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The Anolis roquet series of Caribbean lizards provides natural replicates with which to examine the role of historical contingency and ecological determinism in shaping evolutionary patterns. Here, we describe 10 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellites to facilitate studies on population differentiation and gene flow. All loci successfully amplified in several species from this series. Genotyping 96 individuals from two A. roquet populations demonstrated the markers’ suitability as population genetic markers: genetic diversity was high (9–22 alleles per locus); there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium; and, with one exception, all genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a key component of an organism's life history and differences in dispersal between sexes appear to be widespread in vertebrates. However, most predictions of sex-biased dispersal have been based on observations of social structure in birds and mammals and more data are needed on other taxa to test whether these predictions apply in other organisms. Caribbean anole lizards are important model organisms in various biological disciplines, including evolutionary biology. However, very little is known about their dispersal strategies despite the importance of dispersal for population structure and dynamics. Here we use nine microsatellite markers to assess signatures of sex-biased dispersal on two spatial sampling scales in Anolis roquet, an anole endemic to the island of Martinique. Significantly higher gene diversity (H(S)) and lower mean assignment value (mAIC) was found in males on the larger spatial sampling scale. Significant heterozygote deficit (F(IS)), lower population differentiation (F(ST)), mAIC and variance of assignment index (vAIC) was found in males on the smaller spatial scale. The observation of male biased dispersal conform with expectations based on the polygynous mating system of Anolis roquet, and contributes to an explanation of the contrasting patterns of genetic structure between maternal and biparental markers that have been reported previously in this, and other anoline, species.  相似文献   

Salers are a native French breed used for beef and dairy production that has expanded to all the continents. The Salers breed was introduced to the north of Spain in 1985 with only 15 individuals from France and has successfully increased to over 20 000 animals. Although over time new animals have been imported from France for breeding, it is possible that the limiting number of founder animals could have resulted in a reduction of the genetic diversity found in Spanish Salers. Thus, the purpose of the present study has been to characterize the genetic diversity of Salers breed in Spain and evaluate a possible founder effect due to reduced number of the first reproducers. A total of 403 individuals from 12 Salers herds were analyzed using 12 microsatellite markers and compared with phylogenetically and geographically close related Blonde d’Aquitaine, Limousin and Charolais French breeds but also other 16 European breeds. Microsatellites in Salers were polymorphic, with a mean allelic richness of 5.129 and an expected heterozygosity of 0.621 across loci (0.576 to 0.736 among all breeds). Average observed heterozygosity was 0.618. All the loci fit the Hardy–Weinberg (HW) equilibrium except TGLA227 locus due to a significant deficit of heterozygotes in only one of the herds, probably attributable to a sampling effect. When all loci were combined, Salers inbreeding coefficient did not differ statistically from 0 (FIS=0.005), indicating not significant excess or deficit of heterozygotes (P=0.309). Based in allelic distribution, Salers revealed a frequency of 0.488 in BM2113-131 and 0.064 in BM2113-143 diagnostic alleles, which are specific to the African zebu. These zebu alleles are also found in some French breeds, supported by STR data previously postulated hypothesis of a migration route through Mediterranean route by which North African cattle may have left a genetic signature in southern Europe. Phylogenetic tree and population structure analyses could unambiguously differentiate Salers cattle from the other populations and 10% of the total genetic variability could be attributed to differences among breeds (mean RST=0.105; P<0.01). Mutation-drift equilibrium tests (sign test and Wilcoxon’s sign rank test) were in correspondence to the absence of founder effect when Bonferroni was applied. Gene diversity previously reported in French Salers was comparable with the observed in our population. Thus, high genetic diversity in Spanish Salers highlights the resources of this population, which looks toward future breeding and selection programs.  相似文献   

The impact of founder events on levels of genetic variation in natural populations remains a topic of significant interest. Well-documented introductions provide a valuable opportunity to examine how founder events influence genetic diversity in invasive species. House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) are passerine birds native to western North America, with the large eastern North American population derived from a small number of captive individuals released in the 1940s. Previous comparisons using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers found equivalent levels of diversity in eastern and western populations, suggesting that any genetic effects of the founder event were ameliorated by the rapid growth of the newly established population. We used an alternative marker system, 10 highly polymorphic microsatellites, to compare levels of genetic diversity between four native and five introduced house finch populations. In contrast to the AFLP comparisons, we found significantly lower allelic richness and heterozygosity in introduced populations across all loci. Three out of five introduced populations showed significant reductions in the ratio of the number of alleles to the allele size range, a within-population characteristic of recent bottlenecks. Finally, native and introduced populations showed significant pairwise differences in allele frequencies in every case, with stronger isolation by distance within the introduced than native range. Overall, our results provide compelling molecular evidence for a founder effect during the introduction of eastern house finches that reduced diversity levels at polymorphic microsatellite loci and may have contributed to the emergence of the Mycoplasma epidemic which recently swept the eastern range of this species.  相似文献   

