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Label-fracture and fracture-label membrane immunocytochemistry are used to analyze the surface distribution, dynamics and partition on fracture of CD3 and CD4 antigens of human T lymphocytes. Redistribution of the antigens, induced by treatment at 37 degrees C with specific monoclonal antibodies, results in patching and capping of the labeling as observed in label-fractured specimens. Examination of platinum/carbon replicas of freeze-fractured plasma membranes of antibody-treated cells does not reveal recognizable domains of intramembrane particles. However, in cells where the aggregation of intramembrane particles is induced by incubation with glycerol, colloidal gold-labeled CD3 and CD4 molecules are seen confined to particulate domains of the membrane. Therefore, the lack of visible aggregation of intramembrane particles in patched or capped regions of the membrane implies that migration of CD3 and CD4 antigens with concentration in domains of the membrane is achieved contemporaneously with export of other non-capped integral membrane proteins from the same regions, in a process of diffusional equilibrium. Examination of fracture-labeled specimens shows that CD4 molecules partition on fracture with the inner protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. This partition illustrates the transmembrane attitude of the antigen molecule and is a probable consequence of interaction of the protein with other components of the membrane or with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Mutations in human lymphocytes studied by an HLA selection system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Human lymphocytes mutated at the HLA-A2 or HLA-A3 alleles were enumerated and studied by primary selection using antibody and complement, followed by limiting dilution cloning and secondary selection using immunofluorescence or antibody and complement. The geometric mean frequency of in vivo mutant lymphocytes was 3.08 X 10(-5) for the HLA-A2 allele and 4.68 X 10(-6) for the HLA-A3 allele. Mutagenesis by X-radiation or mitomycin produced a dose-related increase in mutant frequency. HLA-B phenotyping and Southern Analysis of the HLA-A gene suggested that mutation was frequently due to gene deletion, which was often substantial.  相似文献   

The capping of saccharides on the plasma membrane of rat splenic lymphocytes was studied by means of fluorescein-labelled lectins. Treatment of unfixed splenic lymphocytes with any one of the three lectins, concanavalin A (Con A), Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) led to the formation of caps of each saccharide receptor on the plasma membrane. Treatment of unfixed lymphocytes with Con A was found to result in the formation of caps of saccharide receptors for RCA, whereas cap formations were never noted in such double treatment of the cells with all other combined uses of two lectins. These results are taken to indicate that the saccharide receptors for Con A are associated with those for RCA in the plasma membrane of rat splenic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Hydrocortisone, Agostilben, Agovirin, Neolutin and Superanabolon partially to completely inhibit the absorption capacity of HLA antigens on the lymphocytes in vitro. The effect is directly proportional to the duration of lymphocyte treatment and the type of hormone, yet unrelated to the type of antigen. The importance of this phenomenon for HLA antigen typing in hormones-treated patients is discussed.  相似文献   

We used "label-fracture" (J Cell Biol 99:1156, 1984) to establish high-resolution maps of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and concanavalin A (ConA) receptor sites on the cell surface of boar spermatozoa and to investigate the possible association of these receptors to integral membrane components. Label-fracture reveals intense WGA labeling over the region of the plasma membrane that overlies the acrosome, including the equatorial segment. The density of WGA receptors decreases from the post-acrosomal area to the posterior ring. The WGA receptor domain changes abruptly into a microdomain with an unusually high density of WGA receptors over a sharply delimited, particle-free zone at the base of the head. Over the tail, the density of WGA receptors in the tail is high and uniform over the midpiece, annulus, and principal piece, but narrow patches of rectilinear arrays of pits close to the annulus are not labeled. Labeling of the entire sperm head by ConA is both intense and uniform, except for the particle-free zone at the base of the head, which is barren of receptors. Over the tail, ConA labeling is strong over the midpiece, absent over the annulus, and sparse over the principal piece and the end piece. In contrast to WGA, ConA receptors co-distribute with the intramembrane particles. Our results confirm the potential of label-fracture for high-resolution mapping of the distribution of cell surface receptors. They show that in this specialized cell membrane domains can be sharply defined, i.e., apparent without free lateral diffusion of components.  相似文献   

