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Enhanced biodegradation in the rhizosphere has been reported for many organic xenobiotic compounds, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to discover whether rhizosphere-enhanced biodegradation is due to selective enrichment of degraders through growth on compounds produced by rhizodeposition. We monitored the mineralization of [U-(14)C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in rhizosphere soil with no history of herbicide application collected over a period of 0 to 116 days after sowing of Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense. The relationships between the mineralization kinetics, the number of 2,4-D degraders, and the diversity of genes encoding 2,4-D/alpha-ketoglutarate dioxygenase (tfdA) were investigated. The rhizosphere effect on [(14)C]2,4-D mineralization (50 microg g(-1)) was shown to be plant species and plant age specific. In comparison with nonplanted soil, there were significant (P < 0.05) reductions in the lag phase and enhancements of the maximum mineralization rate for 25- and 60-day T. pratense soil but not for 116-day T. pratense rhizosphere soil or for L. perenne rhizosphere soil of any age. Numbers of 2,4-D degraders in planted and nonplanted soil were low (most probable number, <100 g(-1)) and were not related to plant species or age. Single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis showed that plant species had no impact on the diversity of alpha-Proteobacteria tfdA-like genes, although an impact of 2,4-D application was recorded. Our results indicate that enhanced mineralization in T. pratense rhizosphere soil is not due to enrichment of 2,4-D-degrading microorganisms by rhizodeposits. We suggest an alternative mechanism in which one or more components of the rhizodeposits induce the 2,4-D pathway.  相似文献   

The coupling of electrokinetic movement of an organic contaminant, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), through soil and its biodegradation in situ has been demonstrated. In a first experiment, the direction and rate of movement of 2,4-D were determined using homogeneously contaminated soil (864 mg 2,4-D/kg dry weight soil) compacted into six individual compartments, 6 cm long, 3 cm wide, and 4 cm deep. Each compartment was bordered by a carbon felt anode and a stainless steel cathode. The application of a current density of 3.72 A/m(2) led to migration of 2,4-D towards the anode at a rate of approximately 4 cm/day. In a second experiment, electrokinetic movement and biodegradation were combined in situ. Sterilized silt soil contaminated with ring-labeled 14C-2,4-D (811 mg 2,4-D/kg dry weight soil) was compacted into a single soil compartment, 22 cm long, 7 cm wide, and 4 cm deep, in a 4.5 cm region adjacent to the cathode. The remainder of the compartment was filled with sterilized soil (to a total weight of 1,015 g). Burkholderia spp. RASC c2 (1.88 x 10(11) cells), a tetracycline-resistant bacterium with chromosomally encoded degradative genes for 2,4-D, was inoculated into the soil at a position 14-16 cm from the cathode. The reactor was placed within a sealed perspex box, with a constant air flow connected to sodium hydroxide traps. Under an applied current density of 0.89 A/m(2), the pollutant moved towards the bacteria. As it reached the inoculated region, its concentration decreased in the soil and 14CO2 was recovered in the traps. At the end of the experiment, 87.1% of radiolabel had been removed from the soil, 5.8% of which was recovered as 14CO2. A third, control, experiment showed a significant contrast in the absence of an electric current, where a slow rate of diffusion controlled the movement of both 2,4-D and bacteria in the soil and biodegradation occurred at the interface between the diffusing fronts.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were to determine group specificity in microbial utilization of root-exudate compounds and whole rhizodeposition; quantify the proportions of carbon acquired by microbial groups from soil organic matter and rhizodeposition, respectively; and assess the importance of root-derived C as a driver of soil microbial community structure. Additions of 13C-labelled root-exudate compounds to organic soil and steady-state labelling of Lolium perenne, coupled to compound-specific isotope ratio mass spectrometry, were used to quantify group-specific microbial utilization of rhizodeposition. Microbial utilization of glucose and fumaric acid was widespread through the microbial community, but glycine was utilized by a narrower range of populations, as indicated by the enrichment of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis fractions. In L. perenne rhizospheres, high rates of rhizodeposit utilization by microbial groups showed good correspondence with increased abundance of these groups in the rhizosphere. Although rhizodeposition was not the quantitatively dominant C source for microbes in L. perenne rhizospheres, relative utilization of this C source was an important driver of microbial group abundance in organic soil.  相似文献   

