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杜仲是我国特有的珍稀生物资源,杜仲产业属于我国的战略新兴产业.国家林业局于2016年12月发布了《全国杜仲产业发展规划》(2016-2030年),阐述了杜仲产业开发面临新的机遇以及生物资源管理方面的问题.本文在阐述生物多样性与生物资源管理概念和进展的基础上,分析了杜仲产业规划区及杜仲生物资源产业开发的有关问题,提出将杜仲产业开发上升到生物资源层面,从生物多样性、生物质资源和生物信息资源等方面加强规划和科学管理的有关建议.  相似文献   

生物经济时代正在引发人类新一波技术和产业革命,并已成为了全球主要发达国家和新兴经济体抢占的制高点。文中从生物医药产业、转基因作物种植产业、生物能源产业以及生物基化学品产业4个角度分析了全球生物产业发展的时空特征,概括总结了全球生物产业发展的主要特点,并进一步针对我国生物产业发展中存在的瓶颈问题提出政策建议,对我国生物经济的未来发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

生物经济时代开启了人类新一波技术产业革命,我国针对生物产业作出的战略部署已经取得了明显成效,但在生物产业发展过程中仍存在区域发展不平衡等问题。为综合评价我国各区域生物产业竞争力现状,文中从生物医药、生物能源、生物农业和生物工业4个细分产业角度构建了生物产业整体竞争力评价指标体系,通过层次分析法确定了各评价指标的权重,并通过实证分析计算了我国不同地区生物产业的综合竞争力指数。评价结果表明,我国各区域生物产业竞争在空间上呈现梯度分布现象。针对此,文中从实施乡村振兴战略、推进区域协调发展战略、深化生物产业供给侧结构性改革和建立区域统一的信息协作网络体系4个角度提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

生物基化学纤维具有生产过程环境友好、原料可再生以及产品可生物降解等优良特性,因此,大力发展生物基化学纤维对于替代化石资源、发展循环经济、建设资源节约型和环境友好型的社会具有十分重大的意义。本文介绍了我国生物基纤维产业的发展现状,分析了生物基纤维产业发展存在的问题,指出了生物基纤维材料科技创新趋势和目标,并给出了我国发展生物基纤维的建议。  相似文献   

生物产业融资状况、问题及有关建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资金不足、融资困难是我国生物产业发展面临的重要问题之一。我国生物产业融资中存在一些问题 ,既包括高新技术产业在创业初期在融资中遇到的普遍性问题 ,也包括生物产业发展遇到的特殊问题。分析研究我国生物产业融资状况、存在的问题 ,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

当前正值我国加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业,提升优化产业结构、转变经济发展方式的新起点,生物产业作为战略性新兴产业已被纳入到我国经济社会发展的总体规划。经过“十一五”快速发展的生物产业能否在“十二五”期间继续保持高速增长?生物产业该如何发展才能缩小与国外的差距?国家发展和改革委员会(以下简称国家发展改革委)在引导生物产业发展方面将会采取哪些措施?为此,《生物产业技术》杂志专访了国家发展改革委高技术产业司任志武副司长,并根据访谈内容进行了整理。  相似文献   

正《生物产业技术》(Biotechnology Business)是中国生物工程学会会刊,是由化学工业出版社和中国生物工程学会联合主办的技术信息类期刊,于2005年7月创刊。本刊立足生物产业,关注技术进步,面向生物医药、生物农业、生物制造、生物能源以及生物环保等领域的技术研发、产业化生产,报道产业发展的相关政策、产品和市场信息,探究生物技术研发和产业的发展趋势所在,沟通企业的需求和科研信息,对生物产业各个领域的发展进行科学预测,促进生命科学与生物技术研究成果产业化。  相似文献   

我国生物农业发展态势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>生物农业的内涵广泛,与我国国民经济发展和人口健康密切相关。文章以生物农药、生物肥料、生物饲料、动物疫苗和转基因作物为主要内容,对我国生物农业的政策、发展现状与态势进行了分析,并与国际发展态势相比较,提出了我国产业发展面临的问题与对策。  相似文献   

