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Biotechnology is offering farmers new crop production opportunities and challenges. Prior to selecting a transgenic variety, farmers must consider the cost of the technology fee, possible yield drag, potential pest infestations, possible reductions in pesticide costs, refuge requirements to minimize the development of insect resistance, and adjustments in cultural practices. Moreover, crop segregation in the field, storage, and shipment may be necessary to capture potential price premiums for nontransgenic varieties. As farmers consider these various production and marketing factors, they find that Bt corn is a more profitable control method for European corn borer in the Western Corn Belt relative to the Eastern Corn Belt. This is primarily due to higher infestation probabilities in the Western Corn Belt, coupled with greater demand for manufacturing and export uses in the Eastern Corn Belt where several buyers do not accept transgenic corn. 相似文献
Bt玉米秸秆Bt蛋白的土壤降解及其拟合模型的比较 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
研究4种Bt玉米(34B24、NK58-D1、R×601RR/YG和农大61)秸秆分解释放Bt蛋白的土壤降解动态,分别应用一级动力学反应方程、双指数模型和移动对数模型进行了拟合。结果表明,4种Bt玉米Bt蛋白的土壤降解均呈现前期负指数大量快速降解和中后期极少量稳定两个阶段,双指数模型与移动对数模型的拟合结果比一级动力学反应方程更符合实际。判断模型拟合精度时不能只用拟合结果的统计指标值来确定,图示对比实测值与模拟值的差异是避免应用统计学拟合精度指标很高但并不符合实际的模型错误估算DT50的有效办法。在研究转基因作物秸秆中Bt蛋白土壤降解规律时,应该根据其土壤降解前期较快的特点,增加前期取样的次数,以便更好地对模拟模型求得的安全性评价关键参数DT50的准确性进行科学判断。 相似文献
In the present paper a bio-economic model was constructed to estimate the impact of a biotechnology innovation in EU agriculture. Transgenic Bt maize offers the potential to efficiently control corn borers that cause economically important losses in maize growing in Spain. Since 1998, Syngenta has commercialised the variety Compa CB, equivalent to an annual maize area of about 25 000 ha. During the 6-year period 1998–2003, a total welfare gain of 15.5 million euros was estimated from the adoption of Bt maize, of which Spanish farmers captured two thirds, the rest accruing to the seed industry. 相似文献
转Bt基因玉米叶片次生代谢物DIMBOA和酚酸类物质含量的变化 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
异羟肟酸和酚酸类物质是玉米植株中重要的次生代谢物,可以帮助抵御多种病原菌、害虫、线虫和其它植物的危害。采用HPL C法研究了Bt玉米34B2 4、G30、农大6 1(Nongda6 1)和14 2 6×14 82以及部分相应的非转基因玉米叶片DIMBOA和酚酸类物质含量的变化。试验结果表明,不同玉米品种之间DIMBOA含量的差异很大;各Bt玉米品种叶片的DIMBOA含量普遍低于相对应的非转基因近等基因系。从不同部位的叶片看,玉米幼嫩叶片中的DIMBOA含量普遍较高;不同品种叶片DIMBOA含量的差异主要表现在幼叶之间,而老叶间的差异普遍较小。无论是Bt玉米还是非转基因玉米,随着生长时间的增加,各品种玉米幼苗全株叶片的DIMBOA含量急剧减少;各品种倒1叶的DIMBOA含量也都随着生长期的增加而减少,倒3叶却没有这样的规律。Bt玉米叶片的DIMBOA含量在单一的干旱胁迫或缺氮胁迫下的变化规律与非转基因玉米相似,即单一的干旱胁迫或缺氮胁迫下玉米各部位叶片的DIMBOA含量均显著升高;然而,在干旱和缺氮双重胁迫下,Bt玉米14 2 6×14 82在生长的中后期各部位叶片的DIMBOA含量却低于正常生长条件,明显不同于非转基因玉米的变化规律。与相应的非转基因近等基因系相比,虽然Bt玉米中香草酸和丁香酸的含量没有显著减少,但阿魏酸的含量显著降低。这一结果表 相似文献
The two defining challenges of this century are overcoming poverty and managing the risks of climate change. Over the past 10 years, we have learned much about how to tackle them together from ideas on economic development and public policy. My own work in these areas over four decades as an academic and as a policy adviser in universities and international financial institutions has focused on how the investment environment and the empowerment of people can change lives and livelihoods. The application of insights from economic development and public policy to climate change requires rigorous analysis of issues such as discounting, modelling the risks of unmanaged climate change, climate policy targets and estimates of the costs of mitigation. The latest research and results show that the case for avoiding the risks of dangerous climate change through the transition to low-carbon economic development and growth is still stronger than when the Stern Review was published. This is partly because of evidence that some of the impacts of climate change are happening more quickly than originally expected, and because of remarkable advances in technologies, such as solar power. Nevertheless, significant hurdles remain in securing the international cooperation required to avoid dangerous climate change, not least because of disagreements and misunderstandings about key issues, such as ethics and equity. 相似文献
