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One hundred families of children under 5 years admitted to Cardiff Hospitals after accidentally ingesting poisons were compared with 100 control families matched for socioeconomic class and age and sex of the child. Questioning about five major stress factors (serious family illness, pregnancy, recent family moves, one parent away from home, anxiety or depression in one or both parents) disclosed significantly more stress in the affected families than in the controls. Thirty of the affected families had more than one major stress factor compared with four of the controls, while 63 of the controls had no major stress factor compared with 24 of the affected families (P less than 0.001). In only four of the affected families was there no stress factor. Fifteen children took poisons in homes other than their own. Unemployment was significantly more prevalent in the affected families than in the general population, though apart from this the socioeconomic backgrounds were similar. There were significantly more accidents and childhood poisonings in the parents and siblings of affected children than in the control families. In 25% of the cases poisoning was with Angiers Junior Aspirin.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find out how genetic and biochemical limitations influence psycho-social performance and to partially test the validity of justification theory. The ability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine was compared with intellectual and personality characteristics in PKU family members. Each of the tested persons was given an oral dose of phenylalanine, the Shipley-Hartford Intelligence Test, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Only those persons with reading ability at the sixth grade level or higher were tested. Eighty-six persons were tested: fifteen PKUs, forty-three siblings, and twenty-eight parents. A comparison was made among parents, PKUs, and the siblings. Siblings with the higher 2/3's of P2/T ratios were contrasted with those with the lowest 1/3 of ratios on measures of intelligence and psychopathology. Statistical analyses of the data reflected a trend in support of the justification theory. PKUs had significantly lower intelligence than their sibs and parents. The PKUs' mean IQ was 95 (homozygotes born of heterozygotes), followed by the upper 2/3's sibling mean IQ of 105 (heterozygotes born of nonheterozygote mothers). The lower 1/3 siblings' mean IQ was 107 (nonheterozygotes born from heterozygote mothers), and finally, the parents' mean IQ was 109 (heterozygotes, among them 50% were born from nonheterozygote mothers). The latter three mean IQs are not significantly different from each other. The personality tests revealed a trend toward more abnormality in PKUs than in their heterozygote siblings. The lowest rate of abnormality occurred in the nonheterozygote sibling group; that rate was significantly lower than in all other groups. The parents had the highest absolute rate of personality abnormality, but statistically so compared to the low-ratio siblings.  相似文献   

Drug experienced subjects were administered three matched doses of intranasal cocaine and lidocaine. For each dose psychological ratings were similar for both drugs. The subjects were unable to discriminate between the drugs.  相似文献   

Hardy, Peter G. & Broadhurst, Frederick M. 1978 04 IS: Refugee communities ofCarbonirola
Sparse elongate forms of the non-marine bivalve Carbonirola are associated with an abundance of trace fossils comprising resting traces (Cubichnia) referable to Lockeia , trails (Repichnia) and escape shafts (Fugichnia), all in arenaceous sediments of the Upper Carboniferous. Associated organic-rich argillaceous sediments contain the well-known, abundant and highly variable Carbonirola body fossil faunas. The latter we interpret (in common with other workers) as the remains of shells preserved in what was the typical life environment (characterized by muddy sediments and slow rates of sedimentation). The elongate shells associated with escape shafts we interpret as the only form of Carbonicola capable of escape upwards from burial by rapid sedimentation. For such fugitives from preexisting 'established communities' we propose the term 'refugee community'.  相似文献   


Nathan Stall 《CMAJ》2012,184(10):E511-E512

The Solute Carriers (SLCs) are membrane proteins that regulate transport of many types of substances over the cell membrane. The SLCs are found in at least 46 gene families in the human genome. Here, we performed the first evolutionary analysis of the entire SLC family based on whole genome sequences. We systematically mined and analyzed the genomes of 17 species to identify SLC genes. In all, we identified 4,813 SLC sequences in these genomes, and we delineated the evolutionary history of each of the subgroups. Moreover, we also identified ten new human sequences not previously classified as SLCs, which most likely belong to the SLC family. We found that 43 of the 46 SLC families found in Homo sapiens were also found in Caenorhabditis elegans, whereas 42 of them were also found in insects. Mammals have a higher number of SLC genes in most families, perhaps reflecting important roles for these in central nervous system functions. This study provides a systematic analysis of the evolutionary history of the SLC families in Eukaryotes showing that the SLC superfamily is ancient with multiple branches that were present before early divergence of Bilateria. The results provide foundation for overall classification of SLC genes and are valuable for annotation and prediction of substrates for the many SLCs that have not been tested in experimental transport assays.  相似文献   