Detoxication of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in samples of chernozem soil was determined by a biological test and the time course of production of14CO2 a product of microbial degradation of 2-14C-2,4-D, was measured during 38-d incubation at 28°C in the dark. Enrichment of the soil with glucose (1000 ppm), two exocellular bacterial glucan and glucomannan polysaccharides (750 ppm), or a mixture of glucose with (NH4)2SO4 (C:N=5∶1) brought about acceleration of both detoxication and mineralization of 2,4-D (50 ppm) added simultaneously with the saccharides. Mineralization of the saccharides always preceded the degradation of the herbicide. The lag phase of 2,4-D mineralization, did not exceed 3 d. In samples with saccharides the doubling time of the mineralization activity in the exponential phase of the process was substantially shortened and the mineralization of 2,4-D was accelerated even when the soil was inoculated with a suspension of soil in which microbial 2,4-D decomposers had accumulated. The extent, of mineralization was not affected by the presence of saccharides (about 1/3 of the introduced radioactive carbon was transformed into14CO2). All saccharides had a similar effect which reflected an increase in the overall bacterial count and in the relative abundance of bacterial 2,4-D decomposers. The role of other mechanisms such as co-metabolism in the stimulation of the degradation process is discussed.  相似文献   

Metabolites of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid from bean stems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Samples of chernozem soil were enriched with vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid glucose, a mixture of glucose and (NH4)2SO4 (C∶N = 5∶1), ethanol and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). After a 6-d (with 2,4-D 35-d) incubation during which primary oxidation of the introduced substrates occurred, the soil was supplied with a solution of 2-14C-2,4-D (50ppm; 6.7kBq) and production of14CO2 (product of microbial degradation of 2,4-D) was measured. Previously enriched samples exhibited a higher degradation rate; both the lag phase and doubling time of mineralization activity in the exponential phase of the process were markedly higher. This reflected an overall proliferation of bacteria and the increased relative proportion of bacterial strains capable of mineralizing 2,4-D in enriched samples. The stimulation of 2,4-D degradation may involve specific adaptation and selection mechanisms (as in the case with samples previously enriched with 2,4-D or its structural analogues—aromatic monomers, ethanol) as well as nonspecific mechanisms. The extent of mineralization of 2,4-D was not affected by soil pretreatment, about 1/3 of introduced radioactive carbon being invariably transformed to14CO2.  相似文献   

Plate numbers of bacteria and relative incidence of strains capable of mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in chernozem samples incubated for 14 d with the herbicide (50 ppm) in the presence or absence of glucose (1000 ppm) were compared. Whereas the total number of bacteria increased 1.2-fold in the variant with 2,4-D and 2.4-fold in the variant with glucose and the herbicide, the number of 2,4-D-mineralizing bacteria increased 12.1-fold and 34.2-fold, respectively. In a collection of 96 isolates of soil bacteria substantially more strains capable of degradation of 2,4-D in the presence of glucose were detected as compared with the variant without it, indicating that processes of cometabolic type are involved during the degradation of this herbicide in the soil.  相似文献   

Few studies have been done to evaluate the transfer of catabolic plasmids from an introduced donor strain to indigenous microbial populations as a means to remediate contaminated soils. In this work we determined the effect of the conjugative transfer of two 2,4-D degradative plasmids to indigenous soil bacterial populations on the rate of 2,4-D degradation in soil. We also assessed the influence of the presence of 2,4-D on the number of transconjugants formed. The two plasmids used, pEMT1k and pEMT3k, encode 2,4-D degradative genes (tfd) that differ in DNA sequence as well as gene organisation, and confer different growth rates to Ralstonia eutropha JMP228 when grown with 2,4-D as a sole carbon source. In an agricultural soil (Ardoyen) treated with 2,4-D (100 ppm) there were ca. 107CFU of transconjugants per gram bearing pEMT1k as well as a high number of pEMT3k bearing transconjugants (ca. 106 CFU/g). In this soil the formation of a high number of 2,4-D degrading transconjugants resulted in faster degradation of 2,4-D as compared to the uninoculated control soil. In contrast, only transconjugants with pEMT1k were detected (at a level of ca. 103 CFU/g soil) in the untreated Ardoyen soil. High numbers of transconjugants that carried pEMT1k were also found in a second experiment done using forest soil (Lembeke) treated with 100 ppm 2,4-D. However, unlike in the Ardoyen soil, no transconjugants with pEMT3k were detected and the transfer of plasmid pEMT1k to indigenous bacteria did not result in a higher rate of decrease of 2,4-D. This may be because 2,4-D was readily metabolised by indigenous bacteria in this soil. The results indicate that bioaugmentation with catabolic plasmids may be a viable means to enhance the bioremediation of soils which lack an adequate intrinsic ability to degrade a given xenobiotic.  相似文献   

