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Nuclear import and export signals on macromolecules mediate directional, receptor-driven transport through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) by a process that is suggested to involve the sequential binding of transport complexes to different nucleoporins. The directionality of transport appears to be partly determined by the nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization of components of the Ran GTPase system. We have analyzed whether the asymmetric localization of discrete nucleoporins can also contribute to transport directionality. To this end, we have used quantitative solid phase binding analysis to determine the affinity of an importin beta cargo complex for Nup358, the Nup62 complex, and Nup153, which are in the cytoplasmic, central, and nucleoplasmic regions of the NPC, respectively. These nucleoporins are proposed to provide progressively more distal binding sites for importin beta during import. Our results indicate that the importin beta transport complex binds to nucleoporins with progressively increasing affinity as the complex moves from Nup358 to the Nup62 complex and to Nup153. Antibody inhibition studies support the possibility that importin beta moves from Nup358 to Nup153 via the Nup62 complex during import. These results indicate that nucleoporins themselves, as well as the nucleocytoplasmic compartmentalization of the Ran system, are likely to play an important role in conferring directionality to nuclear protein import.  相似文献   

The vertebrate glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is cytoplasmic without hormone and localizes to the nucleus after hormone binding. GR has two nuclear localization signals (NLS): NL1 is similar in sequence to the SV40 NLS; NL2 is poorly defined, residing in the ligand-binding domain. We found that GR displayed similar hormone-regulated compartmentalization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and required the Sxm1 nuclear import receptor for NL2-mediated import. Two metazoan homologues of Sxm1, importin 7 and importin 8, bound both NL1 and NL2, whereas importin alpha selectively bound NL1. In an in vitro nuclear import assay, both importin 7 and the importin alpha-importin beta heterodimer could import a GR NL1 fragment. Under these conditions, full-length GR localized to nuclei in the presence but not absence of an unidentified component in cell extracts. Interestingly, importin 7, importin 8, and importin alpha bound GR even in the absence of hormone; thus, hormonal control of localization is exerted at a step downstream of import receptor binding.  相似文献   

The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila contains two distinct nuclei within a single cell-the mitotic micronucleus and the amitotic macronucleus. Although microtubules are required for proper division of both nuclei, macronuclear chromosomes lack centromeres and the role of microtubules in macronuclear division has not been established. Here we describe nuclear division defects in cells expressing a mutant beta-tubulin allele that confers hypersensitivity to the microtubule-stabilizing drug paclitaxel. Macronuclear division is profoundly affected by the btu1-1 (K350M) mutation, producing cells with widely variable DNA contents, including cells that lack macronuclei entirely. Protein expressed by the btu1-1 allele is dominant over wild-type protein expressed by the BTU2 locus. Normal macronuclear division is restored when the btu1-1 allele is inactivated by targeted disruption or expressed as a truncated protein. Immunofluorescence studies reveal elongated microtubular structures that surround macronuclei that fail to migrate to the cleavage furrows. In contrast, other cytoplasmic microtubule-dependent processes, such as cytokinesis, cortical patterning, and oral apparatus assembly, appear to be unaffected in the mutant. Micronuclear division is also perturbed in the K350M mutant, producing nuclei with elongated early-anaphase spindle configurations that persist well after the initiation of cytokinesis. The K350M mutation affects tubulin dynamics, as the macronuclear division defect is exacerbated by three treatments that promote microtubule polymerization: (i) elevated temperatures, (ii) sublethal concentrations of paclitaxel, and (iii) high concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) with 3-methyladenine or wortmannin also induces amacronucleate cell formation in a btu1-1-dependent manner. Conversely, the myosin light chain kinase inhibitor ML-7 has no effect on nuclear division in the btu1-1 mutant strain. These findings provide new insights into microtubule dynamics and link the evolutionarily conserved PI 3-kinase signaling pathway to nuclear migration and/or division in Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

Importin alpha plays a pivotal role in the classical nuclear protein import pathway. Importin alpha shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm, binds nuclear localization signal-bearing proteins, and functions as an adapter to access the importin beta-dependent import pathway. In contrast to what is found for importin beta, several isoforms of importin alpha, which can be grouped into three subfamilies, exist in higher eucaryotes. We describe here a novel member of the human family, importin alpha7. To analyze specific functions of the distinct importin alpha proteins, we recombinantly expressed and purified five human importin alpha's along with importin alpha from Xenopus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Binding affinity studies showed that all importin alpha proteins from humans or Xenopus bind their import receptor (importin beta) and their export receptor (CAS) with only marginal differences. Using an in vitro import assay based on permeabilized HeLa cells, we compared the import substrate specificities of the various importin alpha proteins. When the substrates were tested singly, only the import of RCC1 showed a strong preference for one family member, importin alpha3, whereas most of the other substrates were imported by all importin alpha proteins with similar efficiencies. However, strikingly different substrate preferences of the various importin alpha proteins were revealed when two substrates were offered simultaneously.  相似文献   

