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The range of entrainment of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity was compared in four groups of Syrian hamsters (eight animals per group) initially exposed to daily light-dark (LD) cycles with either abrupt transitions between light and darkness (LD-rectangular) or simulated twilights (LD-twilight). Lighting was provided by arrays of white light-emitting diodes; daytime illuminance (10 lux) and the total amount of light emitted per day were the same in the two conditions. The period (T) of the LD cycles was then gradually increased to 26.5 h or gradually decreased to 21.5 h, at the rate of 5 min/day. Under LD-rectangular, the upper and lower limits of entrainment were 25.0 to 25.5 h and 22.0 to 22.5 h, respectively, whereas under LD-twilight, 50% of the animals exposed to the lengthening cycles were still entrained at T = 26.5 h and 50% of those exposed to the shortening cycles were still entrained at T = 21.5 h. In a second experiment, two groups of hamsters were exposed to fixed T = 25 h LD-rectangular (n = 15) or LD-twilight cycles (n = 7). Only 33% of the animals entrained in LD-rectangular, whereas 86% of the animals entrained in LD-twilight. Free-running periods in constant darkness were longer following successful entrainment to T = 25 h but did not differ between the animals that entrained to LD-rectangular and those that entrained to LD-twilight. The widening of the range of entrainment observed in LD-twilight indicates that twilight transitions increase the strength of the LD zeitgeber. In LD-twilight, successful entrainment to T = 26.5 h was accompanied by an expansion of activity time to 16.52+/-1.22 h, with activity onsets preceding mid-dusk by 12.56+/-2.15 h. Together with earlier data showing similar phase response curves for hour-long dawn, dusk, and rectangular light pulses, these results suggest that the effect of twilights on the range of entrainment may involve parametric rather than nonparametric mechanisms.  相似文献   


Food availability is a potent environmental cue that directs circadian locomotor activity in rodents. Daily scheduled restricted feeding (RF), in which the food available time is restricted for several hours each day, elicits anticipatory activity. This food-anticipatory activity (FAA) is controlled by a food-entrainable oscillator (FEO) that is distinct from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master pacemaker in mammals. In an earlier report, we described generation of transgenic (Tg) mice ubiquitously overexpressing cysteine414-alanine mutant mCRY1. The Tg mice displayed long locomotor free-running periods (approximately 28 h) with rhythm splitting. Furthermore, their locomotor activity immediately re-adjusted to the advance of light–dark cycles (LD), suggesting some disorder in the coupling of SCN neurons. The present study examined the restricted feeding cycle (RF)-induced entrainment of locomotor activity in Tg mice in various light conditions. In LD, wild-type controls showed both FAA and LD-entrained activities. In Tg mice, almost all activity was eventually consolidated to a single bout before the feeding time. The result suggests a possibility that in Tg mice the feeding cycle dominates the LD cycle as an entrainment agent. In constant darkness (DD), wild-type mice exhibited robust free-run activity and FAA during RF. For Tg mice, only the rhythm entrained to RF was observed in DD. Furthermore, after returning to free feeding, the free-run started from the RF-entrained phase. These results suggest that the SCN of Tg mice is entrainable to RF and that the mCRY1 mutation alters the sensitivity of SCN to the cycle of nonphotic zeitgebers.


《Chronobiology international》2013,30(6):1120-1135
Light and feeding cycles strongly synchronize daily rhythms in animals, which may, as a consequence, develop food anticipatory activity (FAA). However, the light/food entraining mechanisms of the central circadian oscillator remain unknown. In this study, we investigate the existence of FAA in seven groups of zebrafish subjected to a light/dark (LD) cycle or constant light (LL) and different feeding regimes (random, fasting, and feeding in the middle of the light phase or dark phase). The aim was to ascertain whether the daily rhythm of behavior and clock gene (per1 and cry1) expression in the zebrafish brain was entrained by the light and feeding regime. The results revealed that FAA developed in zebrafish fed daily at a fixed time, under LD and under LL. Zebrafish displayed locomotor activity mostly during the daytime, although the percentage of activity during the light phase varied depending on feeding time (ranging from 93.2% to 63.1% in the mid-light and mid-dark fed groups, respectively). However, the different feeding regimes failed to modify the daily rhythm of per1 and cry1 expression in the zebrafish brain under LD (approximate acrophases [peak times] at ZT22 and ZT4, respectively; lights-on =?ZT0). Under LL, per1 and cry1 expression did not show significant daily rhythmicity, regardless of the feeding regime. These findings indicate that, although schedule-fed zebrafish developed FAA as regards locomotor activity, feeding had little effect on clock gene expression in whole brain homogenates, suggesting the feeding-entrainable oscillator may be located elsewhere or at specific brain sites. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

