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U C Kopp 《Federation proceedings》1985,44(13):2834-2839
Evidence supporting the existence of renorenal reflexes is reviewed. Renal mechanoreceptors (MR) and afferent renal nerve fibers are localized in the corticomedullary region and in the wall of the renal pelvis. Stimulating renal MR by increased ureteral pressure (increases UP) or increased renal venous pressure (increases RVP) and renal chemoreceptors (CR) by retrograde ureteropelvic perfusion with 0.9 M NaCl results in increased ipsilateral afferent renal nerve activity (ARNA) in a variety of species. However, renorenal reflex responses to renal MR and CR differ among species. In the dog, stimulating renal MR results in a modest contralateral excitatory renorenal reflex response with contralateral renal vasoconstriction that is integrated at the supraspinal level. Renal CR stimulation is without effect on systemic and renal function. However, in the rat the responses to renal MR and CR stimulation are opposite to those of the dog. Increased ureteral pressure, renal venous pressure, or retrograde ureteropelvic perfusion with 0.9 M NaCl each results in a receptor-specific contralateral inhibitory renorenal reflex response. The afferent limb consists of increased ipsilateral ARNA and the efferent limb of decreased contralateral efferent RNA with contralateral diuresis and natriuresis. The renorenal reflex responses to MR and CR stimulation are integrated at the supraspinal level.  相似文献   

We studied changes of the H reflex recorded from the m. soleus, which were evoked by conditioning transcutaneous stimulation of the n. tibialis and n. peroneous comm. of the contralateral leg. In both cases, rather similar two-phase changes in the amplitude of the tested H reflex were observed. After a latent period (50 to 60 msec), the reflex was facilitated for about 300 msec, with the maximum at an about 100-msec-long interval. Then, facilitation was replaced by inhibition; the time course of the latter at test intervals longer than 500 msec could be satisfactorily approximated by a logarithmic curve. The mean durations of inhibition calculated with the use of a least-square technique were 4.0 and 2.7 sec in the cases of stimulation of n. tibialis and n. peroneous comm., respectively. Facilitation of the reflex was initiated with the intensity of conditioning stimulation corresponding to the threshold for excitation of cutaneous receptors. Facilitation could also be evoked by electrical stimulation of the skin in the contralateral popliteal dimple outside the projections of the above-mentioned nerves. Inhibition of the H reflex was evoked only with greater intensities of transcutaneous stimulation of the contralateral nerves corresponding to activation of low-threshold afferents of the above-mentioned nerves. The examined inhibition of the H reflex is probably of a presynaptic nature because it was not eliminated by tonic activation of the motoneurons of the tested muscle evoked by voluntary sole flexion. Long-lasting contralateral presynaptic inhibition can play a noticeable role in redistribution of the tone of skeletal muscles in the course of the motor activity. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 372–378, July–August, 2005.  相似文献   

Thirsty dogs were learned to regulate the supply of water by flexing the paw. The movement was effective only during an acoustic stimulation, either immediately at its beginning, or 10 to 20 sec. after its isolated action. The acoustic signal produced both flexion of the paw (instrumental reflex) and rhythmic swallowing movements which preceded the moment when water was fed into the mouth (classical conditioned reflex). The effect of prolongation of the isolated acoustic stimulation was manifested with extinction of the classical conditioned reflex and activation of the instrumental one.  相似文献   

In healthy humans, we recorded the H reflex induced by transcutaneous stimulation of the tibial nerve (recording from the soleus muscle). In subjects in the lying position, we studied changes in the H reflex values after preceding voluntary arm movements realized with a maximum velocity after presentation of an acoustic signal. On the 200th to 300th msec after forearm flexion, long-lasting inhibition of the H reflex developed following a period of initial facilitation and reached the maximum, on average, 700 msec from the moment of the movement. Flexion of the contralateral upper limb in the elbow joint induced deeper inhibition than analogous movement of the ipsilateral arm. Long-lasting clear inhibition of the H reflex developed after arm flexion in the elbow joint but was slightly expressed after finger clenching. After inhibition reached the maximum, its time course was satisfactorily approximated by a logarithmic function of the time interval between the beginning of the conditioning voluntary movement and presentation of the test stimulus. Durations of inhibition calculated using a regression equation were equal to 6.6 sec and 8.5 sec after ipsilateral and contralateral elbow-joint flexions, respectively. Inhibition was not eliminated under conditions of tonic excitation of motoneurons of the tested muscle upon voluntary foot flexion. Long-lasting inhibition of the H reflex was also observed after electrical stimulation-induced flexions of the upper limb. The obtained data indicate that movements of the upper limb cause reflex long-lasting presynaptic inhibition of the soleus-muscle H reflex that can play a noticeable role in redistribution of the muscle tone during motor activity. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 221–227, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   

