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Chlorosome antenna complexes from green photosynthetic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chlorosomes are the distinguishing light-harvesting antenna complexes that are found in green photosynthetic bacteria. They contain bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c, d, e in natural organisms, and recently through mutation, BChl f, as their principal light-harvesting pigments. In chlorosomes, these pigments self-assemble into large supramolecular structures that are enclosed inside a lipid monolayer to form an ellipsoid. The pigment assembly is dictated mostly by pigment–pigment interactions as opposed to protein–pigment interactions. On the bottom face of the chlorosome, the CsmA protein aggregates into a paracrystalline baseplate with BChl a, and serves as the interface to the next energy acceptor in the system. The exceptional light-harvesting ability at very low light conditions of chlorosomes has made them an attractive subject of study for both basic and applied science. This review, incorporating recent advancements, considers several important aspects of chlorosomes: pigment biosynthesis, organization of pigments and proteins, spectroscopic properties, and applications to bio-hybrid and bio-inspired devices.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectra of single chlorosomes isolated from a green filamentous bacterium (Chloroflexus (Cfl.) aurantiacus) and a green sulfur bacterium (Chlorobium (Cb.) tepidum) were measured by using a confocal laser microscope at 13 K. Chlorosomes were frozen either in a liquid solution (floating chlorosome) or on a quartz plate after being adsorbed (adsorbed chlorosome). Fluorescence peak wavelengths were shorter for the adsorbed single chlorosomes than for the floating ones. Single floating Cfl. chlorosomes showed a distribution of fluorescence peak positions having a center at 759.0 nm with a full width at half maximum of 6.3 nm. Single floating Cb. chlorosomes showed a 782.7 nm center with a full width at half-maximum of 3.4 nm. The distribution shifted to the blue and became wider with increasing temperature, especially in Cb. chlorosomes, suggesting a large excitonic density of states just above the lowest level. Energy transfer from BChl-c aggregates to BChl-a molecules in the baseplate proteins was observed in the floating chlorosomes but not in the adsorbed ones. A positive correlation was found between the peak wavelength of BChl-c fluorescence and the intensity of BChl-a fluorescence in single Cfl. chlorosomes. The results suggest that the BChl-c aggregates with longer wavelengths of the fluorescence peaks have a more efficient F?rster-type energy transfer to the baseplate BChl-a.  相似文献   

The effects of electric fields on the absorption spectra of the carotenoids spheroidene and spheroidenone in photosynthetic antenna and reaction center complexes (wild-type and several mutants) from purple non-sulfur bacteria are compared with those for the isolated pigments in organic glasses. In general, the field effects are substantially larger for the carotenoid in the protein complexes than for the extracted pigments and larger for spheroidenone than spheroidene. Furthermore, the electrochromic effects for carotenoids in all complexes are much larger than those for the Qx transitions of the bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin pigments which absorb in the 450-700 nm spectral region. The underlying mechanism responsible for the Stark effect spectra in the complexes is found to be dominated by a change in permanent dipole moment of the carotenoid upon excitation. The magnitude of this dipole moment change is found to be considerably larger in the B800-850 complex compared to the reaction center for spheroidene; it is approximately equivalent in the two complexes for spheroidenone. These results are discussed in terms of the effects of differences in the carotenoid functional groups, isomers and perturbations on the electronic structure from interactions with the organized environment in the proteins. these data provide a quantitative basis for the analysis of carotenoid bandshifts which are used to measure transmembrane potential, and they highlight some of the pitfalls in making such measurements on complex membranes containing multiple populations of carotenoids. The results for spheroidenone should be useful for studies of mutant proteins, since mutant strains are often grown semi-aerobically to minimize reversion.  相似文献   

Several models have been proposed for the arrangements of the bacteriochlorophylls in the antenna complexes of purple photosynthetic bacteria, but none of the models has accounted fully for the spectroscopic properties of the bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes. We suggest a model involving strong exciton interactions within a bacteriochlorophyll dimer, and weaker interactions of each dimer with other, relatively distant dimers. The model is shown to account for the spectroscopic properties of the complexes, and to be consistent with other available information.Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

