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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope (δ18O and δ13C) analyses of otoliths are becoming increasingly common in fisheries science and management. However, little is known about the statistical properties of isotopic data and few attempts have been made to explore appropriate statistical methods that could be used for otolith data analysis. In this paper, we present a pilot study on δ18O and δ13C data from otoliths of two anadromous fish species, Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). The results indicated that the salmon otolith data were not normally distributed, so that linear discriminant function analysis and commonly-used statistical tests such as ANOVA and the t-test may not be appropriate. Using non-parametric k-sample nearest neighbor discriminant analysis, we were able to discriminate with high accuracy among five hatcheries for Atlantic salmon and the origins of wild and hatchery sockeye salmon. Analyses also indicated that the sample sizes required to estimate δ18O and δ13C means based on the different sources of variability (between group or within group) and precision levels (≤ ±5.0 %) were not large. These results and conclusions not only address the statistical considerations of isotopic data from otoliths, but also have practical importance for fisheries management as well.  相似文献   

Plasticity of diel and circadian activity rhythms in fishes   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
In many fish species, some individuals arediurnal while others are nocturnal. Sometimes,the same individual can be diurnal at first andthen switch to nocturnalism, or vice-versa.This review examines the factors that areassociated with such plasticity. It covers thebreakdown of activity rhythms during migration,spawning, and the parental phase; reversals ofactivity patterns during ontogeny or from oneseason to the next; effects of light intensity,temperature, predation risk, shoal size, foodavailability, and intraspecific competition.Case studies featuring goldfish (Carassiusauratus), golden shiner (Notemigonuscrysoleucas), lake chub (Couesiusplumbeus), salmonids, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and parentalsticklebacks and cichlids illustrate some ofthese influences. It is argued that mostspecies have a circadian system but that havingsuch a system does not necessarily imply strictdiurnalism or nocturnalism. Rigidity ofactivity phase seems more common in species,mostly marine, that display behavioral sleep,and for these animals the circadian clock canhelp maintain the integrity of the sleepperiod and ensure that its occurrence takes place atthat time of day to which the animal's sensoryequipment is not as well adapted. However, inother fishes, mostly from freshwater habitats,the circadian clock seems to be used mainly foranticipation of daily events such as thearrival of day, night, or food, and possiblyfor other abilities such as time-place learningand sun compass orientation, rather than forstrict control of activity phase. In thesespecies, various considerations relating toforaging success and predation risk maydetermine whether the animal is diurnal ornocturnal at any particular time and place.  相似文献   

Meristic identification, mitochondrial DNA and a suite of microsatellite markers were employed to estimate the incidence of hybridization in wild populations of anadromous Allis shad Alosa alosa and twaite shad Alosa fallax in southern Irish riverine and estuarine waters. It was shown that 16% of the fishes examined were misclassified using meristic count of gill rakers. Next, a significant proportion of fishes that were robustly assigned to a species using nuclear markers were shown to possess the mtDNA of the other. The genomes of A. alosa and A. fallax in Ireland are extensively introgressed, which suggests a complex history of hybridization between these species, which can only partially be explained by recent man-made habitat changes.  相似文献   

The representation of contextual information peripheral to a salient stimulus is central to an animal's ability to correctly interpret and flexibly respond to that stimulus. While the computations and circuits underlying the context-dependent modulation of stimulus-response pairings have typically been studied in vertebrates, the genetic tractability, numeric simplification, and well-characterized connectivity patterns of the Drosophila melanogaster brain have facilitated circuit-level insights into contextual processing. Recent studies in flies reveal the neuronal mechanisms that create flexible context-dependent behavioral responses to sensory events in conditions of predation threat, feeding regulation, and social interaction.  相似文献   