Little is known about the feeding time dependence of clock gene expression in fish. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether a scheduled feeding time can entrain the rhythmic expression of several clock genes (period and cryptocrome) in the brain and liver of a teleost, the goldfish. Fish maintained under continuous light (LL) conditions were divided into 3 groups. Two groups were fed daily at 1000 h and 2200 h, respectively, and the third group was subjected to a random schedule regime. After 30 days, the fishes under 24-h food deprivation were sacrificed through a 24-h cycle, and clock gene expression in the optic tectum, hypothalamus, and liver was quantified by real-time PCR. The findings pointed to differences between the central and peripheral tissues studied. In the absence of a light-dark cycle (constant light), a scheduled feeding regime was necessary and sufficient to maintain both the rhythmic expression of several clock genes in the optic tectum and hypothalamus, as well as daily rhythms in locomotor activity. In contrast, neither locomotor activity nor clock gene expression in brain tissues was synchronized in randomly fed fish. However, in the liver, most of the clock genes studied presented significant daily rhythms in phase (related to the time of the last meal) in all 3 experimental groups, suggesting that the daily rhythm of clock genes in this organ only depends on the last meal time. The data suggest that, as in mammals, the smooth running of the food entrainable oscillator (FEO) in fish involves the rhythmic expression of several clock genes (Per1 and Cry3) in the central and peripheral structures. The results also indicate that the food anticipatory activity (FAA) in goldfish is not only the result of rhythmic clock gene expression in the liver because rhythmic clock gene expression was observed in randomly fed fishes, while FAA was not observed.  相似文献   

Periodic food availability can act as a potent zeitgeber capable of synchronizing many biological rhythms in fishes, including locomotor activity rhythms. In the present paper we investigated entrainment of locomotor rhythms to scheduled feeding under different light and feeding regimes. In experiment 1, fish were exposed to a 12:12?h light/dark cycle and fed one single daily meal in the middle of the light phase. In experiment 2, we tested the effect of random versus scheduled feeding on the daily distribution of activity. During random feeding, meals were randomly scheduled with intervals ranging from 12 to 36?h, while scheduled feeding consisted of one single daily meal set in the middle of the light or dark phase. Finally, in experiment 3, we studied the synchronization of activity rhythms to feeding under constant darkness (DD) and after shifting the feeding cycle by either advancing or delaying the feeding cycle by 9?h. The results revealed that goldfish synchronized to feeding, overcame light entrainment and significantly changed their daily distribution of activity according to their feeding schedule. In addition, the daily activity pattern modulated by feeding differed between layers: a peak of activity being noticeable directly after feeding at the bottom, while an anticipatory behaviour was obvious at the surface of the tank. Under DD and no food, free-running rhythms averaging 25.5?± 1.9?h (mean?±?SD) were detected. In conclusion, some properties of feeding entrainment (e.g. anticipation of the feeding time, free-running rhythms following termination of periodic feeding, and the stability of ø after shifting the feeding cycle) suggested that goldfish have (a) separate but tightly coupled light- and food-entrainable oscillators, or (b) a single oscillator that is entrainable by both light and food (one synchronizer being eventually stronger than the other).  相似文献   

