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Abstract. Mosquito responses to carbon dioxide were investigated in Noungou village, 30 km northeast of Ouagadougou in the Sudan savanna belt of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Species of primary interest were the main malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae S.S. and An.arabiensis, sibling species belonging to the An.gambiae complex. Data forAn.finestus, An.pharoensis, Culex quinquefasciatus and Mansonia uniformis were also analysed. Carbon dioxide was used at concentrations of 0.04-0.6% (cf. 0.03% ambient concentration) for attracting mosquitoes to odour-baited entry traps (OBETs). The ‘attractiveness’ of whole human odour was also compared with CO2, emitted at a rate equivalent to that released by the human bait. In a direct choice test with two OBETs placed side-by-side, the number of An.gambiae s. I. entering the trap with human odour was double the number trapped with CO2, alone (at the human equivalent rate), but there was no significant difference between OBETs for the other species of mosquitoes. When OBETs were positioned 20 m apart, again CO2, alone attracted half as many An.gambiae s.l. and only 40% Anlfunestus, 65% Ma.uniformis but twice as many An.pharoensis compared to the number trapped with human odour. The dose-response for all mosquito species was essentially similar: a linear increase in catch with increasing dose on a log-log scale. The slopes of the dose-response curves were not significantly different between species, although there were significant differences in the relative numbers caught. If the dose-response data are considered in relation to a standard human bait collection (HBC), however, the behaviour of each species was quite different. At one extreme, even the highest dose of CO2, did not catch more An.gambiae s.1. than one HBC. At the other extreme, the three highest doses of CO2, caught significantly more Ma.unifonnis than did one HBC. An.pharoensis and Cx quinquefasciatus showed a threshold response to CO2, responding only at doses above that normally released by one man. An.funestus did not respond to CO2, alone at any dose in sufficient numbers to assess the dose response. Within the An.gambiae complex, An.arabiensis 'chose' the CO2,-baited trap with a higher probability than An.gambiae S.S. Also An.arabiensis, the less anthropophilic of the two species, was more abundant in CO2,-baited OBETs than in human bait collections.  相似文献   