The experiments were performed on 21 cats anaesthetized with alpha-chloralose. The aim of the study was to investigate sets of simultaneously recorded spindle afferents (2-4 in each set) from the triceps surae muscle (GS) with respect to the pattern of fusimotor reflex effects evoked by different types of ipsi- and contralateral reflex stimulation. The afferents' responses to sinusoidal stretching of the GS muscle were determined and the fusimotor reflex effects were assessed by comparing the afferent responses (i.e. the mean rate of firing and the depth of modulation) elicited during reflex stimulation with those evoked in absence of any reflex stimulus. Natural of electrical activations of ipsi- and contralateral muscle, skin and joint receptor afferents were used as reflex stimuli. The spindle afferents were influenced by several modalities and from wide areas, with a majority responding to both ipsi- and contralateral stimuli. A particular reflex stimulus often caused different effects on different afferents, and the various reflex stimuli seldom gave similar effects on a particular afferent. Multivariate analysis revealed that the variation in response profiles among simultaneously recorded afferents were as great as between afferents recorded on different occasions. This suggests that the individualized response prifiles, observed in earlier investigations, represent a very diversified reflex control of the spindle primary afferents, and are not a reflection of changes in the setting of the spinal interneuronal network, occurring during the time interval between the recordings of different units. Also, there was no relation between the conduction velocity of the afferents and the reflex profiles of the afferents, but non-linear relations were found between effects elicited by different types of stimuli. Indications were also found that it may be possible to separate the population of GS muscle spindles into subgroups, according to the fusimotor effects exhibited by activation of various categories of ipsi- and contralateral receptor afferents. It is concluded that one possible way of making the very complex reflex system controlling the muscle spindles intelligible may be a combination of multiple simultaneous recordings of spindle afferents and multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

In rats, stimulation of renal mechanoreceptors by increasing ureteral pressure results in a contralateral inhibitory renorenal reflex response consisting of increases in ipsilateral afferent renal nerve activity, decreases in contralateral efferent renal nerve activity, and increases in contralateral urine flow rate and urinary sodium excretion. Mean arterial pressure is unchanged. To study possible functional central interaction among the afferent renal nerves and the aortic and carotid sinus nerves, the responses to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation were compared in sinoaortic denervated rats and sham-denervated rats before and after vagotomy. In contrast to sham-denervated rats, there was an increase in mean arterial pressure in response to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation in sinoaortic-denervated rats. However, there were no differences in the renorenal reflex responses among the groups. Thus, our data failed to support a functional central interaction among the renal, carotid sinus, and aortic afferent nerves in the renorenal reflex response to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. Studies to examine peripheral interaction between efferent and afferent renal nerves showed that marked reduction in efferent renal nerve activity produced by spinal cord section at T6, ganglionic blockade, volume expansion, or stretch of the junction of superior vena cava and right atrium abolished the responses in afferent renal nerve activity and contralateral renal function to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. Conversely, increases in efferent renal nerve activity caused by thermal cutaneous stimulation increased basal afferent renal nerve activity and its responses to renal mechanoreceptor stimulation. These data suggest a facilitatory role of efferent renal nerves on renal sensory receptors.  相似文献   

A cytophotometric study of sections stained with gallocyanin and chrome alum showed that monaural stimulation for 2 h and binaural stimulation for 1.5 h with rhythmic noise signals led to a marked increase in the cytoplasmic RNA content per cell in the principal and large multipolar neurons of the dorsal and ventral parts of the ventrolateral region of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus. The increase in cytoplasmic RNA content in the principal cells of the ipsiand contralateral parts of this nucleus relative to the stimulated ear in the case of monaural stimulation and the increase in RNA content in response to binaural stimulation suggests a uniform distribution of bilaterally converging connections from the lower nuclei of the auditory system on the principal cells. The increase in cytoplasmic RNA in the large multipolar cells of the contralateral central nucleus in response to monaural stimulation is evidence of the predominantly contralateral projection to these cells. The results are evidence of convergence of binaural influences on the principal and large multipolar cells of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 598–605, November–December, 1978.  相似文献   