The synchronizing stimulus, its transduction site, and the afferent pathways responsible for feeding entrainment remain unknown. In fish, the role of the diet in the development of feeding anticipatory activity (FAA) is not well understood and fundamental questions on the mechanisms of feeding entrainment, such as the meal characteristics required to develop FAA, remain unexplored. To test the entraining properties of daily meals with different sizes and energy densities, activity rhythms were studied after a 12-h shift of the feeding cycle in individual goldfish under constant light. In the 1st experiment, the energy content of a control diet (16.7 kJ/g) was diluted by replacing 50% (8.3 kJ/g) or 90% (1.7 kJ/g) of the diet with cellulose. However, the number of days required to stabilize FAA after the shift did not differ statistically between diets. In the 2nd experiment, meal size was modified by reducing the daily feeding ration to 0.5% and 0.1% b.wt.d(-1). In this case, differences in the entraining properties of the two feeding rations appeared because goldfish fed at 0.1% b.wt.d(-1) resynchronized faster than those fed at 0.5% b.wt.d(-1). These results revealed that the dilution of the dietary energy up to 1.7 kJ/g had no significant effect on the entraining properties of the feeding-entrainable oscillator (FEO), whereas the reduction of the meal size to 0.1% b.wt.d(-1) provoked a faster resynchronization after shifting the daily meal cycle. Taken together, these results suggest that gut distension may be involved in feeding entrainment, as a reduction in meal size but not in the amount of dietary energy supplied significantly shortened the time required for resynchronization and highlighted the different synchronizing properties of meal size and energy density as zeitgebers for the FEO.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(7):1380-1400
Food provided on a periodic basis can act as a potent synchronizer, being a stronger zeitgeber than light for peripheral oscillators in mammals. In fish, however, little is known about the influence of feeding time on the circadian pacemaker and the relationship between central and peripheral oscillators. The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of mealtime on the activity rhythms, and on central (brain) and peripheral (liver) oscillators in zebrafish. The authors tested different feeding times under a light-dark (LD) cycle and the endogenous origin of food-anticipatory activity (FAA) by feeding zebrafish at a fixed time under constant bright-light conditions (LL). The authors then measured locomotor activity and the expression of the clock gene per1 in animals under a LD cycle and fed at random times during the light phase, with restricted feeding at the mid-light phase (ML) or with restricted feeding during the mid-dark phase (MD). Finally, the authors measured locomotor activity and per1 expression in fish maintained under LL under either random feeding or scheduled feeding. Zebrafish displayed FAA in all the groups fed at a fixed time but not when feeding was randomly scheduled. Under LL, fish entrainment persisted, and when released under fasting conditions FAA free-ran with a circa-24-h period. The expression of per1 in the brain of fish under LD showed a daily rhythm with the acrophase (peak time) at the end of the dark phase regardless of feeding schedule. This brain rhythm disappeared in LL fish under both random feeding and scheduled feeding. Feeding at MD advanced the phase of per1 in the liver by 7?h compared with the ML-fed group phase (23:54 versus 07:23?h, respectively). In addition, under LL scheduled feeding entrained the rhythms of per1 expression in the liver. This study reveals for the first time that scheduled feeding entrains peripheral oscillators in a fish species, zebrafish, which is a powerful model widely used for molecular genetics and for the study of basic clock mechanisms of the vertebrate circadian system. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

