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Three new species of Lactarius are described from Northeast China, based on morphological comparisons and analyses on ITS nrDNA sequences. Samples of these species were mostly collected from deciduous or mixed forests with oaks. Lactarius albidocinereus, a member of L. subg. Plinthogalus is very similar to European L. azonites in the morphology and the sequence data. It differs from L. azonites by more ellipsoid spores with thinner ornamentation and shorter terminal cells in the pileipellis. Lactarius dilutisalmoneus belongs to L. sect. Zonarii of L. subg. Lactarius due to the pale salmoneus subzonate pileus with glabrous margin, unchanging latex and spore ornamentation composed of isolated elements. In comparison with its relatives, i.e. European L. zonarioides and North American L. olympianus, this new species has smaller spores with more prominent ornamentation. Lactarius olivaceorimosellus, a member of L. subg. Russularia, has areolate-rimulose pileus and lacks rosettes in the pileus and stipe cortex. Apart from the concentrically cracked pileus and absence of rosettes, the species can be easily distinguished by the olivaceo-brownish tinge of the pileus and spores with more dispersed elements of the ornamentation. Of the three species, at least L. albidocinereus represents a link with the Lactarius mycota of subtropical China.  相似文献   

Identity of Ossicaulis lachnopus and O. lignatilis was studied using both classical and molecular methods. While O. lignatilis is a well-known species, O. lachnopus is almost unknown, having been resurrected to modern mycology by M. Contu in 2000. Based on collections from six European countries, both classical and molecular methods independently proved that the species really represent two separate entities. They form two well-supported clades that correlate to morphologically separable groups. The most important distinguishing characters are the size of spores, especially their length, and a pileus colour. O. lachnopus has small spores and a grey or beige-grey tinged pileus, whereas O. lignatilis has larger spores and a whitish to cream pileus, with a slight beige-greyish tinge at most. In this paper, we discuss taxonomy, ecology and distribution of both species and propose a preliminary key for their identification.  相似文献   

Melanoderma boninense is described and illustrated as a new species from the Bonin Islands, Japan, on the basis of morphological and phylogenetic investigations. This species is characterized by sessile basidiocarps with an ungulate pileus, a black crust on the pileus surface, pores 4–6/mm, a dimitic hyphal system comprising clamped generative hyphae and cyanophilous skeletal binding hyphae with or without a dextrinoid reaction, cylindrical basidiospores measuring 5.5–7.5 × 2–3 μm, and cystidioles on the sides of tubes and near the pore surface. Morphological examination of authentic specimens of other Melanoderma species revealed that the genus is variable in terms of the shape and size of cystidioles. A black crust on the pileus surface composed of palisade and highly agglutinated hyphae is a distinctive diagnostic morphological feature of Melanoderma that differentiates it from allied genera. Melanoderma boninense, which is currently known from a restricted area of the Bonin Islands, is potentially threatened by environmental reduction of the type locality due to the invasive tree Bischofia javanica.  相似文献   

A new species Chlorolepiota indica is reported from Patiala in Punjab, India. The fungus is characterized by convex brown pileus covered by concentrically arranged brown scales with yellow tinge around the umbo. The stipe of the fruiting body is cream to pale yellow, pinkish to reddish brown near the pileus, and yellowish to dark grey brown towards the base.  相似文献   

Taxonomic studies including morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses were conducted on Japanese “uragin-take”, an unidentified species from Amazonia, Brazil and their allies. Phylogenetic analyses using ITS, nrLSU and RPB2 regions revealed that “uragin-take”, Neofomitella polyzonata and the unidentified species formed a monophyletic clade separate from the clade including the other four Neofomitella spp. and that “uragin-take” is conspecific with N. polyzonata. Morphological investigations on authentic specimens revealed that Polyporus subradiatus is a prior name for N. polyzonata. We propose Hirticrusta gen. nov. typified by H. subradiata segregated from Neofomitella, and we erected H. amazonica sp. nov. for the unidentified species. Hirticrusta is characterized by annual to biennial and sessile basidiocarps, semicircular to dimidiate pileus, velutinous to tomentose hairs on pileus surface, buff to brown context with a crustose layer indicated by a dark brown line forming a longitudinal section below the superficial hairs, a trimitic hyphal system, crustose layer composed of parallel and densely arranged brown hyphae and cylindrical basidiospores. The new species, H. amazonica is distinguishable from other polypores by downy and long tomentum on the pileus surface (up to 20 mm thick), brown context with a dark brown layer below the tomentum and round pores (5–7/mm).  相似文献   

