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Fire severity is predicted to increase in boreal regions due to global warming. We hypothesized that these extreme events will alter regeneration patterns of black spruce (Picea mariana). To test this hypothesis, we monitored seed dispersal and seedling emergence, survival and growth for 6 years from 2005 to 2010 after the 2004 wildfire on Poker Flat, interior Alaska, using 96 1 × 1 m plots. A total of 1,300 seedlings of black spruce and three broad-leaved deciduous trees (Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera, and Salix spp.) were recorded. Black spruce seedlings colonized burned and unburned ground surfaces for the first 2 years after the wildfire and established on any topographical surface, while the broad-leaved trees emerged less in areas of lower elevation, slope gradient and canopy openness and only on burned surfaces. Vascular plant cover on the ground floor increased the seedling establishment of black spruce and broad-leaved trees, most likely because of seed-trap effects. Black spruce grew faster on burned surface than on unburned surfaces. However, broad-leaved trees grew faster than black spruce on burned surfaces. Black spruce regenerates even after severe wildfire when the microtopography restricts the colonization of broad-leaved trees. The regeneration trajectories are determined soon after wildfire by a combination of seed limitation for black spruce and habitat preference for broad-leaved trees.  相似文献   

Eighteen black spruce (Picea mariana) stands, representing postfire ages of 26 to 120 yr, were surveyed for understorey vegetation and site/microsite characteristics at two spatial scales. This enabled comparison of within- versus among-stand compositional variation.Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) ordination among the 18 stands revealed a complex age/moisture gradient. DCA ordination among 1 800 quadrats within the stands indicated a similar gradient with much compositional overlap. Quadrats were grouped, using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), into 9 classes each representing a phase in understorey vegetation composition. These phases shifted in abundance from young to old stands with a high degree of concordance among replicates in the same age class. Understorey succession is strongly linked to the stages in tree growth, mortality and thinning coupled with the accumulation of site moisture.Abbreviations DCA Detrended Corrospondence Analysis  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the species composition and species density of vascular plants in the understorey vegetation of boreal forest between Picea mariana (Black spruce) and Populus tremuloides (Trembling aspen) stands in British Columbia, Canada, and related differences in species composition and species density between the two forest types to dominant canopy tree species as well as a wide variety of environmental factors. We analysed 231 stands, distributed in three different climatic regions representing drier, wetter, and milder variations of montane boreal climate. Of these stands 118 were dominated by P. mariana and 113 by P. tremuloides. P. tremuloides stands had higher species density than P. mariana stands in all climatic regions, but species density of each dominance type varied among climatic regions. The floristic composition of the understorey vegetation was markedly different for P. mariana and P. tremuloides dominated stands. A detailed study on the effect of canopy dominance and local environmental factors on the understorey vegetation of the boreal forest was conducted using 88 stands from one of the three climatic regions. Using a combination of ordination and variation partitioning by constrained ordination we demonstrated a small but unique effect of canopy dominance type on the understorey vegetation, while a larger amount of compositional variation was shared with other factors. Our results accord with a scenario in which differences in primary environmental factors and humus form properties, the latter accentuated by the canopy dominants themselves, are the most important causes of higher species density in P. tremuloides stands than in P. mariana stands, as well as differences in species composition among the two canopy dominance types. Processes and time scales involved in the small but significant direct and indirect effects of the canopy dominant on understo‐ rey species composition are discussed.  相似文献   

Wildfires have major effects on forest dynamics, succession and the carbon cycle in the boreal biome. They are a significant source of carbon emissions, and current observed changes in wildfire regimes due to changes in climate could affect the balance of the boreal carbon pool. A better understanding of postwildfire vegetation dynamics in boreal forests will help predict the future role of boreal forests as a carbon sink or source. Time series of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Shortwave Infrared Index (NDSWIR) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra satellite were used to investigate whether characteristic temporal patterns exist for stands of different ages in the Siberian boreal forests and whether their postwildfire dynamics are influenced by variables such as prewildfire vegetation cover. Two types of forests, evergreen needle‐leaf (ENF) and deciduous needle‐leaf (DNF), were studied by analysing a sample of 78 burned forest areas. In order to study a longer time frame, a chronosequence of burned areas of different ages was built by coupling information on location and age provided by a forest burned area database (from 1992 to 2003) to MODIS NDVI and NDSWIR time series acquired from 2001 to 2005. For each of the burned areas, an adjacent unburned control plot representing the same forest type was selected, with the aim of separating the interannual variations caused by climate from changes in NDVI and NDSWIR behaviour due to a wildfire. The results suggest that it takes more than 13 years for the temporal NDVI and NDSWIR signal to recover fully after wildfire. NDSWIR, which is associated to canopy moisture, needs a longer recovery period than NDVI, which is associated to vegetation greenness. The results also suggest that variability observed in postwildfire NDVI and NDSWIR can be explained partially by the dominant forest type: while 13 years after a fire NDVI and NDSWIR are similar for ENF and DNF, the initial impact appears to be greater on the NDVI and NDSWIR of ENF, suggesting a faster recovery by ENF.  相似文献   

