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Tubulin from the brine shrimp Artemia readily assembles in vitro in the absence of microtubule-associated proteins under conditions which do not permit assembly of tubulin from brain. Heated microtubule-associated protein preparations from bovine brain do, however, interact with Artemia tubulin, resulting in stimulation of tubulin assembly and formation of morphologically normal cold-sensitive microtubules. Addition of vinblastine to mixtures containing microtubules assembled in the presence of neural microtubule-associated proteins caused a drop and then a rise in turbidity of the solution. The turbidity changes were accompanied by the appearance of coils, presumably derived from the microtubules which disappeared upon addition of vinblastine. Coils also resulted when microtubule-associated proteins and vinblastine were added to tubulin before polymerization was initiated. Vinblastine prevented normal assembly and caused disruption of Artemia microtubules polymerized in the absence of microtubule-associated proteins. Under these conditions clumped or compact coils, different in appearance from those formed in the presence of the microtubule-associated proteins, were observed. The data confirm that tubulin from Artemia, an organism that is phylogenetically far removed from mammals, has retained binding sites for vinblastine and microtubule-associated proteins and that the interrelationship of these sites has been at least partially preserved. The incomplete depolymerization of Artemia microtubules in response to vinblastine when microtubule-associated proteins are absent suggests that the longitudinal tubulin-tubulin interactions involved in microtubule formation are more stable for Artemia than for neural tubulin.  相似文献   

We report in this paper evidence for the existence of an unusually large chemical shift for intracellular water proton in brine shrimp (Artemia). The observed chemical shift, when corrected for bulk susceptibility, is down field 0.11 ppm from the pure water signal. The possible origin of such large chemical shift for intracellular water in this system is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to assess the usefulness of oxygen-17, a stable isotope of oxygen, oxygen-17, was administered to rats for studying cerebral oxygen utilization, and the produced metabolic water was detected by 17O-NMR spectroscopy in vitro and an 1H-NMR imaging system in vivo. In the vitro study, the increment in signal amplitude of oxygen-17 was observed in the brain extracted from rats that inhaled oxygen-17 gas. The in vivo study demonstrated that there were changes in the 1H-NMR image intensity of brain of rats that inhaled oxygen-17 gas. These facts indicate that oxygen-17 can serve as a tracer in the study of cerebral oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

Oxygen-17 and deuterium NMR studies of lysozyme hydration are reported for a wide range of lysozyme concentrations, and the relationship between water "activity" and water mobility in the lysozyme-water system as determined by high-field NMR is examined. In a first approximation, the effect of lysozyme activity on hydration is considered to be small because of the relatively low charge on lysozyme at pH 7 and the absence of salt in the lysozyme solutions. Correlation times are determined for tightly bound water, weakly bound water, and "multilayer" or trapped water in lysozyme at 20 degrees C. Hydration numbers are also determined for these three different water populations interacting with lysozyme. Good agreement is found between the hydration numbers determined by 17O NMR and the calculations based on the D'Arcy and Watt analysis of water sorption isotherms for proteins that considered three major water populations in hydrated lysozyme. A molecular interpretation for the three components in the D'Arcy and Watt theory of sorption isotherms is also proposed on the basis of our NMR results. Previous proton NMR spin-echo results are shown to be consistent with our findings by 17O NMR and support the view that there are at least four regions of distinct hydration behavior of lysozyme which span the whole range from solutions to solid powders.  相似文献   

Population density, fecundity andreproduction period of Artemia sp. in TuzLake, Turkey, beside environmental factors, such as oxygen,temperature, salinity, pH and electrical conductivity werestudied during 1993 and 1994.Artemia sp. occurred at two stations at the coast.Overwintering cysts hatched in early May, when the population was composed of 90% metanauplii (93%at Y4 and 99% at Y5) and few adult females. Peak abundanceoccurred in late May, at 106to 114 ind.m–3.  相似文献   

A thiol protease has been isolated and purified from the postribosomal fraction of encysted embryos of the brine shrimp Artemia using a six-step procedure. The purified enzyme has a molecular weight of 55,000 +/- 4,200 and is composed of subunits of Mr 31,500 +/- 559 and 25,867 +/- 1,087. Isoelectric focusing revealed two discrete bands, one at pH 4.6 and the other at pH 5.1. The protease appears to be a member of the thiol group of proteases based on its inhibition by leupeptin, antipain, chymostatin, Ep-475, and several other thiol protease inhibitors. The enzyme was stimulated by heavy metal chelators and thiol reagents. At pH 3.5-4.0 the thiol protease hydrolyzed a wide range of proteins including bovine serum albumin, hemoglobin, Artemia embryo soluble proteins, Artemia lipovitelline, and protamine, whereas at pH 6.0-6.5 the enzyme showed a high degree of specificity for Artemia elongation factor 2 and lipovitelline alpha 1. The total amount of protease activity in crude homogenates of Artemia embryos decreased by about 50% during the first 24 h of development, while the amount of free, active enzyme decreased proportionally for 9 h of development then remained constant during the next 26-27 h of development. These changes in protease activity appear to reflect changing levels of an endogenous protease inhibitor during development.  相似文献   

