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Two primary patterns of body size variation have been recorded in ectotherms in relation to latitudinal/altitudinal shifts. In some, body size increases with increasing latitude/altitude whereas, in others, body size decreases with increasing latitude/altitude. This clinal variation is generally assumed to be caused by local adaptation to environmental conditions however the selective variable(s) (temperature, humidity, diet quality, etc.) is still heavily debated. Here we investigate geographic variation in body size of dark and pale color morphs of males of the bush-cricket lsophya rizeensis collected from 15 locations along an elevation gradient ranging from 350 to 2 500 m. Using an information theoretical approach we evaluate the relative support of four different hypotheses (the temperature size rule, the moisture gradient hypothesis, the seasonal constraint hypothesis, and the primary productivity hypothesis) explaining body size variation along the altitudinal gradient. Body size variation in pale color morphs showed a curvilinear relationship with altitude while dark color morphs showed no variation in body size. Body size variation in pale color morphs was highly correlated with precipitation and temperature seasonality values thus giving strong support for the moisture gradient and seasonal constraint hypothesis. Our results reinforce the importance of gradients in humidity and seasonality over temperature in the creation of altitudinal body size clines and the role of selection for resistance to stress factors in the establishment of these clines. Whether a body size cline is observed or not might also depend on the phenotypic properties of the individuals, like coloration.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Gampsocleis gratiosa was determined. The 15, 929 bp in the size of G. gratiosa mitogenome contains a typical gene content, base composition, and codon usage found in metazoan. All 13 protein coding genes (PCGs) of the G. gratiosa mitogenome start with a typical ATN codon. The usual termination codons (TAA and TAG) were found from 10 PCGs. However, the atp6, nad4, and nad5 had incomplete termination codon (T). The anticodons of all tRNAs are identical to those observed in Drosophila yakuba and Locusta migratoria, and can be folded in the form of a typical clover leaf structure except for trnS (AGN). The secondary structure of trnS (AGN) was drawn according with the Steinberg-Cedergren tertiary structure. The A T content (67.4%) of the A T-rich region is relatively lower among the mitogenome regions, in contrast, it usually contains the highest A T content for most insects. Two isolated sequence repeat regions (202 bp) were found in the A T-rich region with mapping and secondary structure information.  相似文献   

王乃馨  封霞  蒋国芳  方宁  轩文娟 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1187-1195
本研究基于Cytb 基因和COI基因的部分序列来推断17种蝗虫之间的系统发育关系。这17种蝗虫均采自国内,代表了蝗科(Acrididae)5个亚科:黑蝗亚科(Melanoplinae)、斑腿蝗亚科(Catantopinae)、刺胸蝗亚科(Cyrtacanthacridinae)、斑翅蝗亚科(Oedipodinae)和大足蝗亚科(Gomphocerinae)。采用联合序列方法进行分析,结果显示:Cytb 和COI联合序列长度为1 998 bp,其中A和T总含量为72.13%,G和C总含量为27.87%。联合序列共包含了889个保守位点,1 109个变异位点,在这些变异位点中有838个简约信息位点。系统发生树采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大似然法(ML)进行构建。使用蜢总科的变色乌蜢Erianthus versicolor 和 Erianthus sp. 两个种作为外群。结果表明:大足蝗亚科和斑腿蝗亚科的单系性没有得到支持。斑翅蝗亚科内部各种聚成一个大支,在本研究中该亚科的单系性得到支持,与前人的研究结论相同。大足蝗亚科、斑腿蝗亚科、刺胸蝗亚科和黑蝗亚科这4科关系非常近,可以考虑将其合并为一个亚科。同时,我们发现基于Cytb和COI基因联合序列推断蝗科内各亚科间的系统发生关系并不十分可靠。  相似文献   