The "classical" nuclear protein import pathway depends on importin alpha and importin beta. Importin alpha binds nuclear localization signal (NLS)-bearing proteins and functions as an adapter to access the importin beta-dependent import pathway. In humans, only one importin beta is known to interact with importin alpha, while six alpha importins have been described. Various experimental approaches provided evidence that several substrates are transported specifically by particular alpha importins. Whether the NLS is sufficient to mediate importin alpha specificity is unclear. To address this question, we exchanged the NLSs of two well-characterized import substrates, the seven-bladed propeller protein RCC1, preferentially transported into the nucleus by importin alpha3, and the less specifically imported substrate nucleoplasmin. In vitro binding studies and nuclear import assays revealed that both NLS and protein context contribute to the specificity of importin alpha binding and transport.  相似文献   

Ma J  Cao X 《Cellular signalling》2006,18(8):1117-1126
Regulated import of STAT proteins into the nucleus through the nuclear pores is a vital event. We previously identified Arg214/215 in the coiled-coil domain and Arg414/417 in the DNA binding domain involved in the ligand-induced nuclear translocation of Stat3. In this study, we investigated the mechanism for Stat3 nuclear transport. We report here that among five ubiquitously expressed human importin alphas, importin alpha5 and alpha7, but not importin alpha1, alpha3, and alpha4, bind to Stat3 upon cytokine stimulation. Similar results were observed for Stat1, but not for Stat5a and 5b, which were unable to interact with any of the importin alphas. The C-terminus of importin alpha5 is necessary but not sufficient for Stat3 binding. Truncation mutant of Stat3 (aa1-320) that contains Arg214/215 exhibits specific binding to importin alpha5, and an exclusive nuclear localization. Point mutations of Arg214/215 in this mutant destroy importin alpha5 binding and its nuclear localization. In contrast, the truncation mutant (aa320-770) including Arg414/417 fails to interact with importin alpha5 and is localized in the cytoplasm. However, both sequence elements are necessary for the full-length Stat3's interaction with importin alpha5. These results suggest that Arg214/215 is likely the binding site for importin alpha5, whereas Arg414/417 may not be involved in the direct binding, but necessary for maintaining the proper conformation of Stat3 dimer for importin binding. A model for Stat3 nuclear translocation is proposed based on these data.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of HuR, a shuttling RNA-binding protein, is associated with reduced stability of its target mRNAs. Increased function of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme involved in responding to metabolic stress, was recently shown to reduce the cytoplasmic levels of HuR. Here, we provide evidence that importin alpha1, an adaptor protein involved in nuclear import, contributes to the nuclear import of HuR through two AMPK-modulated mechanisms. First, AMPK triggered the acetylation of importin alpha1 on Lys(22), a process dependent on the acetylase activity of p300. Second, AMPK phosphorylated importin alpha1 on Ser(105). Accordingly, expression of importin alpha1 proteins bearing K22R or S105A mutations failed to mediate the nuclear import of HuR in intact cells. Our results point to importin alpha1 as a critical downstream target of AMPK and key mediator of AMPK-triggered HuR nuclear import.  相似文献   