J B Wooten  J S Cohen 《Biochemistry》1979,18(19):4188-4191
Hen egg white lysozyme has been prepared in which the C epsilon position of the single histidine residue is substituted by a deuterium atom as a nondisturbing stable isotope probe. The deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectrum in H2O shows a broad resonance (500--1000 Hz) due to the histidine deuteron and a sharp signal from residual HOD. The line width of the deuterium signal increases with pH, reflecting the self-association of lysozyme which is known to involve this histidine [shindo, H., Cohen, J.S., & Rupley, J. A. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 3879]. Correlation times calculated from spin-spin relaxation times (T2) derived from the 2H widths indicate that His-15 is restricted in motion and that lysozyme is predominantly dimerized at pH 7.5. Controls carried out with [epsilon-2H]imidazole showed a small pH dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1), which parallels the 2H chemical shift change upon ionization of the imidazole. Similar results cannot generally be observed by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) because of paramagnetic relaxation due to trace metal ion impurities. The pH dependence of the 2H T1 values indicates a change in the 2H quadrupole coupling constant upon protonation of the imidazole ring.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogenetics and asexuality in the brine shrimp Artemia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Explaining cases of long-term persistence of parthenogenesis has proven an arduous task for evolutionary biologists. Interpreting sexual-asexual interactions though has recently advanced owing to methodological design, increased taxon sampling and choice of model organisms. We inferred the phylogeny of Artemia, a halophilic branchiopod genus of sexual and parthenogenetic forms with cosmopolitan distribution, marked geographic patterns and ecological partitioning. Joint analysis of newly derived ITS1 sequences and 16S RFLP markers from global isolates indicates significant interspecific divergence as well as pronounced diversity for parthenogens, matching that of sexual ancestors. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian methods were largely congruent in reconstructing the phylogeny of the genus. Given the current sampling, at least four independent origins of parthenogenesis are deduced. Molecular clock calibrations based on biogeographic landmarks indicate that the lineage leading to A. persimilis diverged from the common ancestor of all Artemia species between 80 and 90 MYA at the time of separation of Africa from South America, whereas parthenogenesis first appeared at least 3 MYA. Common mitochondrial DNA haplotypes delineate A. urmiana and A. tibetiana as possible maternal parents of several clonal lineages. A novel topological placement of A. franciscana as a sister clade to all Asian Artemia and parthenogenetic forms is proposed and also supported by ITS1 length and other existing data.  相似文献   

A study of salt secreting cells in the brine shrimp (Artemia salina)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We examined genetic variation in sympatric diploid and polyploid brine shrimp Artemia parthenogenetica from each of three populations (China, Italy and Spain). Italian and Spanish tetraploids are closely related (I=0.964). Diploids and tetraploids within each of the two European populations are also closely related (mean I=0.905). Most alleles found in diploids also exist in sympatric polyploids. In contrast, the asexual Artemia (2N, 4N and 5N) in our study share few alleles with their close sexual relative, A. tunisiana (mean I=0.002). These results, as well as the work of other authors, strongly suggest that at least the tetraploid Artemia in our study have an autopolyploid origin.Clonal diversity of polyploid Artemia can be very high at least in some population. Both diploids and polyploids had low clonal diversities in the populations dominated by polyploids and high clonal diversities in the population dominated by diploids.The most common genotypes of sympatric diploid and polyploid Artemia frequently differed. Some alleles occurred only in diploids, while others were restricted to polyploids. These results suggest that polyploidy in Artemia has led to genetic divergence from diploid progenitors, and that ploidy-level variation must also be considered in developing an understanding of spatial and temporal allozyme polymorphism in asexual populations.  相似文献   

Summary Brine shrimp (Artemia salina) males and females entered precopula assortatively by size in the laboratory; large males also had a pairing advantage over smaller males. We investigated the causes of such nonrandom pairing to test hypotheses on size-assortative mating.We found precopulatory biases with respect to male size in the absence of direct competition among males (which produces pairing biases in other species). Large males encountered females significantly more often than did small males. Similarly, large females encountered males more often than did small females, but showed less willingness than small females to enter precopula when housed with small males. Consequently, large females took longer than small females to enter precopula with small males. Although large males entered precopula readily with small females, such size-mismatched pairs appeared short-lived.We conclude that non-random pairing by size in A. salina is determined by several factors including: encounter rates between males and females of different sizes, female behavior, and time following initial pair formation. Our results are likely applicable to other species and can help explain variation for selection on size or other traits.  相似文献   