正《生物产业技术》(BiotechnologyBusiness)是中国生物工程学会会刊,是由化学工业出版社、中国生物工程学会、国投生物科技投资有限公司联合主办的技术信息类期刊,于2005年7月创刊。本刊立足生物产业,关注技术进步,面向生物医药、生物农业、生物制造、生物能源以及生物环保等领域的技术研发、产业化生产,报道产业发展的相关政策、产品和市场信息,探究生物技术研发和产业的发展趋势所在,沟通企业的需求和科研信息,对生物产业各个领域的发展进行科学预测,促进生命科学与生物技术研究成果产业化。  相似文献   

由国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司与中国生物工程学会共同编写的《中国生物产业发展报告2006》近日出版。全书共7篇20章,从多个角度对中国生物产业状况进行了全面的透视和分析,对我国生物产业的发展战略进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

生物信息学的飞速发展为孤儿G蛋白偶联受体(orphan G protein—coupled receptors,oGPCRs)配基的筛选提供了重要的信息资源。利用生物信息学数据库和工具对oGPCRs的核酸和蛋白质序列进行运算、分析、注释和预测,获得足够的生物信息,辅助实验研究,以尽可能快速、准确地筛选出oGPCRs的特异性配基。本介绍有关生物信息学在oGPCRs配基筛选研究中的应用。  相似文献   

Post ‘omic’ era has resulted in the development of many primary, secondary and derived databases. Many analytical and visualization bioinformatics tools have been developed to manage and analyze the data available through large sequencing projects. Availability of heterogeneous databases and tools make it difficult for researchers to access information from varied sources and run different bioinformatics tools to get desired analysis done. Building integrated bioinformatics platforms is one of the most challenging tasks that bioinformatics community is facing. Integration of various databases, tools and algorithm is a challenging problem to deal with. This article describes the bioinformatics analysis workflow management systems that are developed in the area of gene sequence analysis and phylogeny. This article will be useful for biotechnologists, molecular biologists, computer scientists and statisticians engaged in computational biology and bioinformatics research.  相似文献   

肠道是人体内微生物定殖最丰富的部位。近年来,随着肠道菌群与人体健康疾病关联研究的蓬勃发展,肠道噬菌体也逐渐引起关注。然而,相关信息技术和实验技术发展的滞后在一定程度上限制了肠道噬菌体的科学研究进程。因此,本文首先回顾了近几年来肠道噬菌体研究领域所开发或采用的计算和实验方法,包括噬菌体的测序数据分析和噬菌体的分离纯化等。随后,本文就肠道噬菌体的分类、肠道内噬菌体与细菌的互作及肠道噬菌体在人体疾病干预中的应用展开了讨论。最后,本文展望了肠道噬菌体研究在数据和实体资源、信息和实验技术、与肠道菌群的互作、干预和治疗人体疾病各方面的一系列挑战和机遇。  相似文献   

Text mining for translational bioinformatics is a new field with tremendous research potential. It is a subfield of biomedical natural language processing that concerns itself directly with the problem of relating basic biomedical research to clinical practice, and vice versa. Applications of text mining fall both into the category of T1 translational research—translating basic science results into new interventions—and T2 translational research, or translational research for public health. Potential use cases include better phenotyping of research subjects, and pharmacogenomic research. A variety of methods for evaluating text mining applications exist, including corpora, structured test suites, and post hoc judging. Two basic principles of linguistic structure are relevant for building text mining applications. One is that linguistic structure consists of multiple levels. The other is that every level of linguistic structure is characterized by ambiguity. There are two basic approaches to text mining: rule-based, also known as knowledge-based; and machine-learning-based, also known as statistical. Many systems are hybrids of the two approaches. Shared tasks have had a strong effect on the direction of the field. Like all translational bioinformatics software, text mining software for translational bioinformatics can be considered health-critical and should be subject to the strictest standards of quality assurance and software testing.