Changes in the soil bacterial community of a coniferous forest were analyzed to assess microbial responses to wildfire. Soil samples were collected from three different depths in lightly and severely burned areas, as well as a nearby unburned control area. Direct bacterial counts ranged from 3.3-22.6 x 10(8) cells/(g.soil). In surface soil, direct bacterial counts of unburned soil exhibited a great degree of fluctuation. Those in lightly burned soil changed less, but no significant variation was observed in the severely burned soil. The fluctuations of direct bacterial count were less in the middle and deep soil layers. The structure of the bacterial community was analyzed via the fluorescent in situ hybridization method. The number of bacteria detected with the eubacteria-targeted probe out of the direct bacterial count varied from 30.3 to 84.7%, and these ratios were generally higher in the burned soils than in the unburned control soils. In the surface unburned soil, the ratios of alpha-, beta- and gamma-proteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group, and other eubacteria groups to total eubacteria were 9.9, 10.6, 15.5, 9.0, and 55.0%, respectively, and these ratios were relatively stable. The ratios of alpha-, beta- and gamma-proteobacteria, and Cytophaga-Flavobacterium group to total eubacteria increased immediately after the wildfire, and the other eubacterial proportions decreased in the surface and middle layer soils. By way of contrast, the composition of the 5 groups of eubacteria in the subsurface soil exhibited no significant fluctuations during the entire period. The total bacterial population and bacterial community structure disturbed by wildfire soon began to recover, and original levels seemed to be restored 3 months after the wildfire.  相似文献   

Benchmarks were established for genetic diversity inherent in natural mature populations, and genetic diversity impacts of forest fires, clearcut harvesting and alternative natural and artificial silvicultural regeneration practices were determined in black spruce (Picea mariana). Allozymes of 32 loci were used to determine and compare genetic diversity and genetic relationships of adjacent or nearby four stand types: post-fire natural mature (FNM), post-fire natural young (FNR), post-harvest natural young (HNR) and post-harvest plantation (PLT), of black spruce at each of the four study sites located in two ecoregions in Manitoba: Ecoregion 90-Lac Seul Upland (Eastern) and Ecoregion 158 - Mid-Boreal Lowland (Northern). Both allelic- and genotypic-based genetic diversity parameters, as well as latent genetic potential, were determined. Black spruce populations showed typical moderate to high levels of allozyme genetic diversity. The mean genetic diversity parameters over the 16 black spruce populations sampled were as follows: percent loci polymorphic - 67%, mean number of alleles per locus - 2.52, effective number of alleles per locus - 1.70, observed heterozygosity - 0.222, expected heterozygosity - 0.308, mean number of observed genotypes per locus - 3.65, mean number of expected genotypes per locus - 5.03, genotype additivity (observed) - 116.8, genotype additivity (expected) - 161, genotype multiplicity (observed) - 6.16 x 10(15), genotype multiplicity (expected) - 2.06 x 10(19) and latent genetic potential - 26.12. The four stand types (FNM, FNR, HNR and PLT) had comparable and statistically similar genetic diversity levels at each of the four study sites as well as overall. No significant differences in black spruce genetic diversity levels were observed between the two ecoregions in Manitoba, as well as between the post-fire and post-harvest regenerated stands. No particular order of genetic relatedness among the four stand types was observed. Black spruce populations showed some sort of site-related differentiation in their genetic constitution. Allelic heterogeneity and genetic distances among populations within stand types and among four stand types suggest that the genetic diversity was maintained at the landscape level in black spruce. The results of our study demonstrate that forest fires and currently used clearcut harvesting, and alternative natural and artificial silvicultural regeneration practices, do not adversely affect genetic diversity in black spruce, and that the genetic diversity effects of clearcut harvesting are not significantly different from those due to forest fires in black spruce.  相似文献   