In European starlings exposed to constant conditions, circadian rhythms in locomotion and feeding can occasionally exhibit complete dissociation from each other. Whether such occasional dissociation between two behavioral rhythms reflects on the strength of the mutual coupling of their internal oscillators has not been investigated. To examine this, as well as to elucidate the role of melatonin in this system, we simultaneously measured the rhythms of locomotion, feeding and melatonin secretion in starlings exposed to light-dark (LD) cycles of low intensity with steadily changing periods (T). In birds initially entrained to T 24 LD cycles (12L:12D, 10:0.2 lx), beginning on day 15, T was either lengthened to 26.5 h (experiment 1) or shortened to T 21.5 h (experiment 2) by changing the daily dark period 4 min each day. After 18 and 19 cycles of T 26.5 and T 21.5, respectively, birds were released into constant dim light conditions (LL(dim); 0.2 lx) for about 2 weeks. Locomotor and feeding rhythms were continuously recorded. Plasma melatonin levels were measured at three times: in T 24, when T equaled 26 or 22 h and at the end of T 26.5 or T 21.5 exposure. The results show that, contrary to our expectations, the three rhythms were not dissociated. Rather they remained synchronized and changed their phase angle difference with the light zeitgeber concomitantly and at the same rate. The melatonin rhythm stayed in synchrony with the behavioral rhythms and as a consequence, peaked either during day or at night, depending on the phase relationship between the activity rhythm and the zeitgeber cycle.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the existence of day-night differences in the time for anesthesia and recovery in tambaqui exposed to the anesthetic eugenol and the influence of feeding time. Thus, we evaluated: (1) swimming activity; (2) food anticipatory activity (FAA) as a synchronizer of swimming activity and change to susceptibility to anesthetic; and (3) the effects of diurnal/nocturnal anesthesia exposure of fish feeding in the mid-light phase: 12:00 h (ML) and fish feeding in the mid-dark phase: 00:00 h (MD). Our findings revealed strictly nocturnal activity for tambaqui (94.2%), known as diurnal fish to date. Moreover, FAA was observed in tambaqui fed at MD, which showed a sustained increase in activity that began 2 h before feeding time and lasted until feeding. In contrast, no FAA was observed in fish fed at ML. Regarding anesthesia by day or night, the tambaqui treated with eugenol exhibited no difference in induction time. However, differences were observed in recovery times, with fish anesthetized at day recovering in 1–2 min and fish anesthetized at night recovering in 5–7 min. In short, our findings revealed for the first time the nocturnal behavior of tambaqui. These results indicated that recovery by day/night by eugenol in tambaqui has a strong dependence of behavioral patterns and the time of day.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the possible circadian dependence of leptin effects on food intake, locomotor activity, glycemia and plasma cortisol levels in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Fish were maintained under 12L:12D photoperiod and subjected to two different feeding schedules, one group fed during photophase (10:00) and the other one during scotophase (22:00). Leptin or saline were intraperitoneally injected at two different times (10:00 or 22:00), coincident or not with the meal time. To eliminate the entraining effect of the light/dark cycle, goldfish maintained under 24 h light (LL) were fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. A reduction in food intake and locomotor activity and an increase in glycemia were found in goldfish fed and leptin-injected at 10:00. No significant changes in circulating cortisol were observed. Those effects were not observed when leptin was administered during the scotophase, regardless the feeding schedule; neither in fish maintained under LL, suggesting that a day/night cycle would be necessary to observe the actions of leptin administered during the photophase. Changes in locomotor activity and glycemia were only observed in goldfish when leptin was injected at daytime, coincident with the feeding schedule, suggesting that these leptin actions could be dependent on the feeding time as zeitgeber. In view of these results it appears that the circadian dependence of leptin actions in goldfish can be determined by the combination of both zeitgebers, light/dark cycle and food. Our results point out the relevance of the administration time when investigating regulatory functions of hormones.  相似文献   

The range of entrainment of the circadian behavioral rhythm was compared between two groups of Sprague-Dawley rats (each n = 10) exposed to daily cycles of rectangular light-dark alternation (LD) and sinusoidal fluctuations of light intensity (SINE), respectively. The maximum illuminance (20 lx), the minimum illuminance (0.01 lx), and the total amount of light exposure per cycle were the same under the two lighting conditions. The periods (Ts) of both lighting cycles were lengthened stepwise from 24 through 25, 26, 26.5, 27, 27. 5, and 28 h to 28.5 h in experiment 1 and were shortened stepwise from 24 through 23.5, 23, and 22.5 h to 22 h in experiment 2. Each T cycle lasted for 30 cycles. In experiment 1, 60% of rats under the LD condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h, whereas 50% of rats under the SINE condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h. In experiment 2, no animal under the LD condition entrained to T < 23.5 h, whereas 40% of rats under the SINE condition entrained down to T = 23 h and 20% of rats remained to entrain down to T = 22 h cycles. The phase angle of entrainment was systematically changed, depending on T under both conditions. These results suggest that the lower limit of entrainment is expanded under the SINE condition compared with the LD condition.  相似文献   

1. The effects of raising cockroaches, Leucophaea maderae, in non-24 h light cycles on circadian rhythms in adults were examined. The average period (tau) of freerunning rhythms of locomotor activity of animals exposed to LD 11:11 (T22) during post-embryonic development was significantly shorter (tau = 22.8 +/- 0.47 SD, n = 85) than that of animals raised in LD 12:12 (T24) (tau = 23.7 +/- 0.20 h, n = 142), while animals raised in LD 13:13 (T26) had significantly longer periods (tau = 24.3 +/- 0.21 h, n = 65). Animals raised in constant darkness (DD) had a significantly shorter period (tau = 23.5 +/- 0.21 h, n = 13) than siblings raised in constant light (LL) (tau = 24.0 +/- 0.15 h, n = 10). 2. The differences in tau between animals raised in T22 and T24 were found to be stable in DD for at least 7 months and could not be reversed by exposing animals to LD 12:12 or LD 6:18. 3. Animals raised in either T24 or DD and then exposed as adults to T22 exhibited average freerunning periods that were not different from animals not exposed to T22. 4. Measurement of freerunning periods at different temperatures of animals raised in T22, T24, or T26 showed that the temperature compensation of tau was not affected by the developmental light cycle. These results indicate that the lighting conditions during post-embryonic development can permanently alter the freerunning period of the circadian system in the cockroach, but do not affect its temperature compensation.  相似文献   

