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Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of (Ca2++Mg2+)ATPase of calmodulin-depleted ghosts progressively increase during preincubation with 0.1–2 mM Ca2+. Concomitantly, the increment in ATPase activity caused by calmodulin and the binding of calmodulin to ghosts decrease. The effects of calcium ions are abolished by the addition of calmodulin. ATP protects the enzyme from a Ca2+-dependent decrease of the maximum activity but does not seem to influence the Ca2+-dependent transformation of the low Ca2+-affinity enzyme into a high Ca2+-affinity form.  相似文献   

(Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity has been found to be significantly reduced in EDTA-washed erythrocyte membrane preparations from cystic fibrosis patients compared to aged-matched controls. Calmodulin was found to be present in erythrocytes from cystic fibrosis patients and characterized similarly to calmodulin isolated from control preparations. Calmodulin from control erythrocyte preparations stimulated the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity of EDTA-washed erythrocyte membranes derived from cystic fibrosis patients to the same extent as those membranes derived from controls. Similarly, calmodulin obtained from erythrocytes of cystic fibrosis patients stimulated the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity of control and cystic fibrosis erythrocyte membrane preparations to a similar extent. These results indicate that this decrease in (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-ATPase activity in erythrocytes from cystic fibrosis patients is not due to an alteration in the regulatory function of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Short incubation of erythrocyte membranes with oleic acid releases Ca2+-independently bound endogenous calmodulin together with a minor fraction of membrane-associated proteins without destruction of the membranes. The released endogenous calmodulin is similar if not identical to cytosolic calmodulin reversibly bound to ghosts in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The release of endogenous calmodulin proceeds without affecting the activity of Ca2+-ATPase when ghosts are incubated with oleic acid in the presence of Ca2+ plus ATP and thereafter freed from oleic acid by washings with serum albumin. Kinetic parameters of Ca2+-ATPase of ghosts with and without endogenous calmodulin are identical as are amounts of exogenous calmodulin bound to these ghosts. Thus, endogenous calmodulin does not function as an essential part of Ca2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The effects of barium, strontium and magnesium upon lens permeability characteristics were studied in the presence and absence of 2 mM calcium in the bathing medium. Permeability characteristics were determined by measuring lens potential, resistance and 42K efflux rates. Barium and strontium at equimolar concentrations to calcium were able to substitute for calcium in controlling lens sodium permeability. Magnesium was ineffective in this respect.Small changes in resistance and 42K efflux rates occurred when calcium was eliminated from bathing solution containing either 2 mM barium or strontium. These changes were interpreted to be the result of an increase in lens permeability to potassium. When 2 mM strontium was added to calcium-containing solution, there was no significant change in the electrical or flux parameters of the lens. However, the addition of 2 mM barium to calcium-containing solution resulted in a 54% increase in lens resistance and a 13 mV depolarization. These observations indicated a barium-induced decrease in lens permeability to potassium, and this was confirmed by an observed decrease in 42K efflux rate constant under similar experimental conditions.The rapid time course of all the observed changes implies that they are the result of changes in the permeability characteristics of membranes lying close to the surface of the lens.  相似文献   

Calmodulin stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake into a plasma membrane enriched fraction from ox neurohypophysial nerve endings and into a microsome fraction. The 45Ca2+ uptake and the (Ca2+-Mg2+) ATPase activity in the plasma membrane fraction exhibited similar pCa and calmodulin sensitivities, suggesting that the enzyme activity is the biochemical expression of a high affinity Ca2+ pump. Calmodulin thus seems to play a role in regulation of the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration in the neurohypophysis.  相似文献   