Eurasian brine shrimp (genus Artemia) have closely related sexual and asexual lineages of parthenogenetic females, which produce rare males at low frequencies. Although they are known to have ZW chromosomes, these are not well characterized, and it is unclear whether they are shared across the clade. Furthermore, the underlying genetic architecture of the transmission of asexuality, which can occur when rare males mate with closely related sexual females, is not well understood. We produced a chromosome-level assembly for the sexual Eurasian species Artemia sinica and characterized in detail the pair of sex chromosomes of this species. We combined this new assembly with short-read genomic data for the sexual species Artemia sp. Kazakhstan and several asexual lineages of Artemia parthenogenetica, allowing us to perform an in-depth characterization of sex-chromosome evolution across the genus. We identified a small differentiated region of the ZW pair that is shared by all sexual and asexual lineages, supporting the shared ancestry of the sex chromosomes. We also inferred that recombination suppression has spread to larger sections of the chromosome independently in the American and Eurasian lineages. Finally, we took advantage of a rare male, which we backcrossed to sexual females, to explore the genetic basis of asexuality. Our results suggest that parthenogenesis is likely partly controlled by a locus on the Z chromosome, highlighting the interplay between sex determination and asexuality.  相似文献   

To explore the feasibility of in vivo 17O NMR for the estimation of cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption, in vivo 17O NMR spectroscopy and imaging were employed in animal models. In the spectroscopy, the changes in the 17O NMR signal intensity after the injection of H2(17)O and the inhalation of 17O2 gas were obtained every 4 seconds with sufficient signal-to-noise ratios for the quantification of cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption. In the imaging, although the time and spatial resolutions were insufficient for the quantification of H2(17)O, 17O NMR images of rabbit brain could be obtained, indicating that it is possible to map cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption by 17O NMR imaging.  相似文献   

Wang W  Meng B  Chen W  Ge X  Liu S  Yu J 《Proteomics》2007,7(19):3580-3591

There has been a recent appreciation of the ecological impacts of zooplanktonic species invasions. The North American brine shrimp Artemia franciscana is one such alien invader in hyper-saline water ecosystems at a global scale. It has been shown to outcompete native Artemia species, leading to their local extinction. We used partial sequences of the mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit 1 (COI or cox1) gene to investigate the genetic diversity and phylogeography of A. salina, an extreme halophilic sexual brine shrimp, over its known distribution range (Mediterranean Basin and South Africa) and to assess the extent of local endemism, the degree of population structure and the potential impact of traditional human saltpan management on this species. We also examined the phylogenetic relationships in the genus Artemia using COI sequences. Our results show extensive regional endemism and indicate an early Pleistocene expansion of A. salina in the Mediterranean Basin. Subsequent population isolation in a mosaic of Pleistocene refugia is suggested, with two or three refugia located in the Iberian Peninsula. Two instances of long-distance colonization were also observed. Surprisingly, given its strong phylogeographical structure, A. salina showed a signature of correlation between geographical and genetic distance. Owing to strong 'priority effects', extensive population differentiation is retained, despite dispersal via migrant birds and human management of saltpans. The foreseeable expansion of A. franciscana is likely to be followed by substantial loss of genetic diversity in Mediterranean A. salina. Large genetic divergences between Mediterranean and South African A. salina suggest that the latter deserves species status.  相似文献   

The brine shrimp Artemia is a complex genus containing sexual species and parthenogenetic lineages. Artemia franciscana is native to America and its cysts (diapausing eggs) are used worldwide as a food source in aquaculture. As a consequence, this anostracan has become an invasive species in many hypersaline aquatic ecosystems of other continents. Parthenogenetic Artemia lineages occur only in the Old World. Ten and five microsatellite markers were developed to characterize two populations for A. franciscana and two populations for diploid parthenogenetic Artemia, respectively. For A. franciscana the number of alleles ranged from 11 to 58 per locus, while for parthenogens the number of alleles ranged from three to 10. The levels of heterozygosity in A. franciscana and in parthenogens ranged from 0.115 to 0.976 and from 0.000 to 0.971, respectively. These microsatellite loci showed a high population assignment power, which will be useful for future studies of population genetics and invasive processes in Artemia.  相似文献   

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