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Four viruses were tested for vertical transmission in Trichoplusia ni: T. ni nucleopolyhedrovirus (TnSNPV), T. ni cypovirus (TnCPV), Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV), and AcMNPV engineered to express a scorpion toxin (AcMNPV.AaIT). Fifth instars were exposed to each virus, the survivors were reared and mated, and second-generation (F(1)) insects were examined for infection. TnSNPV was transmitted to offspring at a prevalence rate of 15.4%, TnCPV at 10.2%, and AcMNPV at 10.1%. Only one of 2484 F(1) insects was infected with AcMNPV.AaIT; this experiment was repeated, and none of 4774 insects was infected. Thus, vertical transmission is unlikely to contribute to AcMNPV.AaIT contacting non-target organisms after its field release. There was evidence that TnCPV and possibly TnSNPV were activated to overt infections by ingestion of a different virus. TnCPV, but not the NPVs, routinely infected 0.3-1.7% of non-treated insects, probably indicating that it is vertically transmitted at enzootic levels.  相似文献   

对染病昆虫酯酶同工酶(简称酯酶)的变化进行分析测定,已成为了解病毒进入虫体靶器官后的病理生化变化以及病毒复制与虫体新陈代谢之间关系的重要途径之一,这方面的报道“J侧重于同源病毒——寄主系统的研究,本研究则针对银纹夜蛾(AWrammaagnata)幼虫感染异源粉纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(TnNPV)后血淋巴酯酶的变化进行了探讨。现将结果报告如下:材料和方法1材料11虫源实验室内用半人工饲料饲养三代的健康银纹夜蛾五龄村幼虫。l.2毒源由中山大学昆虫研究所生物工程室提供的已纯化的TnNPV病毒株。1.3幼虫血淋巴样品的制备挑选工龄…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Parasitization of Trichoplusia ni (Huebner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) by Chelonus sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an egg-larval parasitoid, leads to precocious cocoon spinning of the host in the fourth (penultimate) stadium followed by parasitoid emergence from the prepupa. We have investigated the mechanism by which Chelonus sp. disrupts host development. The developing larva and fluids injected by the adult female separately from the egg, are not the source of these effects, but it remains a possibility that the teratocytes, originating from the trophamnion of the parasitoid egg, are responsible. The titre of the juvenile hormone esterase activity in the haemolymph of the parasitized fourth instar host is similar to that in the initial period of the final instar of normal T. ni, but lacks the postwandering peak of activity. The increased JHE activity leads to a reduced JH titre early in the fourth stadia. This indicates that disruption of host development occurs within 12h after apolysis to the fourth stadium, if not before. Anti-juvenile hormone activity is not detected in extracts of parasitized T. ni. The morphological and behavioural changes associated with precocious development of the T. ni host are prevented by applications of juvenile hormone I, juvenile hormone II and the juvenoid, Ro 10–3108, but not juvenile hormone III and the juvenoid R 20458. However, these applications fail to prevent the onset of juvenile hormone esterase activity, another marker of precocious development. These observations indicate that simple anti-juvenile hormone activity may not be the mechanism of disruption of host development. Development of the parasitoid is disrupted by application of Ro 10–3108 and juvenile hormones I, II and III, but timing of eclosion is only affected by application of juvenile hormone I, juvenile hormone II and Ro 10–3108. This observation may indicate a discrimination by the parasitoid between its own juvenile hormone III and the host's juvenile hormone II.  相似文献   

Trichoplusia ni granulosis virus granulin consists of one major polypeptide component with an estimated molecular weight of 28,000. The protein is phenol soluble, phosphorylated, and acidic. A protease activated by alkaline conditions is also associated with solubilized granulin preparations. If not properly inactivated, the protease will introduce extensive artifact into the protein giving rise to ambiguous and incorrect results as analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and peptide mapping. Procedures are documented for enzyme inactivation and the preparation of granulin in highly purified form for characterization.  相似文献   

We report a new prohormone convertase gene of insect origin, Trichoplusia ni furin, which was cloned from BTI-Tn-5B-4 (Tn5) insect cells. We constructed a truncated mutant that lacked Cys-rich repeated segments. Using baculovirus expression system and standard enzymatic assay, we obtained recombinant Tn furin and evaluated aspects of its function.  相似文献   

