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SYNOPSIS The development of Leucocytozoon dubreuili and L. fringillinarum was studied on successive days in simuliid and avian hosts. Sporogony of both parasites is completed in at least 5 species of sylvatic Simuliidae in a minimum of 4-5 days at 21 C. The pattern of development of the 2 species is similar but the size of the oocysts and the number of sporozoites differ. Sporozoites of L. dubreuili and L. fringillinarum were injected into uninfected robins (Turdus m. migratorius) and grackles (Quiscalus quiscula versicolor), respectively. Hepatic biopsies were performed on some of the injected birds. These and others were killed at intervals following inoculation and their tissues examined to detect stages of schizogony. Blood and macerated tissues from birds injected with sporozoites were transferred to uninfected birds to determine whether asexual stages would develop in the latter as a result of the inoculations. The 1st asexual cycle of L. dubreuili is completed in hepatic parenchymal cells in a minimum of 84 hr. Merozoites produced by the hepatic schizonts apparently follow one of 3 courses: invade hepatic parenchymal cells to initiate another cycle; penetrate blood cells and become gametocytes; penetrate tubular cells of the kidneys and grow into renal schizonts. The minimum prepatent period in infections with L. fringillinarum is 76 hr. The 1st asexual cycle occurs in hepatic parenchymal cells and in tubular cells of the kidney. A schizogonic cycle is completed in a minimum of 72 hr in the former and 96 hr in the kidney. Merozoites from the primary hepatic schizonts apparently give rise to (a) gametocytes; (b) secondary hepatic schizonts; (c) renal schizonts. Thus the schizogonic cycles of L. dubreuili and L. fringillinarum differ from each other and from those of L. simondi in ducks.  相似文献   

The development of electric organ spindles of Gymnarchus niloticus has been investigated with respect to the exact time and place of origin and the process of formation of the adult plan. The results are compared with those of Dahlgren ('14). A common primordium for all the electroplates of of a spindle as held by Dahlgren ('14) is not supported by the present work.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the kinetoplastid flagellates were inferred from comparisons of small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. These included 5 new gene sequences, Trypanosoma fallisi (2,239 bp), Trypanosoma chattoni (2,180 bp), Trypanosoma mega (2,211 bp), Trypanosoma neveulemairei (2,197 bp), and Trypanosoma ranarum (2,203 bp). Trees produced using maximum-parsimony and distance-matrix methods (least-squares, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood), supported by strong bootstrap and quartet-puzzle analyses, indicated that the trypanosomes are a monophyletic group that divides into 2 major lineages, the salivarian trypanosomes and the nonsalivarian trypanosomes. The nonsalivarian trypanosomes further divide into 2 lineages, 1 containing trypanosomes of birds, mammals, and reptiles and the other containing trypanosomes of fish, reptiles, and anurans. Among the giant trypanosomes, T. chattoni is clearly shown to be distantly related to all the other anuran trypanosome species. Trypanosoma mega is closely associated with T. fallisi and T. ranarum, whereas T. neveulemairei and Trypanosoma rotatorium are sister taxa. The branching order of the anuran trypanosomes suggests that some toad trypanosomes may have evolved by host switching from frogs to toads.  相似文献   

We studied the directional response of the coupled-eardrum system in the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens pipiens. Eardrum behavior closely approximates a linear time-invariant system, with a highly correlated input–output relationship between the eardrum pressure difference and the eardrum velocity. Variations in the eardrum transfer function at frequencies below 800 Hz indicate the existence of an extratympanic sound transmission pathway which can interfere with eardrum motions. The eardrum velocity was shown to shift in phase as a function of sound incident angle, which was a direct result of the phase-shift of the eardrum pressure difference. We used two laser-Doppler vibrometers to measure the interaural vibration time difference (IVTD) and the interaural vibration amplitude difference (IVAD) between the motions of the two eardrums. The coupled-eardrum system enhanced the IVTD and IVAD by a factor of 3 and 3 dB, respectively, when compared to an isolated-eardrum system of the same size. Our findings are consistent with the time-delay sensitivity of other coupled-eardrum systems such as those found in crickets and flies.  相似文献   

