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Pantano S  Carloni P 《Proteins》2005,58(3):638-643
HIV-1 Tat protein is a crucial element for viral replication; therefore, its inhibition might be exploited against the AIDS infection. To gain insights on the natural variability of this protein, we present a comparative investigation on the relationship between the primary sequences and the experimentally available three-dimensional structures from the HIV-1 Tat variants Z2, BRU, and MAL. Our computational tools include sequence conservation algorithms, structural analysis, electrostatic modeling, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We find that two regions located between residues 10-18 and 41-52 display the highest primary sequence conservation, while the most conserved region among the available structures corresponds approximately to the segment between positions approximately 44 and 50. Furthermore, in spite of their large structural divergence, Tat variants share a common mode for long-range intramolecular interactions. Finally, the flexibility of the Z2, BRU, and MAL variants, as emerging from multinanosecond MD simulations, is rather similar. Based on this work, we conclude that the turnlike region between amino acids 44 and 50 is structurally most conserved, emerging as an important motif for pharmaceutical targeting aimed toward inhibiting Tat action.  相似文献   

Tat是HIV-1病毒进行转录和复制的一个十分重要的蛋白质,同时,Tat也与HIV-1感染引起的严重病理学程度密切相关.Tat的生物学性质和功能决定了其是一个理想的开发抗AIDS疫苗和药物的靶蛋白.基于Tat自身及其作用的TARRNA,可以设计Tat疫苗、细胞外结合Tat的拮抗剂、抗Tat的反义核酸、抗TAR的反义核酸、抗Tat的细胞内抗体和细胞内Tat协同因子的抑制剂等.传统的抗病毒药物及蛋白酶抑制剂与新的细胞内和细胞外Tat拮抗剂联合使用,多靶点地抑制HIV-1的复制将是一个有效的抗AIDS的治疗方案.这一治疗方案能够防止HIV病毒耐药株的产生,减少单一作用靶点药物的用药剂量和降低相应的毒性,最终治愈AIDS相关的病理学变化.  相似文献   

Toxic effects of HIV-1 proteins contribute to altered function and decreased survival of select populations of neurons in HIV-1-infected brain. One such HIV-1 protein, Tat, can activate calcium release from IP3-sensitive intracellular pools, induce calcium influx in neural cells, and, as a result, can increase neuronal cell death. Here, we provide evidence that Tat potentiates excitatory amino acid (glutamate and NMDA) triggered calcium flux, as well as glutamate- and staurosporine-mediated neurotoxicity. Calcium flux in cultured rat hippocampal neurons triggered by the transient application of glutamate or NMDA was facilitated by pre-exposure to Tat. Facilitation of glutamate-triggered calcium flux by Tat was prevented by inhibitors of ADP-ribosylation of G(i)/G(o) proteins (pertussis toxin), protein kinase C (H7 and bisindolymide), and IP3-mediated calcium release (xestospongin C), but was not prevented by an activator of G(s) (cholera toxin) or an inhibitor of protein kinase A (H89). Facilitation of NMDA-triggered calcium flux by Tat was reversed by inhibitors of tyrosine kinase (genestein and herbimycin A) and by an inhibitor of NMDA receptor function (zinc). Tat increased 32P incorporation into NMDA receptor subunits NR2A and NR2B and this effect was blocked by genestein. Subtoxic concentrations of Tat combined with subtoxic concentrations of glutamate or staurosporine increased neuronal cell death significantly. Together, these findings suggest that NMDA receptors play an important role in Tat neurotoxicity and the mechanisms identified may provide additional therapeutic targets for the treatment of HIV-1 associated dementia.  相似文献   