Following a wildfire in the Caledonian pinewood at Shieldaig, Wester Ross in late March 1974, the recovery of the vegetation, particularly Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings, was monitored in twenty sample plots. Almost all trees under 5 cm diameter at breast height were immediately killed by the fire and of the larger trees, 45 per cent of the Scots pine and 60 per cent of the birch (Betula pendula) had died by 1980. Regeneration of Scots pine had occurred to the extent of about 2,500 seedlings ha-1 by 1980. Recovery of the field layer species varied; species with rhizomes grew up quickly but the re-establishment of cover by Calluna vulgaris and many bryophytes was slow.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the role of micro-organisms in the carbon cycle of the boreal forest ecosystem, the vertical distribution of soil carbon, soil microbial biomass and respiratory activity was studied in a black spruce forest near Candle Lake in Saskatchewan, Canada. The total amount of carbon contained in moss and soil layers (to the depth of 50cm beneath the mineral soil surface) was 7.2kgm–2, about 47% of which was in the L and FH horizons of the soil. Soil microbial biomass per dry weight of soil was largest in the L horizon, while the biomass per ground area was largest in the FH horizon. Soil respiration rate, measured using a portable infrared gas analyzer, was highest in the FH horizon, exceeding 50% of the total soil respiration. Low but significant CO2 emission was detected even in deeper soil horizon (E horizon). We also examined the respiration rate of cut roots and the effect of root excision on respiration. The contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration, calculated from root biomass and respiration rate of cut roots, was about 54%. The amount of carbon evolved through microbial respiration during the snow-free season (June–October) was estimated as 221gCm–2. Micro-organisms in the L horizon showed high respiratory activity as compared with those in deeper soil horizons.  相似文献   

Summary In a mature, even aged stand of mixed chaparral, Rhus laurina (facultative resprouter) had consistently higher water potentials and deeper roots than Ceanothus spinosus (facultative resprouter) and Ceanothus megacarpus (obligate seeder). For two years following a wildfire, the same stand of chaparral had resprouts with higher survivorships, predawn water potentials, stomatal conductances, photosynthetic rates and shoot elongation rates than seedlings. Supplemental irrigation of seedlings during summer months removed differences between resprouts and seedlings suggesting that the cause of such differences was limited water availability to the shoot tissues of seedlings. After two years of postfire regrowth, mean seedling survivorship for the obligate seeder (C. megacarpus) was 42%, whereas seedling survivorship for facultative resprouters was only 18% (C. spinosus) and 0.01% (R. laurina). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that lack of resprouting ability among obligate seeders is offset by an enhanced ability to establish seedlings after wildfire, allowing obligate seeders to maintain themselves in mixed populations through many fire cycles.  相似文献   

Abstract. Horizontal/vertical profiling is a method used to assess vegetation space occupancy. This study investigated consistency and repeatability of measurements made on plots designed to describe forest understory vegetation structure. 20 circular, 100‐m2 plots were measured by six independent observers, three times during the summer of 1997. The plots, located in south‐central Alaska, were established in a closed Picea glauca (white spruce)/Betula papyrifera (paper birch) forest. Consistency and repeatability of measurements were evaluated by examining components of variance. Response variables were absolute and relative canopy cover. Results indicate that observers were not consistent relative to each other estimating vegetative cover from one plot to the next and from one measurement period to the next, making measurements unrepeatable.  相似文献   

O. Skre  W. C. Oechel 《Ecography》1979,2(4):249-254
During the 1975 and 1976 seasons the net primary production of five common bryophytes in different stands of mature vegetation near Fairbanks, Alaska was investigated. Overall annual moss production at the intensive black spruce site was about 120 g m?1 yr?1 or about twice as high as the corresponding annual spruce production. Maximum rates of net photosynthesis varied from 2.7 mg CO2 g?1 h?1 in Polytrichum commune Hedw. to 0.6 mg CO2 g?1 h?1 in Sphagnum nemoreum Scop. The photosynthesis of overwintered leaves early in the season was low and as a result of new growth a steady increase in net photosynthesis occurred throughout the season. Leaf water content was found to be the most important limiting factor for growth under natural conditions. There was a strong increase in growth and photosynthesis of Sphagnum nemoreum after application of N and P, indicating nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