In his extreme male brain theory of autism, Baron-Cohen postulates that having a typically male brain was adaptive for ancestral men and having a typically female brain was adaptive for ancestral women. He also suggests that brain types are substantially heritable. These postulates, combined with the insight from the Trivers-Willard hypothesis regarding parental ability to vary offspring sex ratio, lead to the prediction that people who have strong male brains should have more sons than daughters, and people who have strong female brains should have more daughters than sons. The analysis of the 1994 US General Social Survey data provides support for this prediction. Our results suggest potentially fruitful extensions of both Baron-Cohen's theory and the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.  相似文献   

The different types of naturally occurring, normal human hemoglobins vary in their tetramer-dimer subunit interface strengths (stabilities) by three orders of magnitude in the liganded (CO or oxy) state. The presence of embryonic zeta-subunits leads to an average 20-fold weakening of tetramer-dimer interfaces compared to corresponding hemoglobins containing adult alpha-subunits. The dimer-monomer interfaces of these hemoglobins differ by at least 500-fold in their strengths; such interfaces are weak if they contain zeta-subunits and exchange with added beta-subunits in the form of beta(4) (HbH) significantly faster than do those with alpha-subunits. Subunit exchange occurs at the level of the dimer, although tetramer formation reciprocally influences the amount of dimer available for exchange. Competition between subunit types occurs so that pairs of weak embryonic hemoglobins can exchange subunits to form the stronger fetal and adult hemoglobins. The dimer strengths increase in the order Hb Portland-2 (zeta(2)beta(2)) < Hb Portland-1 (zeta(2)gamma(2)) approximately equal Hb Gower-1 (zeta(2)epsilon(2)) < Hb Gower-2 (alpha(2)epsilon(2)) < HbF(1) < HbF (alpha(2)gamma(2)) < HbA(2) (alpha(2)delta(2)), i.e., from embryonic to fetal to adult types, representing maturation from weaker to stronger monomer-monomer subunit contacts. This increasing order recapitulates the developmental order in which globins are expressed (embryonic --> fetal --> adult), suggesting that the intrinsic binding properties of the subunits themselves regarding the strengths of interfaces they form with competing subunits play an important role in the dynamics of protein assemblies and networks.  相似文献   

Univariate and bivariate analyses of cholesterol and triglycerides are performed after appropriate age adjustment on 247 individuals in 33 families where the probands have elevations of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein and triglycerides, and type IIb lipoprotein phenotype. Mixture of lognormal distributions are fitted by maximum likelihood to the data. Best fitting single and mixtures of lognormal distributions are compared with empirical cumulative plots, and the likelihood-ratio criterion is used to test for significance. A mixture of two lognormal distributions fits significantly better than one lognormal distribution for cholesterol but not for triglycerides. When a mixture of bivariate lognormals is fitted to the data, only one local maximum is found, suggesting action of a single genetic determinant in this sample. The best cutoff line is almost parallel to the triglyceride axis, indicating the relatively high involvement of cholesterol compared to triglycerides in separating the normal and abnormal groups. Using the best linear function, the difference in the two bivariate means is found to account for 61% of the total variation in log cholesterol and log triglycerides. To determine if the results are due to enrichment of the sample with familial hypercholesterolemia syndrome, seven families where the proband and/or any relative has tendon xanthomas are removed and the analyses repeated on the remaining 26 kindreds. The results of these analyses are virtually the same as those of the total sample. Also, a subsample of 21 families in which the proband and at least one additional kindred member are affected is analyzed in the same manner with similar results. For comparison, data from a study of families with combined hyperlipidemia [1] are analyzed in an analogous manner, bearing in mind that the populations sampled are probably different. Fitting a mixture of two bivariate distributions and finding the best cutoff to these data indicate that triglycerides are more involved in separating the two groups. Probably because of major differences in ascertainment, the distribution of lipid levels in oour patient group is practically indistinguishable from that of hypercholesterolemia, and the Seattle data [1] are more nearly similar to hypertriglyceridemia. It may be premature to consider familial combined hyperlipidemia as an entity distinct from both hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. We hope it will eventually be possible to analyze these data using a refined genetic model that includes both major gene and polygenic effects and to combine this form of analysis with quantitative tissue culture methods.  相似文献   

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