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Anaerobic growth of E. coli, strain K-10, depending on formate oxidation by nitrate, fumarate, and trimethylamine N-oxide was followed in a medium containing peptone. The presence of formate and peptone was indispensable for growth with fumarate and trimethylamine N-oxide reduction. While there was no growth in the absence of acceptor, growth was observed in the absence of formate by nitrate reduction though not as much as under aerobic conditions. Per mole consumed formate equimolar succinate or trimethylamine was formed, but 1.2 mole of nitrate was produced, probably depending partly on peptone oxidation. The molar growth yield on formate was found to be 6.5, 7.6, and 7.0 g cells/mole depending on the reduction of nitrate, fumarate, and trimethylamine N-oxide, respectively, suggesting the formation of one mole ATP coupled to the anaerobic electron transfers from formate.  相似文献   

The bioluminescent bacterial enzyme system NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase-luciferase has been used as a test system for ecological monitoring. One of the modes to quench bioluminescence is the interaction of xenobiotics with the enzymes, which inhibit their activity. The use of endogenous flavin fluorescence for investigation of the interactions of non-fluorescent compounds with the bacterial luciferase from Photobacterium leiognathi and NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase from Vibrio fischeri has been proposed. Fluorescence spectroscopy methods have been used to study characteristics of endogenous flavin fluorescence (fluorophore lifetime, the rotational correlation time). The fluorescence anisotropy behaviour of FMN has been analysed and compared to that of the enzyme-bound flavin. The fluorescence characteristics of endogenous flavin of luciferase and NAD(P)H:FMN-oxidoreductase have been shown to be applicable in studying enzymes' interactions with non-fluorescent compounds.  相似文献   

Direct calorimetric determinations of the rate of heat production along with simultaneous determinations of the rate of photon emission and the number of viable cells have provided insight into the growth of Beneckea harveyi and Photobacterium leiognathi. These experiments were performed with a Tronac isothermal microcalorimeter modified with a fiber optic light guide to allow in situ detection of light. Escherichia coli and a dark variant of P. leiognathi were also examined to provide points of reference. It is demonstrated that B. harveyi seems to pause in the rate of metabolic heat production at the same point in time that the enzyme luciferase begins to be synthesized. This effect is not removed if B. harveyi is grown in conditioned medium. The thermograms for all species are correlated with cell generation time. The heat production per cell indicates that uncrowded cultures produce more heat than older, more crowded cultures, supporting the original observation of Bayne-Jones and Rhees (1929). These observations reopen for examination the suggestion that living systems tend toward a state of minimum metabolism per unit mass.  相似文献   

Abstract Most representatives of the halophilic arachaeobacterial genera Halobacterium, Haloarcula and Haloferax tested were able to reduce dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dimethylsulfide (DMS) and trimethylamine N -oxide (TMAO) to trimethylamine (TMA) under (semi)anaerobic conditions. In most cases the reduction of DMSO and TMAO was accompanied by an increase in cell yield. The ability to reduce DMSO or TMAO was not correlated to reduced DMSO or TMAO was not correlated with the ability to reduce nitrate to nitrite. Anaerobic respiration with DMSO and TMAO as electron acceptor supplies the halophilic archeobacteria with an additional mode of energy generation in the absence of molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

The respiratory activities of E. coli with H2 as donor and with nitrate, fumarate, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) as acceptor were measured using the membrane fraction of quinone deficient strains. The specific activities of the membrane fraction lacking naphthoquinones with fumarate, DMSO or TMAO amounted to 2% of those measured with the membrane fraction of the wild-type strain. After incorporation of vitamin K1 [instead of menaquinone (MK)] into the membrane fraction deficient of naphthoquinones, the activities with fumarate or DMSO were 92% or 17%, respectively, of the activities which could be theoretically achieved. Incorporation of demethylmenaquinone (DMK) did not lead to a stimulation of the activities of the mutant. In contrast, the electron transport activity with TMAO was stimulated by the incorporation of either vitamin K1 or DMK. Nitrate respiration was fully active in membrane fractions lacking either naphthoquinones or Q, but was 3% of the wild-type activity, when all quinones were missing. Nitrate respiration was stimulated on the incorporation of either vitamin K1 or Q into the membrane fraction lacking quinones, while the incorporation of DMK was without effect. These results suggest that MK is specifically involved in the electron transport chains catalyzing the reduction of fumarate or DMSO, while either MK or DMK serve as mediators in TMAO reduction. Nitrate respiration requires either Q or MK.Abbreviations DMK demethylmenaquinone - MK menaquinone - Q ubiquinone - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - TMAO trimethylamine N-oxide - DMS dimethylsulfide - TMA trimethylamine - BV benzylviologen  相似文献   