Tat 蛋白是HIV-1 编码的反式转录激活因子,其主要功能是反式激活HIV-1病毒基因组转录的起始和延伸,启动病毒复制.近年来研究发现,Tat 蛋白在HIV-1感染所引起的严重中枢神经系统(CNS)并发症--艾滋病脑病中起重要作用,是艾滋病脑病发生与发展的重要致病因子.本文就HIV-1 Tat蛋白在艾滋病脑病中的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Impaired osteoblast/osteoclast cross-talk and bone structure homeostasis resulting in osteopenia/osteoporosis are often observed in HIV seropositive patients but the causal mechanisms remain unsettled. This study analyzed the biological effects of Tat on peripheral blood monocyte-derived osteoclast differentiation. Tat enhances osteoclast differentiation and activity induced by RANKL plus M-CSF treatment increasing both the mRNA expression of specific osteoclast differentiation markers, such as cathepsin K and calcitonin receptor, and TRAP expression and activity. These Tat-related biological effects may be related, at least in part, to the induction of c-fos expression and AP-1 activity. c-fos up-regulation was triggered by Tat when cell cultures were co-treated with RANKL/M-CSF and an analysis of c-fos promoter with c-fos deletion mutant constructs disclosed specific c-fos promoter domains targeted by Tat. Together, these results show that Tat may be considered a viral factor positively modulating the osteoclastogenesis and then bone resorption activity suggesting a pathogenetic role of this viral protein in the HIV-related osteopenia/osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Tat is one of the regulatory proteins of the HIV-1 virus. To date, besides the transactivation activity, a myriad of effects exerted by HIV-1 Tat on cellular and viral genes have been observed. The present study investigated the in vivo effects of HIV-1 Tat protein in theXenopus embryo. We adopted theXenopus system since expression of putative regulatory factors in the embryo has been widely used as a quick and effective first screen for protein function.Xenopus' early development is well characterized by stage-specific phenotypes, therefore, an in vivo HIV-1 Tat-mediated aberrant phenotype can easily be detected and analyzed. HIV-1 Tat protein expression through injection of synthetic mRNA into zygotes produced a marked delay in gastrulation leading to altered specification of the anterior-posterior axis and to partial or total loss of anterior structures. HIV-1 Tat effects resulted in a general suppression of gene expression, including that ofXbra andgsc, two early genes whose expression is required for proper gastrulation. The specificity of Tat effects was demonstrated by injecting a loss of function mutant (Tat-C37S), lacking a single cysteine residue, which did not yield any effect. Both Tat and Tat-C37S were found to be localized mainly in the nucleus. The importance of subcellular targeting for the effects caused by HIV-1 Tat was demonstrated by injecting a second mutant (Tat-BDM), carrying an altered nuclear localization signal sequence. The Tat-BDM protein localized in the cytoplasm and accumulated at the cell membrane. Embryos injected with Tat-BDM mRNA did not develop beyond gastrulation. The importance of proper protein conformation and subcellular localization in determining Tat effects is discussed.  相似文献   

Individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at increased risk for Burkitt lymphoma, a B-cell malignancy which occurs after a chromosomal translocation rearranging the MYC oncogene with an immunoglobulin gene locus, usually the IGH heavy chain gene locus. We have previously reported that the HIV protein Tat which circulates in all HIV-positive individuals whatever their immune status caused an increased rate of colocalization between IGH and MYC in B-cells nuclei. We here present in vitro evidence that Tat activates the expression of the AICDA gene that encodes the activation-induced cytidine deaminase whose physiological function is to create double-strand breaks for immunoglobulin gene maturation. In the presence of Tat, DNA damage was observed concomitantly in both MYC and IGH, followed by DNA repair by nonhomologous end joining. AICDA was further found overexpressed in vivo in peripheral blood B-cells from HIV-infected individuals. Thus, the capacity of Tat to spontaneously penetrate B-cells could be sufficient to favor the occurrence of MYC-IGH oncogenic rearrangements during erroneous repair, a plausible cause for the increased incidence of Burkitt lymphoma in the HIV-infected population.  相似文献   

In a previous work we have evaluated some immunologic and haematologic parameters of HIV-1 positive subjects co-infected with HHV-8. A worsening of these values were generally described in these patients as compared with those HIV-1 positive, but negative for HHV-8. Now we have studied the influence of HHV-8 co-infection of HIV-1 positive subjects on the production of some cytokines to make clear the question of its role in the immuno-deregulation of the above-mentioned subjects. In particular we have analysed serum levels of IL-4 and IL-10, Th2 type T cells cytokines, IFN-gamma, an indirect marker of Th1 cells activation and IL-18, a cytokine produced by monocytic-macrophagic cells, which is able to induce IFN-gamma production and Th1 T lymphocytes activation. No significant differences were found as regards the IFN-gamma serum levels (92.1 +/- 24.3 pg ml(-1) in the case of HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects and 96.0 +/- 17.4 pg ml(-1) in those HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive). In healthy subjects the mean level of this cytokine was 17.6 +/- 5.2 pg ml(-1) (significant difference with both the former values at p < 0.001). Moreover IL-4 and IL-10, which were undetectable in healthy individuals, showed the following values in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects: 31.9 +/- 2.7 pg ml(-1) and 119.8 +/- 85.1 pg ml(-1) respectively and in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive subjects: 30.4 +/- 4.8 pg ml(-1) and 69.4 +/- 65.3 pg ml(-1) (not significant differences). In contrast IL-18 reached a mean level of 1001.2 +/- 360.5 pg ml(-1) in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects, but showed a significant reduction in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive subjects (737.6 +/- 284.3 pg ml(-1) --> p < 0.05) and presented very low levels in healthy individuals (21.3 +/- 30.3 pg ml(-1)). Moreover a significant correlation (-0.984 --> p < 0.001) was noticed between IL-18 reduction in HIV-1 positive subjects co-infected with HHV-8 and the degree of positivity of HHV-8. These data suggest that HHV-8 co-infection has no influence on the switch Th1 --> Th2 in HIV-1 positive subjects, but is able to reduce IL-18 production, useful for Th1 subset restoration.  相似文献   