CTL lines were established in vitro by stimulating patient lymphocytes with autologous melanoma cells in the presence of IL-2. Resulting CTL lines lysed autologous melanoma and failed to lyse several allogeneic melanomas or K562. The mechanism of target cell recognition by autologous tumor-specific CTL was evaluated in this system, using several CTL lines: DT6, DT105, DT141, DT166, DT169, and DT179. Autologous melanoma lysis was inhibited by W6/32, mAb directed against HLA class I Ag, but not by L243, mAb directed against HLA class II Ag. CTL from DT6, DT141, DT166, DT169, and DT179 lysed fresh and cultured allogeneic melanomas, which shared the HLA-A2 Ag, but failed to lyse allogeneic melanomas, which shared B-region or C-region Ag, or shared no HLA class I Ag. CTL from DM141 lysed DM93, which shared A2 and Bw6, but failed to lyse DM105, which shared only Bw6. DM105 CTL failed to lyse allogeneic melanomas that shared HLA-A1, or that shared B or C region Ag, but they did lyse allogeneic melanoma DM49, which expressed an A region Ag that either was A10 or was serologically cross-reactive with A10. A T cell leukemia line, three EBV transformed B cell lines, and a pancreatic cancer line, all of which expressed HLA-A2, were not lysed by DM6 or DM179 CTL. Furthermore, HLA-matched nonmelanomas failed to inhibit autologous tumor lysis in cold target inhibition assays, whereas an HLA-A2+ allogeneic melanoma, DM93, inhibited autologous tumor lysis as effectively as the autologous tumor itself. HLA-A2, and possibly other HLA-A-region Ag, appear to function in HLA-restricted recognition of shared melanoma associated Ag by CTL.  相似文献   

Attempts of cross absorption where sera of anti-HLA A2 + B17, anti-HLA A2 and anti-HLA B17 with thrombocytes were absorbed from donors of HLA A2 positive, B17 negative and HLA A2 negative, B17 positive, revealed that anti-HLA A2 and anti-HLA B17 could be eliminated from the sera of both HLA types on the platelets. Thus, the findings allow the existence of a common determinant of HLA A2 and B17-antigens to be assumed. This is the first case where the evidence of a cross reaction between antigens of two different HLA loci with human sera could be established.  相似文献   

Summary Available techniques for light and electron microscopical double immunocytochemical staining are all associated with certain problems. We have developed a novel multiple staining procedure, which allows use of antibodies of differing specificities, raised in the same species (e.g. rabbit). Its essential features include 1) saturation of antigenic epitopes on the first layer primary antiserum by second (fluorophor- or gold-) labelled anti-IgG antibodies and 2) denaturation of free anti-IgG binding sites by formaldehyde vapour treatment. Various combinations of gastrin, somatostatin, glucagon, ACTH, growth hormone and enkephalin/endorphin antibodies have been tested at the light and electron microscopical level and have been found to give highly reproducible double- and triple-staining results. The technique has also been evaluated by use of cytochemical paper models. The method is simple and very useful for multiple staining of a wide variety of antigens.  相似文献   

We describe a novel method for localizing sparse antigens in thin sections by protein A-gold labeling. The primary antibody is applied to fixed and detergent-permeabilized cells. The cells are then incubated with an anti-antibody that has been labeled with multiple dinitrophenol residues. The cells are next fixed again with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide fixatives before embedding in Eponate. When thin sections are prepared, the dinitrophenol residues are readily detected with a tertiary anti-DNP antibody followed by protein A-gold labeling. This method offers good sensitivity along with superior morphology. Our test antigen for this method was the receptor for low-density lipoprotein, an antigen which had evaded detection by protein A-gold using ultra-thin cryosections.  相似文献   

Summary The present review briefly summarizes our knowledge of antigen-specific B and T lymphocyte receptors. Antigen-specific receptors on mammalian B lymphocytes are mainly monomeric IgM and IgD consisting of conventional immunoglobulin heavy and light chains. The nature of the T lymphocyte receptor which can specifically recognize antigens is not yet fully defined. However, it seems that conventional light chains do not participate in the build up of this receptor, and that the receptor is made up of heavy chains of a new immunoglobulin class which has to be further characterized and which we call Tau-chain. The variable region of the T lymphocyte receptors share idiotypic determinants with the corresponding B lymphocyte receptors. The possible linkage between the T cell idiotypes present on the Tau-chains and molecules which are under the control of genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex of the species are discussed.In the last part of the review two methods for the induction of specific transplantation tolerance in adult animals are described. These methods are based on the concept that T lymphocytes reactive against alloantigens bear idiotypic determinants against which a specific auto-immune response can be initiated.  相似文献   