The mutant strain AN70 (ubiE) of Escherichia coli which is known to lack ubiquinone (Young IG et al. 1971), was analyzed for menaquinone (MK) and demethylmenaquinone (DMK) contents. In contrast to the wild-type, strain AN70 contained only DMK, but no MK. The mutant strain was able to grow with fumarate, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), but not with nitrate as electron acceptor. The membranes catalyzed anaerobic respiration with fumarate and TMAO at 69 and 74% of wild-type rates. DMSO respiration was reduced to 38% of wild-type activities and nitrate respiration was missing (8% of wild-type), although the respective enzymes were present in wild-type rates. The results complement earlier findings which demonstrated a role for DMK only in TMAO respiration (Wissenbach et al. 1990). It is concluded, that DMK (in addition to MK) can serve as a redox mediator in fumarate, TMAO and to some extent in DMSO respiration, but not in nitrate respiration. In strain AN70 (ubiE) the lack of ubiquinone (Q) is due to a defect in a specific methylation step of Q biosynthesis. Synthesis of MK from DMK appears to depend on the same gene (ubiE).Abbreviations DMSO = dimethylsulfoxide - DMS = dimethylsulfide - TMAO = trimethylamine N-oxide - TMA = trimethylamine - BV = benzylviologen - BVred = reduced benzylyiologen - Q = ubiquinone - MK = menaquinone - DMK = demethylmenaquinone - NQ = naphthoquinone  相似文献   

AIMS: Physiological responses of marine luminous bacteria, Vibrio harveyi (ATCC 14216) and V. fischeri (UM1373) to nutrient-limited normal strength (35 ppt iso-osmolarity) and low (10 ppt hypo-osmolarity) salinity conditions were determined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Plate counts, direct viable counts, actively respiring cell counts, nucleoid-containing cell counts, and total counts were determined. Vibrio harveyi incubated at 22 degrees C in nutrient-limited artificial seawater (ASW) became nonculturable after approximately 62 and 45 d in microcosms of 35 ppt and 10 ppt ASW, respectively. In contrast, V. fischeri became nonculturable at approximately 55 and 31 d in similar microcosms. Recovery of both culturability and luminescence of cells in the viable but nonculturable state was achieved by addition of nutrient broth or nutrient broth supplemented with a carbon source, including luminescence-stimulating compounds. Temperature upshift from 22 degrees C to 30 degrees C or 37 degrees C did not result in recovery from nonculturability. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirms entry of V. harveyi and V. fischeri into the viable but nonculturable state under low-nutrient conditions and demonstrates nutrient-dependent resuscitation from this state. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study confirms loss of luminescence of V. harveyi and V. fischeri on entry into the viable but nonculturable state and suggests that enumeration of luminescent cells in water samples may be a rapid method to deduce the nutrient status of a water sample.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors that had previously been shown to replicate both in Escherichia coli and in strains of Anabaena spp. were used to transfer the lux genes from Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio fischeri into Anabaena spp. The level of expression of luciferase in the cyanobacteria (up to 7,000 quanta cell-1 s-1) makes these genes good candidates for use as promoter probes during the differentiation of certain cells in a filament into heterocysts.  相似文献   