An N-terminal amino acid sequence of a 16.9 kDa hemolymph polypeptide, “Vesicle Promoting Factor” (VPF) from Trichoplusia ni, revealed a high sequence homology (70%) with Manduca sexta apolipophorin-III. A polyclonal antibody developed against VPF, however, was not immunoreactive with either purified M. sexta or T. ni apolipophorin-III. Immunoblots of tissue homogenates of T. ni indicated that VPF was present in imaginal wing discs, central nervous system (CNS), silk glands, midgut and hemocytes from fifth instar larvae, and also in the IAL-TND1 cell line which can grow as either fluid-filled multicellular vesicles or multicellular aggregates. VPF was also detected immunologically in the hemolymph of adults of T. ni, and in hemolymph of adults and larvae of Galleria mellonella and Heliothis virescens. Testes, midgut, hemocytes, and wing discs, but not Malpighian tubules, of T. ni released VPF into tissue culture medium during a 3 h incubation period. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    Abstract. In southern parts of the United States the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is multivoltine, and therefore successive generations experience different environmental conditions during development from larvae to adults.Since environmental conditions are thought to influence pheromone communication, we tested the effects of two different temperature and light regimes (selected to mimic those occurring in the spring and summer growing seasons in the south) during rearing on the response characteristics of the adult male olfactory receptor neurons responsible for detecting the major component of the female pheromone.The dose-response functions of receptor neurons from the warm- and cold-reared insects were similar in both their slopes and thresholds to stimulation with the major component of the female-emitted pheromone, (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol acetate and (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol, a behavioural inhibitor.In double pulse experiments, designed to emulate the temporal dispersion of pheromone in nature, neurons were stimulated with short pulses (200 ms) of (Z)-7, dodecen-1-ol acetate separated by varying intervals.Intervals as short as 30 ms reduced the response to a second pulse by over 50%.When the intervals between pulses were longer than 2 s, significant differences were not seen between the responses to the first and to the second pulse.These temporal response patterns were similar in both warm- and cold-reared animals.  相似文献   

    Carboxypeptidase A and carboxypeptidase B activities from the midgut of Trichoplusia ni larvae were characterized. In the T. ni larval midgut, the primary digestive carboxypeptidase activity was attributed to carboxypeptidase A, which was eight times more active than carboxypeptidase B. Both the midgut carboxypeptidase A and carboxypeptidase B exhibited maximal activities at pH 8.0-8.5 and were similarly susceptible to inhibition by potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor and phenanthroline. The midgut carboxypeptidase activities were analyzed in T. ni larvae fed on various diet sources and the results indicated that midgut carboxypeptidase activities per milligram of gut were similar regardless of the amount of dietary proteins or amino acids. However, midgut carboxypeptidase A activity was significantly higher in larvae exposed to soybean trypsin inhibitor and was significantly lower in larvae fed on broccoli foliage. From the T. ni larval midgut, five putative carboxypeptidase cDNAs were cloned, demonstrating that midgut carboxypeptidase activities are composed of multiple carboxypeptidase types. Sequence analysis indicated that the midgut carboxypeptidases were produced as secreted proenzymes which could be activated after removal of an N-terminal activation fragment by a trypsin. Two cloned cDNAs are predicted to code for carboxypeptidase A and one cDNA is predicted to code for a putative carboxypeptidase B. The other two cDNAs are highly similar to carboxypeptidase A and carboxypeptidase B in sequences, but their activity was not predictable.  相似文献   

    The genetic inheritance of resistance to a commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki was examined in a Trichoplusia ni colony initiated from a resistant population present in a commercial vegetable greenhouse in British Columbia, Canada. Progeny of F(1) reciprocal crosses and backcrosses between F(1) larvae and resistant (P(R)) and susceptible (P(S)) populations were assayed at different B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki concentrations. The responses of progeny of reciprocal F(1) crosses were identical, indicating that the resistant trait was autosomal. The 50% lethal concentration for the F(1) larvae was slightly higher than that for P(S), suggesting that resistance is partially recessive. The responses of both backcross progeny (F(1) x P(R), F(1) x P(S)) did not correspond to predictions from a single-locus model. The inclusion of a nonhomozygous resistant parental line in the monogenic model significantly increased the correspondence between the expected and observed results for the F(1) x P(R) backcross but decreased the correspondence with the F(1) x P(S) backcross results. This finding suggests that resistance to B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki in this T. ni population is due to more than one gene.  相似文献   