Both temporary access to a running wheel and temporary exposure to light systematically influence the phase producing entrainment of the circadian activity rhythm in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). However, precise determination of entrainment limits remains methodologically difficult, because such calculations may be influenced by varying experimental paradigms. In this study, effects on the entrainment of the activity pattern during successive light-dark (LD) cycles of stepwise decreasing periods, as well as wheel running activity, were investigated. In particular, the hamster activity rhythm under LD cycles with a period (T) shorter than 22 h was studied, i.e., when the LD cycle itself had been shown to be an insufficiently strong zeitgeber to synchronize activity rhythms. Indeed, it was confirmed that animals without a wheel do not entrain under 11:11-h LD cycles (T = 22 h). Subsequently providing hamsters continuous access to a running wheel established entrainment to T = 22 h. Moreover, this paradigm underwent further reductions of the T period to T = 19.6 h without loss of entrainment. Furthermore, restricting access to the wheel did not result in loss of entrainment, while even entrainment to T = 19 h was observed. To explain this observed shift in the lower entrainment limit, our speculation centers on changes in pacemaker response facilitated by stepwise changes of T spaced very far apart, thus allowing time for adaptation.  相似文献   

Restricted daily feeding schedules entrain circadian oscillators that generate food anticipatory activity (FAA) rhythms in nocturnal rodents. The location of food-entrainable oscillators (FEOs) necessary for FAA remains uncertain. The most common procedure for inducing circadian FAA is to limit food access to a few hours in the middle of the light period, when activity levels are normally low. Although light at night suppresses activity (negative masking) in nocturnal rodents, it does not prevent the expression of daytime FAA. Nonetheless, light could reduce the duration or magnitude of FAA. If so, then neural or genetic ablations designed to identify components of the food-entrainable circadian system could alter the expression of FAA by affecting behavioral responses to light. To assess the plausibility of light as a potential mediating variable in studies of FAA mechanisms, we quantified FAA in rats and mice alternately maintained in a standard full photoperiod (12h of light/day) and in a skeleton photoperiod (two 60 min light pulses simulating dawn and dusk). In both species, FAA was significantly and reversibly enhanced in the skeleton photoperiod compared to the full photoperiod. In a third experiment, FAA was found to be significantly attenuated in rats by pinealectomy, a procedure that has been reported to enhance some effects of light on behavioral circadian rhythms. These results indicate that procedures affecting behavioral responses to light can significantly alter the magnitude of food anticipatory rhythms in rodents.  相似文献   

Weanling male deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus, were exposed for three weeks either to light-dark (LD) cycles with periods (T=L+D) ranging from T=23 (1L:22D) to T=25.16 (1L:24.16D) or to 24-h LD cycles with photoperiods ranging from 1 (1L:23D) to 19 (19L:5D) h. Both the circadian locomotor activity rhythms and the response of the reproductive system to these LD cycles were assessed. The results demonstrate that the photoperiodic effectiveness of light depends on the phase of the light relative to the animal's circadian system, as marked by the circadian activity rhythm. Light falling during the animal's subjective night, from activity onset to at least 11.8 h after activity onset, stimulates growth and maturation of the reproductive system, whereas light falling during the rest of the circadian cycle is nonstimulatory.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the results of an experiment to assess how closely repeated brief light pulses (LPs) mimic the effects of 12:12 h light/dark (LD) cycles (PPc). The locomotor activity rhythm of individual fruit flies from a laboratory population of Drosophila melanogaster was monitored under four different photoperiodic regimens, created using 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness or brief light pulses (LPs). The phase relationship (Ψ) and the stability (precision) of the locomotor activity rhythm during entrainment were estimated in order to compare the state of the circadian clocks under the four different photoperiodic regimens. The flies (n = 72) were subjected to four different LD cycles: (i) 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness (complete photoperiod, PPc); (ii) a single brief LP of 15 min duration presented close to the onset of activity (SLP-1); (iii) a single brief LP of 15 min duration administered close to the offset of activity (SLP-2); and (iv) two brief LPs administered 12 h apart (skeleton photoperiod, PPs). The locomotor activity rhythm of the flies was first monitored under constant darkness (DD) for about 10 days and then under the four different photoperiodic regimens for about 10 days, and finally in DD for the remainder of the experiment. The Ψ of the locomotor activity rhythm and its precision under PPc and PPs did not differ significantly, but they were significantly different from the SLP-1 and SLP-2 conditions. The results provide interesting insights into photoentrainment mechanisms of circadian clocks in D. melanogaster, and suggest that skeleton photoperiods, but not single brief LPs, mimic the actions of complete photoperiods.  相似文献   