Online sequence databases can provide valuable resources for the development of cross-species genetic markers. In particular, mining expressed tag sequences (EST) for microsatellites and developing conserved cross-species microsatellite markers can provide a rapid and relatively inexpensive method to develop new markers for a range of species. Here, we adopt this approach to develop cross-species microsatellite markers in Anolis lizards, which is a model genus in evolutionary biology and ecology. Using EST sequences from Anolis carolinensis, we identified 127 microsatellites that satisfied our criteria, and tested 49 of these in five species of Anolis (carolinensis, distichus, apletophallus, porcatus and sagrei). We identified between 8 and 25 new variable genetic markers for five Anolis species. These markers will be a valuable resource for studies of population genetics, comparative mapping, mating systems, behavioural ecology and adaptive radiations in this diverse lineage.  相似文献   

Anolis lizards are important models in studies of ecology and evolution. Here we describe 13 polymorphic microsatellites for use in population screening in the St Lucia anole, Anolis luciae, that can be used as a natural replicate to Anolis roquet on Martinique to study processes involved in population differentiation and speciation. Genotyping of 32 individuals using M13 tails and FAM-labelled universal M13 primers showed that all loci were polymorphic with high genetic diversity, averaging at 16.8 alleles per locus. Genotypic frequencies conformed to Hardy-Weinberg expectations, and there were no instances of linkage disequilibrium between loci.  相似文献   

We studied water loss in eight insular populations of the lizard Anolis cristatellus wileyae and in one population of A. ernestwilliamsi in the British Virgin Islands. We found a strong negative correlation between habitat aridity and total and cutaneous water loss rate (ranging from 1.5–10.3 mg g?1 h?l) and a strong positive correlation between habitat aridity and integument resistance to water loss (28.5?199.0 s cm?1). Water loss and integumentary resistance of A. ernestwilliamsi were similar to what would be predicted for A. cristatellus living in the same habitat. The Guana Island population of A. cristatellus was significantly different from all other populations. We believe two processes are responsible; phenotypic plasticity explains most of the observed variability, but genetic differentiation may be responsible for the distinction of lizards from Guana.  相似文献   

Two South African populations of Littorina saxatilis were examined by starch-gel electrophoresis at 16 enzyme loci and compared with 13 populations of North Atlantic saxatilis from both American and European coasts, and with six British populations of the closely related species Littorina arcana. The South African animals showed a severely reduced heterozygosity (– 0.052) compared with Atlantic populations of saxatilis ( = 0.181), and the mean genetic distance between the two areas was high ( = 0.203) compared with distances within the North Atlantic saxatilis populations (D = 0.034). In fact, the saxatilis from South Africa were genetically more distant from the North Atlantic samples of L. saxatilis than were the arcana from British shores. The reduced genetic heterozygosity and genetic divergence of the South African populations is attributed to founder effects following a postulated recent introduction by man.  相似文献   



Natural range expansions and human‐mediated colonizations usually involve a small number of individuals that establish new populations in novel habitats. In both cases, founders carry only a fraction of the total genetic variation of the source populations. Here, we used native and non‐native populations of the green anole, Anolis carolinensis, to compare the current distribution of genetic variation in populations shaped by natural range expansion and human‐mediated colonization.


North America, Hawaiian Islands, Western Pacific Islands.


We analysed 401 mtDNA haplotypes to infer the colonization history of A. carolinensis on nine islands in the Pacific Ocean. We then genotyped 576 individuals at seven microsatellite loci to assess the levels of genetic diversity and population genetic differentiation for both the native and non‐native ranges.


Our findings support two separate introductions to the Hawaiian Islands and several western Pacific islands, with subsequent colonizations within each region following a stepping‐stone model. Genetic diversity at neutral markers was significantly lower in the non‐native range because of founder effects, which also contributed to the increased population genetic differentiation among the non‐native regions. In contrast, a steady reduction in genetic diversity with increasing distance from the ancestral population was observed in the native range following range expansion.

Main conclusions

Range expansions cause serial founder events that are the spatial analogue of genetic drift, producing a pattern of isolation‐by‐distance in the native range of the species. In human‐mediated colonizations, after an initial loss of genetic diversity, founder effects appear to persist, resulting in overall high genetic differentiation among non‐native regions but an absence of isolation‐by‐distance. Contrasting the processes influencing the amount and structuring of genetic variability during natural range expansion and human‐mediated biological invasions can shed new light on the fate of natural populations exposed to novel and changing environments.