Responses of neurons in association area 5 during defensive conditioning to acoustic stimulation were studied in chronic experiments on cats. As a rule the neurons responded by excitation to presentation of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. During the conditioned reflex unit responses usually appeared in the first 50 msec after the beginning of acoustic stimulation, i.e., they were connected with the action of the conditioned stimulus and not with manifestations of conditioned-reflex motion. The most significant changes in responses of cortical association units were observed in the initial period of conditioning. During stabilization of the conditioned reflex, responses of some neurons became stabilized, whereas in other neurons the spontaneous activity and intensity of responses increased, and in a third group the response to one of the stimuli disappeared. This last result indicates a switch during conditioning from polysensory unit responses to monosensory specialized responses. Extinctive inhibition was found to consist of a gradual decrease in the level of the spike discharge and its approximation to spontaneous activity, i.e., to be passive in character.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 563–572, November–December, 1978.  相似文献   

Electromyographic recordings of contralateral m. gastrocnemius of the rat after unilateral section of Achilles' tendon (tenotomy) were studied. Motor reflex, Hoffman reflex and firing of motor units of contralateral m. gastrocnemius were recorded in control and in 10 days after tendotomy. Motor units changed their firing in the background and in reaction to sciatic nerve stimulation. The results of study showed that unilateral section of Achilles' tendon increased the excitability of single motoneurons of contralateral spinal senters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate secondary muscle spindle afferents from the triceps-plantaris (GS) and posterior biceps and semitendinosus (PBSt) muscles with respect to their fusimotor reflex control from different types of peripheral nerves and receptors. The activity of single secondary muscle spindle afferents was recorded from dissected and cut dorsal root filaments in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats. Both single spindle afferents and sets of simultaneously recorded units (2-3) were investigated. The modulation and mean rate of firing of the afferent response to sinusoidal stretching of the GS and PBSts muscle were determined. Control measurements were performed in the absence of any reflex stimulation, while test measurements were made during reflex stimulation. The reflex stimuli consisted of manually performed movements of the contralateral hind limb, muscle stretches, ligament tractions and electrical stimulations of cutaneous afferents. Altogether 21 secondary spindle afferents were investigated and 20 different reflex stimuli were employed. The general responsiveness (i.e. number of significant reflex effects/number of control-test series) was 52.4%, but a considerable variation between different stimuli was found, with the highest (89.9%) for contralateral whole limb extension and the lowest (25.0%) for stretch of the contralateral GS muscle. The size of the response to a given stimulus varied considerably between different afferents, and, in the same afferent, different reflex stimuli produced effects of varying size. Most responses were characterized by an increase in mean rate of discharge combined with a decrease in modulation, indicative of static fusimotor drive (Cussons et al., 1977). Since the secondary muscle spindle afferents are part of a positive feedback loop, projecting back to both static and dynamic fusimotor neurones (Appelberg Et al., 1892 a, 1983 b; Appelberg et al., 1986), it is suggested that the activity in the loop may work like an amplified which, during some circumstances, enhance the effect of other reflex inputs to the system (Johansson et al., 1991 b).  相似文献   

Neural output from the locomotor system for each arm and leg influences the spinal motoneuronal pools directly and indirectly through interneuronal (IN) reflex networks. While well documented in other species, less is known about the functions and features of convergence in common IN reflex system from cutaneous afferents innervating different foot regions during remote arm and leg movement in humans. The purpose of the present study was to use spatial facilitation to examine possible convergence in common reflex pathways during rhythmic locomotor limb movements. Cutaneous reflexes were evoked in ipsilateral tibialis anterior muscle by stimulating (in random order) the sural nerve (SUR), the distal tibial nerve (TIB), and combined simultaneous stimulation of both nerves (TIB&SUR). Reflexes were evoked while participants performed rhythmic stepping and arm swinging movement with both arms and the leg contralateral to stimulation (ARM&LEG), with just arm movement (ARM) and with just contralateral leg movement (LEG). Stimulation intensities were just below threshold for evoking early latency (<80 ms to peak) reflexes. For each stimulus condition, rectified EMG signals were averaged while participants held static contractions in the stationary (stimulated) leg. During ARM&LEG movement, amplitudes of cutaneous reflexes evoked by combined TIB&SUR stimulation were significantly larger than simple mathematical summation of the amplitudes evoked by SUR or TIB alone. Interestingly, this extra facilitation seen during combined nerve stimulation was significantly reduced when performing ARM or LEG compared to ARM&LEG. We conclude that locomotor rhythmic limb movement induces excitation of common IN reflex pathways from cutaneous afferents innervating different foot regions. Importantly, activity in this pathway is most facilitated during ARM&LEG movement. These results suggest that transmission in IN reflex pathways is weighted according to the number of limbs directly engaged in human locomotor activity and underscores the importance of arm swing to support neuronal excitability in leg muscles.  相似文献   

