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Mycopteris, a new genus of grammitid ferns, is described and combinations are made for the species that belong to it. Mycopteris is diagnosed by castaneous rhizome scales with turgid cells, usually pectinate laminae, blackish petioles and rachises, blackish pinna costae and veins, reddish setae, cretaceous hydathodes, glabrous sporangia, and the presence of Acrospermum ascomes. It is entirely neotropical, ranging from Mexico east into the West Indies and south to Bolivia. Mycopteris is one of two genera of grammitid ferns that are consistently associated with Acrospermum, an epibiotic ascomycete that produces black clavate fruiting bodies. Seventeen species of Mycopteris are recognized here, including one new species (M. longipilosa) and one elevated from the rank of variety to species (M. costaricensis). The following additional combinations are made here: M. alsopteris, M. amphidasyon, M. attenuatissima, M. cretata, M. grata, M. leucolepis, M. leucostica, M. longicaulis, M. pirrensis, M. praeceps, M. semihirsuta, M. steyermarkii, M. subtilis, M. taxifolia, and M. zeledoniana. Lectotypes are chosen for Ctenopteris leucosticta, Polypodium amphidasyon, and Polypodium pectinatum var. hispidum. For each accepted species, full synonymy and geographical range are provided. Taxonomic discussion is provided for species not widely recognized in previous treatments.  相似文献   

Two new monotypic genera,Didonica andUtleya, are described, withD. pendula from Panama andU. costaricensis from Costa Rica.Disterigma trimera (Panama),D. utleyorum (Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador),Lateropora santafeensis (Panama),Lysiclesia panamensis (Panama),Macleania talamancensis (Costa Rica),Themistoclesia costaricensis (Costa Rica) andT. horquetensis (Panama),Vaccinium costaricense andV. orosiense (both from Costa Rica) and V.jefense (Panama) are all described as new. New combinations are provided for the PanamanianVaccinium floccosum (=Symphysia floccosa) and the West IndianVaccinium racemosum (=Symphysia racemosa). Keys are provided for the Central American species ofDisterigma andThemistoclesia, the species ofLateropora andLysiclesia, and the Costa Rican and Panamanian species ofVaccinium. Six new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

John J. Wurdack 《Brittonia》1987,39(2):159-164
New species of Melastomataceae from the Guianas are described in the genera Adelobotrys (Adelobotrys ayangannensis) and Clidemia (Clidemia ayangannensis, C. granvillei). Davya crassiramis Naudin is transferred as Meriania crassiramis, Tschudya pulverulenta DC. is given the new name Miconia aliquantula, and Henriettella venosa Gleason is transferred as Clidemia venosa.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies have demonstrated that Schefflera, the largest genus of Araliaceae, is grossly polyphyletic, comprising five distinct clades within the family. In an effort to establish monophyletic genera among the elements that currently comprise Schefflera, the genus Plerandra is expanded to encompass all of the members of one of these clades. In this synoptical revision, a new infrageneric classification is presented (along with a key) in which six subgenera are recognized. Four of these subgenera are newly described (Plerandra subgenera Canacoschefflera, Costatae, Gabriellarum, and Veilloniorum) and a fifth represents a new combination (Plerandra subg. Dizygotheca). A total of 33 species (one with two subspecies) are accepted, one of which is newly described (P. veilloniorum), and 22 new combinations are made (P. actinostigma, P. baillonii, P. cabalionii, P. costata, P. crassipes, P. elegantissima, P. elongata, P. emiliana, P. gabriellae, P. leptophylla, P. nono, P. osyana, P. osyana subsp. toto, P. pachyphylla, P. pancheri, P. plerandroides, P. polydactylis, P. reginae, P. seemanniana, P. tannae, P. vanuatua, P. veitchii). Neotypes are provided for six accepted names and one heterotypic synonym, and lectotypes are designated for 13 accepted names and 16 heterotypic synonyms. For each accepted species, full synonymy is provided along with geographic range and notes.  相似文献   