Context-dependent behavior and the benefits of communal nesting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a model for the behavior of communally nesting insects. Females may forage for food to provision offspring or may remain in the nest, with the option of eating and replacing nest mates' eggs. Orphaned brood are at risk of predation. The optimal behavior of solitary females is determined using stochastic dynamic programming; static and dynamic evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) are then calculated for colonies of various sizes. A solitary female should forage if her brood is smaller than a time-dependent threshold. Females in small colonies should forage. In colonies above some threshold size, the static ESS is for one female to forage and the rest to cheat. The dynamic ESS in large colonies is for no females to forage until some time close to the end of the foraging season and for all females to forage thereafter. Mixed dynamic ESSs, with some foragers and some cheats, may arise if individuals differ in their chances of surviving a foraging interval or if females with new offspring vary their guarding behavior, depending on the numbers of cheats and new cells in the nest. We discuss these predictions in the light of published observations and preliminary data on the halictine bee Lasioglossum (Chilalictus) hemichalceum.  相似文献   

From a total of 524 microsatellite loci considered in nearly 40 000 individuals of 78 species, freshwater fish displayed levels of population genetic variation (mean heterozygosity, h=0·46, and mean numbers of alleles per locus, a=7·5) roughly similar to those of non-piscine animals (h=0·58 and a=7·1). In contrast, local population samples of marine fish displayed on average significantly higher heterozygosities (h=0·79) and nearly three times the number of alleles per locus (a=20·6). Anadromous fish were intermediate to marine and freshwater fish (h=0·68 and a=11·3). Results parallel earlier comparative summaries of allozyme variation in marine, anadromous, and freshwater fishes and probably are attributable in part to differences in evolutionarily effective population sizes typifying species inhabiting these realms.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic data were analysed from 49 species of freshwater fish, 57 species of marine fish, and seven anadromous species. For each species, at least 15 individuals had been assayed for at least 15 loci in two or more subpopulations. The results showed that while average total heterozygosity ( T ) was approximately equal in freshwater and marine species (0·062 and 0·064 respectively), subpopulation heterozygosity ( s ) was significantly less in the former group (0·046 and 0·059 respectively). Consequently the average degree of genetic subpopulation differentiation ( ST ) was significantly greater for freshwater species (0·222 v. 0·062). On average, it is likely that marine subpopulations exchange between 10 and 100 times more migrants per generation than freshwater subpopulations, presumably because of the relative absence of barriers to dispersal in the marine environment. The reduced values of Hs in freshwater species are likely to reflect reduced effective subpopulation sizes relative to marine species. The few andromous species that have been analysed show intermediate levels of GST .  相似文献   

Freshwater habitat alteration and marine fisheries can affect anadromous fish species, and populations fluctuating in size elicit conservation concern and coordinated management. We describe the development and characterization of two sets of 96 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assays for two species of anadromous alosine fishes, alewife and blueback herring (collectively known as river herring), that are native to the Atlantic coast of North America. We used data from high‐throughput DNA sequencing to discover SNPs and then developed molecular genetic assays for genotyping sets of 96 individual loci in each species. The two sets of assays were validated with multiple populations that encompass both the geographic range and the known regional genetic stocks of both species. The SNP panels developed herein accurately resolved the genetic stock structure for alewife and blueback herring that was previously identified using microsatellites and assigned individuals to regional stock of origin with high accuracy. These genetic markers, which generate data that are easily shared and combined, will greatly facilitate ongoing conservation and management of river herring including genetic assignment of marine caught individuals to stock of origin.  相似文献   

Anadromous fishes are believed to make regular circuits of migration in the sea before homing to their natal rivers. Sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus is an anadromous fish that is an exception to this life-history pattern. It also differs from other anadromous fishes in that its adult phase is parasitic, a feeding strategy that should make homing problematic for lamprey cohorts that become widely dispersed through transport by the diverse hosts they parasitize. We sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region from sea lampreys collected from 11 North American east coast rivers to test for genetic evidence of homing. There were no significant differences (chi2=235.1, p=0.401) in haplotype frequencies among them, with almost 99 per cent of haplotypic diversity occurring within populations. These findings, together with concordant genetic results from other geographical regions and ancillary information on pheromonal communication, suggest that sea lamprey does not home but rather exhibits regional panmixia while using a novel 'suitable river' strategy to complete its life cycle.  相似文献   