Summary The seventh cranial nerve in Rana pipiens is a slender nerve with limited peripheral distribution. We investigated the afferent and efferent components of this nerve by labeling its major branch, the hyomandibular, with horseradish peroxidase. The efferent portion of the seventh nerve originates from a small cell group in the upper medulla which contains two subdivisions. Afferent fibers carried in nerve VII travel in the solitary tract and the dorsolateral funiculus. The solitary component consists of a small number of ascending fibers that reach the level of the trigeminal nucleus and a large descending component that terminates slightly caudal to the obex in the commissural nuclei of the solitary complex. Afferent fibers also descend in the dorsolateral funiculus; many of these fibers cross dorsal to the central canal in the lower medulla. Most of the fibers in the dorsolateral funiculus terminate in the ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal horns and in nuclei of the dorsal column. A few ipsilateral fibers reach lower thoracic levels of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The neuronal morphology of the torus semicircularis of the northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens pipiens, was examined in Golgi-impregnated material. Neurons in each of the five subdivisions of the torus semicircularis (Potter, '65a) have distinct morphologies which are characteristic of the subdivision. Laminar nucleus neurons are mostly multipolar with spherical or ovoidal somata and smooth dendrites oriented primarily parallel and perpendicular to the cell laminae. Principal nucleus neurons have variable soma shapes with short dendrites ( < 100 μm) radiating in all directions. In the magnocellular nucleus, there are three major cell types: neurons characterized by small, spherical-shaped somata, with short, thin, radiating dendrites and many varicosities; bi- or tripolar neurons with ovoidal somata, and long (100–200 μm) and smooth dendrites orienting primarily dorsoventrally and mediolaterally; and multipolar neurons with triangular-shaped somata and very long (200–350 μm) dendrites, which are either smooth or highly spiny. Neurons in the commissural nucleus are mostly multipolar cells with ovoidal somata and beaded dendrites projecting mostly dorsally and ventrally. The subependymal midline nucleus contains mostly uni- or bipolar neurons with small ovoidal somata and straight, spiny dendrites. In addition to revealing the morphological features of neurons in the torus, the counterstained material shows further cytoarchitectural organization of the principal nucleus, i.e., the presence of a circular lamellar organization. The functional significance of these anatomical features is discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In diphasic blood agar media Trypanosoma vespertilionis developed spheroid clusters as compared to rather long, sausage-shaped (sometimes branched) clusters formed by Trypanosoma dionisii. The former species attained a greater population density (∼6 × 107 organisms/ml) than the latter (∼ 2 × 107 organisms/ml). Greater numbers of epimastigotes, some in active binary divisions, were observed during the logarithmic phase of growth, and morphologic changes occurred during cultivation which correlated with increased acidity and a depletion of glucose. Maximum numbers of trypomastigote forms were found during the stationary and early death phases. Most of the forms observed after 20 days were sphaeromastigotes. Glucose concentrations decreased to 0 M in T. vespertilionis and to 4.4 × 10−5 M in T. dionisii cultures during the stationary and death phases. By the 12th day of incubation cultures of T. vespertilionis were more acid (pH 5.5) than those of T. dionisii (pH 6.5). No antigenic changes during cultivation of each of the parasites were detected by immunodiffusion. Trypanosoma vespertilionis and T. dionisii contained common and specific antigens. At least 2–3 common antigens were detected in extracts reacted against heterologous antisera. Specific antigens were observed as nonidentical lines formed by extracts reacted against homologous and heterologous antisera and with antisera absorbed with heterologous antigens. At least 2 specific antigens were evident in extracts of T. vespertilionis and 1 in extracts of T. dionisii.  相似文献   

Summary Calcitonin-like immunoreactivity has been demonstrated by immunofluorescence in the cells of the ultimobranchial gland of two species of Rana, using an indirect (sandwich) technique with anti-pure porcine calcitonin serum. The possibility of cross-reactivity, between the amphibian hormone and anti-porcine calcitonin antibody, had been anticipated on account of the observation that injected porcine calcitonin lowered the plasma calcium levels in one of the species under investigation.  相似文献   

The present study provides the first record of Trypanosoma chattoni Mathis and Leger, 1911, in a new host, Leptodactylus fuscus Schneider, 1799 (Anura, Leptodactylidae), and the occurrence of Trypanosoma rotatorium-like species in Leptodactylus chaquensis Cei, 1950. The anurans were captured in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture, and blood smears were examined for the presence of hemoparasites. The Trypanosoma rotatorium-like species in this study refers to a short-bodied trypomastigote that has a conspicuous undulating membrane but lacks a free flagellum; T. chattoni refers to a monomorphic parasite that has a rounded body, a kinetoplast adjacent to the nucleus, and a short flagellum.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship among three events which occur in Rana pipiens oocytes following hormone-induced reinitiation of meiosis: (i) plasma membrane depolarization, (ii) nuclear membrane breakdown, and (iii) the appearance of specific cytoplasmic factors. Preventing plasma membrane depolarization with a voltage clamp did not prevent nuclear breakdown. Transfer of cytoplasm from hormone-induced oocytes into naive oocytes resulted in both depolarization and nuclear breakdown. Depolarization of injected oocytes was dependent on protein synthesis, whereas nuclear breakdown was not. These findings, together with other recent evidence, suggest that different cytoplasmic factors may initiate protein synthesis-independent nuclear membrane events and protein synthesis-dependent plasma membrane events.  相似文献   