Vicki M. Baum 《Brittonia》1982,34(4):424-434
Six new species ofOdontonema are described:Odontonema album, O. amicorum, O. breedlovei, O. laxum, O. mortonii andO. speciosum. In addition two new combinations are proposed forOdontonema,O. glaberrimum andO. nitidum var.album, and nine species are transferred fromOdontonema to other acanthaceous genera, namelyAnisacanthus ramosissimus, Buceragenia foliaceo-bracteata, Pseuderanthemum cuspidatum, P. hookerianum, P. interruptum, P. paniculatum, P. stenostachyum, Stenostephanus longistaminus andStreblacanthus dubiosus.  相似文献   

William R. Buck 《Brittonia》1981,33(4):556-563
Eriodon is reduced from five species to two.Eriodon radicalis is recognized asEntodontopsis radicalis;Eriodon longipes asPorotrichodendron longipes; andE. brevisetus as synonymous withLindigia debilis. Mandoniella, Stenocarpidiopsis andLepyrodontopsis are discussed and illustrated.Lepyrodontopsis is transferred to the new familyLe pyrodontopsidaceae, near the Meteoriaceae. The following nomenclatural trans fers are proposed for Rozea:R. andrieuxii f.chrysea andR. andrieuxii var.bour gaeana. Sciuroleskea is transferred to an alliance withStereophyllum,Juratzkaea, Entodontopsis, Stenocarpidium andJuratzkaeella. The following transfers are proposed:Sciuroleskea roseorum (Williams asRozea) Buck andJuratzkaea argentinica (Thér. asJ. seminervis var.argentinica) Buck. A key to the erect-capsuled South American genera retained in the Brachytheciaceae is provided.  相似文献   

In the rutaceous subtribe Cuspariinae, species with relatively large, valvate, colored calyces have been assigned to Erythrochiton, but differences in arrangement of leaves, type of inflorescence, union of petals, of filaments, and of carpels, indument of corolla and testa, appendages of anthers, height of the intrastaminal disc, and exine of the pollen argue for the recognition of three genera. Erythrochiton s. str., characterized by often perennating inflorescences, connate, usually glabrous petals, free carpels, tomentulose seeds, and spinulose exine, consists of seven species of which four are new: E. fallax from the eastern flanks of the Andes from Colombia to Bolivia, E. odontoglossus from western Ecuador and adjacent Peru, E. trichanthus from eastern Peru, and E. gymnanthus from Costa Rica. The assignment to Toxosiphon of four species with woolly, coherent petals, connate carpels, glabrous seeds, and reticulate exine necessitates three new combinations: T. carinatus, T. macropodus, and T. trifoliatus. Recognition of a third unispecific genus with opposite simple leaves, sparsely pubescent, coherent, clawed petals, and spinulose exine requires a new genus name, Desmotes, and a new combination, D. incomparabilis.  相似文献   

Paul A. Fryxell 《Brittonia》1971,23(3):231-237
Dendrosida, here described as new, comprises three taxa:D. batesii Fryxell,D. sharpiana (Miranda) Fryxell ssp.sharpiana, andD. sharpiana ssp.occidentalis Fryxell. The genus is interpreted as a primitive representative of the tribe Malveae, and its relationship to other genera of theAbutilon alliance is discussed. An analysis of mericarp morphology in relation to seed dissemination mechanisms indicates that theAbutilon alliance may be divided into an Abutiloid and a Sidoid group.Dendrosida is included in the latter.  相似文献   

The Neotropical genus Coussarea is species-rich and widely distributed but not well known. Seven new species are described here, documented mainly by recent botanical exploration: C. acrensis is found in western Brazil, C. boliviensis and C. mexiae in the mountains of northwestern Bolivia, and C. camposiana, C. maranonensis, C. pseudopilosula, and C. vasqueziana in Peru. The new combination C. insolita is based on Rudgea insolita from Colombia.  相似文献   

The following new taxa are recognized inArceuthobium: subgeneraArceuthobium andVaginata; sectionsVaginata, Campylopoda, andMinuta; seriesCampylopoda,Rubra, andStricta; speciesA. apachecum,A. californicum,A. guatemalense,A. hondurense, andA. pini; new formae spécialesA. abietinum f. sp.concoloris,A. abietinum f. sp.magnificae. New combinations:A. abietinum (Engelm.) Hawksworth & Wiens, andA. microcarpum (Engelm.) Hawksworth & Wiens.  相似文献   

