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为了分析体外细胞因子诱导培养CIK细胞过程中细胞表型的变化与其杀瘤活性的相关性及为临床过继免疫治疗提供实验依据,本研究采用体外诱导方法扩增培养正常人外周血淋巴细胞及单个核细胞,应用流式细胞术测定培养前、培养第7天和第14天的CD3~+等15种不同表型细胞百分率的变化,用CCK-8试剂检测第7天和第14天的细胞毒活性。结果显示,扩增培养后T细胞活化表型的表达和细胞毒活性在第7天最强,与其细胞表型CD3~+CD25~+、CD3~+CD28~+、CD3~+CD25~+CD28~+、CD3~+CD4~+呈正相关(P<0.05),与CD3~+CD45RA~+CD45RO~+呈负相关(P<0.05)。本研究表明测定培养细胞活化相关表型可以间接监测其杀瘤能力,为临床CIK细胞过继免疫治疗的应用提供实验依据。  相似文献   

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is rapidly increasing worldwide. Effective therapies, such as insulin and Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), require injections, which are costly and result in less patient compliance. Here, we report the identification of a tripeptide with significant potential to treat T2D. The peptide, referred to as Diapin, is comprised of three natural L-amino acids, GlyGlyLeu. Glucose tolerance tests showed that oral administration of Diapin effectively lowered blood glucose after oral glucose loading in both normal C57BL/6J mice and T2D mouse models, including KKay, db/db, ob/ob mice, and high fat diet-induced obesity/T2D mice. In addition, Diapin treatment significantly reduced casual blood glucose in KKay diabetic mice in a time-dependent manner without causing hypoglycemia. Furthermore, we found that plasma GLP-1 and insulin levels in diabetic models were significantly increased with Diapin treatment compared to that in the controls. In summary, our findings establish that a peptide with minimum of three amino acids can improve glucose homeostasis and Diapin shows promise as a novel pharmaceutical agent to treat patients with T2D through its dual effects on GLP-1 and insulin secretion.  相似文献   

The proliferation of human blood lymphocytes after incubation with either antigen or nonspecific mitogens indicates a process of differentiation. This assumption is supported by several findings:
The small lymphocytes profoundly change their cytological structure, as transformed cells following stimulation by PHA, Con. A, tuberculin and MLC had the ultrastructural characteristics of immunoblasts. Blastoid transformed cells with a highly developed vacuolar apparatus were observed in those cultures stimulated by PHA and ALS.
This differentiation is paralleled by the development of some functions which characterize T-derived lymphocytes. It was demonstrated that the lymphocytes stimulated by these agents secrete mediators (i.e. a migration inhibition factor) and acquire killer properties. The steps of the cytotoxic process were studied using electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The circadian and ultradian variations of blood glucose and plasma insulin have been characterized individually and as a group phenomenon in five healthy young adults studied while adhering as closely as possible to their usual routine of sleep, activity, meal content and timing. Three complementary methods were used to analyze the data: displaying raw data as a function of time; cosinor method according to Nelson and Halberg; and time series analyses as proposed by De Prins and Malbecq. The subjects were studied in the laboratory and their life routine were controlled, but very close to that of their habitual routine. They had mainly ultradian rhythms of blood glucose (mainly about 6 hr) and circadian rhythms of immunoreactive insulin (I.R.I.). Blood glucose ultradian rhythms seem to be mainly but not exclusively mealtime dependent, while I.R.I, circadian rhythms appear to be primarily endogenous in origin. Therefore, the role played by insulin in the control of blood glucose levels seems to be programmed on a circadian basis rather than by a time independent feedback phenomenon as postulated by the conventional homeostatic hypothesis. The advantage of this chronophysiologic approach is to consider circadian rhythms of both I.R.I. and insulin effectiveness as an adaptive phenomenon able to maintain blood sugar changes in the ultradian domain of rhythms.  相似文献   

A daily rhythm of blood pressure (BP), with maximum values in the activity period, carries important prognostic information. The extent to which this rhythm depends on behavioral factors remains debated. Mice are the species of choice for functional genomics. In mice, episodes of wakefulness and sleep are not restricted to particular daily periods, allowing BP in each wake-sleep state to be measured at each time of day. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a circadian rhythm of BP is manifest in each wake-sleep state in mice. Mice with B6 genetic background (n?=?26) were implanted with a telemetric BP transducer and electrodes to discriminate wake-sleep states and recorded while housed under a 12:12?h light-dark period. For each mouse, 8 values of BP were obtained in each wake-sleep state (wakefulness, non-rapid-eye-movement sleep, and rapid-eye-movement sleep) by averaging over successive 3-h time bins. Analysis of variance evidenced a significant time effect in each wake-sleep state as well as a significant wake-sleep state?×?time interaction effect. In an additional group of mice (n?=?3) recorded in constant darkness, the Lomb-Scargle periodogram also revealed a significant circadian rhythm of BP in each wake-sleep state. These findings demonstrate that during each wake-sleep state, mice show daily and circadian rhythms of BP in conditions of entrainment to the light-dark cycle and in free-running conditions of constant darkness, respectively. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   