How carotenoids function in photosynthetic bacteria   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Carotenoids are essential for the survival of photosynthetic organisms. They function as light-harvesting molecules and provide photoprotection. In this review, the molecular features which determine the efficiencies of the various photophysical and photochemical processes of carotenoids are discussed. The behavior of carotenoids in photosynthetic bacterial reaction centers and light-harvesting complexes is correlated with data from experiments carried out on carotenoids and model systems in vitro. The status of the carotenoid structural determinations in vivo is reviewed.  相似文献   

Time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance was used to study the properties of carotenoid triplet states populated in LH2 light-harvesting complexes of phototrophic bacteria Allochromatium minutissimum, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, and in carotenoid films free of bacteriochlorophyll. The study was performed on purified LH2 preparations not contaminated by reaction centers, and under selective pigment excitation. The obtained results enable a conclusion that the carotenoid triplet states, both in LH2 complexes and films, are populated in the process of homofission of singlet excitation into two triplets, which involves only carotenoid molecules. It is observed that the fission process in magnetic field leads to predominant population of the T0 spin sublevel of the triplet. One molecular spin sublevel of the triplet is demonstrated to possess an increased probability of intersystem crossing to the ground state, independent of the carotenoid configuration. Pigment composition of the LH2 protein heterodimers is discussed, and a conclusion of the possible presence of two interacting carotenoid molecules is made.  相似文献   

David B. Knaff  Bob B. Buchanan 《BBA》1975,376(3):549-560
Chromatophores isolated from the purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium and the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium exhibit absorbance changes in the cytochrome -band region consistent with the presence of a b-type cytochrome. Cytochrome content determined by reduced minus oxidized difference spectra and by heme analysis suggests that each bacterium contains one cytochrome b per molecule of photochemically active bacteriochlorophyll (reaction-center bacteriochlorophyll).

The b-type cytochrome in Chromatium has an -band maximum at 560 nm and a midpoint oxidation-reduction potential of −5 mV at pH 8.0. The b-type cytochrome in Chlorobium has an -band maximum at 564 nm and an apparent midpoint oxidation-reduction potential near −90 mV.

Chromatophores isolated from both Chromatium and Chlorobium cells catalyze a photoreduction of cytochrome b that is enhanced in the presence of antimycin A. Antimycin A and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide inhibit endogenous (but not phenazine methosulfate-mediated) cyclic photophosphorylation in Chromatium chromatophores and non-cyclic electron flow from Na2S to NADP in Chlorobium chromatophores. These observations suggest that b-type cytochromes may function in electron transport reactions in photosynthetic sulfur bacteria.  相似文献   

Chromatophores from photosynthetic bacteria were excited with flashes lasting approx. 15 ns. Transient optical absorbance changes not associated with the photochemical electron-transfer reactions were interpreted as reflecting the conversion of bacteriochlorophyll or carotenoids into triplet states. Triplet states of various carotenoids were detected in five strains of bacteria; triplet states of bacteriochlorophyll, in two strains that lack carotenoids. Triplet states of antenna pigments could be distinguished from those of pigments specifically associated with the photochemical reaction centers. Antenna pigments were converted into their triplet states if the photochemical apparatus was oversaturated with light, if the primary photochemical reaction was blocked by prior chemical oxidation of P-870 or reduction of the primary electron acceptor, or if the bacteria were genetically devoid of reaction centers. Only the reduction of the electron acceptor appeared to lead to the formation of triplet states in the reaction centers.In the antenna bacteriochlorophyll, triplet states probably arise from excited singlet states by intersystem crossing. The antenna carotenoid triplets probably are formed by energy transfer from triplet antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy transfer process has a half time of approx. 20 ns, and is about 1 × 103 times more rapid than the reaction of the bacteriochlorophyll triplet states with O2. This is consistent with a role of carotenoids in preventing the formation of singlet O2 in vivo. In the absence of carotenoids and O2, the decay half times of the triplet states are 70 μs for the antenna bacteriochlorophyll and 6–10 μs for the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll. The carotenoid triplets decay with half times of 2–8 μs.With weak flashes, the quantum yields of the antenna triplet states are in the order of 0.02. The quantum yields decline severely after approximately one triplet state is formed per photosynthetic unit, so that even extremely strong flashes convert only a very small fraction of the antenna pigments into triplet states. The yield of fluorescence from the antenna bacteriochlorophyll declines similarly. These observations can be explained by the proposal that singlet-triplet fusion causes rapid quenching of excited singlet states in the antenna bacteriochlorophyll.  相似文献   