We report here that importin alpha accumulates reversibly in the nucleus in response to cellular stresses including UV irradiation, oxidative stress, and heat shock. The nuclear accumulation of importin alpha appears to be triggered by a collapse in the Ran gradient, resulting in the suppression of the nuclear export of importin alpha. In addition, nuclear retention and the importin beta/Ran-independent import of importin alpha also facilitate its rapid nuclear accumulation. The findings herein show that the classical nuclear import pathway is down-regulated via the removal of importin alpha from the cytoplasm in response to stress. Moreover, whereas the nuclear accumulation of heat shock cognate 70 is more sensitive to heat shock than the other stresses, importin alpha is able to accumulate in the nucleus at all the stress conditions tested. These findings suggest that the stress-induced nuclear accumulation of importin alpha can be involved in a common physiological response to various stress conditions.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP), expressed in a range of tumors, has endocrine, autocrine/paracrine, and intracrine actions, some of which relate to its ability to localize in the nucleus. Here we show for the first time that extracellularly added human PTHrP (amino acids 1-108) can be taken up specifically by receptor-expressing UMR106.01 osteogenic sarcoma cells and accumulate to quite high levels in the nucleus and nucleolus within 40 min. Quantitation of recognition by the nuclear localization sequence (NLS)-binding importin subunits indicated that in contrast to proteins containing conventional NLSs, PTHrP is recognized exclusively by importin beta and not by importin alpha. The sequence of PTHrP responsible for binding was mapped to amino acids 66-94, which includes an SV40 large tumor-antigen NLS-like sequence, although sequence determinants amino-terminal to this region were also necessary for high affinity binding (apparent dissociation constant of approximately 2 nM for importin beta). Nuclear import of PTHrP was assessed in vitro using purified components, demonstrating that importin beta, together with the GTP-binding protein Ran, was able to mediate efficient nuclear accumulation in the absence of importin alpha, whereas the addition of nuclear transport factor NTF2 reduced transport. The polypeptide ligand PTHrP thus appears to be accumulated in the nucleus/nucleolus through a novel, NLS-dependent nuclear import pathway independent of importin alpha and perhaps also of NTF2.  相似文献   

Labeled nuclear proteins were microinjected into the cytoplasm of Tetrahymena thermophila. Macronuclear H1, calf thymus H1, and the SV40 large T antigen nuclear localization signal linked to BSA accumulated specifically in macronuclei, even if cells were in micronuclear S phase or were nonreplicating. The way in which histone H4 localized to either the macronucleus or the micronucleus suggested that it accumulates in whichever nucleus is replicating. The inability of the micronucleus to accumulate Tetrahymena H1 or heterologous nuclear proteins, even at a period in the cell cycle when it is accumulating H4, suggests that it has a specialized transport system. These studies demonstrate that although the mechanism for localizing proteins to nuclei is highly conserved among eukaryotes, it can differ between two porecontaining nuclei lying in the same cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The open reading frame UL84 of human cytomegalovirus encodes a multifunctional regulatory protein which is required for viral DNA replication and binds with high affinity to the immediate-early transactivator IE2-p86. Although the exact role of pUL84 in DNA replication is unknown, the nuclear localization of this protein is a prerequisite for this function. To investigate whether the activities of pUL84 are modulated by cellular proteins we used the Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid system to screen a cDNA-library for interacting proteins. Strong interactions were found between pUL84 and four members of the importin alpha protein family. These interactions could be confirmed in vitro by pull down experiments and in vivo by coimmunoprecipitation analysis from transfected cells. Using in vitro transport assays we showed that the pUL84 nuclear import required importin alpha, importin beta, and Ran, thus following the classical importin-mediated import pathway. Deletion mutagenesis of pUL84 revealed a domain of 282 amino acids which is required for binding to the importin alpha proteins. Its function as a nuclear localization signal (NLS) was confirmed by fusion to heterologous proteins. Although containing a cluster of basic amino acids similar to classical NLSs, this cluster did not contain the NLS activity. Thus, a complex structure appears to be essential for importin alpha binding and import activity.  相似文献   

Ghildyal R  Ho A  Wagstaff KM  Dias MM  Barton CL  Jans P  Bardin P  Jans DA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(38):12887-12895
The matrix (M) protein of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) plays an important role in virus assembly through specific interactions with RSV nucleocapsids and envelope glycoproteins in the cytoplasm as well as with the host cell membrane. We have previously shown that M localizes to the nucleus of infected cells at an early stage in the RSV infection cycle, where it may be instrumental in inhibiting host cell processes. The present study uses transient expression of M as well as a truncated green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion derivative to show for the first time that M is able to localize in the nucleus in the absence of other RSV gene products, through the action of amino acids 110-183, encompassing the nucleic acid binding regions of the protein, that are sufficient to target GFP to the nucleus. Using native PAGE, ELISA-based binding assays, a novel Alphascreen assay, and an in vitro nuclear transport assay, we show that M is recognized directly by the importin beta1 nuclear import receptor, which mediates its nuclear import in concert with the guanine nucleotide-binding protein Ran. Retention of M in the nucleus through binding to nuclear components, probably mediated by the putative zinc finger domain of M, also contributes to M nuclear accumulation. This is the first report of the importin binding and nuclear import properties of a gene product from a negative sense RNA virus, with implications for the function of RSV M and possibly other viral M proteins in the nucleus of infected cells.  相似文献   