The complete sequence of Oxya chinensis (0. chinensis) mitochondrial genome is reported here. It is 15,443 bp in length and contains 75.9% A+T. The protein-coding genes have a similar A+T content (75.2%). The initiation codon of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene in the mitochondrial genome of O. chinensis appears to be ATC, instead of the tetranucleotides that have been reported in Locusta migratoria (L migratoria) mitochondrial genome. The sizes of the large and small ribosomal RNA genes are 1319 and 850 bp, respectively. The transfer RNA genes have been modeled and showed strong resemblance to the dipteran transfer RNAs, and all anticodons are identical to those of dipteran. The A+T-rich region is 562 bp, shorter than that of other known Orthoptera insects. The six conserved domains were identified within the A+T-rich region by comparing its sequence with those of other grasshoppers. The result of phylogenetic analysis based on the dataset containing 12 concatenated protein sequences confirms the close relation-ship of O. chinensis with L migratoria.  相似文献   

中华雏蝗(Chorthippus chinensis Tarb)线粒体基因组分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Lon-PCR扩增线粒体全基因组和保守引物步移法结合克隆方法测定并拼接获得了中华雏蝗(Chorthippus chinensis Tarb)线粒体基因组全序列.序列的注释和分析结果表 明,中华雏蝗线粒体基因组序列全长15 599 bp,共有13个编码蛋白质基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和1个A+T富集区.基因顺序与非洲飞蝗(Locusta migratoria)相同,也发生了2个 tRNA Asp(D)和tRNALys(K)的倒置.13个编码蛋白质基因都使用了ATN作为起始密码子.除ND1以TAG和ND5的终止密码子为不完全的T外,其余11个编码蛋白质基因的终止密码子都为完整的TAA.6种直翅类昆虫13个蛋白质的氨基酸序列的联合数据集构建的系统树与形态分类系统一致,中华雏蝗与非洲飞蝗为姐妹群,并与东方蝼蛄构成一单系群.  相似文献   

作者在四川进行昆虫调查时 ,采集到双带麻螽TapienabivittataXiaetLiu ,1992雌雄性的标本。双带麻螽是夏凯龄、刘宪伟 1992发表的 ,当时仅描述了雌性 ,模式产地是贵州梵净山和四川峨眉山。本文描述的标本采自四川峨眉山。双带麻螽TapienabivittataXiaetLiu ,1992  (图 1~ 2 )雄性 体中型。头顶较宽 ,稍狭于触角第 1节 ,背面具宽的纵沟。复眼卵圆形 ,显著向两侧突出。下颚须第 5节约为第 3节与第 4节之和。前胸背板背面较平 ,前缘中部微凹 ,后缘宽圆形突出 ,侧隆线平行。前胸背图 1~ 2…  相似文献   

Interesting results may arise by combining studies on the structure and function of ecosystems with that of biodiversity for certain species. Grasshopper biodiversity is the result of the evolution of grassland ecosystems; however, it also impacts on the structure and the function of those ecosystems. We consider there to be a close relationship between the health of grassland ecosystems and grasshopper biodiversity. The main problems involved in this relationship are likely to include: (i) grasshopper biodiversity and its spatial pattern; (ii) the effect of grasshopper biodiversity on the ecological processes of grassland ecosystems; (iii) the biodiversity threshold of grasshopper population explosions; (iv) the relationship between grasshopper biodiversity and the natural and human factors that affect grassland ecosystems; and (v) grasshopper biodiversity and the health of grassland ecosystems. The solutions to these problems may provide sound bases for controlling disasters caused by grasshoppers and managing grassland ecosystems in the west of China. In this paper, we introduced two concepts for grasshopper biodiversity, that is, "spatial pattern" and "biodiversity threshold". It is helpful to understand the action of the spatial pattern of grasshopper biodiversity on the ecological processes of grassland ecosystems and the effect of this spatial pattern on the health of those ecosystems, owing to the fact that, in the west of China, grasslands are vast and grasshoppers are widely distributed. Moreover, we inferred that the change in the level of component richness at each type of grasshopper biodiversity can make an impact on grassland ecosystems, and therefore, there is likely to be a threshold to grasshopper biodiversity for the stability and the sustainability of those ecosystems.  相似文献   