What to Learn in This Chapter

Text mining is an established field, but its application to translational bioinformatics is quite new and it presents myriad research opportunities. It is made difficult by the fact that natural (human) language, unlike computer language, is characterized at all levels by rampant ambiguity and variability. Important sub-tasks include gene name recognition, or finding mentions of gene names in text; gene normalization, or mapping mentions of genes in text to standard database identifiers; phenotype recognition, or finding mentions of phenotypes in text; and phenotype normalization, or mapping mentions of phenotypes to concepts in ontologies. Text mining for translational bioinformatics can necessitate dealing with two widely varying genres of text—published journal articles, and prose fields in electronic medical records. Research into the latter has been impeded for years by lack of public availability of data sets, but this has very recently changed and the field is poised for rapid advances. Like all translational bioinformatics software, text mining software for translational bioinformatics can be considered health-critical and should be subject to the strictest standards of quality assurance and software testing.
This article is part of the “Translational Bioinformatics” collection for PLOS Computational Biology.

生物信息学在新基因全长cDNA电子克隆中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新基因全长cDNA序列的获得常常是生物学工作者面临的难题,电子克隆是利用生物信息学手段得到新基因全长cDNA序列的新方法。介绍了电子克隆的方法及其生物信息学在其间的具体应用,并概述了一些生物信息学在序列分析中的应用。  相似文献   

生物信息学作为自然科学领域中多学科交叉的新兴学科,其发展研究得到了众多学者的关注。为了解生物信息学在国内外的研究态势,以CNKI中文数据库和Web of science外文数据库中生物信息学领域期刊论文为研究对象,利用R语言编程工具,文献计量和共词分析归纳了国内外生物信息学领域的研究现状、热点及趋势。结果表明:国内外生物信息学研究均处于高速发展期,文献量呈逐年增长趋势,研究领域也在不断拓宽;国内外研究热点均聚焦在基因挖掘、蛋白质结构与功能预测、miRNA分析等,但国内偏向于理论研究,而国际更注重其在疾病治疗、药物设计等方面的应用研究。  相似文献   

The Human Genome Project was launched in 1989 in an effort to sequence the entire span of human DNA. Although coding sequences are important in identifying mutations, the static order of DNA does not explain how a cell or organism may respond to normal and abnormal biological processes. By examining the mRNA content of a cell, researchers can determine which genes are being activated in response to a stimulus.Traditional methods in molecular biology generally work on a "one gene: one experiment" basis, which means that the throughput is very limited and the "whole picture" of gene function is hard to obtain. To study each of the 60,000 to 80,000 genes in the human genome under each biological circumstance is not practical. Recently, microarrays (also known as gene or DNA chips) have emerged; these allow for the simultaneous determination of expression for thousands of genes and analysis of genome-wide mRNA expression.The purpose of this article is twofold: first, to provide the clinical plastic surgeon with a working knowledge and understanding of the fields of genomics, microarrays, and bioinformatics and second, to present a case to illustrate how these technologies can be applied in the study of wound healing.  相似文献   

为研究NaHCO3胁迫下星星草基因的表达,分别将荧光染料Cy5-dCTP和Cy3-dCTP用反转录方法标记在处理和对照星星草cDNA上制成探针,并与载有星星草基因的cDNA芯片进行杂交。通过对芯片的杂交信号强度分析来研究基因的表达情况。分析结果显示,共有25个基因在NaHCO3胁迫处理前后差异表达,其中17个基因在NaHCO3胁迫下表达下调,8个基因在NaHCO3胁迫下表达上调。生物信息学分析表明这些基因的功能涉及了信号传导与转录调控、细胞防御、细胞代谢等多个方面。从而获得了NaHCO3胁迫下星星草的基因表达谱,定量地阐述了NaHCO3胁迫和非胁迫条件下星星草基因的差异表达情况。  相似文献   

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