Nuclear import of many cellular and viral proteins is mediated by short nuclear localization signals (NLS) that are recognized by intracellular receptor proteins belonging to the importin/karyopherin alpha and beta families. The primary structure of NLS is not well defined, but most contain at least three basic amino acids and harbor the relative consensus sequence K(K/R)X(K/R). We have studied the nuclear import of the Borna disease virus p10 protein that lacks a canonical oligobasic NLS. It is shown that the p10 protein exhibits all characteristics of an actively transported molecule in digitonin-permeabilized cells. Import activity was found to reside in the 20 N-terminal p10 amino acids that are devoid of an NLS consensus motif. Unexpectedly, p10-dependent import was blocked by a peptide inhibitor of importin alpha-dependent nuclear translocation, and the transport activity of the p10 N-terminal domain was shown to correlate with the ability to bind to importin alpha. These findings suggest that nuclear import of the Borna disease virus p10 protein occurs through a nonconventional karyophilic signal and highlight that the cellular importin alpha NLS receptor proteins can recognize nuclear targeting signals that substantially deviate from the consensus sequence.  相似文献   

A heterodimer of importin alpha and importin beta accomplishes the nuclear import of proteins carrying classical nuclear localization signals (NLS). The interaction between the two import factors is mediated by the IBB domain of importin alpha and involves an extended recognition surface as shown by X-ray crystallography. Using a combination of biochemical and biophysical techniques we have investigated the formation of the importin beta:IBB domain complex in solution. Our data suggest that upon binding to the IBB domain, importin beta adopts a compact, proteolytically resistant conformation, while simultaneously the IBB domain folds into an alpha helix. We suggest a model to describe how these dual mutually induced conformational changes may orchestrate the nuclear import of NLS cargo in vivo.  相似文献   

In vertebrate cells, the nucleoporin Nup358/RanBP2 is a major component of the filaments that emanate from the nuclear pore complex into the cytoplasm. Nup358 forms a complex with SUMOylated RanGAP1, the GTPase activating protein for Ran. RanGAP1 plays a pivotal role in the establishment of a RanGTP gradient across the nuclear envelope and, hence, in the majority of nucleocytoplasmic transport pathways. Here, we investigate the roles of the Nup358-RanGAP1 complex and of soluble RanGAP1 in nuclear protein transport, combining in vivo and in vitro approaches. Depletion of Nup358 by RNA interference led to a clear reduction of importin alpha/beta-dependent nuclear import of various reporter proteins. In vitro, transport could be partially restored by the addition of importin beta, RanBP1, and/or RanGAP1 to the transport reaction. In intact Nup358-depleted cells, overexpression of importin beta strongly stimulated nuclear import, demonstrating that the transport receptor is the most rate-limiting factor at reduced Nup358-concentrations. As an alternative approach, we used antibody-inhibition experiments. Antibodies against RanGAP1 inhibited the enzymatic activity of soluble and nuclear pore-associated RanGAP1, as well as nuclear import and export. Although export could be fully restored by soluble RanGAP, import was only partially rescued. Together, these data suggest a dual function of the Nup358-RanGAP1 complex as a coordinator of importin beta recycling and reformation of novel import complexes.  相似文献   

Matsuura Y  Stewart M 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(21):3681-3689
Nuclear import of proteins containing classical nuclear localization signals (NLS) is mediated by the importin-alpha:beta complex that binds cargo in the cytoplasm and facilitates its passage through nuclear pores, after which nuclear RanGTP dissociates the import complex and the importins are recycled. In vertebrates, import is stimulated by nucleoporin Nup50, which has been proposed to accompany the import complex through nuclear pores. However, we show here that the Nup50 N-terminal domain actively displaces NLSs from importin-alpha, which would be more consistent with Nup50 functioning to coordinate import complex disassembly and importin recycling. The crystal structure of the importin-alpha:Nup50 complex shows that Nup50 binds at two sites on importin-alpha. One site overlaps the secondary NLS-binding site, whereas the second extends along the importin-alpha C-terminus. Mutagenesis indicates that interaction at both sites is required for Nup50 to displace NLSs. The Cse1p:Kap60p:RanGTP complex structure suggests how Nup50 is then displaced on formation of the importin-alpha export complex. These results provide a rationale for understanding the series of interactions that orchestrate the terminal steps of nuclear protein import.  相似文献   

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