鼓鸣螽属一新种及染色体核型研究(直翅目:螽斯总科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了湖北省神农架地区露螽科Phaneropteridae鼓鸣螽属Bulbistridulous1新种:齿尾鼓鸣螽Bulbistridulous dentatus,sp.nov。,并对该种的核型作了初步分析。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Ptychostomum was first spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA DNA rps4 sequences. Maximum parsimony, maximum undertaken based on analysis of the internal transcribed and by combining data from nrDNA ITS and chloroplast likelihood, and Bayesian analyses all support the conclusion that the reinstated genus Ptychostomum is not monophyletic. Ptychostomum funkii (Schwagr.) J. R. Spence (≡ Bryum funkii Schwaigr.) is placed within a clade containing the type species of Bryum, B. argenteum Hedw. The remaining members of Ptychostomum investigated in the present study constitute another well-supported clade. The results are congruent with previous molecular analyses. On the basis of phylogenetic evidence, we agree with transferring B. amblyodon Mull. Hal. (≡ B. inclinatum (Brid.) Turton≡ Bryum archangelicum Bruch & Schimp.), Bryum lonchocaulon Mull. Hal., Bryum pallescens Schleich. ex Schwaigr., and Bryum pallens Sw. to Ptychostomum.  相似文献   

Pachysandra is an eastern Asian-North American disjtunct genus with three species, two in eastern Asia (Pachysandra axillaris and Pachysandra terminalis) and one in eastern North America (Pachysandra procurnbens). Although morphological and cytological studies suggest a close affinity of Pprocumbens with P axillaris, molecular data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions have provided conflicting signals. In this study, we tested previous phylogenetic hypotheses using sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast ndhF gene from multiple individuals of each of the three species. We also estimated the time of divergence between eastem Asia and eastern North America. Our results support the morphological and cytological conclusion that P procumbens is more closely related to P axillaris than to P terminalis. The estimated time of divergence of P axillaris and P procumbens was 14.6±5.5 mya, consistent with estimates from many other eastern Asian-North American disjunct genera. The migration of Pachysandra populations from eastern Asia to North America might have occurred by way of the North Atlantic land bridge.  相似文献   

The complete 15,831 bp nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome from Elimaea cheni(Phaneropterinae)was determined.The putative initiation codon for cox1 was TTA.The phylogeny of Orthoptera based on different mtDNA datasets were analyzed with maximum likelihood(ML)and Bayesian inference(BI).When all 37 genes(mtDNA)were analyzed simultaneously,the monophyly of Caelifera and Ensifera were recovered in the context of our taxon sampling.The phylogeny of Orthoptera was largely consistent with previous phyl...  相似文献   

记述中国露螽科Phaneropteridae二新种:长裂掩耳螽Elimaea longifissa sp. Nov.,采自江西;短板掩耳螽E. brevilamina sp. Nov., 采自福建。模式标本保存于山东大学生物系。  相似文献   

 记述中国露螽科Phaneropteridae二新种:长裂掩耳螽Elima ea longifissa sp. Nov.,采自江西;短板掩耳螽E.brevilamina sp. Nov., 采自 福建。模式标本保存于山东大学生物系。  相似文献   

The damselfish genus Dascyllus comprises nine species of both large- and small-bodied fishes distributed over the entire Indo-West Pacific. Most members of the genus have polygynous mating systems with protogynous sex change, while others are promiscuous with no sex change. Hypotheses linking presumed phylogenetic relationships with body size, sex change and mating structure have been proposed previously. However, lack of a strong phylogenetic hypothesis has prevented the careful testing of such hypotheses. In this study, the phylogenetic relationships between Dascyllus species based on mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b and 16SrRNA) have been established. The data also shed light on the relationship between mating structure and body size, as well as on the complex biogeographical patterns of the genus.  相似文献   