Changes in the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) in biofilm, macro‐invertebrates and resident salmonids were used to characterize temporal dynamics of marine derived nutrients (MDNs) incorporation between stream reaches with and without MDN inputs. Five Atlantic rivers were chosen to represent contrasting MDN subsidies: four rivers with considerable numbers of anadromous fishes; one river with little MDN input. Rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax, alewife Alosa pseudoharengus, sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, were the primary anadromous species for the sampled rivers. Regardless of the spatial resolution or the pathway of incorporation, annual nutrient pulses from spawning anadromous fishes had a positive effect on isotopic enrichment at all trophic levels (biofilm, 1·2–5·4‰; macro‐invertebrates, 0·0–6·8‰; fish, 1·2–2·6‰). Community‐wide niche space shifted toward the marine‐nutrient source, but the total ecological niche space did not always increase with MDN inputs. The time‐integrated marine‐nutrient resource contribution to the diet of S. salar parr and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis ranged between 16·3 and 36·0% during anadromous fish‐spawning periods. The high degree of spatio‐temporal heterogeneity in marine‐nutrient subsidies from anadromous fishes lead to both direct and indirect pathways of MDN incorporation into stream food webs. This suggests that organisms at many trophic levels derive a substantial proportion of their energy from marine resources when present. The current trend of declining anadromous fish populations means fewer nutrient‐rich marine subsidies being delivered to rivers, diminishing the ability to sustain elevated riverine productivity.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the tendency of fish to shoal decreases as night falls. Much is known about shoaling in the daytime, however, little is known about the social behaviour of fish at night. Although the nocturnal disintegration of shoal structure is the conventional expectation for most diurnal marine fish, it has not yet been investigated for diurnal freshwater fish. This possibility has been investigated using guppies ( Poecilia reticulata ), collected from the wild, as an experimental model.
Three preference tanks were used, one of which permitted only visual cues, another only olfactory cues and the other both visual and olfactory cues. Shoaling tendency was observed at four different light intensities (8 wt/m, 0·05 wt/m, 0·025 wt/m, 0·003 wt/m). These light intensities were chosen to mimic daylight, dawn/dusk, clear night and cloudy night conditions, respectively. Trials were carried out on randomly selected male guppies. Results indicated that with both modalities present fish significantly preferred the stimulus shoal at all light intensities. However with only one modality to indicate the presence of the shoal, fish showed no significant shoaling tendency at any of the diminished light intensities. A test of shoal cohesion at the four different light intensities was carried out on freely interacting fish. This test condition was chosen to mimic the situation of guppies in the wild. The results to date suggest that guppies continue to shoal during dusk (at low light intensities) but not during the night. These findings make an important contribution to our understanding of the social behaviour of fish at night and deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the temporal control of behavior of honey bee queens under natural conditions. To determine if mated honey bee queens possess diel rhythmicity in behavior, we observed them in glass-sided observation hives, employing two focal studies involving continuous observations of individual queens as well as a scan-sampling study of multiple queens. In all cases, all behaviors were observed at all times of the day and night. In four of the five queens examined in focal studies, there were no consistent occurrences of diel periodicity for any of the individual behaviors. A more encompassing measure for periodicity, in which the behaviors were characterized as active (walking, inspecting, egg-laying, begging for food, feeding, and grooming self) or inactive (standing), also failed to reveal consistent diel rhythmicity. Furthermore, there were no consistent diel differences in the number of workers in the queen's retinue. Behavioral arrhythmicity persisted across seasons and despite daily changes in both light and temperature levels. Both day and night levels of behavioral activity were correlated with daytime, but not with nighttime, ambient temperatures. The behavior of the one exceptional queen was not consistent: diurnal activity patterns were present during two 24-h observation sessions but arrhythmicity during another. Based on the behavior observed by all but one of the queens examined in this work, the arrhythmic behavior by the mated honey bee queen inside the colony appears to be similar to that exhibited by worker bees before they approach the age of onset of foraging behavior.  相似文献   