Founder effect in an island population of bighorn sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Tiburon Island population of desert bighorn sheep has increased in size from 20 founders in 1975 to approximately 650 in 1999. This population is now the only population being used as the source stock for transplantations throughout northern Mexico. To evaluate the genetic variation in this population, we examined 10 microsatellite loci and a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus. The genetic variation was significantly less than found in other populations of the same subspecies in Arizona. Using a model that takes into account the effects of genetic drift on genetic distance, most of the genetic distance observed between the Tiburon population and Arizona samples could be explained. Because of the low genetic variation found in the Tiburon population, it is suggested that the Tiburon population should be supplemented with additional unrelated animals or that the transplant populations should be supplemented with unrelated animals.  相似文献   

In a conservation programme with genealogical records it is possible to estimate the amount of variability of the founder population from a measure of the similarity among the individuals in the current population based on microsatellite markers. Here we compare three available methods and we shown that the one based on the molecular coancestry coefficient should be preferred.  相似文献   

The thoroughbred (TB) horse is one of the oldest breeds of domestic animals, with pedigree records spanning three centuries. Because the population is essentially closed, there is concern about loss of genetic variation. Here we report two parallel analyses. In the first, genetic variation in the current population is measured using data from 13 microsatellite loci in 211 horses with relationships calculated based on allele sharing. In the second analysis, pedigree information is used to calculate genetic relationships between animals based on shared ancestry. These two measures of relationship are compared and shown to be closely related. Together, they provide an estimate of the amount of genetic variation which existed in founder animals. This study confirms the narrow genetic base of the breed and provides comprehensive analysis of contributions of founder animals. Seventy-eight percent of alleles in the current population are derived from 30 founders, 27 of these male. Ten founder females account for 72% of maternal lineages, while one founder stallion is responsible for 95% of paternal lineages.  相似文献   

Fine-level taxon discrimination is important in biodiversity assessment and ecogeographical research. Genomic markers are often required for studies on closely related taxa, however, most existing mitochondrial and nuclear markers require prior knowledge of the genome and are impractical for use in small conservation projects. This study describes the application of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to discriminate at four progressively finer evolutionary levels of Caribbean Anolis lizards from the central Lesser Antilles. AFLP is shown to be a rapid and effective method for discriminating between species. Separation increases with primer pair number and choice of primer combination appears to be noncritical. Initial population-level results show markedly less discriminatory power. A screening technique for the identification of population informative markers combining principal component and principal coordinate analyses is presented and assessed. Subsequent results show selected conspecific AFLP data to be remarkably congruent with those of mitochondrial DNA, microsatellite and morphological markers. The use of AFLP as a low-cost nuclear marker in species-level taxon discrimination is supported, whereas population level application demands further consideration.  相似文献   

The evolutionary consequences of an artificial introduction of the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon from Lake Tanganyika into Lake Kivu, East Africa were examined. In 1959, 57 400 fry (mixture of Limnothrissa and the related clupeid, Stolothrissa tanganicae ), were released into Lake Kivu to boost fisheries production. Comparisons were made between respective source and transplant populations 34 years later (1993) using morphometrics ('truss' method), allozymes (29 enzyme-coding loci) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA variation (RFLP analysis of PCR-amplified ND5/6 genes). Significant morphological and genetic differentiation between source and transplant samples was detected, with a distinct clustering of Kivu Limnothrissa on respective dendrograms, especially at the morphometric and mtDNA levels. Differentiation within Lake Tanganyika was, however, consistently higher than that between lakes. Allozymic diversity was similar in samples from both lakes (Lake Tanganyika: heterozygosity = 0.0658, mean number of alleles=1.44; Lake Kivu: heterozygosity = 0.0655; mean number of alleles = 1.48), however, a significantly lower mtDNA haplotype diversity was detected in Lake Kivu (Lake Tanganyika: 0.905; Lake Kivu: 0.755). Data suggest that high post-introduction mortality and various demographic factors reduced the effective population size of the introduced population to tens rather than thousands of individuals, resulting in a reduction in genetic diversity and founder effect.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity provides the raw material for populations to respond to changing environmental conditions. The evolution of diversity within populations is based on the accumulation of mutations and their retention or loss through selection and genetic drift, while migration can also introduce new variation. However, the extent to which population growth and sustained large population size can lead to rapid and significant increases in diversity has not been widely investigated. Here, we assess this empirically by applying approximate Bayesian computation to a novel ancient DNA dataset that spans the life of a southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) population, from initial founding approximately 7000 years ago to eventual extinction within the past millennium. We find that rapid population growth and sustained large population size can explain substantial increases in population genetic diversity over a period of several hundred generations, subsequently lost when the population went to extinction. Results suggest that the impact of diversity introduced through migration was relatively minor. We thus demonstrate, by examining genetic diversity across the life of a population, that environmental change could generate the raw material for adaptive evolution over a very short evolutionary time scale through rapid establishment of a large, stable population.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that water loss in some populations of Anolis cristatellus from the British Virgin Islands is closely tied to the conditions available on the islands they inhabit. This manifested itself in a strong correlation between habitat aridity and several water loss rate parameters. Here we report on a similar study conducted in the same locations in 1994, a year of extreme drought. We hypothesized that lizards caught at the height of the drought will experience lower rates of water loss than those measured during a normal year. Our findings show that in 1994, as in 1993, habitat aridity and water loss parameters were strongly correlated. Also as before, the Guana Island population of A. cristatellus displayed higher resistance to water loss than expected by the island's aridity. However, a striking change occurred within populations. All were at least as good at retaining water (measured as integumentary resistance to water loss, R) as in 1993, and some were over 3.5 times better. Existing evidence is insufficient to determine whether these changes were the result of phenotypic plasticity or attributable to differential mortality of nonresistant individuals.  相似文献   