Winter hardening in first-year black spruce (Picea mariana) seedlings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Winter hardening of first-year black spruce [ Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] seedlings was studied by assessing a number of morphological and physiological changes under three hardening regimes: 1) early removal (ER), in which seedlings were exposed to natural daylengths and low ambient temperatures outside. 2) extended greenhouse culture (EG), in which seedlings were exposed to natural daylengths and warm temperatures, and 3) short day (SD), in which seedlings were exposed to short daylengths and low ambient temperatures outside. Measurements included needle primordia initiation, embryonic shoot volume, terminal bud mitotic index, embryonic shoot average cell volume, and shoot tip frost hardiness. EG seedlings formed buds containing 4 times as many needle primordia as ER stock. Embryonic shoot volume increased with number of needle primordia initiated, until late in the hardening period, when significant reductions in meristem volumes of SD and EG stock were observed. Frost hardiness increased sooner in seedlings which set bud in response to short days, but SD treatment did not result in significantly greater frost hardiness at the end of the trial. Frost hardiness was correlated with mitotic index of the embryonic shoot. Cell size in the embryonic shoot declined in seedlings of all treatments during hardening, however, EG seedlings had significantly lower cell volumes by the end of the trial in comparison to ER and SD seedlings.  相似文献   

Predicted increases in drought and heat stress will likely induce shifts in species bioclimatic envelopes. Genetic variants adapted to water limitation may prove pivotal for species response under scenarios of increasing drought. In this study, we aimed to explore this hypothesis by investigating genetic variation in 16 populations of black spruce (Picea mariana) in relation to climate variables in Alaska. A total of 520 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped for 158 trees sampled from areas of contrasting climate regimes. We used multivariate and univariate genotype‐by‐environment approaches along with available gene annotations to investigate the relationship between climate and genetic variation among sampled populations. Nine SNPs were identified as having a significant association with climate, of which five were related to drought stress response. Outlier SNPs with respect to the overall environment were significantly overrepresented for several biological functions relevant for coping with variable hydric regimes, including osmotic stress response. This genomic imprint is consistent with local adaptation of black spruce to drought stress. These results suggest that natural selection acting on standing variation prompts local adaptation in forest stands facing water limitation. Improved understanding of possible adaptive responses could inform our projections about future forest dynamics and help prioritize populations that harbor valuable genetic diversity for conservation.  相似文献   

Greenhouse mesocosms of freshwater marsh vegetation were exposed to a simulated saltwater intrusion event followed by a recovery period during which water levels and interstitial water salinity were adjusted over a range of conditions. Virtually all above-ground vegetation, including the three dominant species, Sagittaria lancifolia L., Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz, and Panicum hemitomon Schultes, was killed by the initial saltwater intrusion event. P. hemitomon did not recover, but S. lancifolia and L. oryzoides, as well as many of the other species initially present, exhibited some ability to recover depending on post-saltwater intrusion conditions. Increasingly harsh recovery conditions (for freshwater marsh vegetation), including more reduced soil conditions, higher interstitial salinities, and higher interstitial sulfide concentrations were associated with decreased live above-ground biomass and species richness. The effect of elevated salinity on vegetative recovery became more pronounced under flooded conditions. This experiment illustrates that the response of a freshwater marsh community to the long-term disturbance effect of a transient saltwater intrusion event will be strongly influenced by post-intrusion salinity and water levels.  相似文献   

Recovery of a tropical rain forest after hurricane damage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
More than a year after Hurricane Hugo damaged a Puerto Rican tropical rain forest, recovery of the forest was assessed by observing resprouting of damaged trees in eleven transects which were established before the hurricane in 1989. In each transect, I relocated and identified standing trees and observed if they were resprouting after injury. I found that resprouting was rapid and depended on species. There was no significant relationship between sprouting and diameter classes of trees. This study suggests that resprouting of damaged trees plays major roles in the recovery of the tropical forests which are prone to hurricanes and are in non-equilibrium state.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of 20-year studies into the impact made by an experimental high-intensity fire on ecosystem components and postfire succession in a middle-taiga pine forest. About 44% of forest fuel loads burned down during the fire, and the emission of carbon was more than 18 t C/ha. As a result of the fire impact, trees died within 3 years after the fire, and this resulted in a significant accumulation of fuel loads. Twenty years after the fire, the biomass of forest fuel loads surpassed the prefire values 4 times, which led to the possibility of the origin of a repeated high-intensity fire. The initial stage of postfire succession in the pine forest is determined by forest vegetation conditions and takes place with the replacement of dominant grass and shrubs. The agrochemical and hydrothermal soil indicators were revealed to be changed after the fire, and this promoted improved conditions for the origin and development of natural regeneration sufficient for the formation of forest stand.  相似文献   