    The genetic inheritance of resistance to a commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki was examined in a Trichoplusia ni colony initiated from a resistant population present in a commercial vegetable greenhouse in British Columbia, Canada. Progeny of F1 reciprocal crosses and backcrosses between F1 larvae and resistant (PR) and susceptible (PS) populations were assayed at different B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki concentrations. The responses of progeny of reciprocal F1 crosses were identical, indicating that the resistant trait was autosomal. The 50% lethal concentration for the F1 larvae was slightly higher than that for PS, suggesting that resistance is partially recessive. The responses of both backcross progeny (F1 × PR, F1 × PS) did not correspond to predictions from a single-locus model. The inclusion of a nonhomozygous resistant parental line in the monogenic model significantly increased the correspondence between the expected and observed results for the F1 × PR backcross but decreased the correspondence with the F1 × PS backcross results. This finding suggests that resistance to B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki in this T. ni population is due to more than one gene.  相似文献   

    The protein solubilized from the proteinic crystalline structure surrounding the granulosis virus of Trichoplusia ni by use of a carbonate buffer (pH 10.7) gives a major component, as analyzed by ultracentrifugation, with a molecular weight of 180,000. This protein has heterogeneous subunit structure as demonstrated by estimates of molecular weights by use of gel electrophoresis, amino-, and carboxy-terminal analyses, and peptide mapping of enzyme digests of the protein. The amino acid composition shows that the protein is acidic with a high percentage of amino acids with hydrophobic side groups. Optical rotatory dispersion studies reveal the presence of beta-structure in the protein complex. The conversion of the beta-structure to alpha-helix with sodium lauryl sulfate and to a random coil state with strong alkaline treatment are observed.  相似文献   

    The egg-larval parasitoid Chelonus sp. induces the precocious onset of metamorphosis in the 4th (penultimate) stadium of its host Trichoplusia ni, emerges from the prepupa, and then feeds on it. Qualitative and quantitative changes in ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone were measured. Hemolymph of 3rd-to 4th-instar host larvae and the parasitoids they contained, as well as nonparasitized and parasitized eggs, were analyzed. In the host hemolymph a broad peak of ecdysteroids during molting into the 4th stadium and a continuous increase from day 2 (onset of precocious wandering) until day 4 (emergence of parasitoid) were observed; 20-hydroxyecdysone and 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone were predominant. The juvenile hormone titer fluctuated in the 3rd and early 4th stadium and fell to undetectable levels shortly before the precocious onset of wandering. The parasitoid's ecdysteroids started to increase on the molt to the 2nd instar (= early 4th instar of the host) and thereafter fluctuated on a high level, 20-hydroxyecdysone, 20,26-dihydroxy-ecdysone, and ecdysone being predominant. The juvenile hormone titer was high in late 1st-instar parasitoids, decreased to low levels at ecdysis into the 2nd instar, and increased again to high levels in the 2nd-instar larvae at the time when their shape changed from flat to cylindrical. After ecdysis to the 3rd instar the juvenile hormone titer fell. A comparison revealed that both ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone fluctuate independently in parasitoid and host at most stages, suggesting that the parasitoid produces its own hormones. The first data on ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones in the egg stage of a parasitoid/host system are reported. At the stage of eye pigmentation parasitized eggs contained more immunoreactive midpolar ecdysteroids than non-parasitized ones. 20-Hydroxyecdysone and 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone were the predominant ecdysteroids in both nonparasitized and parasitized eggs, but the latter contained several additional ecdysteroids which were not seen in nonparasitized eggs. The titer of juvenile hormone was similar in both. Shortly before hatching the ecdysteroids were low in parasitized and nonparasitized eggs, but the content of juvenile hormone was much higher in the former. At this stage the majority of parasitoids have already eclosed and teratocytes are released. The results of HPLC analysis indicated the presence of juvenile hormone III together with juvenile hormones I and II in parasitized eggs, but only juvenile hormones I and II in nonparasitized eggs.  相似文献   

    A recombinant Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) strain showing higher virulence against Trichoplusia ni larvae than the wild-type virus was developed. The 'enhancin' (VEF) gene of T. ni granulovirus (TnGV) and the AcMNPV polyhedrin gene were cloned into the baculovirus transfer vector pAcUW31. This plasmid and AcMNPV BacPAK6 DNA were co-transfected into the BTI-Tn5B1-4 cell line. A recombinant AcMNPV strain (BacVEFPol) was purified, amplified, and bioassayed against T. ni first instar larvae. Its estimated LC50 (0.184 OB/mm2) was 2.18 times lower than the LC50 estimated for the wild-type AcMNPV (0.402 OB/mm2). Likewise, an LT50 of 67.7 h was estimated for the recombinant AcMNPV strain while the LT50 of wild-type AcMNPV was estimated at 81.9 h. This indicates a 17.4% reduction of the time required to kill the larvae. The higher virulence of the recombinant strain, evidenced by its LC50 and LT50 values being lower than those of the wild-type strain, indicates that the VEF protein is expressed properly and may be occluded in the OBs.  相似文献   