Fangneng Huang 《Insect Science》2021,28(3):574-589
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), is a major target pest of Bt crops (e.g., corn, cotton, and soybean) in North and South America. This pest has recently invaded Africa and Asia including China and the invasion has placed a great threat to the food security in many countries of these two continents. Due to the extensive use of Bt crops, practical resistance of S. frugiperda to Cry1F corn (TC 1507) with field control problems has widely occurred in Puerto Rico, Brazil, Argentina, and the mainland United States. Analyzing data generated from decade-long studies showed that several factors might have contributed to the wide development of the resistance. These factors include (1) limited modes of action of Bt proteins used in Bt crops; (2) cross-resistance among Cry1 proteins; (3) use of nonhigh dose Bt crop traits; (4) that the resistance is complete on Bt corn plants; (5) abundant in initial Cry1F resistance alleles; and (6) lack of fitness costs/recessive fitness costs of the resistance. The long-term use of Bt crop technology in the Americas suggests that Bt corn can be an effective tool for controlling S. frugiperda in China. IRM programs for Bt corn in China should be as simple as possible to be easily adopted by small-scale growers. The following aspects may be considered in its Bt corn IRM programs: (1) use of only “high dose” traits for both S. frugiperda and stalk borers; (2) developing and implementing a combined resistance monitoring program; (3) use “gene pyramiding” as a primary IRM strategy; and (4) if possible, Bt corn may not be planted in the areas where S. frugiperda overwinters. Lessons and experience gained from the global long-term use of Bt crops should have values in improving IRM programs in the Americas, as well as for a sustainable use of Bt corn technology in China. 相似文献
转Bt基因玉米根际微生物和细菌生理群多样性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
大田栽培条件下,以转Bt玉米Mon810及其亲本非转基因玉米为研究对象,在玉米的不同生育期测定根际土壤微生物的数量变化,并对细菌群落结构及多样性进行了分析。结果表明,各生育期内Bt玉米与对照相比根际土壤真菌无显著差异,但细菌在抽丝期,放线菌在苗期二者有显著差异。同种细菌功能群的数量变化在Bt玉米和对照各生育期内趋势一致,不同的菌群表现不同。亚硝化细菌、好气固氮菌、氨化细菌和钾细菌的数量变化波动较大,其中Bt玉米和对照相比好气固氮菌的数量在生育期内有5个生育期有显著差异,而氨化细菌、钾细菌和亚硝酸菌仅分别在乳熟期、喇叭口期及拔节期和抽雄期差异显著。好气纤维分解菌和硝化细菌在苗期、拔节期和喇叭口期差异显著,无机磷分解菌在乳熟期和完熟期数量差异显著。整个生育期内3种群落特征参数均保持基本稳定,除乳熟期和完熟期外Bt玉米根际微生物群落特征参数均高于对照。 相似文献
Regulatory and associated political issues with respect to Bt transgenic maize in the European union
Legislation at the national level in Europe as well as that developed by the European Union (EU) generally permits release and commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). However, only 10 plant/event combinations were registered as of 2002: three maize events (Bt176, Mon810, and Bt11), with the other seven divided among carnation (3), oil-seed rape (2), tobacco (1), and raddiccio (1). Of these, only one maize event (Bt176) has been registered as a legal variety, and this was in Spain, where 22,000ha have been planted annually since 1998. In this paper, we first provide an overview on the complexity of EU GMO legislation. Then we discuss the minor role that results of EU-funded biosafety research have had on governmental policy. Finally, we provide information about initiatives for post-commercialization monitoring plans of Bt maize in Europe. As a result of the slow progress to date, we conclude that commercialization of GMOs will be seriously delayed in the EU for the next several years. 相似文献
Evolution of resistance to Bt crops: directional selection in structured environments 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