Compounds from the odour-producing glands of the fox Vulpes vulpes were collected. This complex mixture of compounds was used to stimulate the ‘ascoid’ olfactory organs of female sandflies in single sensillum and gas chromatography-linked single sensillum recordings. Sixteen of these compounds were identified using gas chromatography-linked mass spectrometry and amounts present were determined. The compounds fell into four organic classes: ketones, carboxylic acids, alcohols and aldehydes. Specific neurones present in the ascoid sensillum that responded to each of these classes of compound were characterized. A bioassay chamber was developed that gave female sandflies the choice of two odour sources. Female sandflies were attracted upwind by fox odour and were trapped in closer proximity to the fox odour port than the control port. Synthetic compounds were recombined in appropriate quantities to mimic the fox odour. In this bioassay, the synthetic blend attracted sandflies upwind, and again they were caught closer to the test port than the control port. Furthermore, the synthetic fox odour induced an electrophysiological response from neurones in the ascoid sensillum that was very similar to that induced by natural fox odour. No synthetic compound alone induced the same behavioural response from sandflies as did whole fox odour. However, benzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone and 4-methyl-2-pentanone alone did cause sandflies to fly upwind and to be caught closer to the test port than the control.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among male Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia (Lutz & Neiva) (Diptera: Psychodidae) from three populations from the same endemic area of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were compared. The sandflies were collected in three ecologically different habitats: domestic, extra-domestic and sylvatic over a total range of 800 m. Three molecular markers were employed to assess population variation. Based on MLEE markers, it could not be concluded that the three populations do not belong to the same gene pool (F(st) = 0.005). No within-population departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected (P < 0.05) and they presented the same level of gene variation. The number of migrants (Nm) indicated that at least 50 individuals per generation migrated between the three habitats. RAPD-PCR markers revealed that, except for the primer five, all were polymorphic. Phenetic analysis of the genotypes showed the presence of two principal clusters corresponding to: (1) domestic plus extra-domestic and (2) sylvatic. Unique genotypes were observed in each population. The sylvatic population was the most polymorphic, showing the largest number of genotypes and low level of similarity between them. Three mtDNA gene markers were studied by SSCP analysis. The most frequent haplotype for each marker ranged in frequency from 60 to 87% and individuals with unique haplotypes varied from 1 to 5%. Interestingly, the SSCP analysis showed a low level of polymorphism within populations. The disagreement between the different molecular markers observed and the hypothesis that L. intermedia could be participating in the transmission cycle of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in environments ranging from the interior of human dwellings to the forest, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Male Lutzomyia longipalpis of two types from Bolivia were compared using isozyme electrophoresis and wing morphometry. One sample ( ex Chiflonkaka Cave, alt. 2800 m at Toro Toro, Charcas Province, Potosi Department) was 'two-spot' phenotype males (i.e. tergites III and IV with paired pale patches of pheromone glands), whereas two other locality samples (Apa Apa and Imanaco, Sud Yungas Province, La Paz Department) were one-spot male phenotype (only tergite IV with paired pale patches). Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (using ACON, aGPD, GPI, IDH, MDH, ME, 6PGD, PGM, LAP and PEPB) found no difference between samples from adjacent hen houses at Apa Apa. Nei's standard genetic distance between one-spot samples from Apa Apa and Imanaco (5 km apart, 1500m alt.) was 0.001-0.002, whereas the two-spot males from Toro Toro (800 km away) showed a genetic distance of 0.081 from the one-spot males (Apa Apa and Imanaco). This genetic distance is commensurate with speciation, but may simply be intraspecific differentiation due to 'isolation by distance'.
For comparative wing morphometry, we included additional material of one-spot males from Bolivia (Guyabal, Sud Yungas, La Paz), Brazil, Colombia and Nicaragua. These three other country samples were assumed to be different sibling species in the complex Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lanzaro et al , 1993). Statistics were based on univariate and multivariate analysis. The comparison between size-in and size-free canonical variate analysis (CVA) indicated that the wing morphometric divergence between one-spot and two-spot Bolivian phenotypes was not size dependent and could have taxonomic significance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Electroantennograms (EAGs) were recorded from Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in response to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in an airstream. The magnitude of the EAG increases logarithmically from +0.023% carbon dioxide up to approximately +2.0% where a maximum is reached. Flies deprived of food for 48–50 h are more responsive to small increases in the carbon dioxide concentration than those deprived of food for only 20–23 h. It is concluded that the sensitivity of carbon dioxide receptors on the antennae of S. calcitrans increases as hunger develops. EAGs were also recorded in response to cattle odour, odour from fresh cattle faeces, expired human breath, acetone, and l-octen-3-ol. Acetic acid vapour causes a reversal of the usual EAG response indicating inhibition.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增高对麦田土壤硝化和反硝化细菌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
硝化和反硝化细菌是土壤中与氮转化有关的微生物菌群 ,大气CO2 浓度升高可能对它们的数量产生影响。位于中国无锡的稻 麦轮作农田生态系统FACE平台 2 0 0 1年 6月开始运行。本试验在 2 0 0 3年小麦生长季研究了土壤 (0~ 5cm和 5~ 10cm土层 )中硝化和反硝化细菌在大气CO2 浓度升高条件下的变化。试验采用最大可能法 (MPN)计这两种微生物菌群的数量。结果表明 ,0~ 5cm土层硝化菌数拔节期和成熟期FACE低于对照 ,而孕穗期FACE高于对照 ,5~ 10cm土层硝化菌数越冬期与成熟期FACE低于对照 ,大气CO2 浓度升高使得麦田土壤硝化细菌数目减少。 0~ 5cm土层各个生长期反硝化菌数FACE与对照均没有明显差异 ,5~ 10cm土层反硝化菌数拔节期FACE低于对照 ,大气CO2 浓度升高对麦田土壤反硝化菌的影响不大。  相似文献   

We studied seedling growth responses to ambient and elevated CO2 (350 and 700 μL L?1) of three maternal families of yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), raised both individually and in high-density stands. Seedlings in competitive, dense stands exhibited markedly lower average CO2-induced growth enhancements than individually grown plants (16% vs. 49%). Maternal families differed in their growth responses to elevated CO2. However, differences among families were contingent upon density; families which exhibited the greatest CO2-induced growth at low density exhibited the least CO2-responsiveness at high density. These data are discussed in two separate contexts; the reliability of estimates of the CO2 fertilization potential of forest species based solely on individually grown plants, and the potential evolutionary consequences of rising CO2 on regenerating forest tree populations.  相似文献   

Mitotic metaphase chromosomes (2n = 8) from brain cells of fourth instar sandfly larvae of four geographical strains of the Lutzomyia longipaplis complex were examined microscopically, with bright-field illumination, after staining by a new G-banding technique involving exposure of air-dried chromosome preparations to quinacrine and ultraviolet light. Differences of G-banding and/or position of the centromere on chromosome 4 (the smallest chromosome pair) distinguished four putative sibling species from Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil (distinctive populations from Jacobina and Lapinha Caves). The karyotype of the population from Jacobina, Brazil, showed an apparently plesiomorphic pattern of G-banding. On the basis of their recognizably different mitotic karyotypes, cytogenetic identification of separate taxa in the L. longipalpis complex should be useful for specific female vector competence and ecology studies.  相似文献   

The cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant responds to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 with almost doubled yield. Gas exchange of leaves was monitored to discover the photosynthetic basis of this large response. Plants were grown in the field in open-top chambers with ambient (nominally 350 l/l) or enriched (nominally either 500 or 650 l/l) concentrations of atmospheric CO2. During most of the season, in fully-irrigated plants the relationship between assimilation (A) and intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) was almost linear over an extremely wide range of ci. CO2 enrichment did not alter this relationship or diminish photosynthetic capacity (despite accumulation of starch to very high levels) until very late in the season, when temperature was somewhat lower than at midseason. Stomatal conductance at midseason was very high and insensitive to CO2, leading to estimates of ci above 85% of atmospheric CO2 concentration in both ambient and enriched chambers. Water stress caused A to show a saturation response with respect to ci, and it increased stomatal closure in response to CO2 enrichment. In fully-irrigated plants CO2 enrichment to 650 l/l increased A more than 70%, but in water-stressed plants enrichment increased A only about 52%. The non-saturating response of A to ci, the failure of CO2 enrichment to decrease photosynthetic capacity for most of the season, and the ability of the leaves to maintain very high ci, form in part the basis for the very large response to CO2 enrichment.Abbreviations ca- atmospheric CO2 concentration - ci- intercellular CO2 concentration - A- rate of assimilation of CO2 - gs- stomatal conductance to water vapor - gb- boundary layer conductance to water vapor - gm- mesophyll conductance to CO2 - VPD- vapor pressure deficit - w leaf water potential - L- stomatal limitation to CO2 uptake  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the relationship between CO2 sensitivity [at rest (S R) and during exercise (S E)] and the ventilatory response to exercise in ten elderly (61–79 years) and ten younger (17–26 years) subjects. The gradient of the relationship between minute ventilation and CO2 production ( E/ CO2) of the elderly subjects was greater than that of the younger subjects [mean (SEM); 32.8 (1.6) vs 27.3 (0.4); P<0.01]. At rest, S R was lower for the elderly than for the younger group [10.77 (1.72) vs 16.95 (2.13) 1 · min–1 · kPa–1; 1.44 (0.23) vs 2.26 (0.28) 1 · min–1 · mmHg–1; P<0.05], but S E was not significantly different between the two groups [17.85 (2.49) vs 19.17 (1.62) l · min–1 · kPa–1; 2.38 (0.33) vs 2.56 (0.21) 1 · min–1 · mmHg–1]. There were significant correlations between both S R and S E, and E/ CO2 (P<0.05; P<0.001) for the younger group, bot none for the elderly. The absence of a correlation for the elderly supports the suggestion that E/ CO2 is not an appropriate index of the ventilatory response to exercise for elderly humans.  相似文献   

The magnitude of the response of stomatal conductance to a change in the concentration of carbon dioxide external to the leaf from 350 to 700 cm3 m–3 was found to be extremely variable from day to day in the field in Glycine max , Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum . It was found that the leaf-to-air water vapour pressure difference (LAVPD) during the midday measurements of the stomatal response to carbon dioxide affected the magnitude of the response. On days when LAVPD was low, no significant change in conductance occurred with the increase in carbon dioxide concentration. When LAVPD was higher, conductance decreased by 24–52% with the increase in carbon dioxide within a few minutes. The sensitivity of conductance was approximately linearly related to LAVPD in wheat and barley. Experiments with G. max in the field indicated that, on days with low LAVPD, increasing the LAVPD just around the measured portion of a leaflet made stomatal conductance responsive to increased carbon dioxide. This result was also obtained under laboratory conditions with G. max , Helianthus annuus and Amaranthus retroflexus . In G. max , it was determined that leaves in which conductance was not responsive to the increase in carbon dioxide could be made responsive even at low LAVPD by the injection of abscisic acid into their petioles. Because it is known that abscisic acid sensitizes stomata to carbon dioxide, these results are consistent with the idea that abscisic acid may be involved in the response of stomatal conductance to changes in LAVPD.  相似文献   