    The histology and cytology of Trichoplusia ni larvae were studied for evidence of abnormality or pathology induced by the solitary ichneumonid endoparasitoid, Hyposoter exiguae. Sample control and parasitized larvae were fixed every other day, and sections of these larvae were stained with mercuric-bromophenol blue. The fat body of parasitized larvae failed to show many of the changes characteristic of normally developing controls and, on the last day of parasitism, revealed extensive pathological changes. Spermatogenesis continued normally until the end of the association in parasitized hosts even though their development was halted in the fifth larval stadium. Parasitoid larvae seemed to secrete a proteinaceous material from their salivary and rectal glands into the host hemocoel. This material may be responsible for the pathological changes reported here. The parasitoids apparently fed on hemolymph alone until about 24 hr before emergence and pupation.  相似文献   

    Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of bacterial food-borne infection in the industrial world. There is evidence that C. jejuni is present in eggs and hatchery fluff, opening the possibility for vertical transmission from hens to progeny. Poultry operations in Iceland provide an excellent opportunity to study this possibility, since breeding flocks are established solely from eggs imported from grandparent flocks in Sweden. This leaves limited opportunity for grandparents and their progeny to share isolates through horizontal transmission. While Campylobacter was not detected in all grandparent flocks, 13 of the 16 egg import lots consisted of eggs gathered from one or more Campylobacter-positive grandparent flocks. No evidence of Campylobacter was found by PCR in any of the 10 relevant quarantine hatchery fluff samples examined, and no Campylobacter was isolated from the parent birds through 8 weeks, while they were still in quarantine rearing facilities. After the birds were moved to less biosecure rearing facilities, Campylobacter was isolated, and 29 alleles were observed among the 224 isolates studied. While three alleles were found in both Sweden and Iceland, in no case was the same allele found both in a particular grandparent flock and in its progeny. We could find no evidence for vertical transmission of Campylobacter to the approximately 60,000 progeny parent breeders that were hatched from eggs coming from Campylobacter-positive grandparent flocks. If vertical transmission is occurring, it is not a significant source for the contamination of chicken flocks with Campylobacter spp.  相似文献   

    An inhibitor of the apoptosis protein (IAP) family gene from Trichoplusia ni, Tn-IAP1v, a variant of lepidopteran Tn-IAP1, was cloned by RT-PCR. There are six single nucleotide polymorphisms between the two Tn-IAP1 variants, resulting in three predicted single amino acid polymorphisms. With the GST fusion expression system, soluble recombinant Tn-IAP1v was highly expressed in Escherichia coli and then purified by affinity chromatography. Caspase inhibition assays indicated that recombinant Tn-IAP1v could specifically inhibit human caspase-9 in vitro instead of caspase-3, -7, and -8, which was further confirmed by the observation that recombinant Tn-IAP1v can directly bind caspase-9 in the protein pull-down assay. These results suggested that Tn-IAP1v might serve as an initiator caspase inhibitor in vivo in the conserved mitochondria apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

    The Delta(11) desaturases found in moths such as Spodoptera littoralis play a critical role in the biosynthesis of their sex pheromones. The ability to functionally express these enzymes in yeast has allowed one to study the transformation of long-chain fatty acyl substrates to their 11-ene products in greater mechanistic detail. In this article, we report on the detection and quantitation of a minor 11-hydroxylated byproduct (0.1% of total fatty acids), which is formed by the Delta(11) desaturases found in Trichoplusia ni and Spodoptera littoralis. The position of the hydroxyl group was determined by characteristic mass spectral fragmentation of the trimethylsilyl derivatives and is in accord with predictions based on previous mechanistic investigations of the Spodoptera Delta(11) desaturase. The level of 11-hydroxylation was insensitive to the mode of desaturase expression (constitutive vs. induced) and the presence or absence of a b5-fusion domain. Our findings suggest that in future, a search for hydroxylated products should be included in functional analyses of insect desaturase genes.  相似文献   

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