D J O'Kane  V A Karle  J Lee 《Biochemistry》1985,24(6):1461-1467
Bright strains of the marine bioluminescent bacterium Photobacterium leiognathi produce a "lumazine protein" in amounts comparable to that previously found in Photobacterium phosphoreum. New protocols are developed for the purification to homogeneity of the proteins from both species in yields up to 60%. In dimmer strains the amounts of lumazine protein in extracts are less, and also there is an accompanying shift of the bioluminescence spectral maximum to longer wavelength, 492 nm. Both types of lumazine proteins have identical fluorescence spectra, with maxima at 475 nm, so it is suggested that, whereas lumazine protein is the major emitter in bright strains, there is a second emitter also present with a fluorescence maximum at longer wavelength. The two species of lumazine protein have the same 276 nm/visible absorbance ratio, 2.2, but differ in visible maxima: P. phosphoreum, 417 nm; P. leiognathi, 420 nm. For the latter the bound lumazine has epsilon 420 = 10 100 M-1 cm-1, practically the same as in free solution. The two lumazine proteins also differ quantitatively in their effect on the in vitro bioluminescence reaction, i.e., at blue shifting the bioluminescence spectrum or altering the kinetics. The P. phosphoreum lumazine protein is more effective with its homologous luciferase or with P. leiognathi luciferase than is the lumazine protein from P. leiognathi. These differences may have an electrostatic origin.  相似文献   

Reduction of trimethylamine N-oxide is catalyzed by at least two enzymes inEscherichia coli: trimethylamine N-oxide reductase, which is anaerobically induced by trimethylamine N-oxide, and the constitutive enzyme dimethyl sulfoxide reductase. In this study, an increase in the specific activity of trimethylamine N-oxide reduction was observed in the anaerobic culture with dimethyl sulfoxide, but the specific activity of dimethyl sulfoxide reduction was not changed. The inducible enzyme trimethylamine N-oxide reductase was found in this culture. A marked expression of the structural genetorA for trimethylamine N-oxide reductase was also observed in atorA-lacZ gene fusion strain under anaerobic conditions with either trimethylamine N-oxide or dimethyl sulfoxide.l-Methionine sulfoxide and the N-oxides of adenosine, picolines, and nicotinamide slightly repressed expression of the gene. Membrane-boundb- andc-type cytochromes involved in the trimethylamine N-oxide reduction were also produced in a wild-type strain grown anaerobically with dimethyl sulfoxide. But thec-type cytochrome was not produced in thetorA-lacZ strain grown anaerobically with trimethylamine N-oxide or dimethyl sulfoxide; this suggests that there is a correlation between the expression oftorA and the synthesis of the cytochrome.  相似文献   

D J O'Kane  J Lee 《Biochemistry》1985,24(6):1467-1475
The properties of lumazine proteins purified from the marine bioluminescent bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum, a psychrophile, and Photobacterium leiognathi, a relatively thermophilic species, are compared. An accurate 1:1 stoichiometry of binding of the ligand 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine to each lumazine protein is established by back-titration of the apoprotein with the authentic ligand, using both fluorescence and absorption measurements. Neither protein contains metal cofactors, organic phosphorus, or carbohydrate. Both proteins are anionic and hydrophilic. They each contain a single Trp residue and have blocked amino terminals but otherwise differ in amino acid composition and other properties (P. phosphoreum and P. leiognathi, respectively): Met (internal), 1, 2; Cys, 2, 1; Arg, 4, 7; pI, 4.78 and 4.83, 4.38 and 4.45; Mr, 19 750, 21 300. In the P. phosphoreum protein both Cys residues are accessible, but in the P. leiognathi protein the single Cys is "buried". Modification of this buried Cys and at least one Cys in the P. phosphoreum protein prevents binding of the ligand. The UV and visible absorption spectra of both lumazine proteins denatured in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride can be accurately modeled by using the number of equivalents of the lumazine derivative and blocked aromatic amino acid model compounds determined by chemical and spectrophotometric analyses for Trp, Tyr, and Phe.  相似文献   