The interaction between calmodulin and the pure, solubilized Ca2+ ATPase from human erythrocyte membranes was examined by kinetic titration. The data indicated that the two proteins interacted in a molar ratio of 1:1 with a Kd of 4.2 nm. The dependence of enzyme activity on calmodulin concentration agreed quantitatively with that predicted by kinetic theory.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake by adipocyte endoplasmic reticulum was studied in a rapidly obtained microsomal fraction. The kinetics and ionic requirements of Ca2+ transport in this preparation were characterized and compared to those of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity. The time course of Ca2+ uptake in the presence of 5 mM oxalate was nonlinear, approaching a steady-state level of 10.8–11.5 nmol Ca2+/mg protein after 3–4 min of incubation. The rate of Ca2+ transport was increased by higher oxalate concentrations with a near linear rate of uptake at 20 mM oxalate. The calculated initial rate of calcium uptake was 18.5 nmol Ca2+/mg protein per min. The double reciprocal plot of ATP concentration against transport rate was nonlinear, with apparent Km values of 100 μM and 7 μM for ATP concentration ranges above and below 50 μM, respectively. The apparent Km values for Mg2+ and Ca2+ were 132 μM and 0.36–0.67 μM, respectively. The energy of activation was 23.4 kcal/mol. These kinetic properties were strikingly similar to those of the microsomal (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase. The presence of potassium was required for maximum Ca2+ transport activity. The order of effectiveness of monovalent cations in stimulating both Ca2+ transport and (Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase activity was K+ >Na+ = NH4+ >Li+ . Ca2+ transport and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity were both inhibited 10–20% by 6 mM procaine and less than 10% by 10 mM sodium azide. Both processes were completely inhibited by 3 mM dibucaine or 50 μM p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate. The results indicate that Ca2+ transport in adipocyte endoplasmic reticulum is mediated by a (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and suggest an important role for endoplasmic reticulum in control of intracellular Ca2+ distribution.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of solubilized and purified high-affinity (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC of human erythrocyte membranes shows no dependence on cyclic AMP concentration in the range 0.1–1000 μM.Ca2+-dependent phosphoprotein is sensitive to hydroxylamine and molybdate treatment. The phosphate linkage shows maximum stability at low pH values, which is progressively lost as the pH rises, with a shoulder around pH 6. SDS gel electrophoresis of the phosphorylated protein yields a peak which shows relative mobility corresponding to a molecular weight of 145 000 and sensitivity to MgATP-chase and hydroxylamine treatment. This indicates that the phosphoprotein represents the phosphorylated intermediate of the high-affinity (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the late-exponential non-shaken culture of the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis GL was investigated. The presence of energy-dependent Ca2+ transport system was shown. In the main the properties of this system have been essentially the same as in mitochondria of vertebrate organisms. The isolated mitochondria contained 23±5 ng-ion Ca2+ per mg of protein. The intramitochondrial free concentration of Ca2+ was measured in the presence of uncoupler FCCP with the use of fluorescent Ca2+ chelator chlortetracycline and null point titration method. In the absence of phosphate, free [Ca2+] varied from 1 to 2.5 mM depending on the internal Ca2+ content. In the presence of 2 mM phosphate, free [Ca2+]in has not exceeded 0.1–0.3 mM. It was shown that ruthenium red and Mg2+ in different manner have an inhibitory effect on Ca2+ transport. Besides this, Mg2+ also has a stabilizing effect on mitochondria, possibly, by preventing passive ions leaks across the membrane.  相似文献   