The effect of energy status on the response of luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency to acute short-term energy deficiency created by fasting in estradiol-treated ovariectomized Shiba goats was studied in two experiments. In experiment 1, eight goats whose mean body weight (BW) was 25.6 +/- 5.8 (mean +/- S.D.)kg were fed 500 g hay cubes daily for 1 week. Then they were fasted for 3 days. Blood samples were collected for 4 h at 6 min intervals on the last day of feeding, first, second and third day of fasting for LH analysis. The goats were divided into light (<24 kg, n = 4) and heavy (> or =24 kg, n = 4) groups for data analysis. There was no difference in LH pulse frequency between the last day of feeding and each day of fasting in the heavy group. LH pulse frequency was significantly (P < 0.05) suppressed on the second day (3.3 +/- 1.3 pulses/4 h) and on the third day (2.3 +/- 1.9 pulses/4 h) relative to the day prior to fasting (4.8 +/- 1.5 pulses/4 h) in the light group. In experiment 2, BW plus a body mass index (gBMI: (body weight (kg)/withers height (m)/body length (m)) x 10) were measured to define energy status. Nine goats (BW, 25.6 +/- 5.8 kg) were fed 500 g hay cubes daily for a week and then fasted for 3 days. Then they were divided into two groups offered either a maintenance (n = 4) or a restricted (n = 5) level of feeding for 4 weeks. The restricted level of feeding was 30% of maintenance requirement based on the BW recorded weekly. The feeding level was then adjusted to maintain BW for a further week followed by 3 day fasting for restricted animals. Blood samples were collected for 6 h at 10 min intervals on the day prior to fasting and on third day of fasting before and after the dietary manipulation. BW (26.6 +/- 2.2 to 26.8 +/- 3.8 kg) and gBMI (8.4 +/- 0.4 to 7.8 +/- 0.3) remained constant over the period prior to fasting for the maintenance animals but were significantly lower (P < 0.05) after 4 weeks for the restricted goats (BW, 26.3 +/- 2.1 to 21.5 +/- 2.4 kg; gBMI, 8.4 +/- 0.9 to 6.9 +/- 0.7). There was no significant difference in the LH pulse frequency between feeding and fasting day in both sampling periods in the maintenance group. In the restricted group, LH pulse frequency was not suppressed by fasting in the first sampling period (6.8 +/- 2.9 to 5.2 +/- 2.5 pulses/6 h), whereas it tended to be suppressed (4.8 +/- 3.1 to 1.6 +/- 2.3 pulses/6 h; P < 0.06) and was significantly (P < 0.05) correlated to body weight (r = 0.70) and gBMI (r = 0.81) after the dietary manipulation. These results suggest that the suppressive effect of short-term energy restriction (fasting) on pulsatile LH secretion is related to body energy status.  相似文献   


A study was made of the interaction of the photoperiod and the availability of food in influencing egg laying of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis. At a long day photoperiod (LD = 16 h light/8 h dark) egg laying of fed snails had increased compared with that of fed animals kept at a medium day photoperiod (MD = 12 h light/12 h dark). In MD snails oviposition ceased within a week of the beginning of a starvation period. This is most probably due to a reduction in the activities of the neuroendocrine caudodorsal cells which secrete an ovulation hormone. In contrast, in starved LD snails a low rate of ovipository activity continued, indicating that a lowered frequency of caudodorsal cell release cycles occurred under these conditions. The decreased mean size (number of eggs) of the egg masses in starved LD snails indicates that the activities of the endocrine dorsal bodies, which control vitellogenesis and synthetic activities in the female accessory sex organs, had decreased.

All MD snails survived, but nearly all LD snails died during the course of the experiment. Determinations of the mantle glycogen stores of LD snails suggest that the high mortality of LD snails is due to exhaustion of the animal's energy reserves.  相似文献   

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