The time‐resolved and steady‐state fluorescence techniques were employed to elucidate possible interactions of four aromatic compounds (anthracene, POPOP, MSB and 1,4‐naphthalendiol) with bacterial luciferase. Fluorescence spectra and fluorescence anisotropy decays of these compounds were studied in ethanol, water–ethanol solutions and in the presence of bacterial luciferase. Shifts of fluorescent spectra and differences in rotational correlation times are interpreted in terms of weak (hydrophobic) interactions of the molecules with the enzyme. These interactions suggest the feasibility of intermolecular energy transfer by an exchange resonance mechanism with a collision‐interaction radius as a way of excitation of these compounds in the reaction catalysed by bacterial luciferase. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Osmolarity was found to control the luminescence and growth of Photobacterium leiognathi strain LN-1a isolated from the light organ of the ponyfish Leiognathus nuchalis (family Leiognathidae). Low osmolarity (ca. 400 mOsm) stimulated luminescence per cell 80 to 100-fold to a level (ca. 2.0×104 quanta·s-1·cell-1) equal to that of bacteria taken directly from the light organ and increased the level of luciferase per cell 8 to 10-fold compared to high osmolarity (ca. 800 mOsm). Conversely, high osmolarity stimulated oxygen uptake and growth rate 2 to 4-fold compared to low osmolarity. Of 21 additional tested strains of P. leiognathi from light organs of 9 other ponyfish species, all responded similarly. Low osmolarity may be a host control factor that functions to stimulate the luminescence and restrict the growth of ponyfish light organ bacteria in situ.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for measuring dimethylamine (DMA), trimethylamine (TMA), and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in biological samples using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection. DMA, TMA, and TMAO were extracted from biological samples into acid after internal standards (labeled with stable isotopes) were added. p-Toluenesulfonyl chloride was used to form the tosylamide derivative of DMA. 2,2,2-Trichloroethyl chloroformate was used to form the carbamate derivative of TMA. TMAO was reduced with titanium(III) chloride to form TMA, which was then analyzed. The derivatives were chromatographed using capillary gas chromatography and were detected and quantitated using electron ionization mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Derivative yield, reproducibility, linearity, and sensitivity of the assay are described. The amounts of DMA, TMA, and TMAO in blood, urine, liver, and kidney from rats and humans, as well as in muscle from fishes, were determined. We also report the use of this method in a pilot study characterizing dimethylamine appearance and disappearance from blood in five human subjects after ingesting [13C]dimethylamine (0.5 mumol/kg body wt). The method we describe was much more reproducible than existing gas chromatographic methods and it had equivalent sensitivity (detected 1 pmol). The derivatized amines were much more stable and less likely to be lost as gases when samples were stored. Because we used GC/MS, it was possible to use stable isotopic labels in studies of methylamine metabolism in humans.  相似文献   

This research describes four X-ray structures of Vibrio harveyi chitinase A and its catalytically inactive mutant (E315M) in the presence and absence of substrates. The overall structure of chitinase A is that of a typical family-18 glycosyl hydrolase comprising three distinct domains: (i) the amino-terminal chitin-binding domain; (ii) the main catalytic (α/β)8 TIM-barrel domain; and (iii) the small (α + β) insertion domain. The catalytic cleft of chitinase A has a long, deep groove, which contains six chitooligosaccharide ring-binding subsites (−4)(−3)(−2)(−1)(+1)(+2). The binding cleft of the ligand-free E315M is partially blocked by the C-terminal (His)6-tag. Structures of E315M-chitooligosaccharide complexes display a linear conformation of pentaNAG, but a bent conformation of hexaNAG. Analysis of the final 2Fo − Fc omit map of E315M-NAG6 reveals the existence of the linear conformation of the hexaNAG at a lower occupancy with respect to the bent conformation. These crystallographic data provide evidence that the interacting sugars undergo conformational changes prior to hydrolysis by the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems are utilized by prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells to sense and respond to environmental stimuli, both to maintain homeostasis and to rapidly adapt to changing conditions. Studies have begun to emerge that utilize a large-scale mutagenesis approach to analyzing these systems in prokaryotic organisms. Due to the recent availability of its genome sequence, such a global approach is now possible for the marine bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri, which exists either in a free-living state or as a mutualistic symbiont within a host organism such as the Hawaiian squid species Euprymna scolopes. In this work, we identified 40 putative two-component response regulators encoded within the V. fischeri genome. Based on the type of effector domain present, we classified six as NarL type, 13 as OmpR type, and six as NtrC type; the remaining 15 lacked a predicted DNA-binding domain. We subsequently mutated 35 of these genes via a vector integration approach and analyzed the resulting mutants for roles in bioluminescence, motility, and competitive colonization of squid. Through these assays, we identified three novel regulators of V. fischeri luminescence and seven regulators that altered motility. Furthermore, we found 11 regulators with a previously undescribed effect on competitive colonization of the host squid. Interestingly, five of the newly characterized regulators each affected two or more of the phenotypes examined, strongly suggesting interconnectivity among systems. This work represents the first large-scale mutagenesis of a class of genes in V. fischeri using a genomic approach and emphasizes the importance of two-component signal transduction in bacterium-host interactions.  相似文献   

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