本文采用丹酰氯聚酰胺薄层分析法研究了65名3—7岁健康儿童的血浆游离氨基酸和血红蛋白浓度。结果表明:(1)赖氨酸促进蛋白质合成不仅供机体生长需要,同样也供合成血红蛋白;(2)贫血前期已有血浆游离氨基酸的变化,继而出现贫血,提示儿童时期生长旺盛,应注重补充某些氨基酸消耗和补充维生素、叶酸、铁元素等造血原料。  相似文献   

用猪血清代替小牛血清作人体外周血淋巴细胞短期培养,进行染色体分析及淋巴细胞转化的研究。在94例姐妹染色单体差别染色的培养中,培养液分别加入小牛血清与猎血清,细胞有丝分裂指数分别为3.91%和3.78%;21例常规法培养中,分裂指数分别为9.10%和9.21%;5例淋巴细胞转化试验,小牛血清和猪血清培养的转化率分别为69.52%和69.59%;16例阉割后公、母猪血清加入培养基中,细胞分裂指数(SCD法)分别为2.96%和3.14%。以上各项对照试验,均无显著性差异(P>0.05)本研究证实,猪血清可用于人体外周血淋巴细胞短期培养。  相似文献   

胰岛素小鼠皮下注射的降血糖作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:了解胰岛素皮下注射后不同时间对小鼠血糖的影响。方法:采用正规胰岛素制剂0.5U/ml予小鼠按0.054ml/10g皮下注射后,观察在注射后30分钟、60分钟、90分钟、120分钟和150分钟后血糖的变化,并在注射150分钟后予10%葡萄糖灌胃,观察小鼠30分钟和60分钟后的血糖变化。结果:皮下注射各剂量的胰岛素均能引起小鼠血糖降低,其中以注射90分钟后血糖下降最为明显,高剂量胰岛素降血糖作用最明显。给予葡萄糖水灌胃后血糖有所升高,但是高剂量恢复比较慢。结论:0.5U/ml胰岛素按0.108ml/10g皮下注射会引起小鼠血糖过低,不利于实验数据的收集,0.027ml/10g和0.054ml/10g剂量比较合适。  相似文献   

目的:研究2型糖尿病伴脂肪肝患者血浆成纤维细胞生长因子21(FGF21)水平与肥胖、脂代谢及胰岛素抵抗的相关性,为临床诊疗提供依据。方法:选取2013年5月到2015年11月我院收治的2型糖尿病伴脂肪肝患者100例为研究组,另选取同期单纯脂肪肝患者100例为脂肪肝组,健康体检者100例为对照组,比较各组入选次日清晨FGF21、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、体重指数(BMI)、腰臀比(WHR)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、空腹血糖(FBG)以及胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)。结果:研究组TG、TC、AST、ALT、LDL-C、FFA、FBG、BMI、WHR、FINS、HOMA-IR以及FGF21均显著高于对照组,HDL-C显著低于对照组,比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);研究组FFA、TG、FINS、FBG、HOMA-IR以及FGF21显著高于脂肪肝组,BMI和WHR显著低于脂肪肝组,比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);相关性分析显示:FGF21与TG、FFA、BMI以及HOMA-IR呈正相关关系(P0.05)。结论:2型糖尿病合并脂肪肝患者FGF21水平会显著升高,且与脂肪代谢、肥胖以及胰岛素抵抗有关。  相似文献   