Abstract Widespread use of transgenic crops that express an insecticidal endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis increases the risk of evolution of resistance by the European corn borer and other insect pests. To delay resistance evolution, the high‐dose/refuge strategy is being implemented for Bt maize and Bt cotton. We develop a general modelling framework to understand the invasion and spread of alleles conferring resistance. We show that at least three processes are involved in explaining the effectiveness of the high‐dose/refuge strategy: the intensity of selection, assortative (non‐random) mating due to spatial subdivision, and variation in male mating success also due to spatial subdivision. Understanding these processes leads to a greater range of possible resistance management tactics. For example, efforts to encourage adults to leave their natal fields may have the unwanted effect of speeding rather than slowing resistance evolution. Furthermore, when Bt maize causes high mortality to susceptible target pests, spraying insecticides in refuges to reduce pest populations may not greatly disrupt resistance management. 相似文献
Insecticidal toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis is released from roots of transgenic Bt corn in vitro and in situ 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
The insecticidal toxin encoded by the cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis was released in root exudates from transgenic Bt corn during 40 days of growth in soil amended to 0, 3, 6, 9, or 12% (v/v) with montmorillonite or kaolinite in a plant growth room and from plants grown to maturity in the field. The presence of the toxin in rhizosphere soil was determined by immunological and larvicidal assays. No toxin was detected in any soils from isogenic non-Bt corn or without plants. Persistence of the toxin was apparently the result of its binding on surface-active particles in the soils, which reduced the biodegradation of the toxin. The release of the toxin could enhance the control of insect pests or constitute a hazard to nontarget organisms, including the microbiota of soil, and increase the selection of toxin-resistant target insects. 相似文献
Bt毒蛋白在转基因抗虫玉米中的表达及在亚洲玉米螟中的转移积累 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以两个转Bt基因抗虫玉米品系G03-2396、G03-2739和对照玉米品种苏玉16为材料,采用室内生物测定法研究它们对亚洲玉米螟的抗性, 并采用酶联免疫技术(ELISA)检测这两个转基因玉米品系不同组织中Bt毒蛋白的表达量及亚洲玉米螟3龄与5龄幼虫取食转基因玉米后体内和粪便中的Bt毒蛋白含量.结果表明:转Bt基因抗虫玉米心叶对玉米螟幼虫的毒性较强,初孵幼虫取食6 d后的存活率不到3%,3龄幼虫取食6 d后的存活率小于70%,抗虫玉米雌穗的毒性小于心叶.两个转Bt基因玉米心叶和雌穗中均表达了一定量的Bt毒蛋白,但心叶中的毒蛋白含量高于雌穗;Bt毒蛋白表达量依次为G03-2739心叶(39.6 μg·g-1FM)> G03-2396心叶(26.1 μg·g-1 FM)> G03-2396雌穗(17.0 μg·g-1 FM)> G03-2739雌穗(14.6 μg·g-1 FM).取食转基因玉米心叶或雌穗后,3龄幼虫体内的Bt毒蛋白含量显著高于5龄幼虫;同龄幼虫取食心叶后其体内及粪便中Bt毒蛋白含量均显著高于取食雌穗的个体.其中,取食G03-2739心叶的5龄幼虫粪便中的Bt毒蛋白含量最高,达10.4 μg·g-1 FM;取食其雌穗的3龄幼虫粪便中的Bt毒蛋白含量最低,仅2.7 μg·g-1 FM. 相似文献
Human health risks associated with changes in synthetic chemical pesticide use following the introduction of genetically modified crops are quantified in this article. Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) cotton and herbicide-tolerant (HT) soybean, two genetically modified crops, were chosen as the focus for this study based on their global popularity. An innovative multimedia total exposure model, CalTOX, was used to calculate the health risks for two target populations, before and after the introduction of Bt cotton and HT soybean. Major results include the quantification of incremental lifetime cancer risk based on a time-weighted average exposure, and the quantification of hazard ratios for non-cancer effects based on the maximum exposure rate value, both computed over the exposure duration. Results show that human health risks are not intuitively and necessarily reduced with the reduction of pesticide use. For example, more trifluralin was used after the introduction of HT soybeans in Iowa and Minnesota, leading to higher risks. Moreover, the general population may have larger exposures to pesticides when compared with the population living in areas where pesticides are actually applied. This may occur because exposure to pesticides is not only dependent on geographical distance from the contaminated area, but also strongly dependent on other factors, such as the characteristic travel distance and environmental persistence. 相似文献