This study investigated the interaction between carbon dioxide (CO(2) ) and human foot odour on activation, upwind orientation and landing of host-seeking female Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae) in a wind tunnel. More mosquitoes landed on warmed glass beads coated with foot odour than on clean beads; adding a plume of 4% CO(2) did not influence the proportion of mosquitoes landing. A second experiment used 3-dimensional video tracking to assess flight performance. Activation was more rapid with CO(2) and with CO(2) + foot odour than with clean air or with foot odour alone. Upwind flights were fastest with CO(2) and with clean air, and slowest with foot odour; the CO(2) + foot odour treatment overlapped the previous three treatments in significance. Flight headings tended more towards due upwind with CO(2) and with clean air than with CO(2) + foot odour or with foot odour alone. In both experiments, many mosquitoes flew upwind in clean air. There was little evidence of females changing course upon entering or exiting the CO(2) plume or reacting to foot odour during flight.  相似文献   

1. Climate change may significantly influence lake carbon dynamics and consequently the exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere. Warming will accelerate multiple processes that either absorb or release CO2, making predicting the net effect of warming on CO2 exchange with the atmosphere difficult. Here we experimentally test how the CO2 flux of deep and shallow systems responds to warming. To do this, we conducted a greenhouse experiment using mesocosms of two depths, experiencing either ambient or warmed temperatures. 2. Deeper mesocosms were found to have a lower average CO2 concentration than shallower mesocosms under ambient temperature conditions. In addition, warming interacts with mesocosm depth to affect the average CO2 concentration; there was no effect of warming on the average CO2 concentration of deep mesocosms, but shallow mesocosms had significantly lower average CO2 concentrations when warmed. 3. The difference in CO2 concentration resulting from the depth manipulation was due to varying loss rates of particulate carbon to the sediments. There was a strong negative correlation between CO2 and sedimentation rates in the deep mesocosms suggesting that high particulate carbon loss to the sediments lowered the CO2 concentration in the water column. There was no correlation between CO2 and sedimentation rates observed for shallow mesocosms suggesting enhanced carbon regeneration from the sediments was maintaining higher CO2 concentrations in the water column. 4. Relationships between CO2 and algal concentrations indicate that the reduction in CO2 concentrations resulting from warming is due to increased per capita algal turnover rates depleting CO2 in the water column. Our results suggest that the carbon dynamics and CO2 flux of shallow systems will be affected more by climate warming than deep systems and the net effect of warming is to increase CO2 uptake.  相似文献   

Responses of leaf stomatal conductance to light, humidity and temperature were characterized for winter wheat and barely grown at ambient (about 350 μmol mol?1 in the daytime), ambient + 175 and ambient + 350 μmol mol?1 concentrations of carbon dioxide in open‐topped chambers in field plots over a three year period. Stomatal responses to environment were determined by direct manipulation of single environmental factors, and those results were compared with responses derived from natural day to day variation in mid‐day stomatal conductance. The purpose of these experiments was to determine the magnitude of reduction in stomatal conductance at elevated [CO2], and to assess whether the relative response of conductance to elevated [CO2] was constant across light, humidity and temperature conditions. The results indicated that light, humidity and temperature all significantly affected the relative decrease in stomatal conductance at elevated [CO2]. The relative decrease in conductance with elevated [CO2] was greater at low light, low water vapour pressure difference, and high temperature in both species. For measurements made at saturating light near mid‐day, the ratio of mid‐day stomatal conductances at doubled [CO2] to that at ambient [CO2] ranged from 0.42 to 0.86, with a mean of 0.66 in barley, and from 0.33 to 0.80, with a mean of 0.56 in wheat. Day‐to‐day variation in the relative effect of elevated [CO2] on conductance was correlated with the relative stimulation of [CO2] assimilation rate and with temperature. Some limitations of multiple linear regression, multiplicative, and ‘Ball–Berry' models as summaries of the data are discussed. In barley, a better fit to the models occurred in individual years than for the combined data, and in wheat a better fit to the models occurred when data from near the end of the season were removed.  相似文献   

Bunce JA 《Annals of botany》2005,95(6):1059-1066
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Respiration is an important component of plant carbon balance, but it remains uncertain how respiration will respond to increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, and there are few measurements of respiration for crop plants grown at elevated [CO(2)] under field conditions. The hypothesis that respiration of leaves of soybeans grown at elevated [CO(2)] is increased is tested; and the effects of photosynthesis and acclimation to temperature examined. METHODS: Net rates of carbon dioxide exchange were recorded every 10 min, 24 h per day for mature upper canopy leaves of soybeans grown in field plots at the current ambient [CO(2)] and at ambient plus 350 micromol mol(-1) [CO(2)] in open top chambers. Measurements were made on pairs of leaves from both [CO(2)] treatments on a total of 16 d during the middle of the growing seasons of two years. KEY RESULTS: Elevated [CO(2)] increased daytime net carbon dioxide fixation rates per unit of leaf area by an average of 48 %, but had no effect on night-time respiration expressed per unit of area, which averaged 53 mmol m(-2) d(-1) (1.4 micromol m(-2) s(-1)) for both the ambient and elevated [CO(2)] treatments. Leaf dry mass per unit of area was increased on average by 23 % by elevated [CO(2)], and respiration per unit of mass was significantly lower at elevated [CO(2)]. Respiration increased by a factor of 2.5 between 18 and 26 degrees C average night temperature, for both [CO(2)] treatments. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support predictions that elevated [CO(2)] would increase respiration per unit of area by increasing photosynthesis or by increasing leaf mass per unit of area, nor the idea that acclimation of respiration to temperature would be rapid enough to make dark respiration insensitive to variation in temperature between nights.  相似文献   