Centrifugal elutriation was used to separate 9L rat brain tumour cells into fractions enriched in the G1, S, or G2/M phases of the cell cycle. Cells enriched in early G1, phase were recultured, grown in synchrony, and harvested periodically for analysis of their DNA distribution and polyamine content. Mathematical analysis of the DNA distributions indicated that excellent synchrony was obtained with low dissersion throughout the cell cycle. Polyamine accumulation began at the time of seeding, and intracellular levels of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine increased continuously during the cell cycle. In cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, putrescine and spermidine levels were twice as high as in cells in the G1, phase. DNA distribution and polyamine levels were also analysed in cells taken directly from the various elutriation fractions enriched in G1, S, or G2/M. Because we did not obtain pure S or G2/M populations by elutriation or by harvesting synchronized cells, a mathematical procedure—which assumed that the measured polyamine levels for any population were linearly related to the fraction of cells in the G1, S, and G2/M phases times the polyamine levels in these phases and that polyamine levels did not vary within these phases—was used to estimate ‘true’ phase-specific polyamine levels (levels to be expected if perfect synchrony were achieved). Estimated ‘true’ phase-specific polyamine levels calculated from the data obtained from cells either sorted by elutriation or obtained from synchronously growing cultures were very similar.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current knowledge on time-dependent variations in the physiology of blood coagulation and in the anticoagulant effect of heparin and warfarin. Animal data indicated that the shortest blood clotting time and the highest levels of coagulation factors 11, VII, and IX were recorded during the resting period of the animal. These circadian rhythms were not altered by modifications of the lighting regimens. In healthy volunteers, the prothrombin time was longer at the end of the afternoon than early in the morning; the acrophases of activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time occurred in the evening or during the night. The acrophases of fibrinogen, factors 11, VII, VIII, and α-1-antitrypsin were obtained in the morning. There is no agreement on the chronobiology of platelet aggregation, and differences can be found in the time of maximal aggregability. The chronopharmacological studies of heparin infused at a constant rate to patients with thromboembolic diseases suggested that maximal effectiveness occurred at 04:00, while it was minimal at 08:00. Animal data indicated that oral administration of warfarin at the end of the activity period of rats produced maximal inhibition of vitamin K-dependent factors. This was the time of day when warfarin interference with the vitamin K cycle of the liver was highest. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical significance of biological rhythms in the physiology and pharmacology of blood coagulation.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current knowledge on time-dependent variations in the physiology of blood coagulation and in the anticoagulant effect of heparin and warfarin. Animal data indicated that the shortest blood clotting time and the highest levels of coagulation factors II, VII, and IX were recorded during the resting period of the animal. These circadian rhythms were not altered by modifications of the lighting regimens. In healthy volunteers, the prothrombin time was longer at the end of the afternoon than early in the morning; the acro-phases of activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time occurred in the evening or during the night. The acrophases of fibrinogen, factors II, VII, VIII, and a-1-antitrypsin were obtained in the morning. There is no agreement on the chronobiology of platelet aggregation, and differences can be found in the time of maximal aggregability. The chronopharmacological studies of heparin infused at a constant rate to patients with thromboembolic diseases suggested that maximal effectiveness occurred at 04:00, while it was minimal at 08:00. Animal data indicated that oral administration of warfarin at the end of the activity period of rats produced maximal inhibition of vitamin K-dependent factors. This was the time of day when warfarin interference with the vitamin K cycle of the liver was highest. Further studies are needed to determine the clinical significance of biological rhythms in the physiology and pharmacology of blood coagulation.  相似文献   

Uric acid (UA) levels in mouse blood have been reported to range widely from 0.1 μM to 760 μM. The aim of this study was to demonstrate false in vitro and in vivo elevations of UA levels in mouse blood. Male ICR mice were anesthetized with pentobarbital (breathing mice) or sacrificed with overdose ether (non-breathing mice). Collected blood was dispensed into MiniCollect® tubes and incubated in vitro for 0 or 30 min at room temperature. After separation of plasma or serum, the levels of UA and hypoxanthine were determined using HPLC. From the non-incubated plasma of breathing mice, the true value of UA level in vivo was 13.5 ± 1.4 μM. However, UA levels in mouse blood increased by a factor of 3.9 following incubation in vitro. This “false in vitro elevation” of UA levels in mouse blood after blood sampling was inhibited by allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. Xanthine oxidase was converted to UA in mouse serum from hypoxanthine which was released from blood cells during incubation. Plasma UA levels from non-breathing mice were 19 times higher than those from breathing mice. This “false in vivo elevation” of UA levels before blood sampling was inhibited by pre-treatment with phentolamine, an α-antagonist. Over-anesthesia with ether might induce α-vasoconstriction and ischemia and thus degrade intracellular ATP to UA. For the accurate measurement of UA levels in mouse blood, the false in vitro and in vivo elevations of UA level must be avoided by immediate separation of plasma after blood sampling from anesthetized breathing mice.  相似文献   

采用流式细胞术双标法检测拟诊免疫相关性全血细胞减少症患者(A组)、非免疫相关性恶性血液病患者(B组)及正常人(正常对照组)的骨髓单个核细胞结合的自身抗体,同时检测B组、确诊免疫相关性全血细胞减少症(C组)及正常对照组外周血B淋巴细胞及CD5+B淋巴细胞比率;A组中16例骨髓造血细胞自身抗体阳性,阳性率88.88%;B组1例骨髓造血细胞自身抗体阳性,阳性率9.09%。C组外周血B淋巴细胞、CD5+B淋巴细胞比率显著高于B组及正常对照组(P均<0.05),而正常对照组外周血B淋巴细胞、CD5+B淋巴细胞显著高于B组(P均<0.05);IRP患者骨髓单个核细胞自身抗体表达显著增高,B淋巴细胞总数及CD5+B淋巴细胞数量显著增高可能是IRP发病的重要因素之一;利用流式细胞术检测骨髓造血细胞自身抗体及B淋巴细胞数可以为IRP提供科学可靠的依据,优于骨髓Coomb’s实验。  相似文献   

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