Enzyme variability at 28 presumptive gene loci was studied, by standard starch gel electrophoresis, in 30 populations belonging to the five recognized species of the landsnail Solatopupa from its entire NW Mediterranean range.
Six genetically differentiated groups can be identified among the 30 populations sampled. These are distinguished by two to 19 diagnostic loci, different levels of genetic variability and populations genetics. They are also significantly different as far as the D values are considered. There is no evidence of gene flow among them. Genetically inferred groups correspond in four cases to morphologically distinguished species. In contrast, S. similis , as identified by morphological features, is likely to be a complex of at least two cryptic species.
Populations and species of Solatopupa are characterized by: high fixation of alternative alleles both within and between species; medium-lo-low levels of genie variation; heterozygote deficiency; sharp genetic differentiation among population within species; restricted gene flow; and high genetic distances. Genetic variability is partly associated with climatic factors related to moisture.
Both deterministic and stochastic processes may play a part in the genetic differentiation of Solatopupa snails. Founder events seem to be the main factor affecting the genetic structure of populations and perhaps also speciation. Solatopupa populations display many attributes of populations that may be expected to undergo speciation events involving reorganization of the whole genome after a founder event.  相似文献   

Anolis lizards from Puerto Rico (five species from one site), Curaçao and Aruba in the southern Caribbean (2 populations), and 22 populations from 14 islands in the eastern Caribbean were surveyed for blood parasites (two species of Plasmodium and haemogregarines). Literature records for gut helminths from nine of these populations were added to the data set. Dorsal body color and dewlap color of males were also observed and classified into objective classes with no subjective view of showiness. These data were used to test the among-species prediction of the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis which states that species harboring more harmful parasites over their evolutionary history will be more likely to evolve extravagant sexually dimorphic traits. Critics have noted important shortcomings in previous tests of the prediction; here we corrected for these errors. Parasite loads (prevalence and number of species) and dorsal and dewlap color varied substantially among the populations sampled. However, there was no association of parasite load with color either in a broad analysis or when correcting for phylogenetic relationships among the lizard species.  相似文献   

Phenotypic evolution is often exceptionally rapid on islands, resulting in numerous, ecologically diverse species. Although adaptive radiation proceeds along various phenotypic axes, the island effect of faster evolution has been mostly tested with regard to morphology. Here, we leveraged the physiological diversity and species richness of Anolis lizards to examine the evolutionary dynamics of three key traits: heat tolerance, body temperature, and cold tolerance. Contrary to expectation, we discovered slower heat tolerance evolution on islands. Additionally, island species evolve toward higher optimal body temperatures than mainland species. Higher optima and slower evolution in upper physiological limits are consistent with the Bogert effect, or evolutionary inertia due to thermoregulation. Correspondingly, body temperature is higher and more stable on islands than on the American mainland, despite similarity in thermal environments. Greater thermoregulation on islands may occur due to ecological release from competitors and predators compared to mainland environments. By reducing the costs of thermoregulation, ecological opportunity on islands may actually stymie, rather than hasten, physiological evolution. Our results emphasize that physiological diversity is an important axis of ecological differentiation in the adaptive radiation of anoles, and that behavior can impart distinct macroevolutionary footprints on physiological diversity on islands and continents.  相似文献   

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