Stimulation of luteinizing hormone (LH) release from the pituitary gonadotrope and catecholamine release from the adrenomedullary cell are Ca2+ dependent processes (for reviews, see 1, and 2, respectively). In both systems, extracellular Ca2+ is requisite for stimulation of release by the naturally occurring secretogogue (gonadotropin releasing hormone, GnRH, for the pituitary gonadotrope; acetylcholine, Ach, for the adrenomedullary cell). Inhibitors of Ca2+ movement are also effective blockers of GnRH and Ach action on the respective release systems. The observation that ionophores including A23187 (Lilly) and X537A (Roche) as well as K+ depolarization in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ evoke release from both systems, suggests that Ca2+ may actually mediate the responses in these systems. In the present study we have examined the effect of Ca · Ionomycin (Squibb) and shown it to be a particularly potent secretogogue whose action is coupled to its ability to transfer Ca2+ from the extracellular medium across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Basolateral membranes isolated from hog kidney cortex, enriched 12- to 15-fold in (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, were 80% oriented inside-out as determined by assay of oubain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity before and after opening of the membrane vesicle preparation with a mixture of deoxycholate and EDTA. In these membrane preparations 80% of total phosphatidylethanolamine was accessible to trinitrophenylation by trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid at 4°C, while at 37°C all of phosphatidylethanolamine fraction was chemically modified. Phospholipase C treatment resulted in hydrolysis of 80% phosphatidylethanolamine, 40% phosphatidylcholine and 35% of phosphatidylserine. Sphingomyelinase treatment resulted in 20% hydrolysis of sphingomyelin, presumably derived from right-side-out oriented vesicles. Results indicate that phosphatidylethanolamine is oriented exclusively on the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer of inside-out oriented vesicles. Methylation of phospholipids in basolateral membranes with S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine resulted in the three successive methylation of ethanolamine moiety of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine. The Km for S-adenosylmethionine was 1·10?4 M with an optimum pH 9.0 for the formation of all three methyl derivatives. Mg2+ was without any effect between pH 5 and 10. Basolateral membranes incubated in the presence of methyl donor, S-adenosylmethionine, exhibited increased (12–15%) (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity and increased ATP-dependent uptake of calcium. ATP-dependent calcium uptake in these vesicles was insensitive to oligomycin and ouabain but was abolished completely by 50 μM vanadate. The increase in ATP-dependent calcium uptake was due to an increase in Vmax and not due to a change in Km for Ca2+. Preincubation of membranes with S-adenosylhomocysteine, a methyltransferase inhibitor, abolished the stimulatory effect of phospholipid methylation on calcium uptake. Phospholipid methylation at both low and high pH did not result in a change in bulk membrane fluidity as determined by the fluorescence polarization of diphenylhexatriene. These results suggest that phospholipid methylation may regulate transepithelial calcium flux in vivo.  相似文献   

N-Ethylmaleimide was employed as a surface label for sarcolemmal proteins after demonstrating that it does not penetrate to the intracellular space at concentrations below 1·10?4 M. The sarcolemmal markers, ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and Na+/Ca2+-exchange activities, were inhibited in N-ethylmaleimide perfused hearts. Intracellular activities such as creatine phosphokinase, glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase and the internal phosphatase site of the Na+ pump (K+-p-nitrophosphatase) were not affected. Almost 20% of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump were inhibited indicating the localization of a portion of this activity in the sarcolemma. Sarcolemma purified by a recent method (Morcos, N.C. and Drummond, G.I. (1980) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 598, 27–39) from N-ethylmaleimide-perfused hearts showed loss of approx. 85% of its (Ca2+ + Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+ pump compared to control hearts. (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ pump activities showed two classes of sensitivity to vanadate ion inhibition. The high vanadate affinity class (K12 for inhibition approx. 1.5 μM) may be localized in the sarcolemma and represented approx. 20% of the total inhibitable activity in agreement with estimates from N-ethylmaleimide studies. Sucrose density fractionation indicated that only a small portion of Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase may be associated with the sarcolemma. The major portion of these activities seems to be associated with high density particles.  相似文献   

Density (age) separated rabbit erythrocytes were examined for differences in the activities of calmodulin and the protein inhibitor of membrane (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (Lee, K.S. and Au, K.S. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 742, 54–62) as well as response of the ATPase towards these protein modulators. It was found that activities of the cytosol protein-bound and free inhibitor as well as membrane-bound inhibitor were higher in top (young) cells as compared to bottom (old) cells. Though the activity of the divalent cation associated membrane calmodulin pool was also higher in young cells, calmodulin activity in the erythrosol remained constant in cells from both age groups. The pool of membrane-associated inhibitor was shown to have greater influence on the ATPase than the membrane-associated calmodulin pool. The influence was more pronounced with inhibitor derived from old than from young cell membranes. Response of the young cell ATPase towards the protein inhibitor was better than the old cell enzyme at low inhibitor concentration. At higher inhibitor concentration, however, response of the ATPase from both cell types was similar.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes isolated from the flagella of ram ejaculated sperm were found to contain a [Ca2+ + Mg2+]-ATPase. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed the membranes occur as vesicles. The membrane vesicles actively accumulate Ca2+, uptake was reversed by the ionophore A23187 and inhibited by either ruthenium red or La3+. The plasma membranes contain two major proteins, designated proteins A and B, with molecular weights of 109,000 and 18,300 daltons, respectively. Protein B is not detected in plasma membranes isolated from ram epididymal sperm. The plasma membrane Ca2+ pump may be modulated by protein factors present in seminal plasma.  相似文献   