We repeatedly sampled the surface mineral soil (0–20 cm depth) in three northern temperate forest communities over an 11-year experimental fumigation to understand the effects of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or elevated phyto-toxic ozone (O3) on soil carbon (C). After 11 years, there was no significant main effect of CO2 or O3 on soil C. However, within the community containing only aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.), elevated CO2 caused a significant decrease in soil C content. Together with the observations of increased litter inputs, this result strongly suggests accelerated decomposition under elevated CO2. In addition, an initial reduction in the formation of new (fumigation-derived) soil C by O3 under elevated CO2 proved to be only a temporary effect, mirroring trends in fine root biomass. Our results contradict predictions of increased soil C under elevated CO2 and decreased soil C under elevated O3 and should be considered in models simulating the effects of Earth's altered atmosphere.  相似文献   

Current-year shoots of Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) were removed from the forest canopy. After steady-state rates of net photosynthesis were obtained in a leaf chamber, the shoots were excised in air and removed at different times to establish a relationship between net photosynthesis and xylem water potential. The experiment was repeated at five ambient carbon dioxide concentrations.
Net photosynthesis remained constant over a wide range of xylem water potential and increased linearly with ambient carbon dioxide concentration between 20 and 300 cm3 m−3. At low water potential net photosynthesis declined at each ambient carbon dioxide concentration and there was little difference in the potential (±0.05 MPa) at which zero photosynthesis was observed.
There was a small increase in the CO2 compensation concentration at low xylem water potentials, but calculated mesophyll conductance still declined at low water potential after correction for this change in compensation concentration. Mesophyll conductance reached zero within the same range of water potential as net photosynthesis. The results suggested that the non-stomatal contribution to the decline of photosynthesis was approximately 30% until almost complete stomatal closure occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract. Field studies were conducted with EVS (encephalitis vector surveillance) traps in south-eastern Queensland, Australia, to determine the relative response rates of mosquitoes to three levels (0.1, 4.5 and 30mg/h) of 1-octen-3-ol (octenol) in combination with a standard bait of 2200 g carbon dioxide (CO2), compared with CO2 alone or CO2 with light from a 6V incandescent bulb. Compared to CO2 alone, Aedes vigilax collections increased significantly when CO2 was supplemented by all three octenol emission levels, but not by the addition of light. Furthermore, the 4.5 and 30 mg/h release rate of octenol gave a significant increase in numbers of Ae.vigilax relative to that from CO2+ light. In contrast, collections of Culex annulirostris and Culex sitiens were not enhanced significantly by either the addition of light or octenol at all three levels. Fewer Cx sitiens were collected with octenol released at 4.5 mg/h in comparison to CO2 alone. These differential sampling rates should be taken into account when using EVS traps.  相似文献   

何维  江飞  居为民 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4371-4382
生态系统模型是模拟全球陆地生态系统碳循环的重要工具,但是其在全球不同区域的模拟存在很大的不确定性。如何评估陆地生态系统模型的不确定性是一项重要的研究。以北美地区为例,利用8个高塔观测站点同步获取的大气CO2和羰基硫(OCS)浓度数据,结合WRF-STILT大气粒子扩散模型,评估了CASA-GFED3、SiB3和SiBCASA三种陆地生态系统模型模拟总初级生产力(GPP)和净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)通量的不确定性。结果表明,SiB3模型能很好地模拟北美陆地生态系统GPP和NEE的季节变化时相和幅度,在3种模型中具有最佳的模拟能力;CASA-GFED3模型模拟的NEE季节变化较为理想、但对生长季GPP的模拟存在较大的误差,SiBCASA模型在模拟冬季晚期和春季早期的NEE和GPP时表现较不理想。研究证明了大气CO2和OCS在评估陆地生态系统模型碳通量模拟的不确定性中的作用,为利用大气CO2和OCS观测数据优化计算陆地生态系统光合和呼吸碳通量提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

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