The nonapeptide hormones arginine vasotocin and isotocin play important roles in mediating social behaviors in fishes. Studies in a diverse range of species demonstrate variation in vasotocin neuronal phenotypes across within and between sexes and species as well as effects of hormone administration on aggressive and sexual behaviors. However, patterns vary considerably across species and a general explanatory model for the role of vasotocin in teleost sociosexual behaviors has proven elusive. We review these findings, examine potential explanations for the lack of agreement across studies, and propose a model based on the parvocellular AVT neurons primarily mediating social approach and subordinance functions while the magnocellular and gigantocellular AVT neurons mediate courtship and aggressive behaviors. Isotocin neuronal phenotypes and effects on behavior are relatively unstudied, but research to date suggests this will be a fruitful line of inquiry. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Social Behavior.  相似文献   

Bei einer Untersuchung des Stotterns in der deutschen Umgangssprache machten wir folgende Beobachtungen:
  1. Das gestotterte Phonem wird häufig von einem identischen Phonem begleitet (definiert als das ?induzierende Phonem“) welches sowohl vor wie nach dem gestotterten Phonem auftreten kann.
  2. Gewöhnlich folgte das induzierende Phonem dem gestotterten Phonem.
  3. Der Abstand zwischen induzierendem und gestottertem Phonem war geringer als bei Zufälligkeit zu erwarten.
  4. Induzierende und gestotterte Phoneme befanden sich gewöhnlich in identischen Silbenpositionen.
  5. Gestotterte Phoneme traten in der Regel bei betonten Silben auf.
Um diese Beobachtungen zu erklären erschienen uns drei Annahmen erforderlich:
  1. Sprach-Output ist hierarchisch bestimmt. Silben und Phoneme sind Glieder in dieser Hierarchie.
  2. Unterschwellige Erregbarkeit ist in dieser Hierarchie stärker bei betonten als bei unbetonten motorischen Programmen.
  3. Ähnliche Programme (sowohl auf Silbenals auch Phonemniveau) inhibieren einander.
Diese Annahme gibt zugleich eine mögliche Erklärung für Blockierung und Längung — Phänomene, die ebenfalls in der Sprache von Stotterern auftreten. Unsere Beobachtungen bieten also eine mögliche Lösung für das Rätsel des Stotterns.  相似文献   

Animal movement is critical to the maintenance of functional connectivity at the landscape scale and can play a key role in population persistence and metapopulation dynamics. The permeability of habitat to animal movement may vary as a result of either differential mortality, physical resistance, or simply the behavioral responses of organisms to perceived habitat quality. Understanding how and when animal movement behavior varies among habitat types is critical for identifying barriers to dispersal and predicting species distributions in relation to landscape features. We conducted an experimental translocation study and compared the movement success and behavioral strategies of plethodontid salamanders in both forest and open-canopy habitat. We found that individuals in closed-canopy forest oriented more strongly towards their home ranges and moved significantly farther on their release night. In spite of the clear differences in movement paths, the ultimate movement success of homing salamanders did not appear to vary with habitat type. Our study contributes to a growing body of literature suggesting the importance of recognizing the context dependence of animal movement behavior. Because the movement rates of displaced salamanders were significantly reduced in open-canopy, dispersal rates of plethodontid salamanders in open-canopy habitat are likely lower than in control forest. Further mechanistic studies focusing on habitat-specific movement behavior and survival costs will be valuable for effectively identifying and mitigating barriers to animal movement.  相似文献   

In the carp kidney, the proximal tubule cells have no infoldings of the basilar plasmatic membrane. In the Salmonidae nephrons the numerous parallel membranes of proximal tubule cell are formed by foldings of the basilar plasmatic membrane with numerous mitochondria in between. In O. nerka and S. malma experiments with MgCl2 injection showed that their kidneys secrete magnesium in contrast to the carp kidney. The numerous invaginations of proximal tubule cells membrane are suggested to be a morphological equivalent of the Na/Mg exchange mechanism.  相似文献   

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