Release of Ca2+ from the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase into the interior of intact sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles was measured using arsenazo III, a metallochromic indicator of Ca2+. Arsenazo III was placed inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles by making the vesicles transiently leaky with an osmotic gradient in the presence of arsenazo III. External arsenazo III was then removed by centrifugation. Addition of ATP to the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase in the presence of Ca2+ causes the rapid phosphorylation of the enzyme at which time the bound Ca2+ becomes inaccessible to external EGTA. The release of Ca2+ from the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase to the interior of the vesicle measured with intravesicular arsenazo III was much slower indicating that there is an occluded from the Ca2+-binding site which precedes the release of Ca2+ into the vesicle. The rate of Ca2+ accumulation by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles is increased by K+ (5–100 mM) and ATP (50–1000 μM) but the initial rate of Ca2+ translocation measured after the simultaneous addition of ATP and EGTA to vesicles that were preincubated in Ca2+ was not influenced by these concentrations of K+ and ATP.  相似文献   

The rate of calcium uptake in brown adipose tissue mitochondria is here shown to be a sensitive parameter of energisation in this tissue, as demonstrated by high susceptibility to purine nucleotides and albumin. Complete uptake of low amounts of calcium generally requires added phosphate. Bicarbonate can at least partially substitute for phosphate, whereas acetate cannot. Calcium transport in brown fat mitochondria is of interest due to recent indications of an important role of this organelle in regulation of cytosolic calcium levels.  相似文献   

Incubation of human erythrocyte ghosts with an equal volume of 0.2 mM EDTA in isotonic KCl decreased both the activity and Ca2+ sensitivity of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase remaining associated with the membrane. Readdition of the EDTA-extract activated the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity. The activator activity was trypsin sensitive, heat stable and retained by a phenothiazine affinity column, consistent with properties expected of calmodulin. However, unlike calmodulin, the activity was not retained by DEAE Sephadex A-50 and it eluted from Sephacryl S-200 as heterogeneous peaks of activator activity of apparent molecular weight between 107,000 and 178,000. Nevertheless, the activator in the EDTA extract both before and after gel filtration contained calmodulin, as determined by radioimmunoassay and by its activation of calmodulin - deficient phosphodiesterase. SDS-gel electrophoresis of the activator isolated by gel filtration showed a protein of Mr 56,000 in addition to a low molecular weight protein corresponding to calmodulin. It is suggested that the red cell membrane contains a calmodulin binding protein which tightly binds calmodulin as a polymeric complex in a Ca2+-independent manner.  相似文献   

When cat adrenocortical cells were incubated with exogenous phospholipid substrate (autoclaved E.coli) in the presence of corticotropin, there was a Ca2+-dependent increase in phospholipid breakdown activity, suggesting that a hormone-stimulated phospholipase is localized to the plasma membrane. Phospholipase activity in a particulate fraction from lysed cells at neutral pH was a function of the Ca2+ concentration. The addition of increasing Ca2+ concentrations to a subcellular fraction of lysed cells which had been prelabelled with [14C]arachidonic acid produced graded increases in fatty acid release. A depletion of label from phosphatidylcholine was observed, as well as a marked increase in radioactivity associated with phosphatidylethanolamine. The subcellular fraction of cells prelabelled with [14C]palmitic acid failed to release fatty acid in response to Ca2+, although a loss of label from phosphatidylcholine and a modest gain in label by phosphatidylethanolamine was demonstrable. A Ca2+-activated deacylation-reacylation reaction preferentially involving phosphatidylethanolamine was evident in cortical cells prelabelled with archidonic acid; whereas, other Ca2+-stimulated lipolytic reactions also appeared to be operative in cells prelabelled with either arachidonic or palmitic acid. The Ca2+-dependent mobilization of arachidonic acid from an endogenous phospholipid pool lends additional support to the idea that Ca2+-mediated activation of phospholipase A2 participates in the control of adrenocortical activity. However, since Ca2+ also stimulated arachidonic acid liberation from cortical triglycerides, these lipid moieties may also contribute to the observed effects of Ca2+ on fatty acid release.  相似文献   

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