一个新的HIV-1治疗靶——Tat转录激活蛋白(英)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tat是HIV-1病毒进行转录和复制的一个十分重要的蛋白质,同时,Tat也与HIV-1感染引起的严重病理学程度密切相关.Tat 的生物学性质和功能决定了其是一个理想的开发抗AIDS疫苗和药物的靶蛋白.基于Tat自身及其作用的TAR RNA,可以设计Tat疫苗、细胞外结合Tat的拮抗剂、抗Tat的反义核酸、抗TAR的反义核酸、抗Tat的细胞内抗体和细胞内Tat协同因子的抑制剂等.传统的抗病毒药物及蛋白酶抑制剂与新的细胞内和细胞外Tat拮抗剂联合使用,多靶点地抑制HIV-1的复制将是一个有效的抗AIDS的治疗方案.这一治疗方案能够防止HIV病毒耐药株的产生,减少单一作用靶点药物的用药剂量和降低相应的毒性,最终治愈AIDS相关的病理学变化.  相似文献   

JDV Tat反式激活LTR与HIV-1 Tat采用类似的细胞因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析JDV Tat在反式激活JDV及HIV-1 LTR过程中是否采用与HIV-1 Tat类似的细胞因子,本文构建了包含完整激活域的jTat70和hTat47,同时构建了cyclin T1和CDK9真核表达及反义转译质粒.过量表达hTat47和jTat70对hTat反式激活HIV-1 LTR,jTat反式激活JDV和HIV-1 LTR均有明显的抑制作用推测jTat和hTat的反式激活作用可能涉及类似的细胞因子.通过cyclin T1和CDK9的反义转译质粒对jTat反式激活的抑制作用证实这两种细胞因子参与了jTat对JDV和HIV-1LTR的反式激活.  相似文献   

BAG3 protein has been described as an anti-apoptotic and pro-autophagic factor in several neoplastic and normal cells. We previously demonstrated that BAG3 expression is elevated upon HIV-1 infection of glial and T lymphocyte cells. Among HIV-1 proteins, Tat is highly involved in regulating host cell response to viral infection. Therefore, we investigated the possible role of Tat protein in modulating BAG3 protein levels and the autophagic process itself. In this report, we show that transfection with Tat raises BAG3 levels in glioblastoma cells. Moreover, BAG3 silencing results in highly reducing Tat- induced levels of LC3-II and increasing the appearance of sub G0/G1 apoptotic cells, in keeping with the reported role of BAG3 in modulating the autophagy/apoptosis balance. These results demonstrate for the first time that Tat protein is able to stimulate autophagy through increasing BAG3 levels in human glial cells.  相似文献   

为分析JDV Tat在反式激活JDV及HIV-1 LTR过程中是否采用与H1V-1 Tat类似的细胞因子,本文构建了包含完整激活域的jTat70和hTat47,同时构建了cyclin T1和CDK9真核表达及反义转译质粒。过量表达hTat47和jTat70对hTat反式激活HIV-1 LTR,jTat反式激活JDV和HIV-1 LTR均有明显的抑制作用推测jTat和hTat的反式激活作用可能涉及类似的细胞因子。通过cyclin T1和CDK9的反义转译质粒对jTat反式激活的抑制作用证实这两种细胞因子参与了jTat对JDV和HIV-1 LTR的反式激活。  相似文献   

HIV-1感染者常并发神经系统损伤,患者主要表现为运动功能障碍,认知和行为受损等。研究表明,HIV-1多种蛋白参与上述病理过程,其中Tat蛋白发挥了极为重要的作用。外周Tat蛋白可透过血脑屏障进入脑组织,与脑内感染细胞分泌或释放至胞外的Tat共同作用于NMDAR、mGluR1、多巴胺转运蛋白等,损伤神经系统。该文主要对Tat蛋白的神经毒作用作一综述。  相似文献   

Intracellular delivery of HSP70 using HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is an intracellular stress protein that confers cytoprotection to a variety of cellular stressors. Several lines of evidence have suggested that augmentation of the heat shock response by increasing the expression of HSP70 represents a potential therapeutic strategy for the treatment of critically ill patients. The Tat protein of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) has been used previously to deliver functional cargo proteins intracellularly when added exogenously to cultured cells. We generated a Tat-HSP70 fusion protein using recombinant methods and treated HSF -/- cells with either Tat-HSP70 or recombinant HSP70 prior to exposure to hyperoxia or lethal heat shock. We showed that biologically active, exogenous HSP70 can be delivered into cells using the HIV-1 Tat protein, and that the Tat-mediated delivery of HSP70 confers cytoprotection against thermal stress and hyperoxia and may represent a novel approach to augmenting intracellular HSP70 levels.  相似文献   

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