The molecular configuration of the xanthophyll cycle carotenoids, violaxanthin and zeaxanthin, was studied in various isolated photosystem II antenna components in comparison to intact photosystem II membranes using resonance Raman combined with low-temperature absorption spectroscopy. The molecular configurations of zeaxanthin and violaxanthin in thylakoids and isolated photosystem II membranes were found to be the same within an isolated oligomeric LHCII antenna, confirming our recent conclusion that these molecules are not freely located in photosynthetic membranes (Ruban, A. V., Pascal, A. A., Robert, B., and Horton, P. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 24862-24870). In contrast, xanthophyll cycle carotenoids bound to LHCII trimers had largely lost their in vivo configuration, suggesting their partial dissociation from the binding locus. Violaxanthin and zeaxanthin associated with the minor antenna complexes, CP26 and CP29, were also found to be in a relaxed configuration, similar to that of free pigment. The origin of the characteristic C-H vibrational bands of violaxanthin and zeaxanthin in vivo is discussed by comparison with those of neoxanthin and lutein in oligomeric and trimeric LHCII respectively.  相似文献   

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) have been employed in studying the structural information of various biological systems, particularly in systems without high-resolution structural information available. In this report, we briefly present some principles and biological applications of neutron scattering and DLS, compare the differences in information that can be obtained with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and then report recent studies of SANS and DLS, together with other biophysical approaches, for light-harvesting antenna complexes and reaction centers of purple and green phototrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

We have measured the singlet-singlet quenching of the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) fluorescence yield as a function of excitation intensity in a number of antenna complexes isolated from photosynthetic bacteria. Our results show that the lithium dodecyl sulfate (LDS)-B875, LDS-B800 – 850 and lauryldimethylamine N-oxide complexes of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides contain 8, greater than 25 and greater than 600 BChl a molecules, respectively. The size of the Rhodopspirillum rubrum B880 complex is greater than 70 BChl a and that of the water-soluble BChl a complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii about 20–25 BChl a. These results are discussed in relation to current models of the arrangement of antenna complexes within the photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

A pigment mutant strain of the purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina BBS was isolated by plasposon mutagenesis. Nineteen open reading frame, most of which are thought to be genes involved in the biosynthesis of carotenoids, bacteriochlorophyll, and the photosynthetic reaction center, were identified surrounding the plasposon in a 22-kb-long chromosomal locus. The general arrangement of the photosynthetic genes was similar to that in other purple photosynthetic bacteria; however, the locations of a few genes occurring in this region were unusual. Most of the gene products showed the highest similarity to the corresponding proteins in Rubrivivax gelatinosus. The plasposon was inserted into the crtD gene, likely inactivating crtC as well, and the carotenoid composition of the mutant strain corresponded to the aborted spirilloxanthin pathway. Homologous and heterologous complementation experiments indicated a conserved function of CrtC and CrtD in the purple photosynthetic bacteria. The crtDC and crtE genes were shown to be regulated by oxygen, and a role of CrtJ in aerobic repression was suggested.  相似文献   

Pigment-protein complexes of purple photosynthetic bacteria: an overview   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A minireview of antenna and reaction center pigment-protein complexes of purple bacteria is presented. Advances in our knowledge of their structure and composition during the past 3 yr are emphasized and some new thoughts are introduced.  相似文献   

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