Two species of Entoloma with serrulatum-type lamellar edge, E. cyanostipitum and E. subcaesiocinctum from the Changbai Mountains in northeast China, are described as new. E. cyanostipitum is distinguished by a brownish orange pileus with a central depression, black-blue lamellar edge, deep blue stipe, and cylindrical cheilocystidia with intense blue, intracellular pigment. E. subcaesiocinctum is characterized by a depressed pileus covered with brownish squamules, blackish blue lamellar edge, and cylindrical to clavate cheilocystidia with intense blue intracellular pigment. The two new species are further confirmed based on the ITS and nLSU sequences.  相似文献   

Three new species of Austroboletus are described from Australia. Austroboletus austrovirens has been collected repeatedly in northern Queensland and the Northern Territory, and is primarily distinguished by its dry, green pileus and stipe ornamentation, and boletoid spores with meandering ridges and pits. Austroboletus viscidoviridis is known from southeastern coastal Queensland and Cape Tribulation; it is recognized by a glutinous-viscid, olive-green pileus, brown reticulum on the stipe, and amygdaliform spores with nodulose-tuberculate ornamentation. Austroboletus roseialbus has only been collected in eastern New South Wales and is characterized by a white pileus with subtle rosy tints, and flattened, white, lanose patches; the spores are amygdaliform with irregular alveolate-reticulate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Hygrocybe rubida, a new species in subsection Squamulosae of section Coccinea, collected from tropical evergreen forests of Western Ghats of Kerala is formally described. The species is characterized by a bright red, dry pileus and stipe; ovoid to subamygdaliform spores; a distinctly sterile lamella-edge with crowded cheilocystidia and a trichodermial pileipellis.  相似文献   

Four new species of Boletus are fully described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan: (1) B. panniformis (Section Calopodes) produces a typically felted and scabrous pileus, bitter flesh, a finely reticulate, red stipe, and occurs in subalpine, coniferous forests; (2) Bventricosus (Section Appendiculati) forms a usually ventricose or subbulbous stipe, yellow to greyish orange, extremely short tubes, often pluriseptate, broadly clavate to doliform caulocystidia, and occurs in lowland, mixed forests; (3) B. cepaeodoratus (Section Appendiculati) possesses a pinkish red pileus, a usually finely reticulate stipe, relatively short tubes, and occurs in lowland, mixed forest; (4) B. viscidipellis (Section Luridi) yields a hairy, viscid pileus, intensely cyanescent flesh, and occurs in lowland, mixed forests.  相似文献   

《Fungal Biology Reviews》2018,32(4):236-248
Mushroom-forming fungi (restricted to basidiomycetous fungi in this review) differentiate by sensing several environmental factors for fruiting body formation. For fruiting body induction, nutrient, temperature and light conditions are critical environmental factors. Higher nitrogen and carbon sources in the media will suppress fruiting body induction in many mushroom-forming fungi, with induction being triggered by lower nitrogen and carbon concentrations. Low temperature or temperature downshift is another critical influencing factor for fruiting body induction in many cultivated mushrooms, such as Flammulina velutipes, Lentinula edodes, and Volvariella volvacea. Fungal response toward starvation and cold involves the production of sexual spores as the next generation. Species like F. velutipes and Coprinopsis cinerea can form fruiting bodies in the dark; however, light accelerates fruiting body induction in some mushroom-forming fungi. Remarkably, fruiting bodies formed in the dark have tiny or no pileus on heads (called dark stipe, pinhead fruiting body, or etiolated stipe). Light is essential for pileus differentiation in many, but not all mushroom species; one exception is Agaricus bisporus. Mushrooms have positive phototropism and negative gravitropism for effective dispersal of spores. Carbon dioxide concentrations also affect fruiting body development; pileus differentiation is suppressed at a high concentration of carbon dioxide. Thus, the pileus differentiation system of mushrooms may allow the most effective diffusion of spores. Full expansion of the pileus is followed by pileus autolysis or senescence. In C. cinerea, pileus autolysis occurs during spore diffusion. Fruiting body senescence, browning of gill, and softening occur after harvesting in several mushroom species. Fruiting body induction, development, and maturation in mushroom-forming fungi are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pluteus collected in Kerala State (India) are described based on morphological and molecular (nrITS) characters. Pluteus brunneosquamulosus of sect. Celluloderma is characterized by the squamulose, ??Lepiota-like??, pileus, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid spores, cheilocystidia with a long flexuous neck and lageniform or narrowly utriform caulocystidia. Pluteus velutinus belongs in sect. Hispidoderma and is unique in its shallowly depressed, hygrophanous, orange-brown, \velvety, squamulose pileus, the pleurocystidia very commonly provided with an apical digitate projection up to 10???m long or tapering towards apex and the pileipellis as a trichoderm or trichohymeniderm. P. chrysaegis from India and P. conizatus var. africanus from Africa are considered synonymous based on morphological and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

A new species of Lepiota, L. vellingana, is described and illustrated from Lahore, Pakistan. It is characterized by a campanulate to plano-convex, slightly umbonate, white pileus covered with pinkish brown scales, crowded lamellae, guttulate basidiospores, long trichodermial stipe elements, and long trichodermial pileal elements.  相似文献   