Seven mealybug genera, Kalaginella gen. n., Archanginella gen. n., Metadenopsis Matesova, Metadenopus ?ulc, Glycycnyza Danzig, Inopicoccus Danzig, and Volvicoccus Goux, all with a simplified anal apparatus and lacking cerarii, are revised and illustrated. Kalaginella intermedia gen. et sp. n. and Archanginella kyzylkumica gen. et sp. n. are described from the Kara Kum and Kyzyl Kum deserts, correspondingly. Mirococcopsis stipae Borchsenius, 1949 is considered a junior synonym of Volvicoccus volvifer Goux, 1945.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition ofPhrygilanthus has long been a source of confusion. Until recently the genus was considered to be distributed from Mexico, Central and South America, to Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Analyses of floral morphology, inflorescence structure, life form, fruit type, and especially chromosome numbers indicate thatPhrygilanthus, as classically circumscribed, is a highly heterogeneous and artificial assemblage containing elements now referable to the following ten genera:Cecarria, Desmaria, Gaiadendron, Ligaria, Muellerina, Notanthera, Psittacanthus, Struthanthus, Tripodanthus, andTristerix. Phrygilanthus itself is nomenclaturally illegitimate and must be replaced by Notanthera. A synopsis of the genera segregated from thePhrygilanthus group is included. A key to the New World genera of Loranthaceae is also appended as well as a nomenclator indicating the present generic status of taxa at one time or another assigned toPhrygilanthus. One genus,Cecarria, is described as new; five new combinations are made:Cecarria obtusifolia (Merr.) Barlow,Psittacanthus palmeri (Wats.) Barlow & Wiens,Struthanthus panamensis (Rizzini) Barlow & Wiens,Tristerix aphyllus (DC.) Barlow & Wiens, andTristerix grandiflorus (Ruiz & Pavon) Barlow & Wiens.  相似文献   

Alwyn H. Gentry 《Brittonia》1973,25(3):226-242
Generic delimitations in the Bignoniaceae are discussed, a number of Central American genera are reduced to synonymy, and a new genusPseudocatalpa is proposed. Generic mergers includeLevya withCydista, Saldanhaea withCuspidaria, Doxantha withMacfadyena, Pseudocalymma withPachyptera, andPhaedranthus withDistictis. New combinations necessitated by these mergers include the following:Arrabidaea costaricensis (Kränzl.) Gentry,A. pubescens (L.) Gentry,Cuspidaria floribunda (DC.) Gentry,C. weberbaueri (Spr.) Gentry,Cydista aequinoctialis var.hirtella (Benth.) Gentry,Distictis buccinatoria (DC.) Gentry,Macfadyena unguiscati (L.) Gentry,Melloa quadrivalvis (Jacq.) Gentry,Pachyptera alliacea (Lam.) Gentry,P. hymenaea (DC.) Gentry,P. kerere var.incarnata (Aubl.) Gentry,P. standleyi (Steyerm.) Gentry, andPseudocatalpa caudiculata (Standl.) Gentry. In addition, the fruits of several species are described for the first time, and their taxonomic significance is discussed.  相似文献   

André M. Amorim 《Brittonia》2002,54(4):217-232
Five-new taxa ofHeteropterys H. B. K. subsect.Aptychia Nied. are described, illustrated, and mapped:H. andina from Peru;H. minutiflora from Costa Rica; andH. bullata, H. capixaba, andH. oberdanii, from the Atlantic coastal forest of Brazil. The affinities and diagnostic characters of each species are discussed.  相似文献   

Brodriguesia santosii, gen. & sp. nov., from the coastal rain forest of Bahia, is described, illustrated and compared with nearly related genera of the tribe Detarieae. In addition, three new species, Arapatiella emarginata (the second species of the genus), Swartzia oblata, S. pinheiroana and one new variety, Goniorrhachis marginata var. bahiana, are presented.  相似文献   

We describe four new species of Cordia (Cordiaceae) from Brazil: Cordia fusca, C. glabrifolia, C. restingae, and C. tarodae. These are illustrated, and data on habitat, phenology, and distribution are provided.  相似文献   

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