The ability of the gamma system to modify the dynamics of the muscle reflex control system is investigated. The dynamics of the triceps surae muscle in decerebrate cat preparations with intact reflex loops were modulated by contralateral tibial and peroneal nerve stimulation. The parameters of the mathematical models representing the muscle reflex system were estimated by the least squares method. The behaviour of the mathematical models of the system, under various degrees of gamma system stimulation, was then studied in response to disturbance inputs. It is shown that the gamma motor system is an efficient agent for carrying out modifications in the dynamics of the muscle reflex system. The possible functional significance of this phenomenon within the framework of operation of the muscular control system is discussed with reference to optimal adaptive system concepts.  相似文献   

American Bullfrogs, Rana catesbiana, immobilized with suxamethonium chloride (20 mg/kg b. w., i. p.), were used. By stimulating the glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve, reflex activities, composed of early (10-20 ms in latency) and late (greater than 20 ms) components, were evoked in both protoractor branch (P. br.) and retractor branch (R. br.) of the ipsilateral hypoglossal (XII) nerve. Contralateral IXth nerve stimulation increased the reflex activities of both components in the P. br. elicited ipsilaterally by the homonymous nerve. Whereas, it increased the reflex activities of the early component in the R. br. but, decreased that of the late component. On the other hand, stimulation of P. br. in the contralateral XIIth nerve increased the activities of both components in the P. br. and those of the late component in the R. br., but did not affect the activities of the early component in the R. br. The time course of these effects was similar to that by contralateral IXth nerve stimulation. The present findings strongly suggest the existence of afferent fibers in the XIIth nerve.  相似文献   

HX Mei  L Cheng  J Tang  ZY Fu  X Wang  PH Jen  QC Chen 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41311
In the ascending auditory pathway, the inferior colliculus (IC) receives and integrates excitatory and inhibitory inputs from many lower auditory nuclei, intrinsic projections within the IC, contralateral IC through the commissure of the IC and from the auditory cortex. All these connections make the IC a major center for subcortical temporal and spectral integration of auditory information. In this study, we examine bilateral collicular interaction in modulating amplitude-domain signal processing using electrophysiological recording, acoustic and focal electrical stimulation. Focal electrical stimulation of one (ipsilateral) IC produces widespread inhibition (61.6%) and focused facilitation (9.1%) of responses of neurons in the other (contralateral) IC, while 29.3% of the neurons were not affected. Bilateral collicular interaction produces a decrease in the response magnitude and an increase in the response latency of inhibited IC neurons but produces opposite effects on the response of facilitated IC neurons. These two groups of neurons are not separately located and are tonotopically organized within the IC. The modulation effect is most effective at low sound level and is dependent upon the interval between the acoustic and electric stimuli. The focal electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral IC compresses or expands the rate-level functions of contralateral IC neurons. The focal electrical stimulation also produces a shift in the minimum threshold and dynamic range of contralateral IC neurons for as long as 150 minutes. The degree of bilateral collicular interaction is dependent upon the difference in the best frequency between the electrically stimulated IC neurons and modulated IC neurons. These data suggest that bilateral collicular interaction mainly changes the ratio between excitation and inhibition during signal processing so as to sharpen the amplitude sensitivity of IC neurons. Bilateral interaction may be also involved in acoustic-experience-dependent plasticity in the IC. Three possible neural pathways underlying the bilateral collicular interaction are discussed.  相似文献   

A stretch of the walls of the thoracic aorta, performed in vagotomized cats without obstructing aortic flow, induces increases in heart rate, myocardial contractility, and arterial pressure. These reflex responses are still present after high spinal section. Cats under chloralose-urethane anesthesia were vagotomized and one carotid sinus was isolated and perfused with arterial blood at constant flow. The contralateral carotid sinus nerve and both aortic nerves were sectioned. A stretch of the walls of the thoracic aorta between the 7th and 10th intercostal arteries induced a reflex increase in mean arterial pressure 29 +/- 2 mmHg (mean +/- SE). Stepwise increases of carotid sinus pressure (CSP) or electrical stimulation of the carotid sinus nerve induced stepwise decreases of this reflex response. At maximal baroreceptor stimulation (CSP 212 +/- 9 mmHg) the reflex response to aortic stretch was reduced by 42%. These experiments show that this spinal cardiovascular reflex is at least partially under the inhibitory control of the baroreceptor input.  相似文献   