Craterellus indicus is proposed here as a new species, resulting from a morphological and molecular study on the diversity of Cantharellaceae in the western Himalayan region of India. The species is characterized by a pale brownish to creamish pileus and a smooth to folded hymenium that is distinctly detached from the stipe apex. There are no clamp connections. The combination of characters makes this species distinct from other known species of Craterellus. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of partial large subunit (LSU) and the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal operon supports its position as a new species.  相似文献   

Macrolepiota subcitrophylla sp. nov. is described from Yunnan and Hunan Provinces, China. Morphologically, it is characterized by its yellowish lamellae, relatively small, ovoid to subamygdaliform-ellipsoid, dextrinoid basidiospores with distinct germ pore, narrowly clavate, clavate to subfusiform cheilocystidia, and a pileus covering composed of a trichoderm of subcylindrical hyphae. Sequences from the internal transcribed spacer region show that M. subcitrophylla is distinct from all other Macrolepiota species tested, suggesting it is a taxon close to M. clelandii, a species originally described from Australia.  相似文献   

A new species of Mallocybe is described and illustrated based on material collected near the vicinity of Pinus wallichiana in mixed conifer forests in district Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtoonkhaw, Pakistan. Mallocybe velutina is recognized by the presence of moderate yellow to light yellow pileal margin with deep yellow or fulvous pileus center; strikingly velvety pileus surface; subdistant moderate yellow lamellae; subphaseoliform to ellipsoid basidiospores, clavate to cylindrical cheilocystidia and an ecological association with Pinaceae. The internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) and large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (nrLSU) were used for the delimitation of this species based on sequence data. The evolutionary relationships of M. velutina with other closely related species of Mallocybe were inferred by means of maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony of concatenated ITS + nrLSU dataset. Mallocybe velutina is most closely related to M. arenaria, M. heimii and M. tomentosula.  相似文献   

A new species of Agaricales, called Laccaria stellata, was collected in a premontane cloud forest in the Fortuna Forest Reserve, Panama, and it is described based on morphological and molecular characteristics. It differs morphologically from all known species of Laccaria by minute, pinkish-orange colored basidiomata, a very thin and translucent pileus, very distant lamellae, 4-spored basidia, and globose basidiospores covered by relatively large echinulae. Molecular rDNA sequence data confirm the separation of this new species from other Laccaria species for which rDNA sequence data are available.  相似文献   

Amanita macrocarpa from Guangdong Province of China is described. The new species is a large, brownish orange to light brown mushroom, characterized by numerous pyramidal warts on the pileus, yellowish lamellae, a large annulus at the middle of the stipe, and amyloid ellipsoidal basidiospores. Phylogenetic analyses of the new species and related taxa based on the large subunit of nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU) and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences are provided. Morphological and molecular data show that A. macrocarpa is a member of Amanita, section Lepidella, and clearly different from any known taxon of the section.  相似文献   

Russula lotus, R. nivalis, and R. purpureoverrucosa are proposed here as new taxa based on morphological and molecular evidences. The new species are described with illustration photographs and line drawings, and compared against related species. Morphologically, R. lotus (subgenus Heterophyllidia, section Heterophyllae, subsection Cyanoxanthinae) is characterized by a medium-sized basidioma with a pale pink to purplish pink pileus whose center area is yellowish white, white to cream white lamellae occasionally forked with lamellulae, a cream white smooth stipe, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid basidiospores ornamented with disconnected amyloid warts and inamyloid suprahilar plage, dispersed sulphovanillin (SV)-negative pileocystidia, and the pileipellis with suprapellis cells claw-assembled. Russula nivalis (subgenus Russula, section Russula, subsection Russula) is characterized by a very small pure white basidioma with a pileus 7–12 mm in diameter, abundant clavate pileocystidia and caulocystidia changing purplish red in SV, and broadly ellipsoidal to ellipsoid basidiospores ornamented with strongly amyloid warts and ridges interconnected by fine lines in an uncompleted or completed reticulum, mostly with inamyloid suprahilar plage. Russula purpureoverrucosa (subgenus Incrustatula, section Lilaceinae, subsection Lilaceinae) is characterized by a medium-sized basidioma with a red to grayish magenta pileus slightly areolate in small irregular warts from center to margin, a stipe with the same color and warts as the pileus, white to cream white occasionally forked lamellae with lamellulae, broadly ellipsoidal to ellipsoid basidiospores ornamented with amyloid warts and ridges rarely connected, abundant clavate pleurocystidia covered with thick yellowish incrustations, and the pileipellis with suprapellis cells a typical trichoderm, some of which covered with yellowish incrustations, pileocystidia absent. Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region provided further evidence that the described species belong to the subsections above respectively, and represent new taxa.  相似文献   

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