We used molecular characters to infer the phylogenetic position of the Western Mediterranean bushcricket genus Odontura and to trace its high karyotype diversity. Analysis of 1391 base pairs of two mitochondrial genes (COI and ND1) and one nuclear sequence (ITS2) was conducted. Phylogenetic topologies were estimated using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and likelihood‐based Bayesian inference. The genus Odontura is a phylogenetic outlier in respect of all other European Phaneropterinae genera and has been proposed to have originated from a hitherto unknown ancestor. Our results support the monophyly of the genus Odontura and the recognition of two subgenera: Odontura and Odonturella. We found that both Sicilian taxa of the subgenus Odontura have a completely identical morphology and song patterns. Combining these results, we proposed that both should be treated as subspecies: O. (Odontura) stenoxypha stenoxypha and O. (O.) st. arcuata. Bioacoustic data also proved to support independent markers, with song characteristics reflecting the molecular topology. Mapping the karyotypic characters onto the phylogenetic tree allows a reconstruction of the directions and transitional stages of chromosome differentiation. The number of autosomes within the genus Odontura ranges from 26 to 30. In addition to the ancestral X0 sex determination mechanism, neo‐XY and neo‐X1X2Y sex chromosomes have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Genus Parapholidoptera is revised and three species, P. yoruka sp.n., P. bolkarensis sp.n. and P. salmani sp.n., are described. Parapholidoptera delineata Stolyarov is placed in synonymy with P. ziganensis Karaba?. Parapholidoptera bodenheimeri Karaba? and P. distincta bodenheimeri Karaba? are placed in synonymy with P. distincta (Uvarov). Parapholidoptera flexuosa Karaba?, previously a subspecies of P. castaneoviridis (Brunner von Wattenwyl), is recognized as a separate species. A key to world species is provided. Cladistic analysis revealed the monophyly of the genus with two major clades. A short account of distribution is presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Five species of the tribe Copiphorini (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae) including a newly recorded species Xestaphrys javanicus Redtenbacher are recognized in Korean fauna. The key to species, characteristic figures, and diagnosis for the newly recorded species are presented.  相似文献   

用12S rRNA基因序列研究斑腿蝗科二属六种的进化关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用DNA测序技术测定了中国斑腿蝗科昆虫6种和斑翅蝗科的红胫小车蝗线粒体12S rRNA基因长约345 bp片段的序列。在获得的345 bp的序列中,A+T约占71.8%,其中135个核苷酸位点存在变异 (约占39.1%)。PAUP4.0b数据分析软件构建该6种蝗虫的MP和NJ分子系统树显示,稻蝗属和蔗蝗属各为独立的一支。在稻蝗属一支中,中华稻蝗与山稻蝗关系很近,而与小稻蝗关系较远,这与形态学结果相吻合;在蔗蝗属一支中,异歧蔗蝗与斑角蔗蝗亲缘关系较近,而与等歧蔗蝗关系较远,这与形态学研究结果并不吻合,有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

To enrich the genomic database of Catantopinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae), mitogenomes of three species from different genera, Traulia nigritibialis (15,701 bp), Choroedocus capensis (16,293 bp) and Stenocatantops splendens (15,574 bp), were characterized and compared with those of other grasshoppers in the subfamily. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons except COI with ACC (C. capensis and S.splendens) and ND6 with TTG (S. splendens). All transfer RNA (tRNA) genes had a typical clover-leaf structure, except tRNASer(AGN) in which the base pairs of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm were reduced. The phylogenetic relationships were constructed among 22 species from four subfamiles of Acrididae by classical classifications based on two datasets of their mitogenomes using both Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). The phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of the three other subfamilies, but did not provided support of the monophyly of Catantopinae.  相似文献   

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