A conditioned food-procuring reaction previously elaborated to an acoustic stimulus was reproduced in chronic experiments on six cats by means of direct electrical stimulation of the posterior parts of the lateral hypothalamus. Folloiwng extensive bilateral electrolytic ablation of the caudate nucleus, conditioned food-procuring reaction to the stimulation of the hypothalamus could not be reproduced for 40 to 70 days. The conditioned foor-procuring reflex to the acoustic stimulus disappeared for 14 to 30 days to be subsequently spontaneously restored. After caudatotomy, a diminution of the average amplitude of background oscillations and of evoked potentials to acoustic stimuli was recorced in the examined zones of the lateral hypothalamus. The part played by the caudate nucleus in the processes of alimentary behaviour activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Spike responses of area 4 neurons in the projection area of the contralateral forelimb to acoustic stimulation (1 sec), which became the conditioned stimulus after training, and to dropping of the platform beneath the test limb, which served as reinforcing stimulus, were studied in trained and untrained cats. Responses only of those neurons which were activated during a passive movement caused by dropping of the platform were studied. In trained animals the number of these neurons which responded to the conditioned stimulus if a reflex occurred was 100%, and in the absence of conditioned-reflex movements to the conditioned stimulus it was 70%, much greater than the number of neurons responding to the same acoustic stimulus in untrained animals (45%). On peristimulus histograms of responses of the test neuron population in untrained and trained animals to acoustic stimulation (in the absence of movements) only the initial spike response with a latent period of under 50 msec and a duration of up to 100 msec could be clearly distinguished. In the presence of reflex movement multicomponent spike responses were observed: an initial spike response and early and late after-responses linked with performance of conditioned-reflex limb flexion. Early after-responses 100–200 msec in duration, appearing after a latent period of 100–150 msec, were linked to the time of application of the conditioned stimulus, whereas the appearance and duration of late after-responses were determined by the time of onset of conditioned-reflex movement. The magnitude of the neuronal response to reinforcement in trained animals does not depend on the appearance of the conditioned movement.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 93–102, January–February, 1985.  相似文献   

Neuronal response in the cat association cortex (area 5) to conditioned and non-conditioned acoustic stimulation was investigated. Numbers of neurons responding to a conditioned acoustic stimulus according to the traditional reflex pattern were twice as high. Numbers of inhibitory neuronal responses to the stimulus increased when instrumental reflex occurred. Neurons were found which only reacted to a conditioned acoustic stimulus in the absence of conditioned reflex movement occurring with instrumental food reflex. Although findings do not exclude the possibility of this cortical area contributing to the analysis of sensory signals and evaluation of their biological significance, it might be supposed that its main functional property lies in its involvement in the process of initiating behavioral response to a conditioned response.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 637–645, September–October, 1988.  相似文献   

The formation of a defensive conditioned reflex to sound has been studied in rabbits raised from birth up to 30 days of life in dark. It was shown that, as compared with control animals of the same age, elaboration of reflex to sound takes place in them in shorter times periods and with less pairings. This corresponds to changes in electrographic manifestations of conditioning: increased amplitude and reduced peak latency of evoked potentials to acoustic stimuli in the auditory and sensorimotor cortical zones. The data obtained testify to enahcned functional activity of the auditory cortex, apparently due to a compensatory enhancement of impulse activity coming from the intact receptors of the auditory apparatus. It has been assumed that the observed functional changes appearing in the cortical end of the signal analyser (auditory zone); in response to sound, following visual deprivation, are a consequence of an early nature training of synaptic structures with regard to perceptionof impulses of acoustic modality.  相似文献   

Traditional defensive and operant food reflexes were used to investigate neuronal responses of the mesencephalic reticular formation. It was found that these neurons may be divided into different groups according to function, depending on how they respond to positive conditioning stimuli. Of the two main groups of neurons with sustained tonic reactions one is activated in response to positive acoustic conditioning stimulation; it no longer reacts to the same stimulus after extinction of the reflex, while the other only becomes involved in response to positive stimulation accompanying the initiation of movement. Neurons belonging to the second group begin to respond directly to acoustic stimulation after extinction of the conditioned reflex. Neurons of the mesencephalic reticular formation can thus exercise additional tonic ascending effects both in the production and inner inhibition of the conditioned reflex. The group of neurons with a phasic reaction, i.e., a double response (a direct response to sound and another produced by movement) displayed a drop in spontaneous activity during the shaping of inhibition of differentiation and of extinction in particular. It was found that the initial changes in the spike response of reticular formation neurons during conditioning and pseudo-conditioning are similar. There are thus grounds for stating that neurons of the mesencephalic reticular formation participate in the shaping, production, and inner inhibition of traditional and operant conditioned reflexes in a differentiated capacity rather than as a population reacting identically.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 161–171, March–April, 1986.  相似文献   

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