Christopher Bond 《In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Plant》2003,39(4):365-367
Summary US Senator Christopher Bond joined Dr. Roger Beachy at the podium during the SIVB 2001 Congress Plenary Session on Opportunities and Challenges in Plant Biotechnology to Benefit Health and Sustainability, on June 17, 2001 in St. Louis, MO. Senator Bond presented an advocate's view regarding the benefits of plant biotechnology development. The strengths of the biotechnology regulatory system were extolled. The opportunities of this new technology to produce more and nutritionally superior food, additional plant-based medicines and vaccines, plant-based renewable sources of energy, and renewable industrial products were outlined. The benefits to the environment by adopting plant biotechnological innovations were discussed. Developing public policy regarding this new technology should be based on facts, science and reason. 相似文献
I.A. Ismail E.A. El-Shazly H.A. El Shabrawy R.S. Abdel-Rahman 《Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection》2013,46(17):2014-2025
The aim of this study was to investigate influence of transgenic and commercial corn hybrids on the behaviour and feeding activity of the pink corn borer (Sesamia cretica Led.). Food consumption was different according to feeding period and hybrids. The feeding ratio of S. cretica on maize hybrids was significantly different between transgenic and commercial hybrids. It appears from the results of this experiment that the antifeeeding activity of transgenic hybrids had greater effect than commercial hybrids one. Thus, it is apparent from these results that transgenic maize was unsuitable because larvae were dead, but the other commercial hybrids were preferable. It can be concluded from the data that the feeding on different maize hybrids had different effects on certain biological aspects of pink corn borer. The impact of untreated Bt. Corn; 0.5% water emulsion of Neem-Azal-T/S and 0.005% water emulsion of Chlorpyrifos insecticides on the behaviour and feeding activity of the pink corn borer S. cretica has been studied. The data showed that larvae stopped feeding from the time when it was fed on untreated Bt. corn or/and non Bt. Corn treated with NeemAzal-T/S 0.5%. The results indicated that Bt. corn, NeemAzal-T/S 0.5% and Chlorphan 48% (0.005%) possessed the toxic effect on pink corn borer S. cretica. According to results, it could be stated that the tested compounds can play an important role in controlling the pink corn borer. 相似文献
目的 分析政府补偿与监管机制改革对公立医疗卫生机构教学、科研以及学科建设的影响。方法 通过对上海市闵行区的机构调查,收集并分析2008—2012年3所公立综合性医院和12家社区卫生服务中心的医学教育、科研项目、论文发表及重点学科建设状况的相关数据。结果 闵行区公立综合性医院和社区卫生服务中心的医学教育和科研能力有所提升,重点学科建设也有所加强;但仍然存在教学能力薄弱,科研水平层次偏低,缺乏高质量的重点学科等问题。结论 政府补偿与监管机制改革在一定程度上强化了公立医疗机构的医学教育、科研能力和学科建设,但未来需进一步加大对科教和学科建设的鼓励和支持力度。 相似文献
《Archives of animal nutrition》2013,67(3):183-195
During the last few years, animal nutrition has been confronted with genetically modified organisms (GMO), and their significance will increase in the future. The study presents investigations on the substantial equivalence of the transgenic Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) corn and the corresponding nontransgenic hybrid Cesar and parameters of nutrition physiology such as digestibility and energy content for poultry, pigs and ruminants. The results of the analysed corn samples as well as of the silage samples illustrated substantial equivalence in all investigated ingredients, such as crude nutrients, amino acids, fatty acids, minerals and non‐starch polysaccharides. The results of the experiments using poultry, pigs, wethers and fattening bulls were not influenced by the genetic modification of corn. The determined values for the digestibilities and the energy contents for poultry, pigs and wethers were not affected by the used corn variety. Neither the examined parameters of the fattening experiments with bulls nor the slaughter results showed any significant differences between the bulls fed on silages made from the nontransgenic or transgenic corn. 相似文献