Wildfires are impactful natural disasters, creating a significant impact across many rural communities. Predicting wildfire probability provides authorities with invaluable information to take preventive measures at the early stages. This study establishes Bayesian modelling for predicting the wildfire event probability based on a set of environmental predictors and forest vulnerability, represented by the normalized difference vegetation index. Prior information about the impact of these predictors on the likelihood of wildfire is available in the reports on the past major wildfire events. In that sense, the use of prior information in the Bayesian models has the potential to provide accurate predictions for the wildfire probability. Moreover, the relationship between the predictors creates mediating effects on the likelihood of a wildfire event. A multivariate prior distribution in the Bayesian modelling can capture the mediating effects. In this study, Bayesian models with informative and noninformative priors are considered with independent and multivariate prior distributions to utilize the available prior information and handle the mediating effects between the predictors using the normalized difference vegetation index data provided by Google Earth Engine. Nine years of data were gathered across 9841 sampled areas in a forested land of Australia. Modelling results concluded that forest vulnerability is found to be the dominant predictor of wildfire probability. This modelling can help create a Wildfire Warning Index based on climate data and forest vulnerability measurements, enabling preventative actions in high-risk and targeted areas.  相似文献   

Recovery of ectomycorrhiza after 'nitrogen saturation' of a conifer forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trees reduce their carbon (C) allocation to roots and mycorrhizal fungi in response to high nitrogen (N) additions, which should reduce the N retention capacity of forests. The time needed for recovery of mycorrhizas after termination of N loading remains unknown. Here, we report the long-term impact of N loading and the recovery of ectomycorrhiza after high N loading on a Pinus sylvestris forest. We analysed the N% and abundance of the stable isotope (15) N in tree needles and soil, soil microbial fatty acid biomarkers and fungal DNA. Needles in N-loaded plots became enriched in (15) N, reflecting decreased N retention by mycorrhizal fungi and isotopic discrimination against (15) N during loss of N. Meanwhile, needles in N-limited (control) plots became depleted in (15) N, reflecting high retention of (15) N by mycorrhizal fungi. N loading was terminated after 20yr. The δ(15) N and N% of the needles decreased 6yr after N loading had been terminated, and approached values in control plots after 15yr. This decrease, and the larger contributions compared with N-loaded plots of a fungal fatty acid biomarker and ectomycorrhizal sequences, suggest recovery of ectomycorrhiza. High N loading rapidly decreased the functional role of ectomycorrhiza in the forest N cycle, but significant recovery occurred within 6-15yr after termination of N loading.  相似文献   

We examined forest structure and regeneration in a 350‐ha forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris 31 yr after a wildfire in the Vienansalo wilderness, Russian Karelia. In most parts of the area, the 1969 fire was not stand replacing but had left larger trees alive so that the area generally remained forest covered. In some localities, however, all trees apparently died and distinct gaps were formed, suggesting that the fire severity varied considerably, contributing to increased variation in stand structure. Living and dead wood volumes were similar, 112 and 96 m3.ha‐1, respectively. The tree species proportions of dead vs living wood indicated that prior to fire disturbance Picea was more common in the area. Regeneration was abundant (saplings, ca. 14 000 ind.ha‐1, height 20 ‐200 cm) and tree seedling recruitment had occurred over a long period of time. Regeneration density was highest on the mesic Vaccinium‐Myrtillus forest site type, decreasing towards nutrient‐poor site types. The most common regeneration microsites were level ground (56% of saplings), immediate surroundings of decayed wood (23%) and depressions (11%). The high proportion of saplings on level ground suggests that after the fire regeneration conditions have been favourable across the whole forest floor. Nevertheless, the areas in the vicinity of decayed wood have been particularly important microsites for seedling establishment. The results provide an example of the effects of wildfire on forest structure in a natural Pinus sylvestris dominated forest, demonstrating the non stand replacing character of fire, high variability in stand structure and the abundance of post‐fire regeneration.  相似文献   

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