The ratios of hapten and bovine serum albumin (BSA) in an antigen conjugate were determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies against 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were produced by fusing 2,4-D-BSA conjugate-immunized splenocytes with a HAT-sensitive mouse myeloma cell line, P3-X63-Ag8-653. A substantial cross-reaction was observed for 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DP) when compared with that observed for 2,4-D. The full measurement range for this assay is 0.2–3 μg ml−1 for 2,4-DP. On the other hand, the range for 2,4-D is between 1 and 20 μg ml−1. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Enhanced biodegradation in the rhizosphere has been reported for many organic xenobiotic compounds, although the mechanisms are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to discover whether rhizosphere-enhanced biodegradation is due to selective enrichment of degraders through growth on compounds produced by rhizodeposition. We monitored the mineralization of [U-14C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in rhizosphere soil with no history of herbicide application collected over a period of 0 to 116 days after sowing of Lolium perenne and Trifolium pratense. The relationships between the mineralization kinetics, the number of 2,4-D degraders, and the diversity of genes encoding 2,4-D/α-ketoglutarate dioxygenase (tfdA) were investigated. The rhizosphere effect on [14C]2,4-D mineralization (50 μg g−1) was shown to be plant species and plant age specific. In comparison with nonplanted soil, there were significant (P < 0.05) reductions in the lag phase and enhancements of the maximum mineralization rate for 25- and 60-day T. pratense soil but not for 116-day T. pratense rhizosphere soil or for L. perenne rhizosphere soil of any age. Numbers of 2,4-D degraders in planted and nonplanted soil were low (most probable number, <100 g−1) and were not related to plant species or age. Single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis showed that plant species had no impact on the diversity of α-Proteobacteria tfdA-like genes, although an impact of 2,4-D application was recorded. Our results indicate that enhanced mineralization in T. pratense rhizosphere soil is not due to enrichment of 2,4-D-degrading microorganisms by rhizodeposits. We suggest an alternative mechanism in which one or more components of the rhizodeposits induce the 2,4-D pathway.  相似文献   

The possibility of mutual effects of 2,4-D and horseradish (Armoracia lapathifolia L.) peroxidase on each other has been explored by four procedures. (i) Compounds I, II, and III of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and H2O2 were exposed to 2,4-D. (ii) Extracts from batchwise operations of HRP + H2O2 and 2,4-D were analyzed for oxidation products by means of thin layer chromatography. (iii) The velocity of the IAA oxidase reaction with HRP as catalyst, and (iv) Km and Vs of the overall peroxidation of guaiacol by HRP + H2O2, were determined in the absence and presence of 2,4-D. The results failed to show any effect of 2,4-D; only at very high concentrations did 2,4-D slightly inhibit the oxidation of IAA by one isoperoxidase. It is concluded that 2,4-D does not promote growth in plants by hampering a peroxidase-catalyzed IAA oxidation. It seems probable that 2,4-D perturbs the isoperoxidase pattern by acting at some step prior to the release of the enzyme from its site of synthesis.  相似文献   

Three herbicide 2,4-D metabolizing bacterial strains were isolated from three independent soil samples of Estonia. The strains, although belonging to various species, contain 2,4-D degradative plasmids with identical restriction patterns. pEST4001 is a 78 kb conjugative plasmid. All Pseudomonas putida PaW340 2,4-D+ transconjugants obtained a 70 kb plasmid pEST4011 - a deletion derivative of the pEST4001. The restriction patterns of the plasmids mentioned above are considerably different from those of the other 2,4-D plasmids pJP4 and pRC10 reported previously.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms may play an important role in plant Fe uptake from soils with low Fe bioavailability, but there is little direct experimental evidence to date. We grew red clover, an Fe-efficient leguminous plant, in a calcareous soil to investigate the role of soil microbial activity in plant Fe uptake. Compared with plants grown in non-sterlie (NS) grown plants, growth and Fe content of the sterile(s) grown plants was significantly inhibited, but was improved by foliar application of Fe EDTA, indicating that soil microbial activity should play an important role in plant Fe acquisition. When soil solution was incubated with phenolic root exudates from Fe-deficient red clover, a few microbial species thrived while growth of the rest was inhibited, suggesting that the Fe-deficient (-Fe) root exudates selectively influenced the rhizosphere's microbial community. Eighty six per cent of the phenolic-tolerant microbes could produce siderophore [the Fe(III) chelator] under -Fe conditions, and 71% could secrete auxin-like compounds. Interestingly, the synthetic and microbial auxins (MAs) significantly enhanced the Ferric reduction system, suggesting that MAs, in addition to siderophores, are important to plant Fe uptake. Finally, plant growth and Fe uptake in sterilized soil were significantly increased by rhizobia inoculation. Root Fe-EDTA reductase activity in the -Fe plant was significantly enhanced by rhizobia infection, and the rhizobia could produce auxin but not siderophore under Fe-limiting conditions, suggesting that the contribution of nodulating rhizobia to plant Fe uptake can be at least partially attributed to stimulation of turbo reductase activity through nodule formation and auxin production in the rhizosphere. Based on these observations, we propose as a model that root exudates from -Fe plants selectively influence the rhizosphere microbial community, and the microbes in turn favour plant Fe acquisition by producing siderophores and auxins.  相似文献   