HLA antigens of both the A and B loci were shown to be associated with the high density lipoprotein fraction of serum prepared by ultracentrifugal flotation. HLA-A9 antigens were purified 100-fold with essentially complete recovery by a simple procedure of high density lipoprotein preparation involving precipitation with polyanions and ultracentrifugal flotation. The purified lipid-associated antigen was immunogenic since it elicited the formation of cytotoxic xenoantibodies in rabbits. Serum HLA-A9 antigens were found by immunoprecipitation and gel electrophoresis to consist of a 45,000 m.w. heavy chain associated with beta2-microglobulin. The size of the HLA-lipid complex (less than 190,000 m.w.) and of the HLA-deoxycholate complex (less than 102,000 m.w.) suggests that HLA antigens are shed into plasma as a complex of a single HLA molecule and a single beta2-microglobulin chain, associated with boundary lipid.  相似文献   

Many monoclonal antibodies directed against differentiation antigens expressed on human lymphocytes have been produced to study the development and functional difference of human lymphocytes. These monoclonal antibodies were classified to the group of "cluster of differentiation (CD)". We reviewed the functional roles of CD antigens on the activation, proliferation and differentiation of human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Dramatic clinical responses were observed in patient 888 following the adoptive transfer of autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). Previously, extensive analysis of the specificity of class I-restricted T cells from patient 888 TIL has revealed that these T cells recognize a mutated, as well as several nonmutated tumor Ags. Additional studies that were conducted on TIL from patient 888 indicated that they contained CD4-positive T cells that recognized the autologous tumor that had been induced to express HLA class II molecules. Tumor-reactive CD4-positive T cell clones were isolated from TIL and tested for their ability to react with Ags that are recognized by HLA class I-restricted, melanoma-reactive T cells. Using this approach, T cell clones were identified that recognized an epitope expressed in both the tyrosinase-related protein 1 and tyrosinase-related protein 2 Ags in the context of the HLA-DRbeta1*1502 class II gene product. Additional clones were found to recognize an epitope of gp100 in the context of the same HLA-DR restriction element. These observations provide an impetus to develop strategies directed toward generating HLA class II-restricted tumor-reactive T cells.  相似文献   

A recombinant vaccinia virus (VV) encoding human IFN-gamma (VV-huIFN-gamma) was constructed and its effects on MHC Ag expression in human and murine cells in vitro analyzed by flow cytometry. At high multiplicities of infection (5 pfu/cell) the IFN-gamma expressed by vaccinia was not able to overcome the profound decrease of MHC concentration, normally associated with VV infection, in any of the cells tested. However, at successively decreasing multiplicities of infection, a gradual increase in MHC class I concentration above control levels was observed in human 143B cells but not in murine L929 cells, thus indicating that the species specificity of IFN-gamma is preserved in VV-huIFN-gamma-infected cells. We infer from these data that the IFN-gamma secreted by infected 143B cells is able to exert an MHC upregulating effect on uninfected cells in the vicinity. Antiviral activity of the IFN-gamma expressed by the virus was also assessed. Pretreatment for 24 to 48 h of human 143B cells with IFN-gamma containing supernatants had a significant antiviral effect comparable to rhuIFN-gamma. However, when added 1 h after virus infection, antiviral activity was much less evident. Also, the IFN-gamma secreted by infected 143B cells in monolayers infected at low multiplicity did not efficiently inhibit spread of infection to other cells in the vicinity.  相似文献   

The immunogold technique has been used in electron microscopy to detect cytoplasmic and extracellular antigens by postembedding techniques. It has also been used to detect plasma-membrane-associated molecules on suspended cells and, recently, to visualize cell surface antigens in ultrathin sections of Lowicryl embedded specimens. In the present study, cell surface antigens of rat kidney and human skin were identified in tissue sections by using pre-embedding immunogold labeling. Brush border microvillar antigens and dermal lymphocyte antigens both bound numerous gold particles. The immunogold staining described here has the advantage over immunoperoxidase procedures that is not subject to diffusion or reabsorption artifacts, and allows estimation of the antigen density on labeled cells. Furthermore, this pre-embedding immunogold technique is ideally suited to detecting cell surface-associated antigens since it preserves antigenicity, allows gold particle penetration and enhances cell membrane profiles.  相似文献   

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