. MSCs may be useful cells for seeding in tissue engineering and have enormous therapeutic potential for adipose tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Ceramides (Cers) are important in embryogenesis, but no comprehensive analysis of gene expression for Cer metabolism nor the Cer amounts and subspecies has been conducted with an often used model: mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) versus embroid bodies (EBs). Measuring the mRNA levels by quantitative RT-PCR and the amounts of the respective metabolites by LC-ESI/MS/MS, notable differences between R1 mESCs and EBs were: EBs have higher mRNAs for CerS1 and CerS3, which synthesize C18- and C≥24-carbons dihydroceramides (DH)Cer, respectively; EBs have higher CerS2 (for C24:0- and C24:1-); and EBs have lower CerS5 + CerS6 (for C16-). In agreement with these findings, EBs have (DH)Cer with higher proportions of C18-, C24- and C26- and less C16-fatty acids, and longer (DH)Cer are also seen in monohexosylCers and sphingomyelins. EBs had higher mRNAs for fatty acyl-CoA elongases that produce C18-, C24-, and C26-fatty acyl-CoAs (Elovl3 and Elovl6), and higher amounts of these cosubstrates for CerS. Thus, these studies have found generally good agreement between genomic and metabolomic data in defining that conversion of mESCs to EBs is accompanied by a large number of changes in gene expression and subspecies distributions for both sphingolipids and fatty acyl-CoAs.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are pluripotent cells capable of differentiating into all somatic and germ cell types. The intrinsic ability of pluripotent cells to generate a vast array of different cells makes ESCs a robust resource for a variety of cell transplantation and tissue engineering applications, however, efficient and controlled means of directing ESC differentiation is essential for the development of regenerative therapies. ESCs are commonly differentiated in vitro by spontaneously self‐assembling in suspension culture into 3D cell aggregates called embryoid bodies (EBs), which mimic many of the hallmarks of early embryonic development, yet the 3D organization and structure of EBs also presents unique challenges to effectively direct the differentiation of the cells. ESC differentiation is strongly influenced by physical and chemical signals comprising the local extracellular microenvironment, thus current methods to engineer EB differentiation have focused primarily on spatially controlling EB size, adding soluble factors to the media, or culturing EBs on or within natural or synthetic extracellular matrices. Although most such strategies aim to influence differentiation from the exterior of EBs, engineering the microenvironment directly within EBs enables new opportunities to efficiently direct the fate of the cells by locally controlling the presentation of morphogenic cues. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

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