Summary A 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)-degrading bacterial strain, Xanthobacter sp. CP, was isolated after enrichment in aerated soil columns. A limited number of chlorinated phenols and chlorinated phenoxyalkanoic acids with an even number of carbon atoms in the side chain served as substrates for growth, although whole cells exhibited oxygen uptake with a wide range of those compounds. The maximal growth rate with 2,4-D was 0.13·h-1 at a growth yield of 0.1 g biomass/g 2,4-D. Chloride ions were released quantitatively from 2,4-D and related chlorinated aromatic compounds which served as growth substrates. No by-products of 2,4-D metabolism were detected in oxygen-sufficient cultures of Xanthobacter sp. CP and catechols were cleaved exclusively by catechol 1,2-dioxygenase.  相似文献   

A pilot field study was conducted to assess the impact of bioaugmentation with two plasmid pJP4-bearing microorganisms: the natural host, Ralstonia eutropha JMP134, and a laboratory-generated strain amenable to donor counterselection, Escherichia coli D11. The R. eutropha strain contained chromosomal genes necessary for mineralization of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), while the E. coli strain did not. The soil system was contaminated with 2,4-D alone or was cocontaminated with 2,4-D and Cd. Plasmid transfer to indigenous populations, plasmid persistence in soil, and degradation of 2,4-D were monitored over a 63-day period in the bioreactors. To assess the impact of contaminant reexposure, aliquots of bioreactor soil were reamended with additional 2,4-D. Both introduced donors remained culturable and transferred plasmid pJP4 to indigenous recipients, although to different extents. Isolated transconjugants were members of the Burkholderia and Ralstonia genera, suggesting multiple, if not successive, plasmid transfers. Upon a second exposure to 2,4-D, enhanced degradation was observed for all treatments, suggesting microbial adaptation to 2,4-D. Upon reexposure, degradation was most rapid for the E. coli D11-inoculated treatments. Cd did not significantly impact 2,4-D degradation or transconjugant formation. This study demonstrated that the choice of donor microorganism might be a key factor to consider for bioaugmentation efforts. In addition, the establishment of an array of stable indigenous plasmid hosts at sites with potential for reexposure or long-term contamination may be particularly useful.  相似文献   

Ten minutes after uptake of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-1-14C(2,4-D-1-14C) by excised Ribes sativum leaves, 37·8 % of the radioactivity in water-soluble metabolites was in glyoxylic acid. When 2,4-D- 2-14C was supplied under the same conditions, 23·0 % of the radioactivity of the water-soluble rnetabolites was in glyoxylic acid. Radioactive glycine and glyoxylic acid, isolated from Ribes sativum 6 hr after uptake of 2,4-D-1-14C, contained essentially all of the 14C in the carboxyl-carbon atoms. When 2,4-D-2-14C was the precursor, the glycine isolated contained 64·8 % of its radioactivity in C2, while 60·0 % of the radioactivity in glyoxylic acid was in C2. The side-chain label of 2,4-D-2-14C-4-36Cl was more efficiently incorporated into ethanol-insoluble plant residue than the ring-label. The metabolism of glyoxylic acid-1-14C and 2,4-D-1-14C in excised Ribes sativum leaves were compared. The data suggest a cleavage of the acetate-moiety of 2,4-D resulting in a C2 compound, perhaps glyoxylate.  相似文献   

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