High rates of deformity in wild amphibian populations from north-eastern North America have been increasingly reported since 1995. In the St Lawrence River basin (Canada) elevated frequencies of limb and eye deformities in mudpuppies (Necturus maculosus) and leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) were recorded in the early 1990s. A caging study was conducted during 1998 to verify the rates recorded in leopard frogs and pursue the potential causes of deformities seen in juveniles and adults. Week-old leopard frog tadpoles were collected from a reference wetland and maintained through to metamorphosis in cages in previously identified high risk wetlands. Deformity frequencies were measured and compared with frequencies measured in wild populations of leopard frogs inhabiting the same wetlands. The results of caging studies and sampling of wild populations were also compared with corresponding data collected from a reference wetland. No deformities were observed in caged or wild reference animals. Very low deformity frequencies (up to 2.2%) were observed in frogs caged in high risk wetlands, but greater frequencies (3.4-10%) were observed in wild young-of-the-year frogs captured at the same sites. The types of deformities were similar among groups; they included fused, missing or extra digits and disproportionate hindlimb length or eye pupil size. In addition, mortality rates were elevated in two cages in high risk wetlands. In general, the caging procedure was effective in establishing the potential for production of deformities in the waters of a given wetland, but tended to underestimate the rates calculated for samples of wild populations. The ramifications of the first-year findings for similar assessments of amphibian deformity rates and establishment of cause-effect linkages are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Diving apnoea in Rana pipiens was initiated by submerging the external nares. As the water level was raised above the frog, both buccal and lung pressure increased by an amount corresponding to the water head. During submergence the external nares remained closed, although the apnoeic period was punctuated by ventilation movements which moved gas between the lungs and buccal cavity. 2. Bilateral section of the ophthalmic nerves did not alter the normal pattern of ventilation in air, although it often resulted in the intake of water into the buccal cavity on submergence. Introduction of water into the buccal cavity, either naturally as in denervates or by injection through a catheter in intact frogs, triggered sustained electromyographical activity in some respiratory muscles. 3. Electroneurograms recorded from the cut peripheral end of an ophthalmic nerve showed that receptors in the external narial region were stimulated by movement of a water meniscus across them. Activity could also be recorded in the ophthalmic nerve in response to water flow past the submerged nares. Punctate stimulation of the narial region confirmed that these receptors were mechanosensitive. 4. Bilateral electrical stimulation of the central ends of cut ophthalmic nerves in lightly anaesthetized frogs caused apnoea with a latency of less than 200 ms. The external nares remained closed throughout the period of stimulation although buccal pressure events, resembling underwater ventilation movements, occurred when stimulation was prolonged.  相似文献   

As a part of studies on the reproduction of laboratory maintained frogs, wild-caught Rana pipiens were ovulated and maintained at 22-27 degrees C for up to 18 months. Vitellogenic oocytes were periodically staged and counted, and a "maturity index" was calculated to assess the progress of the vitellogenic cycle. The initial cycle was similar to that of wild frogs except that the first oocytes to reach stage 5 (mature eggs) usually began to degenerate before later starting oocytes became mature. In addition, a second cycle began before the first was completed. After more than 1 year at room temperature, abnormal cycles were common. Ovaries of such animals contained very few mature eggs. Many of their oocytes were in early stages of vitellogenesis or, if pigmented, had begun to degenerate. These deficiencies were partially corrected in females placed in 4 degrees C for 4-6 weeks. The average number of mature eggs increased 15-fold and ovary weights more than doubled. Oviduct weights almost doubled. Although the rates of cooling, photoperiod, and nutritional status could be important influences, the results imply that cold treatment alone increases estrogen secretion. We suggest that low estrogen secretion may account for the reproductive deficiencies seen in R. pipiens cultured at room temperature.  相似文献   

A histological study was undertaken of the differentiation of the lymphomyeloid complex of larvae of the common leopard frog, Rana pipiens, reared at 18–21 °C. Immature lymphocytes are first recognised in the thymus and pronephros at stage I of Taylor and Kollros ('46). By the end of stage II, small lymphocytes are regularly found among the predominant larger lymphoid cells in the thymus, in which corticomedullary differentiation has begun. At this time, a few small lymphocytes are also apparent in the ventral cavity bodies, lymph gland, pronephros, mesonephros and intestine, but rarely occur in the spleen. During stages III and IV extensive development of these components of the lymphomyeloid complex occurs. The organs now contain large numbers of mature lymphocytes and have attained states of differentiation that remain essentially similar in subsequent larval stages. By stage V, small epithelium-associated lymphoid accumulations are abundant throughout the length of the gastrointestinal tract. The anlagen of the procoracoid body and bone marrow appear just prior to metamorphosis. The kidneys are the main sites of blood formation in the larva. Masses of granulocytes are also usually found in the abundant ventral cavity bodies. A consideration of the roles of each of the organs provides insight into the ontogeny of the immune system of the Anura in general.  相似文献   

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